A democratic style. A participative. An autocratic style. A laissez-faire. A free rein style⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 28 из 28 Task 4 D –3, 7, 9, 11, 14 A –1, 5, 10, 13 L– 2,4, 6, 8, 12, 16
Task 6 A democratic style 1.A participative 2. The leader encourages decision making among team members, consult others before taking any decision or take the decision and consult others to verify if it is acceptable to the rest 3. … when the team has to agree (the team agreement is needed) after verifying the best option available; when motivation and commitment is needed; when the leader knows that he needs the skills and knowledge of his team members 5. The team will be collectively responsible for the outcome 6. A time consuming affair
An autocratic style 1.- 2. The leader takes a unilateral (occurring on only one side) decision without consulting any of team members 3. … when quick decisions need to be taken and there is no requirement for others input, no need for all team members to agree, when high level of management control is needed and the need for motivation is not critical 4. - 5. Employees are expected to simply follow the orders and they are not given explanations, have little opportunity to give suggestions even if it is for the welfare of the organization
A laissez-faire 1.A free rein style 2. The leader leaves all the decisions to the team members and gives the maximum freedom to team members. 3. … when the team is highly capable, can analyze the situation and have a clear idea about an action that has to be taken in a particular situation and when close monitoring of a decision is not necessary (is not needed); when the leader has full trust and confidence in the team members 4. - 5. It is not suitable for employees with less experience; as the team members are free to take their own decisions, there may be lack of motivation among team members; as there is no one who guides and supervises the team members there is no way to check if they are doing the right thing; if they take a wrong decision it will have negative impact on the end result.
6. The choice of the style depends on the leader, his understanding of the situation, the objectives that need to be achieved, followers (their learning style, experience and the position in the company), the given situation.