Examination Card №48 I. Reading Learning Portuguese, for example, will be easier for a native speaker of Spanish than for a native speaker of Chinese, because Portuguese is very similar to Spanish, while Chinese is very different. The greater the differences between our first language and the second language are, the harder it will be for most people to learn. Some people learn languages easily, while others find it very difficult. Teachers, circumstances of learning a foreign language as well as motivation play a very important role. It is impossible to say which language is the most difficult language in the world. II. Writing Dear Mary, III. Speaking Sometimes it is necessary to express ourselves, or our reaction to the world. This results in different works of art. You hear the lovely song of a nightingale or a melody of a flowing river, you admire the picturesque landscapes of nature, you touch a sea stone with a unique shape - those things appeal to your senses and your emotions. This may become numerous creations that include music, literature, film, sculpture, architecture, and paintings. Human emotions were born with a person so art dates back to ancient times. Prehistoric art such as the images of wild cattle on a cave painting in Lascaux, France, have been discovered. We can see ancient art in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The history of art is closely connected with the history of civilization. The different purposes of art maybe grouped in accordance with those which are non-motivated and those which are motivated. Non-motivated purposes of art include the imitation of harmony, balance and rhythms in form, symbols, ideas, human experiences in the Universe. Motivated functions of art refer to universal communication, relaxation, a way of treating people in a society, and/or propaganda. These functions of art were, are, and will exist forever. " Art is Man's nature. Nature is God's art, " James Barley wrote. We wonder about the Great Pyramids of Giza, we admire Raphael's Madonna, and we are impressed with Chaucer's Canterbury's Tales. We enjoy Bach's compositions and Michelangelo's David. We can't help admiring the domes of St. Sophia's Cathedral. We are thrilled with " The Pirates of the Caribbean" and a lot of other pieces of art. They are eternal! In different historical periods, these art forms were admired and valued as messages created by talented people with the help of a universal language that speaks to people's hearts and minds.