You, along with the brahmin who was very happy, hastened to Kundina by chariot. O Lord of Guruvayoor! Kindly attenuate all my difficulties.(The gopis did not get your company that night and) they thought that you, a cheat, were probably spending the night in the house of Chandra or that of Radha or of Maitravinda. O Lord of Guruvayur! save me (from my afflictions)
दशकम्-७३ श्लोकसंख्या-१०
Hearing that Krishna was going to Mathura with Akrura, the gopis felt very sad and, in groups, complained ‘What is this?, How did this come about? How can the kind-hearted Krishna abandon us who have no other refuge?” While leaving for Mathura in the early hours of the morning Krishna sent a messenger to the gopis that he (Krishna) would be back very soon and would be with all of them and would submerge them in the ocean of nectar (bliss). Krishna and Balaram set out to Mathura by the chariot of Akrura, followed by the sad and beseeching glances of gopis. Krishna also cast his soft glances towards the gopis as if to reassure them. When they reached the banks of Yamuna Akrura got down from the chariot for performing his morning ablutions. When he dipped into the river he saw Krishna under the water. When he lifted his head from the water he saw Krishna also in the chariot. Wondering, Akrura dipped again into the water and there he saw Mahavishnu reclining on Adishesha with discus, conch, mace and the lotus in his four hands. Akrura was submerged an an ocean of bliss and he sang the praises of the Lord. The vision of the Lord was lost but the experience of bliss continued and his hairs stood on end. Akrura went back to the chariot enriched by this experience. Bhattathiri concludes this dasaka with the following sloka:
किमु शीतलिमा महान् जले यत् पुलकोऽसाविति चोदितेन तेन । अतिहर्षनिरुत्तरेण सार्द्धं रथवासी पवनेश! पाहि मां त्वम् ॥७३.१०॥ O Lord of Guruvayur! you asked Akrura “Was it very cold in the Yamuna? Your hairs are bristling. What is the matter?”. Akrura, with abundance of Joy in him, did not reply and was silent. Please save me from my diseases.
दशकम्-७४ श्लोकसंख्या-१०
Krishna and others reached Mathura in the afternoon and they had food in a park in the outskirts of the town. Then Krishna set out on a sight-seeing trip of Mathura. While he was passing through the Rajpath (the main road) the women of Mathura assembled in the balconies of the houses raring to see Krishna about whom they had heard so much. They were excited at the prospect and considered themselves fortunate to have Krishna’s darshan. Krishna, for his part, filled their hearts with joy by the glances from the corners of his eyes. On the way Krishna saw a washer man and asked for a few clothes to wear but he refused asking “Who would give you the clothes of the King?”. Krishna severed his head from his body and he attained mukti. Krishna also met a beautiful young woman with a stoop who was carrying perfumes like sandal paste for Kamsa. She gave some sandal paste to Krishna who, holding her by his hands and lifting her up by the chin removed her stoop and she became a world beauty. She was straight in her mind and Krishna made her straight in body also to reflect that mind. He promised her that he would come again to see her. Mathura was in celebration mood. Krishna entered the place where the bow was kept and, struck by his beauty and majesty, the guards kept a respectable distance. The bow had been worshipped and adorned with flowers and ornaments. Krishna lifted the bow, stringed it and broke it in the twinkling of an eye, before any one could say anything. The sound of the bow breaking put fear into the heart of Kamsa and portended his death the next day. Bhattathiri concludes this dasaka with the following sloka: शिष्टैर्दुष्टजनैश्च दृष्टमहिमा प्रीत्या च भीत्या ततः संपश्यन् पुरसंपदं प्रविचरन् सायं गतो वाटिकाम् । श्रीदाम्ना सह राधिकाविरहजं खेदं वदन् प्रस्वप- न्नानन्दन्नवतारकार्यघटनाद्वातेश! संरक्ष माम् ॥७४.१०॥ O Lord of Guruvayur! You are seen by the good with love and by the wicked with fear. After seeing the affluence of the city of Mathura and wandering through its streets you went back to the park in the evening. You spoke to Sridama about your sorrow because of separation from Radha and you went to sleep happy that the purpose of taking this incarnation was about to be achieved.
दशकम्-७५ श्लोकसंख्या-१०
Next day morning every one assembled at their appointed places for seeing the wrestling competition. When Krishna and Balarama came to see the competition the entrance was blocked by the elephant Kuvalayapeeda. Prompted by the mahout, the elephant caught Krishna in its trunk but Krishna slipped out of it, hit the elephant hard on the front portion of its head and playfully hid himself between its legs. Emerging again Krishna playfully felled the elephant on the ground and wrenched out both its tusks. Krishna and Balaram, each carrying a tusk on his shoulder, entered the theatre. Struck by their handsomeness some people said that Nanda was fortunate, others said the gopis were fortunate, still others said Yashoda was fortunate. Some said that we are the fortunate ones in the three worlds as we are able to feast our eyes on Krishna and Balaram. Chanura approached Krishna and Mushtika took on Balaram and started raining blows on them with their fists. People commented on the cruelty of setting the hardened wrestlers on these soft and tender boys. But Krishna and Balaram made mincemeat of the wrestlers and despatched them to the city of Yama. Krishna then dragged Kamsa from his throne, pushed him to the ground and fell on him, finishing him off. Kamsa, who was always thinking of Krishna fearing death from him, attained Sayujya; his soul merged with Krishna. Bhattathiri concludes this dasaka with the following sloka:
तद्भ्रातॄनष्ट पिष्ट्वा द्रुतमथ पितरौ सन्नमन्नुग्रसेनं कृत्वा राजानमुच्चैर्यदुकुलमखिलं मोदयन् कामदानैः । भक्तानामुत्तमं चोद्धवममरगुरोराप्तनीतिं सखायम् लब्ध्वा तुष्टो नगर्यां पवनपुरपते ! रुन्द्धि मे सर्वरोगान् ॥७५.१०॥ O Lord of Guruvayur! You killed also the eight brothers of kamsa, bowed to your parents, crowned Ugrasena as the King, made Yadavas happy by fulfilling their desires, got Uddhava, who had learned Niti sastra from Brihaspati, as friend and lived happily in Mathura. May you relieve me from all my ailments.
दशकम्-७६ श्लोकसंख्या-१०
Krishna and Balarama went to Sandeepani’s ashram and learnt all that was to be learnt in sixty four days. As gurudakshnia Krishna brought back the guru’s son who had died young. The gopis were suffering from the pangs of separation from Krishna all these days when Krishna was in Mathura. They were spending their days in unbroken remembrance of Krishna who, overcome by compassion, sent Uddhava to offer them solace. He also wanted Uddhava to see for himself the intensity of gopis’ love for him (Krishna). Reaching Vraja in the evening, Uddhava gladdened the hearts of Nanda and Yasoda by describing the exploits of Krishna. Seeing the chariot in the morning, the gopis assembled near it leaving all their household chores. They saw Uddhava decked out in exactly the same way as Krishna. Remembering Krishna’s playful actions and his exploits the gopis were unable to utter anything, their throat choking with emotions. Then, with difficulty, they asked Uddhava whether he had been sent by Krishna to meet with his parents, Nanda and Yashoda. Where is Krishna who is the apple of the eyes of the beauties of Mathura? How can any woman forget his loving embraces, kisses, playfulness and the sweet nothings he used to utter? Bhattathiri concludes this dasaka with the following sloka:
एवं भक्तिः सकलभुवने नेक्षिता न श्रुता वा किं शास्त्रौघैः किमिह तपसा गोपिकाभ्यो नमोऽस्तु । इत्यानन्दाकुलमुपगतं गोकुलादुद्धवं तं दृष्ट्वा हृष्टो गुरुपुरपते! पाहि मामामयौघात् ॥७६.११॥ Uddhava returned from Vraja overcome by the intensity of gopis’ loving devotion to Krishna the like of which is neither seen nor heard in the whole world. He mentally offers his salutations to the gopis and was brimming with joy. O Lord of Guruvayoor! You were extremely glad to see Uddhava in that state of mind. Please save me from all my ailments.
दशकम्-७७ श्लोकसंख्या-१२
Sairandhri, whose stoop had been straightened by Krishna, was pining in love for him and was eagerly awaiting his arrival daily as promised. Krishna kept his promise and spent a few days with her and a son, Upasloka, was born out of their union. Krishna visited Akrura at his residence along with Balarama and Uddhava. Akrura was beside himself with joy and offered loving worship to Krishna and the others. Krishna then gathered information about the Pandavas who had returned from their exile and the activities of Dhritarashtra. He decimated the army of Jarasandha, son-in-law of Kamsa , who invaded Mathura several times. Each time his army was routed but he was allowed to return only to come back again with a fresh army. When he was coming prepared for the eighteenth attack, Krishna saw Kalayavana coming with three crores of yavana soldiers. Immediately he commissioned Viswakarma to build the capital city Dwaraka in the midst of the sea and shifted his subjects to the new city. Feigning fear from Kalayavana, Krishna ran ahead and disappeared in a mountain. Kalayavana, in hot pursuit, entered a cave in the mountain in which Muchukunda was in deep sleep. Kicked by Kalayavana, Muchukunda reduced him to ashes by the power of his tapas. Krishna revealed his captivating form to Muchukunda, a staunch devotee. Bhattathiri concludes this dasaka with the following sloka:
तदनु मथुरां गत्वा हत्वा चमूं यवनाहृतां मगधपतिना मार्गे सैन्यैः पुरेव निवारितः। चरमविजयं दर्पायास्मै प्रदाय पलायितो जलधिनगरीं यातो वातालयेश्वर! पाहि माम् ॥७७.१२॥ You then went to Mathura and decimated the army of Kalayavana. Prevented on the way by the army of Jarasandha, You allowed him to win this last time. You then returned to Dwaraka, the city in the middle of the sea. O Lord of Guruvayur! save me (from my afflictions).
दशकम्-७८ श्लोकसंख्या-१०
Rukmini, daughter of the King of Vidarbha, was in love with Krishna about whose qualities of head and heart she had heard from his devotees. Her brother Rukmi, however, was bent upon giving her in marriage to the wicked Shishupala, king of Chedi and a friend of his. Rukmini, for long deeply in love with Krishna, sent a faithful brahmin as a messenger to Krishna. Received by Krishna with honours in his palace, the brahmin communicated to Krishna the depth of Rukmini’s love for him, her predicament because of Rukmi’s intentions and her determination to give up her life if Krishna did not turn up for her rescue. Rukmini had also suggested that Krishna should abduct her, snatching her from the hands of Shishupala and his friends, and marry her in the Rakshasa type of marriage ceremony. Bhattathiri concludes this dasaka with the following sloka:
प्रमुदितेन च तेन समं तदा रथगतो लघु कुण्डिनमेयिवान्। गुरुमरुत्पुरनायक मे भवान् वितनुतां तनुतां निखिलापदाम् ॥७८.१०॥ You, along with the brahmin who was very happy, hastened to Kundina by chariot. O Lord of Guruvayoor! Kindly attenuate all my difficulties.
दशकम्-७९ श्लोकसंख्या-१०
Krishna, along with Balarama and the Yadava army, entered the city of Kundina welcomed by Bhishmaka, father of Rukmini. Informed of the arrival of Krishna by the brahmin, Rukmini was relieved and happy and she heartily saluted the brahmin for the good turn he had done. The people of Kundina, seeing the captivating form of Krishna and seeing how perfect a match he would be for their princess, despised the activities of Rukmi in trying to give Rukmini in marriage to Sisupala. As was the custom, Rukmini along with her maids, visited the temple of Goddess Uma and prayed that Krishna be her husband. While returning from the worship, Krishna, with lightning speed, lifted her and, putting her in his chariot, drove away. The princes waiting for the hand of Rukmini stood stunned by the rapidity with which things had happened. Rukmi followed the chariot and offered battlle but his attempt was foiled by the Yadava soldiers. Rukmi was allowed to escape with his life but with his head shaven Bhattathiri concludes this dasaka with the following sloka:
तदधिकैरथ लालनकौशलैः प्रणयिनीमधिकं सुखयन्निमां । अयि मुकुन्द भवच्चरितानि नः प्रगदतां गदतान्तिमपाकुरु ॥७९.१२॥ You made your consort Rukmini happy and joyful by your adoration and by being a doting husband. O Mukunda! we always talk and think about your exploits and leelas. Kindly remove all our maladies.
दशकम्-८०, श्लोकसंख्या-१०
Satrajit obtained from Sun god a jewel known as syamantaka. Krishna asked for the jewel from him but Satrajit refused to part with it. Satraji’s brother Prasena went on a hunt in the forest wearing the syamantaka jewel around his neck. A lion killed Prasena and grabbed the jewel mistaking it for a piece of meat. Jambavan killed the lion and gave the jewel to his child for playing. Since Krishna had wanted the jewel Satrajit presumed Krishna must have killed his brother for the jewel. This started a gossip among people about Krishna. To clear himself, Krishna went into the forest and zeroed in on Jambavan who put up a stiff fight. After a protracted struggle Jambavan, a devotee of Lord Rama, realised that Krishna with whom he was fighting was none other than another incarnation of Rama. He gave the jewel to Krishna along with his daughter Jambavathi. Krishna restored the jewel to Satrajit who, ashamed of his behaviour, atoned his mistake by giving his daughter Satyabhama’s hand to Krishna along with the jewel. But Krishna returned the jewel to Satrajit himself. Heeding the words of Akrura and Kritavarma, Satadhanwa killed Satrajit and appropriated the syamantaka jewel. A grieving Satyabhama went to Hastinapura where Krishna consoled her and killed Satadhanwa. Bhattathiri concludes this dasaka with the following sloka:
यातं भयेन कृतवर्मयुतं पुनस्त- माहूय तद्विनिहितं च मणिं प्रकाश्य । तत्रैव सुव्रतधरे विनिधाय तुष्यन् भामाकुचान्तशयनः पवनेश पायाः ॥८०.११॥