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CC Antya 7 extra



“You have spread the saṅ kī rtana movement of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a consciousness. Therefore it is evident that You have been empowered by Lord Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. There is no question about it.


Purp.: … Ś rī la Bhaktisiddhā nta Sarasvatī Ṭ hā kura explains that unless one is directly empowered by the causeless mercy of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, one cannot become the spiritual master of the entire world(jagad-guru). One cannot become an ā cā rya simply by mental speculation. The true ā cā rya presents Kṛ ṣ ṇ a to everyone by preaching the holy name of the Lord throughout the world. Thus the conditioned souls, purified by chanting the holy name, are liberated from the blazing fire of material existence. In this way, spiritual benefit grows increasingly full, like the waxing moon in the sky. The true ā cā rya, the spiritual master of the entire world, must be considered an incarnation of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s mercy. Indeed, he is personally embracing Kṛ ṣ ṇ a.


Anubh.: … kṛ ṣ ṇ era sā kṣ ā t icchā vā kṛ pā -ś akti vyatī ta kona mā nava-i prā kṛ ta-mano-dharma-bale jagad-guru ā cā rya-rū pe aprā kṛ ta vaikuṇ ṭ ha adhokṣ aja ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ ā bhinna ś uddha-kṛ ṣ ṇ a-nā ma kī rtana-pū rvaka jagate kṛ ṣ ṇ a-prā kaṭ ya saṁ sthā pana kariyā baddha-jī vera citta-darpaṇ a-mā rjana, bhava-mahā -dā vā gni-nirvā paṇ a o ś reya-kairava-candrikā -vitaraṇ e samartha nahe. kṛ ṣ ṇ ā bhinna prakā ś a-vigraha ś uddha-nā maika-kī rtana-niṣ ṭ ha ā cā rya – sā kṣ ā t kṛ ṣ ṇ a-ś aktira avatā ra kṛ ṣ ṇ ā liṅ gita-vigraha [~ the ā cā rya who is teaching fixed steadiness in chanting just the pure holy name which is a manifested form of the Lord nondifferent from Kṛ ṣ ṇ a is directly an incarnation of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s potency, a form embraced by Kṛ ṣ ṇ a]; …

Purp.: He is therefore the spiritual master of all the varṇ as (brā hmaṇ a, kṣ atriya, vaiś ya and ś ū dra) and all the ā ś ramas (brahmacarya, gṛ hastha, vā naprastha and sannyā sa). Since he is understood to be the most advanced devotee, he is called paramahaṁ sa-ṭ hā kura. Ṭ hā kura is a title of honor offered to the paramahaṁ sa. Therefore one who acts as an ā cā rya, directly presenting Lord Kṛ ṣ ṇ a by spreading His name and fame, is also to be called paramahaṁ sa-ṭ hā kura.

Anubh.: … tini – cā ri varṇ ā ś ramī ra gurudeva mahā -bhā gavata paramahaṁ sa-ṭ hā kura.




ś uddha-bhā ve sakhā kare skandhe ā rohaṇ a

ś uddha-bhā ve vrajeś varī karena bandhana


“In pure Kṛ ṣ ṇ a consciousness, a friend mounts the shoulder of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, and mother Yaś odā binds the Lord.


Purp.: Ś uddha-bhā va, pure Kṛ ṣ ṇ a consciousness, is not dependent on an understanding of the Lord’s opulences. Even without such opulences, the devotee in ś uddha-bhā va is inclined to love Kṛ ṣ ṇ a as a friend or son.


Anubh.: ś uddha-bhā ve aiś varya-jñ ā ne mugdha vā bā dhya nā haiyā nirmalā vā kevalā ratira vaś avartitā -krame = not captivated or obstructed by the understanding of opulence but controlled by unalloyed, exclusive attraction.




e saba ś ikhā ilā more rā ya-rā mā nanda

anargala rasa-vettā prema-sukhā nanda


“Rā mā nanda Rā ya is extremely aware of transcendental mellows. He is incessantly absorbed in the happiness of ecstatic love of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. It is he who has taught Me all this.


Anubh.: An alernative reading of this verse is:

e saba ś ikhā ilā more rā ya-rā mā nanda

se-saba ś unite haya parama ā nanda


“Rā mā nanda Rā ya is the one who has taught Me all this. To hear all this brings about the supreme bliss.




bhaṭ ṭ era manete ei chila dī rgha garva

prabhura vacana ś uni’ se ha-ila kharva


… dī rgha—for a long time; garva—pride;


Such pride had existed for a long time within the mind of Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a, but as he heard the preaching of Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu, his pride was cut down.


Anubh.: dī rgha garva su-puṣ ṭ a, aty ucca abhimā na [~ well nourished, pretty strong pride]



yā trā nantare bhaṭ ṭ a yā i mahā prabhu-sthā ne

prabhu-caraṇ e kichu kaila nivedane


yā trā -anantare—after the Ratha-yā trā;


One day, after the festival was over, Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a went to the abode of Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu and submitted a request at the lotus feet of the Lord.


Another reading is yā trā ntare bhaṭ ṭ a yā i…

A. -pr. -bh.: yā trā -antare — at another festive occasion, on another day




phalgu-prā ya bhaṭ ṭ era nā mā di saba-vyā khyā

sarvajñ a prabhu jā ni’ tā re karena upekṣ ā


phalgu-prā ya—generally useless;


Being omniscient, Lord Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu could understand that Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a’s explanations of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s name and Ś rī mad-Bhā gavatam were useless. Therefore He did not care about them.

A. -pr. -bh.: phalgu-prā ya tuccha-prā ya [= almost insignificant]


Anubh.: In another reading ‘phalgu balgu-prā ya’ or ‘phalgu balgana-prā ya’; phalgu tuccha [= insignificant], balgu vā balgana bā gā ḍ amvara [= verbosity]



When Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu rigidly declined to hear his explanations, Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a went home feeling morose. His faith in the Lord and devotion to Him changed.


A. -pr. -bh.: Whatever bhakti he had for the Lord, that went away.


Anubh.: His strong faith at the lotus feet of Mahā prabhu became diminished.




tabe bhaṭ ṭ a gelā paṇ ḍ ita-gosā ñ ira ṭ hā ñ i

nā nā mate prī ti kari’ kare ā sā -yā i


… paṇ ḍ ita-gosā ñ ira ṭ hā ñ i—to Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita Gosā ñ i;


Thereafter, Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a went to the home of Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita. He kept coming and going, showing affection in various ways, and thus maintained a relationship with him.


Anubh.: paṇ ḍ ita-gosā ñ i ś rī -gadā dhara paṇ ḍ ita-gosvā mī




Although Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita Gosā ñ i did not want to hear it, Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a began to read his explanation with great force.


Anubh.: Although Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita Gosvā mī did not expressly manifest any desire to hear Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a’s composition, Vallabha imagined some bond of friendship between them, and despite the former’s disapproval he began to read in his presence.



ā bhijā tye paṇ ḍ ita karite nā re niṣ edhana

“e saṅ kaṭ e rā kha, kṛ ṣ ṇ a la-ilā ṅ a ś araṇ a


ā bhijā tye—because of his aristocracy;


Because Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a was a learned brā hmaṇ a, Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita could not forbid him. Thus he began to think of Lord Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. “My dear Lord Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, ” he requested, “please protect me in this danger. I have taken shelter of You.


A. -pr. -bh.: ā bhijā tye — due to his noble descent, or to maintain Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a’s prestige of belonging to learned circles

Anubh.: ā bhijā tye(1) due to shame, (2) since he was not a scholar extremely opposed to bhakti, (3) due to respect of the general society



TEXT 100

pratyaha vallabha-bhaṭ ṭ a ā ise prabhu-sthā ne

‘udgrā hā di’ prā ya kare ā cā ryā di-sane


… udgrā ha-ā di prā ya—unnecessary argument; … ā cā rya-ā di-sane—with Advaita Ā cā rya and others.


Every day, Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a would come to the place of Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu to engage in unnecessary arguments with Advaita Ā cā rya and other great personalities, such as Svarū pa Dā modara.


Anubh.: udgrā ha-ā di prā ya — showing insistence on argument that resembles a philosophical discussion but is more like an invasion

ā cā rya-ā di-sane — with Advaita Ā cā rya or Svarū pa Dā modara and others.



TEXT 110

“nitya ā mā ra ei sabhā ya haya kakṣ ā -pā ta

eka-dina upare yadi haya mora bā t


… kakṣ ā -pā ta—defeat; … upare—on top; yadi—if; haya—are;


“Every day I am defeated in this assembly. If by chance I am one day victorious, …


A. -pr. -bh.: kakṣ ā -pā ta parā jaya [= defeat]


Anubh.: kakṣ ā -pā takakṣ ā (pratiyogitā [= rivalry]) + pā ta (nā ś a [=elimination]), parā jaya; upare haya sakalera ukti khaṇ ḍ ana kariyā saṁ sthā pita haya [= become established, refuting all others’ statements]


TEXT 139

Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu, who had descended to deliver the entire universe, accepted the invitation of Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a just to give him happiness.


Anubh.: Ś rī Sanā tana Gosvā mī writes in his Bṛ had-bhā gavatā mṛ ta, Pū rva-khaṇ ḍ a 7. 85-100:

tato ’nyā bhiś ca devī bhir etad evā numoditam

sā trā jitī paraṁ mā na-gehaṁ tad-asahā viś at

ś rī mad-gopī -jana-prā ṇ a-nā thaḥ sa-krodham ā diś at

sā samā nī yatā m atra mū rkha-rā ja-sutā drutam

stambhe ’ntardhā pya dehaṁ svaṁ sthitā lajjā -bhayā nvitā

are sā trā jiti kṣ ī ṇ a-citte mā no yathā tvayā

avare kiṁ na jā nā si mā ṁ tad-icchā nusā riṇ am

tā sā m abhā ve pū rvaṁ me vasato mathurā -pure

vivā ha-karaṇ e kā cid icchā py ā sī n na mā nini


[“The other queens all agreed. Only Satyabhā mā, Sā trā jitī, unable to tolerate those words, entered her chamber of anger. The blessed Lord of the life of the gopī s then ordered angrily, “Bring here at once that daughter of the foolish king! ” She hid herself behind a pillar and stood there, filled with shame and fear. The Supreme Lord said: “O weak-minded Sā trā jitī, just as you grew angry… don’t you know that I am ruled by their desires, silly woman? … My dear proud lady, when living in Mathurā -purī without the gopī s I at first had no desire to marry. ”]



TEXTS 144-145

Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita’s pure ecstatic love for Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu was also very deep. It was like that of Rukmiṇ ī devī, who was always especially submissive to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a.

Lord Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu sometimes desired to see Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita’s affectionate anger, but because of his knowledge of the Lord’s opulences, his anger was never invoked.


Purp.: Joking with Rukmiṇ ī devī in Dvā rakā, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a once advised her to accept another husband because He was unfit for her. Rukmiṇ ī devī, however, unable to understand His joking words, took them very seriously and immediately fell to the ground in fear of separation from Him. In the pastimes of Lord Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu, Jagadā nanda Paṇ ḍ ita was always in disagreement with the Lord like Satyabhā mā, whereas Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita was always awed by the Lord’s opulence and was therefore submissive to the Lord under all circumstances.


Anubh.: Bṛ had-bhā gavatā mṛ ta, Pū rva-khaṇ ḍ a 7. 119:


sarvā mahiṣ yaḥ saha satyabhā mayā

bhaiṣ my-ā dayo drā g abhisṛ tya mū rdhabhiḥ

pā dau gṛ hī tvā ruditā rdra-kā kubhiḥ

saṁ stutya bhartā ram aś ī ś amaṁ ś chanaiḥ


[“Satyabhā mā, Rukmiṇ ī, and the other queens at once surrounded their husband, touching His feet with their heads. By offering prayers with plaintive voices wet with sobs, they gradually calmed Him down. ”]



TEXT 150

paṇ ḍ itera ṭ hā ñ i cā he mantrā di ś ikhite

paṇ ḍ ita kahe, ——“ei karma nahe ā mā haite


… mantra-ā di ś ikhite—to be initiated;


Vallabha Bhaṭ ṭ a wanted to be initiated by Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita, but Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita refused, saying, “The work of acting as a spiritual master is not possible for me.


Anubh.: mantra-ā di ś ikhitedī kṣ ā grahaṇ a karite

TEXT 161

“ā mi cā lā iluṅ tomā, tumi nā calilā

krodhe kichu nā kahilā, sakala sahilā


… cā lā iluṅ —tried to agitate;


“I wanted to agitate you, ” the Lord said, “but you did not become agitated. Indeed, you could not say anything in anger. Instead, you tolerated everything.


Anubh.: cā lā iluṅ sa-roṣ a vyvahā ra pradarś ana karilā ma [= I manifested angry behavior]


TEXT 166

paṇ ḍ itera saujanya, brahmaṇ yatā -guṇ a

dṛ ḍ ha prema-mudrā loke karilā khyā pana


… loke—people; karilā khyā pana—proclaimed.


Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita is celebrated all over the world for his gentle behavior, his brahminical attributes and his steady love for Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu.


A. -pr. -bh.: loke karilā khyā pana sakalera nikaṭ a prabhu vistā ra karilena [= the Lord spread (Gadā dhara Paṇ ḍ ita’s glories) in front of everyone]




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