Listening Practice 4. Listening Practice 1. Listening Practice 2Listening Practice 4 Robby: Hey, Mom. Can I talk to you for a minute? Mom: Sure, Robby. What is it? Robby: Well, I have a problem. Mom: What? Did you get in trouble at school? Robby: No, Mom! I realized I am scared of public speaking, and I have to give a speech in class tomorrow. Mom: Oh! That is OK, Robby; most people have that problem. Robby: Well, what should I do? Mom: You should practice your speech in front of a friend or a mirror. Robby: Really? Mom: Yes. It will help you to feel confident giving your speech in front of other people. Robby: OK. So can I practice my speech with you, Mom? Mom: Of course! Unit 18 Listening Practice 1 Jessie: Ouch! Too hot! Tim: What’s the matter, Jessie? Jessie: Hey, Tim. Ugh. I burned my mouth again. Tim: How did you do that? Jessie: Eating this pizza. I have a bad habit of not waiting for my food to cool down before I eat it. Tim: I have the same problem. I always burn my mouth eating soup. Jessie: I am just too impatient. I always want everything now! Tim: I know what you mean. My mom is always telling me to be patient for stuff, but I hate waiting! I guess it is kind of bad. Jessie: Yeah, mine too. She really hates it when we are shopping. I always complain things take too long. Listening Practice 2 1. Jimmy has a bad habit of not listening to the teacher during class. When he gets home, he never knows what was talked about in class. 2. Susan has a bad habit of biting her nails. Her fingers always look chewed up and ugly. 3. Eduardo has a bad habit of leaving his clothes on his floor. He never knows what clothes are clean and what clothes are dirty. 4. Dennis has a bad habit of staying up late on school nights. He is always tired and falling asleep during class.