Listening Practice 2. Listening Practice 3. Listening Practice 4Listening Practice 2 1. This is my friend Yuri, and he is from Japan. His short-term plan is to get into a good university, and his long-term plan is to become the president of a software company. 2. This is Susan, and she is from Canada. Her short-term plan is to write an article for the school paper. Her long-term plan is to become an author. 3. This is Henrique, and he is from Brazil. His short-term plan is to learn about politics. His long-term plan is to become president of his country. 4. This is Mirka, and she is from Russia. Her short-term plan is to study medicine. Her long-term plan is to be a doctor and help sick children. Listening Practice 3 Hey, guys! My name is Mr. Choi, and I am here to talk to you kids about planning for the future. Now, a lot of you probably think that planning for the future is not important. Let me tell you something: It is! All successful people in life make plans for their future. It helps give them direction in life. But, before you start making life plans, it is important to know that there are two kinds of planning: long-term and short-term. First, I want to talk about short-term planning. Short-term planning is making a plan for something you want to do in the near future, normally in the next 5 years or less. But long-term planning is different. Long-term planning is making a plan for something distant in the future. Normally things you want to do 6, 10, or even 15 years from now. Both short-term planning and long-term planning are important. Why? Because they help you to prepare for the future. Listening Practice 4 Mike: This is perfect! Absolutely perfect! Sue: What is so perfect, Mike? Mike: Oh. Hey, Sue. I realized that I have already accomplished half of my life goals. And I am only 15! Sue: Really? What are your life goals? Mike:Well, I only have four. So I guess finishing half of them was not that difficult. Sue: What are they? Mike: Let’s see; I wrote them down on this piece of paper: My life goals are to go sky diving, travel to Europe, fly an airplane, and be on television. Sue: Which of those have you already done? Mike:I went to Europe last year with my family, and over the weekend, I was interviewed on the local news! Sue: When do you think you will accomplish the other two? Mike:It could take a while. I heard sky diving is pretty expensive, and I know I need at least a few years to learn how to fly a plane. Around ten more years I guess. Sue: Well, I haven’t accomplished any of my life goals! Mike:What are they, Sue? Sue: To make 10 million dollars, meet the president, and buy a huge boat. Mike:I think yours will take a while too.