Pasuram 5. PAsuram 6Pasuram 5 ெகாண்ட தாᾦறி ேகாலக் ெகாᾌமᾨ, தண்ᾊ னர்பறி ேயாைலச் சயனத்தர், விண்ட ᾙல்ைல யᾞம்பன்ன பல்ᾢனர், அண்டர் மிண்ᾊப் ᾗகுந்ᾐெநய் யாᾊனார் (5) kONDa thAL uRi kOlak koDu mazhu, thaNDinar paRi Olai sayanatthar, viNDa mullai arumbu anna pallinar, aNDar miNdip pukunthu neyyADinAr (5)
COMMENTARY: This is a beautiful pAsuram describing the cowherds coming from night duty of guarding the cattle (manthai kAval) to see the Lord, who had incarnated amongst them as a cowherd. They had in one hand the rope stands for transporting dairy products and in the other hand they had a strong staff with an axe (kOdAri) at its top. They had over their heads the protection against rain made up of woven palm leaves. When they saw the beautiful child at Nandan’s house, their smiles broadened and their rows of teeth looked like the blossoming Mullai flower buds. They jostled with each other to get a closer look at the beautiful child and joyously smeared butter and ghee over each other to celebrate this occasion.
Viswaroopa darSanam inside His mouth! PAsuram 6 ைகᾜம் காᾤம் நிமிர்த்ᾐக் கடாரநீர்
ைபய வாட்ᾊப் பசுஞ்சிᾠ மஞ்சளால், ஐய நாவழித் தாᾦக்கங் காந்திட, ைவய ேமᾨங்கண் டாள்பிள்ைள வாᾜேள (6) kaiyum kAlum nimirtthu kaDAra neer paiyya vaaTTip pasunchiru manjaLAl, Aiyya nAvazhit thALukkan kAnthiDa, vaiyyam Ezhum kaNDAL piLLai vAy uLLE (6)
COMMENTARY: ViswarUpa darsanam inside the mouth of the infant was experienced by YasOdha PirAtti as she opened her child’s mouth to place a protective turmeric coating over the tongue for medicinal purposes. The adoring mother, YasOdhai, wanted to perform Thirumanjanam for her infant. She assembled warm water in a vessel and added fragrant powders and medicinal ingredients in that Thirumanjanam water. She bathed her child, stretched the hands and legs of her infant gently. She smeared turmeric paste on the limbs of the child and asked Him to stretch His tongue so that she can place a thin paint of turmeric there for getting rid of any phlegm. As the child opened its mouth, YasOdha was astonished to see the seven Universes there. Perhaps, the Lord blessed His mother with a divine eye (Jn~Ana Chakshus) just as He did for Arjuna on the battle field to see His ViswarUpam.