pasuram 10. COMMENTARYpasuram 10 ெசந்ெந லார்வயல் சூழ்திᾞக் ேகாட்ᾊᾝர், மன்ᾔ நாரணன் நம்பி பிறந்தைம, மின்ᾔ ᾓல்விட்ᾌ சித்தன் விாித்த,இப் பன்ᾔ பாடல்வல் லார்க்கில்ைல பாவேம (10) sennelAr vayal soozh thirukkOTTiyUr, mannu nAraNan nambi piRanthamai, minnu nool viTTu citthan virittha, ip pannu pADal vallArkkillai pAvamE (10) COMMENTARY AndAL imagined that SrivillipuththUr was Vada Mathurai; Her father imagined that ThirukkOshtiyUr was Thiru AaypAdi (Gokulam). He saw the arcAvathAra Murthy, Soumya nArAyaNan, as KaNNan and performed His MangaLAsAsanam there. He remembered the anugraham of ThirukkOttiyUr nambi for giving him the strength to establish VishNu Paratvam at the PaaNdyan King’s court and addressed the Lord here as Kesavan and nArAyaNan. He referred to the subject matter of this ten pAsurams as: "ThirukkOttiyUr mannu nAraNan nampi piRanthamai". He pointed out that they were all about the ParipUrNa avatAram of the Lord at Gokulam. He saluted the fertility of this divya dEsam surrounded by an abundant crop of red rice (sennalAr vayal soozh ThirukkOttiyUr). The AzhwAr described himself as "minnu nool vittuchiththan", the author of these pAsurams (the one with shining sacred thread, the mark of scholarship in the Veda-VedAngams. He revealed that
SrI SowmiyanArayana PerumAL of ThirukkoshTiyUr
ெபாியாழ்வார் திᾞவᾊகேள சரணம் periyAzhwAr thiruvaDigaLe CaraNam
Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan