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Paramā nanda Purī offered respects at the feet of Rā macandra Purī, and Rā macandra Purī strongly embraced him.

Purp.: … In the modern age the title gosvā mī is used by a caste of gṛ hasthas, but formerly it was not. Rū pa Gosvā mī and Sanā tana Gosvā mī, for example, were called gosvā mī because they were in the renounced order. Similarly, because Paramā nanda Purī was a sannyā sī, he was called Purī Gosvā mī. By careful scrutiny, therefore, one will find that gosvā mī is not the title for a certain caste; rather, it is properly the title for a person in the renounced order.


Anubh.: … Here we can get an evidence that this designation [Gosā ñ i or Gosvā mī ] appropriate for those who have renounced family life is not to be used on the basis of caste, family or dynasty as it has become a perverted custom in the present society.




ei ye ś rī -mā dhavendra ś rī pā da upekṣ ā karila

sei aparā dhe iṅ hā ra ‘vā sanā ’ janmila


… vā sanā —material desire;


Rā macandra Purī was thus denounced by Mā dhavendra Purī. Due to his offense, gradually material desire appeared within him.

Purp.: The word vā sanā (“material desires”) refers to dry speculative knowledge. Such speculative knowledge is only material…


A. -pr. -bh.: vā sanā ś uṣ ka-jñ ā na-vā sanā, tā hā haite bhaktadigera nindā [= a desire to cultivate dry knowledge which leads to blaspheming devotees]




mahad-anugraha-nigrahera ‘sā kṣ ī ’ dui-jane

ei dui-dvā re ś ikhā ilā jaga-jane


mahat—of an exalted personality; anugraha—of the blessing; nigrahera—of chastisement; sā kṣ ī —giving evidence; dui-jane—two persons; ei dui-dvā re—by these two; ś ikhā ilā —instructed; jaga-jane—the people of the world.


Ī ś vara Purī received the blessing of Mā dhavendra Purī, whereas Rā macandra Purī received a rebuke from him. Therefore these two persons, Ī ś vara Purī and Rā macandra Purī, are examples of the objects of a great personality’s benediction and punishment. Mā dhavendra Purī instructed the entire world by presenting these two examples.


Anubh.: mahā tmā ś rī la ś rī -mā dhavendra-purī ra nikaṭ a ī ś vara-purī pracura anugraha pā iyā chilena, ā ra rā macandra-purī kevala-mā tra nigraha pā ilena. [~ Ī ś vara Purī received an abundant mercy from Ś rī la Mā dhavendra Purī, and Rā macandra Purī received only censure. ]


ei ś loke kṛ ṣ ṇ a-prema kare upadeś a

kṛ ṣ ṇ era virahe bhaktera bhā va-viś eṣ a


… bhā va-viś eṣ a—transcendental situation.


In this verse Mā dhavendra Purī teaches how to achieve ecstatic love for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. By feeling separation from Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, one becomes spiritually situated.

Anubh.: bhā va-viś eṣ a — development of vipralambha-bhā va; in the groups of prā kṛ ta sahajiyā s various forms of wickedness appear among the sā dhakas in the name of sambhoga which obstruct the realization of one’s svarū pa in separation. (! )




“Last night there was sugar candy here, ” he said. “Therefore ants are wandering about. Alas, this renounced sannyā sī is attached to such sense gratification! ” After speaking in this way, he got up and left.


Anubh.: … uddeś yakona chidra ullekha-pū rvaka nija-mā hā tmya vardhana karibena. [= the purpose was to point out some fault and thus to increase one’s own glory] (! )




“ā ji haite bhikṣ ā ā mā ra ei ta’ niyama

piṇ ḍ ā -bhogera eka cauṭ hi, pā ṅ ca-gaṇ ḍ ā ra vyañ jana


“From today on it will be a rule that I shall accept only one-fourth of a pot of Lord Jagannā tha’s prasā dam and five gaṇ ḍ ā s’ worth of vegetables.


Anubh.: Lord Jagannā tha’s prasā dam rice is available in clay pots. The measure of one fourth of this pot is called ‘eka cauṭ hi. ’




teṅ ho gele prabhura gaṇ a haila haraṣ ita

ś irera pā thara yena paḍ ila ā cambita


… ś irera—on the head; pā thara—a stone;


The devotees considered Rā macandra Purī to be like a great burden on their heads. When he left Jagannā tha Purī, everyone felt extremely happy, as if a great stone burden had suddenly fallen from their heads to the ground.


A. -pr. -bh.: ś irera pā thara — it was such a relief, as if a stone burden all of a sudden fell down from their heads.




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