Thus by soft and sweet words you revelled in the company of the gopis and became interested in the rasa dance with them. O Lord of Gruruvayur ! save me from my afflictions.Gopis who were doubtful about your darshan ever again, were pleasantly surprised when you appeared before them and were mad with joy. What did they not do because of their abundance of love for you? O Lord of Guruvayur ! save me from my afflictions.
दशकम्-६८ श्लोकसंख्या-१०
The joy of the gopis knew no bounds when they got the company of Krishna again. They stood still before Krishna as if they had been bathed in a stream of nectar. One of gopis took Krishna’s hand and put it to her breasts and stood still with her hairs bristling. Another gopi took Krishna’s soft hands and put it around her neck as if trying to prevent the exit of oxygen from her throat. Another one received in her mouth chewed areca nuts from Krishna’s mouth. Another one, with eyes brimming with tears, looked at Krishna and she would not touch Krishna who had left her alone mercilessly in the forest. Krishna consoled them all saying that they should not think that he was heard-hearted, he was deep in love with them and what he had one was only to further strengthen their love for him. In the last verse of the dasakam given below Bhattathiri entreats the Lord to relieve him of his maladies:
इति गिराधिकं मोदमेदुरै- र्व्रजवधूजनैः साकमारमन् । कलितकौतुको रासखेलने गुरुपुरीपते! पाहि मां गदात् ॥६८.१०॥ Thus by soft and sweet words you revelled in the company of the gopis and became interested in the rasa dance with them. O Lord of Gruruvayur ! save me from my afflictions.
दशकम्-६९ श्लोकसंख्या-१०
Krishna had peacock feathers stuck into his locks. His ear globes were oscillating, he was wearing gold-diamond necklaces and the vanamala. The sandal paste applied on his body gave out a soothing fragrance. He was donning a bright yellow silk garment on his waist and anklets of gold and diamond. Decked out in all this Krishna stole the hearts of the gopis. The gopis were also decked out in fine garments and gold-diamond jewellery. Krishna, by his yogic powers, took many forms so that between each pair of gopis there was Krishna and in the centre of the circle so formed was also Krishna. When the rasa dance started the celestials came crowding and from above they were watching the leela of Krishna. The damsels of heaven envied the gopis who were fortunate enough to get Krishna for company. Krishna played on the flute and all of them danced to the music of the flute with the tinkling of bangles and anklets. The gopis merged themselves in Krishna consciousness and forgot the external world. In the last verse of this dasaka given below Bhattathiri entreats the Lord to save him from his ailments:
कामिनीरिति हि यामिनीषु खलु कामनीयकनिधे भवान् पूर्णसम्मदरसार्णवं कमपि योगिगम्यमनुभावयन् । ब्रह्मशंकरमुखानपीह पशुपांगनासु बहुमानयन् भक्तलोकगमनीयरूप! कमनीय! कृष्ण! परिपाहि माम् ॥६९.११॥