Let it run. Round it off. Variation. Desert island. Set it up. Let it runLet it run • The student who answered your questions throws the dice, and ‘passes on’ the initial question (What’s the nicest thing... ? ) to the person indicated - you help them to reconstruct this question, if necessary. • The conversation continues as a whole-class activity, in open pairs. In larger classes, the students can work in groups. • You listen, help with language and generally encourage, as appropriate. As you listen, write down on Post-it® notes any words or phrases that you would like to discuss with the class - one word or phrase per note. Round it off Put your language notes up on the walls. Invite everyone to go round, read them and mark a maximum of three words or phrases they would like to explore. Focus on the one with the most ‘votes’, then the next, etc. Discuss these words and phrases with the class in the order they have chosen, adjusting, explaining or extending as required. Variation Some alternative conversation starters: What made you laugh (or smile)? Most enjoyable conversation? Most interesting TV programme/website/ newspaper article/photo? Cheapest/Most expensive purchase?
Desert island Set it up Ask the class to imagine they are going to live on a pleasant but remote desert island for a year. What would be good about it? What would be bad about it? Tell them they will be living on their own, and that they must choose one kind of food or drink, one book and one CD, to take with them. Hand out some slips of paper. Let it run • Everyone writes down their three choices on a single piece of paper, without showing it to anyone else (and without writing their name on it). They fold up these pieces of paper, and put them into a box. You do the same. • You shake up the pieces of paper and redistribute them, asking people to take one from the box and telling them to refold and replace the piece of paper if they pick their own. • The class mingles. By telling each other what is listed on their piece of paper, without showing it, people have to find the author of the note they have picked out of the box. When they find them, they must ask them about their choices. You circulate, encouraging and helping with language as required.