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During the implementation of the current five-year plan in China, according to the Ministry of Information Technology, it is planned to invest in microelectronics in the amount of 37-45 billion dollars to create:
- five large VLSI design firms (cost from $ 375 million to $ 624. 2 million );
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- ten electronic companies engaged in the development of technologies, materials and special technological equipment (cost from $ 125 million to $ 375 million ); - fifteen silicon plants for processing wafers 200 mm (10 plants) and 300 mm (5 plants).
In the PRC, it is planned for the 11th five-year plan to achieve complete self-sufficiency with the entire range of tools for processing 150 mm plates (clean media, materials, equipment), to master and commercialize lithography equipment (the main determining factor in the development of technology) for 200 mm plates and laser processing equipment for technologies of the level of 65 nm. Solving these problems allows the PRC to get rid of technological dependence and increase the production of electronic components in accordance with the needs of the growing domestic production of equipment and systems.
The average annual growth rate of VLSI production for this period will amount to 28. 1%. By 2010. China will become the world's largest manufacturer of semiconductor devices -. 150 billion acres.
As the results of 2005 showed. The best positions were taken by Chinese firms in the sectors of the IP market for which specialized programs were carried out. The program for the introduction of biometric passports, access tools based on smart - card carried by the state program, involving the use of only Russian crystals VLSI that provides the necessary security at the state level. Also, the task is to provide maximum strategic and special systems, including the space program, electronic components of our own production.
Another example is the development of software products in microsystems With SA and Japan, the production volume of which in the United States in 2005 of control has made more than 10 billion. Dollars, and Japan plans to reach an annual in the ditch nya production of 17 bln. Dollars ares. In our country, this direction is still in its embryonic state.
In the last decade, there has been a clear tendency to move the production of microelectronic equipment to the countries of Southeast Asia, which allows the United States, Japan, and Europe to sharply strengthen scientific directions in the search for new promising technologies (nanotechnology, microsystems, bioelectronics, etc. ). At the same time, the governments of developed Western countries provide support to these key areas of science, technology and production.
The International Semiconductor Devices Development Map is in force in the world, which determines the main indicators of the development of microelectronics until 2018. and is updated annually. This is, in fact, a development program document, according to which countries with advanced electronics compare the achieved technological levels and carry out the formation of development programs.
Thus, almost all leading economies in the world stimulate the development of microelectronics through combined investments from state budgets and private capital, recognizing the leading role of this industry in the development of society.
The above data on the development of world electronics once again emphasize the need for the planned development of electronics and the decisive role of the state in its financial and organizational support.
In the period 2002-200 6 years. the main development of the domestic electronic and ki was carried out during the implementation of section " Electronic computer on -component base" of the Federal Target Program " National primary process of logically base", the completion of which the current edition was carried out in 2006.
During execution, the following basic research p th results of:
• In the field of microelectronic technologies implemented projects to create separate processes for the production of basic technologies and new generations of VLSI SICC with minimum dimensions of elements 0. 1-0. 25 microns, including spetssto th FIR LSI with technological standards 0. 5-0. 8 um, and in the development of process fluid through proe oriented to tirovanie apparatus and perspective EKB using a bi b Lyautey ek SF- standard elements and blocks. Nomenclature developed SF- blocks focused on the creation of competitive multimedia systems, satellite monitoring, telecommunications systems P and diolokatsii, navigation, transportation, communications, digital television, cashless systems and identification. For the first time in the country worked out the main provisions of the creation of a three-tier system avtomatizirova Mr. Foot is designed to Bani perspective VLSI devices based on the type of " system on chip".
• In the area of significant focus of microwave electronics paid servant of there for the creation of modern wideband semiconductor Port and neny and production and technological basis of production of MMIC-based heterostructure materials group A 3 B 5, as well as discharge and Botko a wide range of high-power microwave semiconductor devices. For the first time in a country on a material of the group A 3 B 5 obtained Obra of gical transistor with a T-shaped gate length of 0. 1 microns and tehn developed on logy obtain low-noise transistor. The foundations produ technology of duction MMIC level of 0. 1 micron.
• In the area of providing the analytical work carried out issl e dovaniya to develop the classification and identification of priority n and boards of IP blocks and VLSI-type " system on a chip" for strategically important radioele to -electron systems. • Within the framework of the federal target program " Reform and Development of the Military-Industrial Complex" (2002-2006 gg. ) Conducted mainly institutional work aimed at reforming the jet to the tours of radio electronic complex. However, despite these individual positive results, it should be admitted that Russian electronics is in a state of crisis.
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The problem of the global backwardness of domestic electronics was a consequence of the lack of a purposeful state scientific and technical policy in the electronic industry of Russia, the passivity and unpreparedness of the state to reform the industry in the conditions of market management mechanisms.
Failure to take action to correct this problem (inertial scenario) is most likely to result in the following:
1. Domestic electronics will continue to lag behind the world level, which will reach a critical value. The technological gap will increase, which in turn will lead to a lag in the tactical and technical parameters of domestic radio-electronic military complexes for detection, control, communications, reconnaissance, etc., and therefore will inevitably negatively affect the state of the country's defense capability.
2. Information and economic security of the state will not be ensured in connection with the landslide use in strategic control systems, information processing and protection, anti-jamming, electronic countermeasures, mass media and other imported element base. 3. Russia will have to come to terms with the conquest of the domestic market by imported electronic equipment, primarily television (including digital), communications, automobile, navigation, medical, utilities, and household appliances. 4. It will be impossible to develop other industries, the competitiveness of their products will decrease, which means that the possibility of an active transition to an innovative economy (economy of " knowledge" ) will be threatened. The inertial scenario cannot provide a solution to the problem under any circumstances.
The only possibility of overcoming the crisis of domestic electronics is associated with the implementation of an active scenario at all stages of the implementation of the Strategy, namely, with the adoption by the state of a well-thought-out and balanced protectionist policy in solving the structural and technological problems of the electronics industry, providing the necessary financial assistance for the development of a new level of technological and production basis. ...
It is the active scenario of the Strategy implementation that will solve the complex of problems facing the electronic industry. First, the structural imbalance of the electronics industry will be eliminated, which is associated with a discrepancy between the scale and structure of the industry, its scientific, technical and production potential, and the volume and structure of effective demand for the main products of the industry. Secondly, to achieve a comprehensive development of the industry and eliminate the one-sided development associated with the development of special equipment. Third, to eliminate the imperfection of domestic legislation and the financial infrastructure of the electronics industry.
The effectiveness of overcoming the crisis will be determined by the correct establishment of relations between the state and business on the principles of public- private partnership. Basis and the basis for the planning and implementation of the planned measures to raise the Russian electronics should be target-oriented approach with the obligatory participation of the state, successfully used to solve similar problems in the leading countries of the world - US, Japan, China e, the EU and others. Expected result - a solution reducing domestic technological gap with the world level, increase in with the requirements of domestic electronic products industry in the domestic and global m markets. The effect of achieving the specified result will be multilevel. At the macro level:
the volume of sales of domestic electronic components in the domestic and foreign markets is increasing; the technological lag of the Russian electronics industry from the world level is significantly reduced;
conditions are created for more effective implementation of the national projects announced by the President;
the export of domestic high-tech products is expanding;
At the micro level:
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In the socio-economic sphere:
In the public sector:
the increase in the tax base will be ensured due to a significant increase in the volume of sales of electronic products.
It is planned that the Strategy will be implemented in three stages:
the first stage - 2007-2011;
the second stage - 2012-2015;
third stage - 2016-2025.
To assess the results achieved during the implementation of the Strategy, an integrated system of generalized assessment is used, which includes an indicator and an indicator and.
The main indicator of the successful implementation of the Strategy is the technological level of electronic products mastered in production. It is expected that in the organizations of the electronics industry in 2011. the technological level of 0. 13-0. 09 microns will be mastered, which will ensure the creation of a production and technological base for the production of necessary electronic products that meet the needs of domestic consumers.
The indicator reflecting the increase in sales of domestic electronic components will undergo a significant change. In 200 6 g. the total volume of sold microelectronic products of electronic industry organizations amounted to 13. 0 billion rubles. It is expected that in 2011. the same figure will be about 45 billion rubles, in 2015. - 105 billion rubles, and in 2025. - about 350 billion rubles. The growth rates of production volumes will be comparable with world indicators and correspond to the task of the new economic doctrine of Russia to increase GDP. In addition, the indicator evaluating the level of world-class electronic technologies introduced in domestic organizations will also significantly change. Changes in the indicator and the index s implementation strategies are given below in tables ah 3, 4 and 5.
Table 3
Achievable technological level of microelectronics
Table 5
The number of world-class electronic technologies transferred to production
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Directions for solving the problem of the development of the domestic electronics industry can be based on the active scenario on two strategic options:
1. State monopolization of the ownership of electronic industry organizations and centralized management of the industry.
2. Public-private partnership in the development of the industry, the expansion of all forms of international cooperative cooperation, taking into account the key interests of the state. The choice of one or another option for strategic development affects the organizational structure of managing the implementation of the strategy and the level of achievement of the result.
Option 1
The choice of this option means that the responsibility for the success or failure in achieving the ambitious goal of reducing the backlog of domestic electronics from the world level is almost entirely borne by the state.
In this case, the state assumes the function of determining the range of products manufactured for state needs, responsibility for the correctness of this definition and, accordingly, for the results achieved.
The budget is responsible for financing not only fundamental research and advanced development of " breakthrough" products, but also experimental design, preparation of production, as well as a system for maintaining the operation and subsequent disposal of the entire range of products.
The main negative point in the case of choosing this option is the relatively small share of purchases by the state itself in the total volume from the household of the electronic industry and, as a consequence, the lack of real motivation of the state in the development of purely commercial areas of the industry, which should bring the bulk of income and provide the necessary capital inflow for expansion of production, as is done in world practice.
In addition, the inevitable consequence of such a decision will be the actual nationalization of the electronic industry and a sharp increase in the need for resource support for such an option for the development of the industry by the state.
An additional risk of this variant of the industry development strategy is the loss of interest of private owners in the electronics business and the use of electronic components for other industries due to the inability to influence decision-making in the redistribution of resources for the implementation of certain commercial projects. In turn, the state will not be interested in the development of commercial areas, and the lack of such interest may negatively affect the attraction of investors. As a result, profitable business areas may be unclaimed and remain without development.
The combination of the negative factors noted makes the achievement of the expected result when choosing the first option for the development of the industry hardly realistic.
Option 2
An alternative way to solve the problem of anti-crisis development of the electronic industry is to combine the efforts of the state and private business (domestic and foreign).
Partnership with foreign business is decisive in this case, since it is foreign firms and organizations that are leaders in this area in the world. Only they have the necessary technologies and experience in organizing this type of production, as well as their effective commercial operation.
The development model proposed within this option is based on the principles of close interaction between the state and private business, including foreign, and allows you to effectively combine state opportunities for the concentration of resources, the use of various preferences with the motivation of private owners in relation to the final results of the development of the electronic industry.
The burden on the budget during development can be significantly reduced due to the ever-increasing financing from extra-budgetary sources - own funds of organizations and their foreign partners, commercial loans and investments.
However, the increase in the level of extra-budgetary financing for the development of the industry cannot happen abruptly.
Private investment in the Russian electronics industry in its current state will remain high-risk for a long time to come.
That is why it is necessary to organize a partnership between the state and domestic investors in combination with the involvement of reputable foreign technology partners under state guarantees for the implementation of such projects.
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Having a government partnership and a reliable technology partner is key to ensuring greater investor confidence and interest in such projects.
Within the framework of the industry development model proposed according to the second option, the state is assigned the most important role in solving the security problem, in building a system of public- private partnerships, assisting business in organizing the infrastructure of the electronic industry market, in developing international cooperative ties, and entering the world division system. labor, promoting the industry's products to world markets, maintaining and developing the national electronic component base, providing a guaranteed market for public procurement, solving the problem of providing the electronics industry with highly qualified specialists trained in the system of certified public educational institutions and using internship practices in advanced world organizations.
In this system, the responsibility for defining the range of commercial products and the success of commercial projects in the domestic and world markets is assigned to private business. It is this approach that allows you to concentrate resources on the most priority areas of the electronic component base and coordinate with government departments and customers measures aimed at solving the problem of target tasks, deadlines and resources in existing, developed and prospective target programs, plans, individual projects and sets of events. scientific and technical, industrial, economic, organizational and legal nature, in the field of electronic component base, within the framework of this Strategy.
Thus, a comparison of the two directions of development of domestic electronics shows that the only realistic way of development is public- private partnership with the simultaneous expansion of forms of international cooperation, taking into account the key interests of the state.
The main goal of the Strategy is to create a new competitive image of the electronic industry based on the optimization of the composition of electronic organizations and production facilities, reconstruction and technical re-equipment, the development of new capacities and processes, improvement of the regulatory framework, taking into account the real market sectors of the world and domestic markets occupied by the domestic industry. ...
Each of the three periods of the Strategy implementation has its own specifics, goal, objectives, quantitative values of indicators and indicators, resource provision, but at the same time the systemic goals and objectives of the Strategy are preserved.
The main goal of the first stage of the Strategy implementation (2007-2011) is to stabilize the steady pace of development of the electronics industry, create a new infrastructure for the industry (design centers, a photomask center, silicon factories, integrated structures), increase the range and volume of the domestic electronic component base.