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CC Adi 13 extra


(! ) – especially interesting points

(? ) – explaining points that are unclear in the BBT edition


A. -pr. -bh. = AMṚ TA-PRAVĀ HA-BHĀ Ṣ YA  by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Anubh. = ANUBHĀ Ṣ YA by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

Purp. = PURPORT  by Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



TEXTS 15 - 17

All the pastimes enacted by Lord Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu in His ā di-lī lā were recorded in summary form by Murā ri Gupta.

His later pastimes [the madhya-lī lā and antya-lī lā ] were recorded in the form of notes by His secretary, Svarū pa Dā modara Gosvā mī, and thus kept within a book.

By seeing and hearing the notes recorded by these two great personalities, a Vaiṣ ṇ ava, a devotee of the Lord, can know these pastimes one after another.


A. -pr. -bh.: All Vaisnavas present their narrations on the basis of having seen the brief notes about adi-lila by Murari Gupta, which still exist, and having heard, from the mouth of Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, the biographic notes by Sri Svarupa Gosvami.




I offer my respectful obeisances unto the full-moon evening in the month of Phā lguna, an auspicious time full of auspicious symptoms, when Lord Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu advented Himself with the chanting of the holy name, Hare Kṛ ṣ ṇ a.



vaivasvata manor astavimsati-yuga-sambhave

caturdasa-satabde vai saptavarsa-samanvite

bhagirathi-tate ramye saci-garbha-maharnave

rahu-graste purnimayam gaurangah prakato ‘bhavat




When Lord Caitanya Mahā prabhu was a student, He asked whomever He met to chant the Hare Kṛ ṣ ṇ a mahā -mantra. In this way He inundated the whole town of Navadvī pa with the chanting of Hare Kṛ ṣ ṇ a.


Purp.: The present Navadvī pa-dhā ma is but a part of the whole of Navadvī pa. Navadvī pa means “nine islands. ” These nine islands, which occupy an area of land estimated at thirty-two square (? ) miles, are surrounded by different branches of the Ganges…


A. -pr. -bh.:

sri-navadvip-dham – jahnavi-vestito, solo-kros poridhir ontorgoto… = surrounded by the river Jahnavi, within the circumference 16 krosas (some 32 miles) long…



In Rā ḍ hadeś a, the part of Bengal where the Ganges is not visible, Nityā nanda Prabhu, Gaṅ gā dā sa Paṇ ḍ ita, Murā ri Gupta and Mukunda took birth.


Purp.: …Thereafter, in a place known as Bhaḍ ḍ ā pura, in the village of Vī racandra-pura, about half a mile west, in a place underneath a nima tree, Ś rī matī Rā dhā rā ṇ ī was found. For this reason, the Rā dhā rā ṇ ī of Baṅ kima Rā ya was known as Bhaḍ ḍ ā purera Ṭ hā kurā ṇ ī, the mistress of Bhaḍ ḍ ā pura…


Anubh.: …viracandra-pur hoite prae ordho mail poscime ‘bhaddapur’ namok sthane nimba-brkser tole srimati prokasito hon. ei jonyo-i oneke purbe bankim-rayer srimatike “bhaddapurer thakurani“ name obhihito koriten... = In a place known as Bhaddapura, about half a mile west from Viracandra-pura, underneath a nimba tree, Srimati manifested Herself. For this reason, many used to call the Srimati of Bankima Raya...


Purp.: ... The priests of this place, listed in a genealogical table, were as follows: (1) Ś rī Rā ghavacandra, (2) Jagadā nanda dā sa, (3) Kṛ ṣ ṇ adā sa, (4) Nityā nanda dā sa, (5) Rā madā sa, (6) Vrajamohana dā sa, (7) Kā nā i dā sa, (8) Gauradā sa, (9) Ś ivā nanda dā sa and (10) Haridā sa. Kṛ ṣ ṇ adā sa belonged to the Ciḍ iyā -kuñ ja at Vṛ ndā vana. The date of his disappearance is Kṛ ṣ ṇ a-janmā ṣ ṭ amī …


Anubh.: ... ei sthaner sebayeto-goner nam – (1) sri raghavacandra gosvami (vrajer campakalata – gau. g. 162 [Srimati Campakalata-gopi, who considered Srimati Radharani as dear as her own life-breath, appeared as Raghava Gosvami, who lived at Govardhana Hill and wrote the book entitled Bhakti-ratna-prakasa. ], govardhana-vasi, tirobhava-tithi – jyaistho sukla trayodasi [his disappearance day is Trayodasi in the sukla part of the Jyaistha month]), (2) jagadananda-dasa (tirobhava-tithi – radhastami [his disappearance day is Radhastami]), (3) krsnadasa (ciriya-kunjer, tirobhava-tithi – krsna-janmastami), ... (10) haridas (bortoman sebayeto [the present priest]).




ataeva prabhu tā ṅ re bale, ‘baḍ a bhā i’

kṛ ṣ ṇ a, balarā ma dui——caitanya, nitā i


ataeva—therefore; prabhu—Lord Caitanya; tā ṅ re—unto Viś varū pa; bale—says; baḍ a bhā i—elder brother; kṛ ṣ ṇ a—Lord Kṛ ṣ ṇ a; balarā ma—and Baladeva; dui—two; caitanya—Lord Caitanya Mahā prabhu; nitā i—and Lord Nityā nanda Prabhu.



Because Mahā -saṅ karṣ aṇ a is the ingredient and efficient cause of the cosmic manifestation, He is present in every detail of it. Lord Caitanya therefore called Him His elder brother. The two brothers are known as Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and Balarā ma in the spiritual world, but at the present moment they are Caitanya and Nitā i. Therefore the conclusion is that Nityā nanda Prabhu is the original Saṅ karṣ aṇ a, Baladeva.


This elaborate translation of a simple verse follows quite faithfully the paraphrased rendering of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura (! ):

A. -pr. -bh.: ye hetu moha-sonkorson ‘upodan’ o ‘nimitto’-karon-rupe visve ota-prota-bhave virajaman, ei-jonyo tahake mohaprobhur ‘boro-bhai’ boliya ukti koren; porontu krsno-loke ye krsno-boloram, tahara-i coitonyo-nitai. sutoram nityanondo probhu – mul-sonkorson orthat bolodev.



After this conversation, both husband and wife were very jubilant, and together they rendered service to the household ś ā lagrā ma-ś ilā.


Purp.: …When the heart is uncontaminated, it is said to be in the existential position of Vasudeva. Vasudeva can beget Vā sudeva, or Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, who is transcendentally situated.


Anubh.: (see the explanation given in the Gaudiya-bhasya commentary to SB 4. 3. 23)


Purp.: ... Ś rī la Ś rī dhara Svā mī gives the following annotation in this connection: ‘mana ā viveś a’ manasy ā virbabhū va; jī vā nā m iva na dhā tu-sambandha ity arthaḥ. There was no question of the seminal discharge necessary for the birth of an ordinary human being. Ś rī la Rū pa Gosvā mī also comments in this connection that Lord Kṛ ṣ ṇ a first appeared in the mind of Ā nakadundubhi, Vasudeva, and was then transferred to the mind of Devakī -devī …


Anubh.: ... See SB 10. 2. 18 & 19. In the Laghu-bhagavatamrta (160-165) by Sri Rupa Gosvami it is explained in this connection…

... The description of Krsna’s birth – SB 10. 3. 8.


TEXT 101

jagat ā nandamaya, dekhi’ mane sa-vismaya,

       ṭ hā reṭ hore kahe haridā sa


…ṭ hā reṭ hore—by direct and indirect indications;


When he saw that the whole world was jubilant, Haridā sa Ṭ hā kura, his mind astonished, directly and indirectly expressed himself to Advaita Ā cā rya: “Your dancing and distributing charity are very pleasing to me. I can understand that there is some special purpose in these actions. ”


Anubh.: ṭ hā reṭ hore—ingito koriya = gesticulating

TEXT 105

sā vitrī, gaurī, sarasvatī, ś acī, rambhā, arundhatī

       ā ra yata deva-nā rī gaṇ a


sā vitrī —the wife of Lord Brahmā; gaurī —the wife of Lord Ś iva; sarasvatī —the wife of Lord Nṛ siṁ hadeva; ś acī —the wife of King Indra; rambhā —a dancing girl of heaven; arundhatī —the wife of Vasiṣ ṭ ha;



Dressing themselves as the wives of brā hmaṇ as, all the celestial ladies, including the wives of Lord Brahmā, Lord Ś iva, Lord Nṛ siṁ hadeva, King Indra and Vasiṣ ṭ ha Ṛ ṣ i, along with Rambhā, a dancing girl of heaven, came there with varieties of gifts.


Anubh.:  In this, and several other verses of this chapter (108, 112-116), Anubhasya corresponds quite closely to the word by word meanings in the BBT edition. (! )


sarasvati – nrsimha-kanta, yatha sridhar-svami tika – “bagisa yasya vadane laksmir yasya ca vaksasi. yasyaste hrdaye samvit tam nrsimham aham bhaje. “

TEXT 106

antarī kṣ e deva-gaṇ a, gandharva, siddha, cā raṇ a, …


In outer space all the demigods, including the inhabitants of Gandharvaloka, Siddhaloka and Cā raṇ aloka, offered their prayers and danced to the accompaniment of music, songs and the beating of drums. Similarly, in Navadvī pa city all the professional dancers, musicians and blessers gathered together, dancing in great jubilation.


Anubh.: siddha – mantra-siddhi-krame prapto deva-yoni = those who became demigods through perfect recitation of mantras

gandharva – svargiya gayok, brahmar kanti hoite utponno; guhyaloka – ihader bas-sthan = celestial singers, born from Brahma’s charm; they reside at Guhyaloka

carana – devanam gayanaste ca caranah stuti-pathakah. deva-yoni-vises = a kind of demigods

TEXT 107

No one could understand who was coming and who was going, who was dancing and who was singing. Nor could they understand one another’s language. Yet all unhappiness and lamentation were immediately dissipated, and people became all-jubilant. Thus Jagannā tha Miś ra was also overwhelmed with joy.


Anubh.: dev-narasimhadi bhinno bhinno srenistho boliya, eke onyer kotha bujhite osomortho = the gods headed by Lord Narasimha belong to different classes, and as such they are unable to understand each other’s language


TEXT 115

When Sī tā Ṭ hā kurā ṇ ī came to the house of Ś acī devī, bringing with her many kinds of eatables, dresses and other gifts, she was astonished to see the newborn child, for she appreciated that except for a difference in color, the child was directly Kṛ ṣ ṇ a of Gokula Himself.


Anubh.: krsner varna – indronil-ghono-syam = Krsna’s color – deep dark sapphire

visvambharer varna – tad-viparito gaura-varna = Visvambhara’s color – opposite of that, fair complexion (Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary: cream-color tinged with red)



TEXT 117

She blessed the newborn child by placing fresh grass and paddy on His head and saying, “May You be blessed with a long duration of life. ” But being afraid of ghosts and witches, she gave the child the name Nimā i.


Purp.: Ḍ ā kinī and Ś ā ṅ khinī are two companions of Lord Ś iva and his wife who are supposed to be extremely inauspicious, having been born of ghostly life …


From their description in the Anubh. it is clear that they are female companions.



TEXT 123

Anyone who attains a human body but does not take to the cult of Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu is baffled in his opportunity. Amṛ tadhunī is a flowing river of the nectar of devotional service. If after getting a human body one drinks the water in a poison pit of material happiness instead of the water of such a river, it would be better for him not to have lived, but to have died long ago.


Purp.: In this connection Ś rī mat Prabodhā nanda Sarasvatī has composed the following verses in his Caitanya-candrā mṛ ta (37, 36, 34): …


In the Anubh., before these three, another verse is quoted:


acaitanyam idaṁ viś vaṁ yadi caitanyam ī ś varam

na bhajet sarvato mrtyur upasyam amarottamaih



TEXT 124

Taking on my head as my own property the lotus feet of Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu, Nityā nanda Prabhu, Ā cā rya Advaitacandra, Svarū pa Dā modara, Rū pa Gosvā mī and Raghunā tha dā sa Gosvā mī, I, Kṛ ṣ ṇ adā sa Kavirā ja Gosvā mī, have thus described the advent of Ś rī Caitanya Mahā prabhu.


Purp.: …Ś rī la Narottama dā sa Ṭ hā kura has sung in many places that his real property is the lotus feet of Rā dhā and Kṛ ṣ ṇ a…

Anubh.:  thakur narottam bolen, – ”dhon mor nityanondo”;

”radha-krsno sri-coron sei mor pran-dhon” [The lotus feet of Radha and Krsna are my only treasure and the ultimate goal of my life. ];  

”joe potito-pavon, deho mor ei dhon, tuya vina onyo nahi bhae”[O deliverer of the fallen souls, please give me the wealth of these lotus feet because I have no one except You. ];

”sri-rup-monjori-pod, sei mor sompod, sei mor bhojon-pujon, sei mor pran-dhon” [The lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjarī are my real wealth. They are the object of my bhajana and puja, the treasure of my heart, …];

‘prem-rotno dhon helae harainu, odhone yoton kori’ dhon teyaginu’ [I have lost the jewel of love of Godhead due to my own negligence. I have only given attention to that which is not real wealth and abandoned that which has actual value. ]

ityadi = etc.




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