Dogme Example Activities. Same time, different day. Set it up. Let it run. Round it off. Best in 24. Set it upDogme Example Activities Same time, different day Set it up Tell the class to imagine that it is exactly the same time, but on a different day: they are doing whatever they normally do when they aren’t in class. (It can be a weekend day, or another day of the week when you don’t meet as a class. ) Hand out slips of paper. Let it run • Everyone writes down what they ‘are doing’ on their slip of paper, without showing it to anyone. You collect the papers, mix them up and read one out. For example: Someone’s working in a cafe... picking up their children from school... playing computer games... , etc. • The class guess who it is, and ask the person who wrote it some questions about what they normally do. This is repeated until everyone has talked about themselves. • As they talk, you make notes, help with language and generally encourage, as appropriate. Round it off Ask the class to work in groups to complete phrases like these: Most people... A few people... Some people... One person... Tell them to dictate their sentences to you; you write them on the board as they do this, without adjusting the language. Ask the class if there are any improvements that can be made to the sentences on the board. Make any changes they suggest, and explain any additional ones of your own: these may relate to accuracy, or to range of expression.
Best in 24 Set it up Give everyone in the room, including yourself, a number. Roll the dice and ask the person corresponding to the number that comes up: What’s the nicest thing you ate or drank in the last 24 hours? Ask them a few more questions yourself. For example: What was so good about it? Where did you eat it? Who with? Where did you buy it? How did you cook it? When you have had a brief conversation, elicit these additional questions from the learners and write them on the board, adjusting as required.