What supreme bliss Yasoda must have experienced while suckling You, looking at your face and smiling. O Lord who had such childhood! Save me from my afflictions.
दशकम्-४२ श्लोकसंख्या-११
This dasaka describes the shattering of Sakatasura by child Krishna. It was one of those birthdays of Krishna. Yasoda had invited all relatives, friends and brahmins for the celebration. Krishna was lying near a cart loaded with many things. Yasoda was busy in the kitchen. Suddenly there was great sound of breaking wood. Everyone ran to the place from where the sound was coming and they were surprised to see the cart shattered to pieces. All were surprised that Krishna was not at all hurt. Some of the boys guarding Krishna reported that the cart was broken to pieces when the child Krishna kicked with his legs. No one could believe this though it was a fact. Nanda picked up Krishna who, he thought, had been miraculously saved by the Lord and covered him with kisses, his hairs bristling with emotion. The dasaka concludes with the following sloka:
प्रपूजितैस्तत्र ततो द्विजातिभि- र्विशेषतो लंभितमंगलाशिषः। व्रजं निजैर्बाल्यरसैर्विमोहयन् मरुत्पुराधीश! रुजां जहीहि मे ॥४२.११॥ It was on this occasion that brahmins specially worshipped for your welfare, showered their blessings on you and you captivated the hearts of Vraja by your endearing traits and actions of childhood. O Lord of Guruvayur of such childhood! Knidly free me from my afflictions.
दशकम्-४३ श्लोकसंख्या-१०
This dasaka describes the Trinavarta episode. One of those days Yasoda found it difficult to carry child Krishna. Wondering how the child could gain so much weight in so short a time, she put him to bed and went about doing her household chores. Suddenly there arose the sound of a hurricane raising a dust-storm which enveloped the whole atmosphere making it impossible for anyone to see what was happening. This was the handiwork of an asura called trinavarta who gathered up Krishna and carried him away in the storm. Yasoda, not finding Krishna, started crying out her heart. By this time the speed of the asura was curtailed because he could not carry the weight of Krishna. He wanted to drop Krishna but the latter had a vice-like grip on him. The asura fell down on rocky terrain with such force that his body was shattered and he met his death. Krishna was playing happily on his dead body. Nanda and Yasoda thanked the Lord for saving their child again. They prayed to Krishna (God incarnate) for the protection of child Krishna who, they thought by the Lord’s Maya, was just an ordinary child. Bhattathiri concludes this dasaka with the following sloka:
वातात्मकं दनुजमेवमयि प्रधून्वन् वातोद्भवान् मम गदान् किमु नो धुनोषि । किं वा करोमि पुनरप्यनिलालयेश निश्शेषरोगशमनं मुहुरर्थये त्वाम् ॥४३.१०॥