PAsuram 4PAsuram 4 உறிைய ᾙற்றத் ᾐᾞட்ᾊநின் றாᾌவார், நᾠெநய் பால்தயிர் நன்றாகத் ᾑᾫவார் ெசறிெமன் கூந்த லவிழத் திைளத்ᾐ, எங்கும் அறிவ ழிந்தன ராய்ப்பாᾊ யாயேர (4) uRiyai muRRatthu uruTTi ninRu AaDuvAr,
naRu nEy pAl thayir nanRAkat thUvuvAr seRi menkUnthal avaizhat thiLaitthu, engum aRivazhinthanar AaypADi AayarE (4) COMMENTARY: The blissful tanmayatva state of the citizens of AaypAdi is described here. They were head over heels with their joy about the Lord’s avatAram amidst them. Gokula Baalan became their own (sva) Kula baalan (Kudi Kuzhanthai). The cowherds and the cowherdess of Gokulam did not know what they were doing and ran hither and thither to bring their wealth and present it to their Lord and to each other. They took from their house the curd, milk and ghee with their containers and The divine child!
Divine Cowherd!