Other recommended books ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9 Other recommended books ASTRAL DOORWAYS J. H. Brennan Illustrated ' In direct, non-technical language the author presents > concentration and visualization exercises which must be... perfected before the reader attempts an astral journey via one of the five recognized ‘ Doorways.’ These comprise The Five-Tattva Symbols; The Tarot; The Qabalah; The Oriental Hexograms of I Ching. J. H. Brennan also discusses hypnosis in astral travel and ways of heightening the astral experience. TIBETAN The author of this compelling book spent years studying YOGA the Tibetans. He demonstrates that their religion is the logical outcome of certain mental and spiritual processes Bernard Bromage which are known by the generic name of Yoga. Here are revelations of the Tibetan as priest and magician, with Illustrated absorbing explanations of his spells, magical rites, and the exercises by which he produces the powers and faculties which are regarded as inexplicable by Western man. THE SECRET RITUALS OF THE GOLDEN DAWN R. G. Torrens Illustrated This book contains the ceremonies of the Secret Rituals of the Golden Dawn in the Outer in their original form, as taken from manuscripts dated 1899. Thus the manuscripts were compiled before the split in the Order which caused its disintegration and the alteration of its teachings at the beginning of this century. In addition, the history of the Golden Dawn and its troubles are outlined, there are explanations of the basic teachings on which the Order was founded, and there is a list of members and their mottoes. For over thirty years R. G. Torrens has made a major study of occult philosophy and conducted special research into the techniques of the Golden Dawn. Introduces many aspects of magic and explains in detail several experiments which readers can test. Instructions are provided for establishing Inner Plane contact, performing the Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram, assuming a godform, and achieving invisibility — with a reversal procedure for regaining visibility. 'T" ROMANY As one of the few gorgios (non-Gypsies) to have enjoyed MAGIC the friendship of Romanies, Charles Bowness here reveals many of their magical practices. Contents include: IncanCharles Bowness tations; Taboos; Second Sight; .Blood Rites; Holy-stones; The Evil Eye; Amulets; Herbal Spells; Magical Knots; Divination; Water-divining. EXPERIMENTAL MAGIC J. H. Brennan Illustrated Complete list sent on request THE AQUARIAN PRESS Wellingborough, Northamptonshire ISBN 0 85030 020 7 Перевод: ©vk.com/star_sister