Listening Practice 2. Listening Practice 3. Listening Practice 4Listening Practice 2 1. Albert Einstein was a genius of physics. He won a Nobel Prize in Physics and was named “Person of the Century” by Time magazine. 2. Ludwig Van Beethoven was a musical genius. He began performing in public at age nine and is known today as the best musical composer of all time. 3. Charles Darwin was a genius of natural science. He developed the theory of evolution and changed the way we think about life. 4. King Saejong was a Korean king and a linguistics genius. He created the Korean system of writing, Hangul.
Listening Practice 3 Hello, new members! Welcome to your first official meeting here at Mensa International, the best-known high-IQ society in the world. For those of you who don’t know, Mensa means “table” in Latin. We are a round-table society. That means we are a place people can sit around, talk, and share ideas. Our club is only open to people who score in the top 2% on intelligence tests. All of our members are geniuses. The purpose of our group is to give members a chance to learn from each other and advance human knowledge. A lot of members are important people in society. People like James Woods the actor, Alexander Crutchfield the businessman, and Martin Cooper the inventor of the cell phone are all Mensa members. Currently, we have a total of 110,000 members from 50 different nationalities, so welcome to the Mensa family! I hope you will use your time here to learn from others, and help us solve some of the world’s most important problems.
Listening Practice 4 Lucy: Hey, Joe! What book are you reading? Joe: Hey, Lucy. It is called What Makes a Genius? Lucy: That sounds pretty interesting. What is it about? Joe: The author talks about different opinions people have about what makes a genius. Lucy: What do you mean? Like personality traits? Joe: No. Like different types of intelligence. For example, some people are literary geniuses, but they are terrible at science. Or some people are math geniuses, but they have no social intelligence. Lucy: Oh. So the author is saying there is more than one kind of “genius.” Joe: Right. Basically, her book says people are intelligent in different ways, and the word “genius” can actually mean a lot of different things. Therefore, we should be careful when we use the word. Lucy: Yeah, I see her point.