


Случайная статья

И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко 9 страница

There are two kinds of resume: employment and academic. The employment resume is typically shorter. Academic resume generally includes several additional sections such as:

• Conferences, seminars attended

• Papers given

• Publications

• Professional affiliations (профессиональные объе­динения)

The academic resume is used when applying to research bodies, international or educational organizations, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), etc.

The resume, as a standard summary of information, may be photocopied and sent off to many employers, changing sections of the contents according to the different needs of the organizations contacted.

Resume writing tips

As you write your resume, keep in mind the following:

• Use concise language

• Minimize or omit everything which is irrelevant

• Select and order the major categories so that the most relevant information is placed near the top of your resume where it will receive the majority of the reader’s attention

• Your resume must be free of typographical and grammatical errors

• Have your resume critiqued by an experienced person

• Print your resume on white paper

An example of Curriculum Vitae

Ann Jackson decides to apply for a new job. Study her CV carefully to see how she has presented the information about herself.

1. Personal Details

Ann Jackson

52 Hanover Street

Edinburgh EH2 5LM


Phone - 01957487004

E-mail: ann jackson@mid.net

2. Education

1981-1988 Broadfield School, Brighton.

A levels in German (A), English (B), History (B) and Geography (C).

198—1991 University of London.

BA (Honours) in Journalism and Media Studies (Class II).

1991 — 1998 London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Diploma in Public Relations.

3. Professional Experience

1998 - present Public Relations Officer, Scottish Nature Trust.

Responsible for researching and writing articles on all aspects of the Trust’s

activities and ensuring their distribution to the press.

Editor of the Trust’s monthly journal.

In charge of relations with European environmental agencies.

1999-2000 Press Officer, Highlands Tourist Board. Preparation of promotional materials and brochures. Co-ordination of media coverage.

Summers of The News Herald newspaper.

1990 and 2000 Two three-month training periods as assistant to the Sports Editor.

Arranging and conducting interviews.

Preparation of articles covering local community sports events.

4. Skills

Office 2000 and Windows, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint. Languages - Fluent German and proficient in French. Additional Driving licence.

5. Activities.

Skiing and swimming.

Ski Instructor (grade II).

6. References.

Herbert Lindsay                          Diane Swans

Professor of Journalism              Sports Editor

London University                     The News Herald

9.3. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is a resume?

2. What should be mentioned in a good resume?

3. What are the rules of resume-writing?

C-^ 9.4. Практическое задание:

Write your own resume for positions of:

1) manager, 2) salesperson, 3) accountant:

a) A branch of a big foreign corporation in your city with foreign top managers (Coca Cola, Procter& Gamble, McDonalds,etc.)

b) A small computer shop.

c) A big supermarket.



WORDBUILDING Словообразование

В английском языке существуют следующие спосо­бы словообразования: словосложение, словопроизвод­ство с помощью суффиксов и префиксов, и конверсия

— переход слов из одной части речи в другую без изме­нения формы слова.

1. Словосложение — это соединение двух слов в одно с образованием нового слова:

Примеры сложных существительных: schoolchildren школьники postman почтальон newspaper газета

Примеры сложных прилагательных: waterproof водонепроницаемый red-hot накаленный докрасна first-class первоклассный

Примеры сложных местоимений: something что-нибудь anywhere везде somehow как-нибудь

2. Словопроизводство — это образование нового сло­ва с помощью суффиксов и префиксов.

Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы существительных


-er/or — teacher преподаватель, writer писатель, actor актер, doctor доктор -ist — scientist ученый, artist художник -ment — movement движение, development развитие, government правительство -ance — distance расстояние importance важность, appearance внешность -(t)ion — revolution революция, translation перевод, operation действие -ity/-ty — popularity популярность? honesty честность, ability способность -hood — childhood детство, neighbourhood окрестность -ship — friendship дружба, leadership лидерство -age — passage проход, breakage поломка -ence — conference конференция, difference различие -dom — freedom свобода, wisdom мудрость -sion/ssion — revision пересмотр, discussion обсужде­ние

-ness — happiness счастье, illness болезнь, darkness тем­нота


re — reconstruction реконструкция со — cooperation сотрудничество, coexistence сосуще­ствование

dis — disadvantage неудобство, discomfort дискомфорт in — inaccuracy неточность, independence независимость

mis — misunderstanding недоразумение? misinformation дезинформация im — impossibility невозможность, impatience нетерпе­ние

un — unemployment безработица, unreality недействи­тельность

il — illegality незаконность, illiteracy неграмотность.

Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы глаголов


-en — deepen углубить, lighten осветить, strengthen уси­лить

-fy — classify классифицировать, electrify электризо­вать, specify определить -ize — organize организовать, characterize характери­зовать, mechanize механизировать -ate — indicate указать, activate активизировать Префиксы со — cooperate сотрудничать

de — decode расшифровать, decompose разложиться dis — disappear исчезнуть in — input вводить

inter — interact взаимодействовать, interchange взаи- мозаменять

over — overheat перегревать, overhear подслушивать re — reconstruct восстановить, rewrite переписать

Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы прилагательных

Суффиксы -able — comfortable удобный

-al — natural естественный, cultural культурный, territorial территориальный -ant — distant отдаленный, resistant стойкий -ent — dependent зависимый, different различный -ful — careful осторожный, useful полезный, powerful мощный

-ible — possible возможный, visible видимый -ic — atomic атомный, historic исторический -ive — inventive изобретательный, effective эффектив­ный

-less — hopeless безнадежный, useless бесполезный, homeless бездомный -ous — famous известный, dangerous опасный, various различный

-у — rainy дождливый, unny солнечный, dirty грязный Префиксы

un — unhappy несчастный, unable неспособный, uncomfortable неудобный in — independent независимый, indirect косвенный, invisible невидимый im — impossible невозможный, imperfect несовершен­ный

ir — irregular нерегулярный, irrational иррациональ­ный

il — illegal незаконный, illimitable неограниченный non — non-ferrous цветной

3. Конверсия

Конверсией называется совпадение формы и произ­ношения слов, относящихся к различным частям речи: water — вода (существительное) to water — поливать (глагол)

limit — предел (существительное) to limit — ограни­чивать (глагол)

hand — рука (существительное) to hand — вручать (глагол) и т.д.

9.5. Образуйте новые слова с помощью суффиксов и префиксов переведите их:


to teach обучать — teacher учитель to write — to borrow - to lend —


to produce производить — production производство to discuss — to include - -ment

to move двигать(ся) — movement движение to develop — to replace —


to build строить — building здание to meet - to write —


happy счастливый — happiness счастье ill - dark —

9.6. Прочитайте следующие существительные, укажите, от каких слов они образованы, опреде­лите суффиксы.

pressure, construction, direction, concentration, collection, necessity, agreement, difference, drawing

9.7. Используя известные вам суффиксы и пре­фиксы, образуйте существительные от следую­щих слов и переведите их на русский язык.

1) to sail, to connect, to educate, to build, to create

2) friend, leader, fellow

3) dark, weak, cold, bright, free

G^ 9.8. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих слов, используя суффиксы и префиксы, и переве­дите их на русский язык. hope, truth, beauty, rain, peace, help, colour, power, joy, care, use

9.9.Сопоставьте префиксы с соответствующи­ми им определениями и составьте с ними новые слова:

1. inter— 2. post— 3. bi— 4. pre- 5. multi— 6. ex—

a) more than one; many

b) later than; after

c) before; in preparation

d) former and still living

e) between; among a group

f) two; twice; double

1. ...lingual

2. ...date

3. ...arranged

4. ...national

5. ...director

6. ...graduate

7. ...personal

8. ...husband

9. ...annual

10. ...date

Функции и перевод слова ONE

1. Слово one, если оно стоит перед личной формой глагола, является формальным подлежащим неопре­деленно-личного предложения. В таких предложениях one на русский язык не переводится:

One must know for certain what to do.

Нужно точно знать, что делать.

2. Слово one (мн. ч. ones) может употребляться как заменитель ранее упомянутого исчисляемого существи­тельного. В этом случае one переводится словом, кото­рое заменяет, или совсем не переводится:

I have lost ту pen. I must buy one.

Я потерял ручку. Я должен купить ручку.

Here are some pens. Which ones would you like to buy?

Вот несколько ручек. Какие (ручки) вы хотели бы купить?

Перед one (ones) может стоять артикль the one или определяющие местоимения this one, another one, the blue ones. В этом случае на русский язык one обычно не переводится:

I don’t like this pen, show me another one.

Мне не нравится эта ручка, покажите мне другую.

What pens will you buy? — The blue ones.

Какие ручки вы купите? — Синие ручки.

Слово one в притяжательном падеже переводится на русский язык местоимением свой, своя, свое.

One should always keep one’s word. Надо всегда дер­жать свое слово,

One часто употребляется в сочетании с модальными глаголами:

One should be attentive when working with financial documents.

Нужно быть внимательным при работе с финансо­выми документами.

One may work in this laboratory only observing certain rules.

В этой лаборатории можно работать только при соблюдении определенных правил.

Функции и перевод местоимения that

1. That      (those) является указательным местоимени­ем и переводится тот, та, то, те или этот, эта, это, эти:

That book was published long ago.

Та книга была опубликована давно.

2. That в функции подлежащего или дополнения переводится это:

That is not right. We understood that.

Это не правильно. Мы поняли это.

3. That      (those) как заместитель ранее упомянутого существительного либо переводится этим существи­тельным, либо совсем не переводится:

The height of this new house is larger than that of the old one.

Высота этого нового дома больше, чем (высота) ста­рого.

4. That в качестве относительного местоимения присоединяет определительные придаточные предло­жения, заменяет which, who, whom и переводится ко­торый, которая, которое, которые:

The man that is sitting at the table is our teacher.

Человек, который сидит за столом, наш учитель.

5. That в качестве союза присоединяет дополнитель­ные придаточные предложения и переводится что:

Не said that he would finish his report tomorrow.

Он сказал, что закончит свой доклад завтра.

6. В качестве союза, присоединяющего придаточ­ные предложения подлежащие и сказуемые, that пе­реводится то, что:

That he refused any help didn’t surprise anybody.

To, что он отказался от любой помощи, никого не удивило.

7. That в качестве союза, вводящего обстоятельствен­ное придаточное предложение цели, обычно в сочета­нии с so или in order, переводится для того, чтобы или чтобы:

Enough time was given so that (in order that) everyone could get ready for the examination.

Было дано достаточно времени для того, чтобы все смогли подготовиться к экзамену.

9. That в сочетании с наречием now, переводится' теперь, когда:

Now, that I have passed my examinations, I’m free. Теперь, когда я сдал экзамены, я свободен.

9.10. Переведите следующие предложения, обра­щая внимание на значения слов one (ones).

1. These shoes are too large; show me smaller ones, please.

2. One should be very attentive when crossing the street.

3. One never knows the result of the experiment.

4. This computer is less powerful than the one we need.

5. This computer programme allows one to work with financial documents.

6. One can expect better weather in two days.

7. We want to buy a big TV for the sitting room and a smaller one for the kitchen.

8. One must study hard to pass the examinations.

9. That is clear without explanation.

10. The methods they use are not the ones that lead to success.

11. The more one reads, the more one knows.

12. This dictionary is too small; I’ll need a bigger one.

9.11. Переведите следующие предложения, обра­щая внимание на значения слов that (those).

1. They knew that the advertising campaign was a fail­ure.

2. That was the work that they continued to do.

3. That he wanted to stay at his friends a little more wasn’t a news.

4. She said that she wouldn’t buy the dress that she liked.

5. The problem is that they haven’t answered the enqui­ry.

6. The question that was discussed at the meeting yester­day was very important.

7. Those buildings belong to our University.

8. We didn’t expect that all those things were so impor­tant.

9. What was that he wanted?

10. The signature on this cheque is different from that in the letter.

11. The advice that you gave me is very important.

12. The requirements for a new party of goods are the same as those of the previous one.

-------------- УСЛОВНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ---------------------

Условные предложения могут быть следующими:

1. Предложения реального условия;

2. Предложения нереального условия. Употребле­ние глагольных форм в этих предложениях зависит от

степени реальности и времени действия, выраженного глаголом.

Придаточные предложения реального условия и времени, действие которых отнесено к будущему В придаточных предложениях условия и времени с союзами if (если), when (когда), after (после), before (перед тем, как), as soon as (как только), unless (если не), until (до тех пор, пока не),

будущее время заменяется формой настоящего вре­мени, но на русский язык переводится будущим, на­пример:

If you help те (придаточное предл. условия), I shall do this work on time (главное предл.) . — Если ты помо­жешь мне, я сделаю эту работу вовремя.

As soon as I am free, I’ll come to you. — Как только я освобожусь, я приду к тебе.

We shall not begin until you come. — Мы не начнем, пока ты не придешь.

Предложения нереального условия (Сослагательное наклонение)

Сослагательное наклонение выражает возможность, нереальность, предположительность действия.

а)  действие относится к настоящему или будущему: If I knew his address I would write to him.

Если бы я знал его адрес (сейчас), я написал бы ему (сейчас или в ближайшем будущем).

If the weather were fine he would so to the country. Если бы погода (сейчас) была хорошей, он бы по­ехал за город.

Глагол в придаточном предложении - в форме Past Indefinite, в главном - в форме Future in the Past.

б)  действие относится к прошлому:

If the weather had been fine yesterday he would havegone to the country.

Если бы погода была вчера хорошей, он бы поехал за город.

В случае, если действие, описываемое сослагатель­ным наклонением, относится к прошедшему времени, в главном предложении используется форма будущего совершенного с точки зрения прошедшего Future Perfect-in-the Past, а в придаточном - прошедшее со­вершенное Past Perfect.

If I had known his address I would have written to him.

Если бы я знал его адрес (в прошлом), я написал бы ему (в прошлом же).

Сослагательное наклонение после глагола wish

Для выражения сожаления, относящегося к буду­щему, употребляются сочетания с глаголом could; для выражения пожелания на будущее, а также жалобы, просьбы или раздражения, употребляется would.

I wish I lived not far from here, (настоящее время).

I wish I could live not far from here, (будущее вре­мя).

Жаль, что я не живу поблизости.

I wish I had lived not far from here, (прошедшее вре­мя).

I wish I would live not far from here, (будущее вре­мя).

Жаль, что я не жил поблизости.


I wish it were not so cold. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы не было так холодно.

I wish I knew their address. Мне бы хотелось знать их адрес.

I wish I had made decision yesterday. Жаль, что я не принял решение вчера.

I wish you could send the answer as soon as possible. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы послали ответ как можно скорее.

We wish you would accept our offer. Нам бы хоте­лось, чтобы вы приняли наше предложение.

^=9.12. Переведите на русский язык следующие пред­ложения.

1. If I came later I would be late for the lesson. 2. If he had known the time-table he wouldn’t have missed the train. 3. It would be better if you learned to drive a car. 4. I wish I had known this before. 5. I would have sent a letter to you if I had known your address. 6. If I had met you yesterday I would have told you about it. 7. If I were in your place I wouldn’t buy the tickets beforehand. 8. If I had known that you needed help I would have helped you. 9. We wish you would visit us on Saturday.

^9.13. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I wish the customers were not late as usual.

2. I wish the letter hadn’t been so long.

3. I wish you wouldn’t be slow.

4. I wish I could go to my work by car.

5. I wish it would stop raining.

9.14. Раскройте скобки.

Не (go) out when the weather (get) warmer. 2. I (wait) for you until you (come) back from school. 3. I’m afraid the train (start) before we (come) to the station. 4. We (go) to the country tomorrow if the weather (to be) fine.

5. We (not pass) the examination next year if we not (work) much harder. 6. If you (not drive) more carefully you (have) an accident. 7. You (be) late if you (not take) a taxi. 8. I (finish) reading this book before I (go) to bed.

9. You must (send) us a telegram as soon as you (arrive).

10. We (have) a picnic tomorrow if it (be) a fine day. 11. We (go) out when it (stop) raining. 12. We (not to have) dinner until you (come). 13. I’m sure they (write) to us when they (know) our new address.

Часть 3

I Defining Economics


Although the content and character of economics cannot be described briefly, numerous writers have attempted that. An especially useless, though once popular, example is: «Economics is what economists do.»

Similarly, a notable economist of the last century Alfred Marshall called economics «a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life.» Lionel Robbins in the 1930s described economics as «the science of choice among scarce means to accomplish unlimited ends.»

During much of modern history, especially in the nineteenth century, economics was called simply «the science of wealth.» Less seriously, George Bernard Shaw was credited in the early 1900s with the witticism that «economics is the science whose practitioners, even if all were laid end to end, would not reach agreement.»

We may make better progress by comparing economics with other subjects. Like every other discipline that attempts to explain observed facts (e.g., physics, astronomy, meteorology), economics comprises a vast collection of descriptive material organized around a central core of theoretical principles. The manner in which theoretical principles are formulated and used in

applications varies greatly from one science to another. Like psychology, economics draws much of its theoretical core from intuition, casual observation, and «common knowledge about human nature.» Like astronomy, economics is largely nonexperimental. Like meteorology, economics is relatively inexact, as is weather forecasting. Like particle physics and molecular biology, economics deals with an array of closely interrelated phenomena (as do sociology and social psychology). Like such disciplines as art, fantasy writing, mathematics, metaphysics, cosmology, and the like, economics attracts different people for different reasons: «One person’s meat is another person’s poison.» Though all disciplines differ, all are remarkably similar in one respect: all are meant to convey an interesting, persuasive, and intellectually satisfying story about selected aspects of experience. As Einstein once put it: «Science is the attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our sense-experience correspond to a logically uniform system of thought.»

Economics deals with data on income, employment, expenditure, interest rates, prices and individual activities of production, consumption, transportation, and trade. Economics deals directly with only a tiny fraction of the whole spectrum of human behavior, and so the range of problems considered by economists is relatively narrow. Contrary to popular opinion, economics does not normally include such things as personal finance, ways to start a small business, etc.; in relation to everyday life, the economist is more like an astronomer than a weatherforecaster, more like a physical chemist than a pharmacist, more like a professor of hydrodynamics than a plumber.

In principle almost any conceivable problem, from marriage, suicide, capital punishment, and religious observance to tooth brushing, drug abuse, extramarital affairs, and mall shopping, might serve (and, in the case of each of these examples has served) as an object for some economist’s attention. There is, after all, no clear division between «economic» and «noneconomic» phenomena. In practice, however, economists have generally found it expedient to leave the physical and life sciences to those groups that first claimed them, though not always. In recent years economists have invaded territory once claimed exclusively by political scientists and sociologists, not to mention territories claimed by physical anthropologists, experimental psychologists, and paleontologists.



numerous многочисленный to attempt попытаться notable примечательный scarce скудный, ограничен­ный

witticism ['witisizm] острота, шутка

practitioner [prask'tijng] те­рапевт

to comprise включать в себя vast обширный, громадный core ядро

casual observations зд. по­вседневные наблюдения weather forecasting прогноз погоды array массив, масса, множе­ство

closely interrelated тесно взаимосвязанные

phenomena явления to convey передавать income доход employment занятость expenditure затраты, из­держки, расход(ы) interest rate процентная ставка range ряд

pharmacist фармацевт plumber водопроводчик conceivable мыслимый, ве­роятный, возможный expedient целесообразный (-о), соответствующий, подходящий, надлежа­щий

to claim приписывать себе, претендовать to invade вторгаться

General understanding

1. Is there a common opinion on the content and character of economics?

2. What definition of economics is referred to as «especially useless»?

3. With what sciences does the author compare economics? Why?

4. What similarities with economics have the following sciences: a) psychology b) astronomy c) meteorology

4) particle physics and molecular biology 5) art, fantasy writing, mathematics, metaphysics, cosmology, and the like

5. What is the scope of economics? What does economics deal with?

6. What does the author refer to as «popular opinion»?

7. According to the text, can such problems as marriage and extramarital affairs be the subject of economists’ attention? Is there a division between «economic» and «noneconomic» problems?

8. What fields have economists «invaded» in recent years?

1. Defining economics.

A. Use the text to fill in the spaces:

19* century   «a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life.»
  George Bernard Shaw  
1930s   «the science of choice among scarce means to accomplish unlimited ends.»


B. What other two definitions could be found in the text? How does the author refer to each of them?

2. Similarities and differences:

particle physics and molecular biology    
art, fantasy writing, mathematics, metaphysics, cosmology, «and the like»    


3. Which of the following is not true about economics and economists:

A. There is no brief description of the content and character of economics.

B. Alfred Marshall and Lionel Robbins agreed that: «Economics is what economists do.»

C. In the 19th century economics was called «the science of wealth».

D. Economics is only a theoretical science.

E. Einstein once said, «One person’s meat is another person’s poison».

F. Economics deals with the problems of income, employment, and interest rates.

G. Economics also deals with weather forecasting, psychology and fantasy writing.

H. In recent years economists switched to the new fields, such as political science and sociology.

4. Say in your own words what each of the following outstanding people thought of economics and econo­mists:

a) George Bernard Show

b) Alfred Marshall

c) Lionel Robbins

5. What is the profession of people who work in the field of:

(example): Those working in the field of economics are economists.

a) physics

b) astronomy

c) meteorology

d) psychology

e) astronomy

f) meteorology

g) sociology

h) mathematics


Adam Smith and J.M. Keynes.


Economics, like every other intellectual discipline, has its roots in early Greece and Rome; but economics was first considered as a branch of domestic science (home economics) dealing with such matters as the management of slaves and the allocation of manure among alternative agricultural uses. In the revival of learning that followed the Middle Ages, economics emerged as a branch of moral philosophy concerned with such issues as the ethics of loan interest and the «justness» of market-determined wages and prices.

By the beginning of the eighteenth century, the subject had lost most of its theological overtones and had taken shape as an academic discipline, largely as a branch of political theory dealing with problems of government intervention in economic affairs.

Then in 1776 the Scottish moral philosopher Adam Smith published the first edition of his monumental «Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations», and economics soon became an independent science.

The Vision of Adam Smith

Smith lived in an age when the right of rulers to impose arbitrary and oppressive restrictions on the political and economic liberties of their subjects was coming under strong attack throughout the civilized world. As other men of that time were arguing that democracy could and should replace autocracy in the sphere of politics, so Adam Smith argued that laissez-faire could and should replace government direction and regulation in economics. The «should» was so mixed with the «could» portion of Smith’s analysis that much of his book seemed almost as much a political tract as a work of science. What gave the book lasting significance was the Smith’s strong arguments that the economic activities of individuals would be more effectively coordinated through the indirect and impersonal action of natural forces of self- interest and competition than through the direct and frequently ill-considered actions of government authorities. Smith opened minds to the existence of a «grand design» in economic affairs similar to that which Newton had earlier shown to exist in the realm of phy­sical phenomena. The impact of Smith’s ideas upon his contemporaries was widespread and immediate. As one modern scientist observed: «Before Adam Smith there had been much economic discussion; with him we reach the stage of discussing economics.»


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