


Случайная статья

Session date 4 July 1998 40 страница


В: (Psyche) Мы увидим возвращение Чумы?

О: Чрезвычайно вероятно.

В: (Galaxia) Сначала в Европе? Где это ударит?

О: Ждите и увидите.

В: (Galaxia) О нет! Это все, что я могу сказать.

О: Те, кто имеют определенный генетический профиль, могут страдать очень мало.

В: (Andromeda) Это кто-то из нас? (Galaxia) Это не похоже на то, что кто-то защищен... скорее как «Перед смертью они будут страдать очень мало!»

О: Курение табака - ключ и помощь.

В: (L) Ключ к генетическому профилю?

О: Да.

В: (Psyche) О, интересно. [все закуривают, затем начинают смеяться] (Psyche) Все закурили! Мне хочется курить! (смех)

О: Не только пришельцам не нравится есть людей, которые курят! Но с определенной точки зрения вирусы, которые вызывают такие болезни как Чума, являются «пришельцами».

В: (Belibaste) Т.е. это означает, что пришельцы подобны вирусу Чумы, потому что им не нравятся люди, которые курят? (L) Что? (Psyche) Нет, вам нужно прочитать статью в следующем номере журнала Дот Коннектор: «Новый взгляд на Чуму: Вирусная и Космическая Связь». (L) Если Вы смотрите на это с точки зрения 4й плотности, когда начинается что-то подобное Чуме, и начинаются глобальные мучения - и когда вы читаете об этом, Чума просто ужасна – но, если бы такое произошло на нашей планете от чего-то подобного, Служащие Себе 4й плотности получили бы роскошный банкет страданий, того, чем они питаются. Так, чужеродный вирус был бы согласован с реальностью 4 плотности, обеспечивая ее пищей.

О: Достаточно близко!

В: (Andromeda) Когда это начнется? (Atriedes) Это уже типа предсказания…(смех) (Galaxia) Скоро, или долгий срок?

О: От 18 месяцев до 2 лет.

В: (L) Другими словами, если комета Еленина или что-то еще несут подобные вещи в своем хвосте, и Земля пройдет через хвост, это может занять еще приблизительно один год, чтобы оно осело на Землю?

О: Да.

В: (Galaxia) Коллоидное серебро поможет нам бороться с чумой?

О: Не одно оно, но очень полезно.

В: (Galaxia) Наши изменения в диете помогут нам отбить это?

О: Чрезвычайно!!! Особенно потребление жиров для защиты клеток.

В: (Ark) Какое печенье особенно хорошо? (смех)

О: Песочный коржик!

В: (Andromeda) С кокосовым маслом?

О: Да.

В: (Andromeda) То, что астероид 596 Schiela засветился, вообще связано с кометой Еленина?

О: Да. И другие тела. Смотрите МакКэнни.

В: (Andromeda) Так, что заставило этот астероид стать кометой?

О: Он наэлектризовался!


Q: (Andromeda) Are veggies not really good for us as we have begun to suspect from our research?
A: Pretty much.
Q: (L) Why?
A: Every living thing has a protective life preserving mechanism. For animals it is their ability to run and hide or fight. For living things that do not have those capacities nature has still not abandoned them.
Q: (Ailen) Basically lectins... (Psyche) And anti-nutrients. (Ailen) Geez... between that and the low-fat propaganda, most people are dead.
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) Is it possible for us to get all of our nutrients from animals without taking supplements?
A: It would be better if they were "wild fed" but you are able to figure this out.


Q: (Andromeda) Овощи действительно не очень полезны для нас, как мы начали подозревать из нашего исследования?

A: В значительной степени.

Q: (L) Почему?

A: Каждое живое существо имеет защитный механизм, сохраняющий жизнь. Для животных - это их способность убежать и скрыться или бороться. Но природа позаботилась и о тех живых существах, которые не имеют таких способностей.

Q: (Ailen) В основном лектины... (Psyche) И анти-нутриенты. (Ailen) Боже ... среди этого, плюс пропаганда снижения потребления жиров, большинство людей мертвы.

A: Да.

Q: (Perceval) Возможно ли, чтобы мы получали все наши питательные вещества от животных, не принимая пищевых добавок?

A: Было бы лучше, если бы они были «выращены на природе», но вы способны вычислить это.


April 9, 2011

(L) Next question on the list: Is the fukushima radiation negligible compared to the radiation due to 2,000 + nuclear explosions that have happened since 1945?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How badly will it affect people?
A: Cumulatively, it is already bad.
Q: (L) you mean cumulatively the 2,000 nuclear explosions? And now, this on top of all of that is like critical mass of exposure?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, what does that mean for us.
A: DNA changes and diet help to keep the frequency stable.
Q: (L) What about all the people who are vegetarians?
A: They are nuclear “toast” since so much of their energy must be expended to raise the vibrations of their food.


9 апреля, 2011

В: (L) Следующий вопрос в списке: действительно ли радиация Фукусимы незначительна по сравнению с радиацией от около 2000+ ядерных взрывов, которые производились с 1945?

О: Да.

В: (L) Как плохо это повлияет на людей?

О: Кумулятивно, это уже плохо.

В: (L) Вы подразумеваете кумулятивный эффект 2000 ядерных взрывов? И теперь, это на вершине всего этого похоже на критическую массу воздействия?

О: Да.

В: (L) Так, что это означает для нас.

О: Изменения ДНК и диета помогают удерживать вибрации стабильными.

В: (L) Что насчет всех людей, которые являются вегетарианцами?

О: Они - ядерный «тост», так как большое количество их энергии должна быть расходована на повышение вибраций их пищи.


A: What do you think about the ”new” explosion 3 to 4 billion light years away? They think, that is.
{Here it seems the Cs are referring to recent news of an explosion that is going on in the center of a small galaxy said to be 3.8 billion light-years away. See:
“Astronomers say they have never seen anything this bright, long-lasting and variable before. Usually gamma-ray bursts mark the end of a massive star and emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours. But radiation from the blast continues to brighten and fade from the location a week after the explosion.”
And: “Rather than the short-lived gamma-ray bursts typically associated with the death of a massive star -- most last no more than a few hours -- this explosion continues more than a week later to emanate pulses of high-energy cosmic radiation for an effect that's brighter, longer lasting, and more variable than scientists have ever seen.”}
Q: (L) Are you saying that it’s not as far away as they’re saying it is?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is it representing? What is it doing?
A: The wave has begun in earnest!
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: Energy is pouring into your universe from higher densities.


О: Что вы думаете о «новом» взрыве на расстоянии 3-4 миллиарда световых лет отсюда? Они так думают.

[Здесь, кажется, Кассиопеяне ссылаются на недавние новости о взрыве, который происходит в центре маленькой галактики, как сказано, на расстоянии 3.8 миллиардов световых лет от Земли. Смотрите: http://www.tgdaily.com/space-features/55258-bizarre-cosmic-explosion-observed


«Астрономы говорят, что они никогда прежде не видели ничего ярче, длительнее и изменчивее. Обычно выбросы гамма-лучей означают конец массивной звезды, и излучение от такого события никогда не длится больше нескольких часов. Но радиация продолжает то нарастать, то угасать исходя из точки взрыва и спустя неделю». И: «Ранее короткоживущие выбросы гамма-лучей обычно связывались со смертью массивной звезды - большинство длится не более нескольких часов - этот взрыв уже больше недели продолжает излучать импульсы высокоэнергетического космического излучения, вызывая эффекты более яркие, более длительные, и более разнообразные, чем ученые когда-либо видели.»]

В: (L) Вы говорите, оно не настолько далеко, как они говорят, так?

О: Да.

В: (L) Что это представляет собой? Что оно делает?

О: Волна началась всерьез!

В: (L) Что вы подразумеваете?

О: Энергия втекает в вашу вселенную из высших плотностей.


Q: (Ark) Can I have a question? So I have this. I was playing with what is called homo polar motor – you do this and it spins. There is cylindrical magnet and it spins. There is electrical field which is supposed to go like that – {demonstrates magnetic field lines}. Now, the big question is - and physicists are discussing - whether there are these magnetic lines, and they rotate together with the magnet or there are no magnetic lines and they {Ark makes motions with hands showing what they do.} So there is this discussion.
A: There are magnetic flow directors. When you engage the device, you shift the electrons and a flow is initiated. This flow inducts free electrons into the device.
Q: (Ark) But I was asking if the magnetic field rotates with the magnet or not?
A: No.
Q: (Ark) Then I have another question! This is what I suspected. However, why does the magnetic field go from one pole to another pole – there is something more primitive than magnetic field, which is called “vector potential”. There was a hypothesis that this vector potential represents the real flow of something in the ether. So my question is, whether this hypothesis is in any way correct?
A: That is what we just described.


В: (Ark) Я могу задать вопрос? Тогда я задам. Я игрался с тем, что называют униполярный двигатель – вы делаете его, и он вращается. Есть цилиндрический магнит, и он вращается. Есть электрическое поле, которое должно быть вот таким [демонстрирует линии магнитного поля]. Теперь, большой вопрос - и физики дискутируют - есть ли эти магнитные линии, и вращаются ли они вместе с магнитом или нет никаких магнитных линий и они [Арк делает движение руками, показывая, что они делают]. Таким образом, есть такая дискуссия.

О: Есть направляющие магнитного потока. Когда вы подключаете устройство, вы сдвигаете электроны, и поток инициируется. Этот поток вовлекает в устройство свободные электроны.

В: (Ark) Но я спрашивал, вращается магнитное поле с магнитом или нет?

О: Нет.

В: (Ark) Тогда еще вопрос! Это то, что я подозревал. Однако из-за чего магнитное поле идет от одного полюса к другому – есть что-то более примитивное, чем магнитное поле, что называют «векторным потенциалом». Была гипотеза, что этот векторный потенциал представляет реальный поток чего-то в эфире. Таким образом, мой вопрос – эта гипотеза в чем-нибудь верна?

О: Это то, что мы только что описали.


June 11, 2011

A: Interference. Needed cooperation for grooving.
Q: (L) What kind of interference?
A: HAARP-like beamed at you.
Q: (L) And how long has this been going on?
A: Off and on for some time.
Q: (L) And what is the source of this? Is this a 3rd density or 4th density source of energy?
A: Both. You have been tracked for a long time now.
Q: (L) Well, why don't they just bump us off if we're such a pain in the whatever?
A: They can't.
Q: (L) Why?
A: We cannot tell you that as it would interfere with mission.
Q: (Galaxia) Why would it interfere with the mission?
A: If you know why you will anticipate and possibly make mistakes fatal to yourself. Let us just say that "they" know that harm to you would result in their own total destruction along a more negative timeline.
Q: (L) Well, if my death would bring about their destruction, then maybe it would be a good idea for me to check out, right? Well, isn't that what we want? (Belibaste) Why would it lead to their destruction?
A: Again, we cannot tell you all. But know that there is no chance for a positive outcome for Earth and the future without the presence.
Q: (L) So, there's no chance for a positive outcome without me, and yet my death would ensure their total destruction.
A: And all else!
Q: (Perceval) Maybe it's got something to do with balance, ya know? The universe wanting balance. There's a higher power in the universe that allows things to play out as long as there's some kind of balance. But if you weren't here, then this world would be a completely dark, negative star, and there'd be some mechanism that would destroy it and everything associated with it.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That's really depressing though to think that we ARE the only balancing energy... out of 7 billion people on the planet?! (Perceval) The only reason that the whole thing hasn't already gone up in smoke is because some few people are making an effort. It's rather magnanimous of the universe to consider such a small group of people. (L) How did we get off on this topic? (Galaxia) Oh, so that's why we all feel so bad: because we're being HAARPed. (L) Oh yeah! So is that what's behind our various negative experiences of late that's been kind of rotating around the house like some kind of bug being passed around?
A: Yes.
Q: (Galaxia) Is that why we were all vomiting? (Perceval) And other things?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So they're beaming beams at us that are jiggling our cells around.
A: Yes.
Q: (Galaxia) So it doesn't have anything to do with this "Cosmic-itis" that we were theorizing about?
A: It is "cosmic"!
Q: (Belibaste) This beaming, do they beam each individual?
A: No.
Q: (Belibaste) So they beam an area?
A: Yes.
Q: (Belibaste) And like right now, they're beaming...
A: It can target a room too.
Q: (L) So they can narrow it down to a room. (Perceval) Is there anything we can do to defend against or protect against such beamification? (Ark) Like spray the roof with something? (Perceval) Will our new roof help? [laughter]
A: You are doing well so far. When the need increases, so will the knowledge.


11 июня, 2011

О: Вмешательство. Необходимо сотрудничество для настройки.

В: (L) Какое вмешательство?

О: Лучи типа HAARP направлены на вас.

В: (L) И как долго это продолжается?

О: Включалось и выключалось в течение некоторого времени.

В: (L) И каков источник этого? Это источник энергии третьей или четвертой плотности?

О: Оба. Вас отслеживают в течение долгого времени.

В: (L) Хорошо, почему они просто не убили нас, если мы такая уж проблема?

О: Они не могут.

В: (L) Почему?

О: Мы не можем сказать вам это, поскольку это создало бы помехи миссии.

В: (Galaxia) Почему это бы создало помехи миссии?

О: Если вы будете знать почему, вы будете ожидать и возможно сделаете ошибки, фатальные для вас самих. Позвольте нам просто сказать, что «они» знают, что вред вам привел бы к их собственному полному уничтожению по более негативной линии времени.

В: (L) Хорошо, если моя смерть вызовет их уничтожение, то, возможно, это была бы хорошая идея для меня, чтобы умереть, верно? Хорошо, разве это не то, чего мы хотим? (Belibaste) Почему это привело бы к их уничтожению?

О: Снова, мы не можем сказать вам все. Но знайте, что нет никакого шанса для положительного результата для Земли и будущего без присутствия.

В: (L) Так, нет никакого шанса для положительного результата без меня, и еще моя смерть гарантировала бы их полное уничтожение.

О: И всего остального!

В: (Perceval) Знаешь, возможно, это имеет какое-то отношение к балансу? Вселенная стремится к балансу. Есть высшая сила во вселенной, которая позволяет вещам происходить, пока есть некоторый баланс. Но если бы вас не было здесь, то этот мир был бы полностью темным, негативной звездой, и есть некоторый механизм, который разрушит ее и все связанное с ней.

О: Да.

В: (L) Это все же очень угнетает, думать, что мы - единственная балансирующая энергия ... из 7 миллиардов человек на планете?! (Perceval) Единственная причина, что все это уже не превратилось в дым, - это то, что некоторые люди предпринимают усилия. Довольно великодушно, что вселенная рассматривает такую маленькую группу людей. (L) Как мы вышли на эту тему? (Galaxia) О, так именно поэтому все мы чувствуем себя так плохо: потому что на нас направлен HAARP. (L) О да! Так что, все, что лежит под нашими разными негативными событиями в последнее время, это было наподобие жуков, вращающихся вокруг дома?

О: Да.

В: (Galaxia) Поэтому нас всех вырвало? (Perceval) И что-то еще?

О: Да.

В: (L) Таким образом, на нас направляют лучи, которые раскачивают наши клетки.

О: Да.

В: (Galaxia) Т.е. это не имеет отношения к этому «Космическому», как мы строили теории?

О: Это «космическое»!

В: (Belibaste) Это облучение, они облучают каждого человека?

О: Нет.

В: (Belibaste) Таким образом, они облучают какую-то зону?

О: Да.

В: (Belibaste) И прямо сейчас, они облучают...

О: Целью может быть комната, также.

В: (L) Таким образом, они могут сузить это до размеров комнаты. (Perceval) Есть что-нибудь, что мы можем сделать, чтобы защититься против такого облучения? (Ark) Как обрызгать крышу чем-нибудь? (Perceval) Наша новая крыша поможет? [смех]

О: Вы пока преуспеваете. Когда нужда растет, знание - также.


Q: (L) Speaking of diet, that leads me to my question. Hold on here, let me get my page. Since our awakening in respect of vegetarianism versus meat eating, and that awakening quite by chance, by experience, by experiment, by learning things, by ya know, hard lessons, we've been publishing a lot of material that we've been finding because of course coming to some realizations has propelled us or induced us to search for the material, the research, that explains what we experienced in the vegetarian vs. meat eating experiments. So, we have been publishing these things, and as we've been publishing things along that line, things about gluten, about the evils of dairy, about lectins and plant foods, about the necessity for eating more meat, and eating much more fat, and basically just that the Paleo diet is best suited for the human being, we've attracted a whole lot of what I can only describe as "vegetarian trolls". I mean, they're like fanatics.

I guess what I'm getting to is that I'm seeing this again in the issue about vegetarianism. Now, all things being equal, we gave the strong vegetarian approach a really good try. During that period of time, all of us had issues and we kept referring it to detox. You're detoxing, you've got detox symptoms. And that's what nearly everybody who was on these detox diets talks about. "Oh, you're having detox symptoms." And of course we believe that there is a certain amount of detoxing that is needed and can be done, but to go on forever having detox symptoms every time you turn around and that everything is written off to detox symptoms is kind of - you wonder when is it going to end? When is your body going to start working on detoxing on a regular cyclical basis in a 24-hour period so that you don't have to go through some horrible ordeal every three or four days. And of course there was the experience that Atriedes had that led to a few little clues that in fact, vegetables may not be as good as they're cracked up to be.
So now we have all of these vegetarians. And they're fanaticism is amazing. However, I thought about this last night. I starting thinking: Ya know, there are people who are like cockroaches: they can survive on anything. Some of these people say, "Oh, I'm very, very healthy. I've never had any problems. I've never lost any weight. I didn't lose any strength." Ya know, if somebody tells you that, maybe it's true. I don't know the person personally, but I'm going to accept the fact that maybe they're telling the truth. On the other hand, I've known a lot of vegetarians who are not healthy. They may feel alright for awhile, and it may be kind of a relative thing: they don't know how good they could feel, so they think they feel relatively well. But then they develop some kind of sickness and they die and people wonder about it because their diet was so “healthy”.
And then they go after the people who eat meat and say, "Oh, you're meat eaters, you're always sick!" Well, the problem is that those people who are ordinary meat eaters that are being accused of always being sick are not really eating a Paleo diet. They are eating meat along with all kinds of corrupt and polluted and toxic foods. Drinking sodas, eating lots of carbs, etc. Because if you're eating a Paleo diet, you're minimizing carbs and not eating dairy and all that stuff.
So, anyhow, what I'm getting to is that while I was thinking about all of this, I was thinking about this divide once again between the slavish following of something, and being able to have the courage to say, "I was doing that, I tried it, there were problems, I began to explore, and I learned this and this and this and tried something different." There's this divide, this split. I started wondering about people who are fanatical vegetarians. I'm not talking about people who can be a vegetarian and maybe if they really receive some information that suggests that being a vegetarian is not such a good, they could then change. Which is kind of what happened to a lot of people we know and a lot of people in our group... We can name a dozen or so people who were strict vegetarians for 20 years, and they've stopped being vegetarians and their health improved!

So, after this long preamble and introduction, my question is: Is it possible that there is a genetic profile of a vegetarian who actually does do well on a vegetable diet, a vegetarian diet? That is, being a human being which is supposed according to all standards to be carnivore?
A: Somewhat on the right track but the question is not as precise as it could be.
Q: (L) Okay, let me try again. You said, "...aural profile and karmic reference merges with physical structure." (Galaxia) Oh, maybe because they are slavish, vegetables are good for them? (L) Well, that's not where I want to go yet. So, the soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in potential. Oh boy... How to ask this... I once asked if vegetarian was the way that one should eat, and you said that no, not generally, as that was concentrating on the physical. What did you mean exactly by that? Let's see if I can come at this in a sideways direction.
A: Most vegetarians are such, believing that it is more "spiritual". This is a belief that eating a certain way will change the nature or destiny or tendencies of the soul. This is as effective as confessing one's sins to a priest and doing penance and then sinning again. Besides, as you have noted, the vegetarians you have encountered have been singularly "unspiritual".
Q: (L) Okay, let me try to ask it this way: Is the fact that we eat meat detrimental to us spiritually?
A: Absolutely not.
Q: (L) But I would say that just the eating of meat is not a spiritual issue at all. (Perceval) Eating food is a thing of the body. (L) Yeah, I mean we just try to eat in an optimal way to give our bodies the right fuel so that we can do our other work. That's our whole thing is to give the body optimal fuel.
A: There is the difference, see? You eat for optimal fuel, they eat to support an illusion.
Q: (L) Well, they don't all eat to support an illusion. A lot of them think that vegetables are an optimal fuel illusion. (Perceval) But they couldn't think that if they really objectively read all the details.
A: They lack objective knowledge.
Q: (L) Okay then. (Perceval) I was saying that in the scheme of things, plants eat rocks, animals eat plants, and some eat other animals. But from a physical point of view in the hierarchy that humans would eat... (Burma Jones) If only seems that way if you understand densities, but in terms of what they think, physically we're just animals to them. (Perceval) But I wasn't talking about them, I was talking about in respect of our understanding...
A: Yes, you just hit upon an important point: The genetic body tends toward the animal nature. Note that we said "tends". In those of the "fanatical" vegetarian nature, this tendency is very strong. In fact, you could even say that there is strong identification with the genetic body and all it is connected to energetically.
Q: (L) So what do you mean, "strong identification with the genetic body and all it is connected to energetically"? Is that what I was thinking, that these fanatical vegetarians do not want to eat meat because for them, it's like eating their own kind? For them, eating a cow is like cannibalism because they identify with the animal kingdom so strongly that...?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, that would lead to the next part of what I was thinking last night, which is that some - and I'm not saying ALL - really fanatical vegetarians of the slavish authoritarian follower type personality could be, can you say the word for me there, Belibaste? (Belibaste) OP's. (L) Organic portals?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay. (Galaxia) So basically they're people with the essence of an animal?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) They identify with the energetic... (Galaxia) They look like people, but they're not.
A: Yes.
Q: (Galaxia) They don't eat cows because they have the essence of a cow!
A: Yes.
Q: (Ark) They care more about the cows than about other human beings.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That means they have empathy for animals - that is, their own spiritual kind - and not for humans.
A: Yes.
Q: (Burma Jones) Is that also why psychopaths can be so kind towards animals while they treat humans with such indifference?
A: Yes. Though psychopaths often are brutal toward all that cannot contribute to their aims.
Q: (L) So they would be kind to animals only if it suits them. (Ark) But I understand that our hero Gandhi was vegetarian and yet he cared about human beings. (Perceval) Was Gandhi an organic portal?
A: Gandhi "cared" about the human cattle like himself.
Q: (L) Well, what about the fact that for example the Cathars were supposed to be vegetarian? Cathars were the ones that were the Perfecti. They were vegetarian and they didn't eat meat.
A: They didn't succeed in surviving either!
Q: (Galaxia) Can I ask a question? Does all this mean that vegetarians are more inclined towards cannibalism?
A: No.
Q: (L) No, what I was saying that they would perceive... (Galaxia) I know, but I was saying that since they have such disregard for people... (L) Oh, I see what you're saying. Would they have less feeling for people and be inclined to eat them under certain circumstances? (Galaxia) Yes. (Perceval) Given the choice, would they eat a person or a cow? (Galaxia) If they were starving?
A: In some cases, perhaps, but not generally.
Q: (Ailen) Now, among vegetarians, you could say there are two groups. There's the group that says they feel better, they don't want to kill animals, they feel more sorry for animals than for veggies. They kind of stop there - they don't have spiritual ideas. On the other hand, there are those vegetarians who say that humans eat meat and therefore they are attached to physical reality. So by eating veggies and then fasting or sungazing for example, they're going to become illumined beings. So those are two different groups. So what is the intrinsic difference between them?
A: Two variations on the same theme!
Q: (L) The kind that just don't want to be cruel to animals identify with the animals more strongly. They just don't have anything else. And then those that think it's spiritual, they're just kind of like New Age fundies. (Ailen) Yeah, but I was thinking that there might be some kind of difference in their essence or genes in the sense that some of them make a choice...
A: Not really. The only evidence for "soul potential" is the realization that the body is just a machine and needs optimal fuel.
Q: (L) Okay, there's something else I'm thinking about. Getting back to this genetic construct marrying with the physical potential... It seems that higher soul potential has been historically associated with physical problems. It's like the soul, being a strong energy, expresses itself through the body, and if the soul is unhappy, or if the soul is ill at ease, or if it's in distress, or for some reason not at peace as it is very easy to be in this day and time when there is so much cruelty and insanity rampant on the Earth, that these people with higher soul potentials tend to have more physical problems and disabilities. Is that going in a proper direction?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, individuals with the soul potential whose soul afflicts the body with its issues need to really understand the body, give it optimal fuel, and learn how to deal with the soul issues themselves separately or in a soul-based way.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I mean it's like the whole Ra thing was about Wanderers. Wanderers according to the traditional definition are people who tend to have... (Psyche) They're more sensitive. (L) They're more sensitive, and they have to be more efficiently nourished and have better fuel and they have to really be careful with detoxification. And those people it seems to me would be susceptible to the belief that being a vegetarian would help them - only it wouldn't!
A: Yes. Carla is an example!
Q: (L) Yeah, Carla of the Ra group. She is just practically crippled with arthritis. I don't know what she eats, but the Paleo diet might do her some good. (Ailen) But then you have psychopaths who are very sick, too. (L) Yeah. I think that sometimes it's just a roll of the genetic dice. But in some cases, there's this connection. (Psyche) And we're exposed to too much toxicity these days. (L) Okay, have we done this subject? (Ark) Yes, I have a question. From a higher point of view - not just ethics and such things - but from the higher philosophical point of view, what's really wrong with cannibalism? (L) What's really wrong with cannibalism? (Perceval) We may or may not publish this answer. [laughter]


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