Listening Practice 1. Listening Practice 2. Listening Practice 3Unit 23 Listening Practice 1 Dan: Hey, Hillary. Did you see on the news what happened in Guatemala? Hillary: Hey, Dan. Are you talking about the hurricane? Dan: Yeah. It looked terrible, right? Hillary: Really terrible. Actually, my aunt and uncle live in Guatemala. We talked to them yesterday, and their house was destroyed! Dan: Oh, no! Are they OK? Hillary: Yeah, luckily they didn’t get hurt. They heard on the news that a storm was coming, so they went to a public storm shelter and waited for the hurricane to finish. Dan: I am happy they are OK. That is awful about their house though. What are they going to do? Hillary: They are staying at a friend’s house for now, and their insurance company is giving them money to fix their house. Dan: Well, that is good news. Hillary: Yeah, natural disasters are really common in Guatemala, so they made sure to have really good insurance on the house. Dan: Smart thinking.
Listening Practice 2 1. An earthquake is caused by a shake in the earth’s crust. The strongest earthquake ever recorded was 9.5 on the Richter magnitude scale. 2. A tornado is a rotating column of air that stretches from a cloud to the ground. Some tornadoes have wind speeds of 480 km/h or higher. 3. A tsunami is a series of giant water waves normally caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was the deadliest in history. 4. A drought is when an area goes for a long time without enough rain. The deadliest drought happened in India from 1876 to 1878. It killed over 25 million people.
Listening Practice 3 Good evening, viewers. Welcome to World News Report with me, Bob Jennings. Today, we bring you a very sad report out of Los Angeles, California. The area has been hit with an earthquake. And it was a deadly one. The earthquake happened at exactly 11 a.m. this morning and lasted for about 1 minute. It registered 7.0 on the Richter scale. So far, over 2,000 people have been reported injured. And, unfortunately, 153 have been reported dead. We expect these numbers to increase as the day goes on. We are continuing to watch the situation and will bring you more information as we hear it. If you are currently in Los Angeles and you are looking for missing loved ones or need help, please contact the earthquake hotline. The number is 555-1134. Or if you were in the earthquake, and you want to share your story, please call our regular station number at 555-1130.