Listening Practice 1. Listening Practice 2. Listening Practice 3Unit 17 Listening Practice 1 William: Hey, Hillary. Are you going to hear that motivational speaker today? Hillary: Hey, William! What motivational speaker? William: Charles Robins, the successful businessman. He is giving a speech about overcoming weaknesses. Hillary: I don’t know. Those motivational speakers are all the same. I feel like I already know exactly what he is going to say. I think I am going to skip it. Are you going? William: Definitely. My sister heard him speak at her university. She said she learned a lot of useful information. Hillary: Hmm. My biggest weakness is not having enough money. I wonder if he could teach me how to convince my parents to give me more money. William: Umm. I don’t think that is what he does, Hillary. Listening Practice 2 1. My name is Jimmy, and my biggest weakness is being lazy. I just lie around the house all day and don’t get anything done. I will try to set at least three realistic goals every day to help get motivated. 2. My name is Sally, and my biggest weakness is I procrastinate. I always wait until the last minute to do everything! I will try to finish all my schoolwork at least one day in advance. 3. My name is Thomas, and my biggest weakness is being selfish. It is terrible, but I always think about myself before other people. I will try and help at least one other person every day. 4. My name is Gary, and my biggest weakness is being shy. It is really hard for me to meet new people. I will try and talk to one new person every day.
Listening Practice 3 Hello, everybody. Welcome to our seminar entitled Overcoming Weaknesses. For better or for worse, all of us were born with strengths and weaknesses. That is what makes us each special. The problem is our weaknesses can often get in the way of things we want. That is why I want to talk about ways to overcome weaknesses. Once you learn to overcome your weaknesses, you will be a more successful person. Now, the first step is to identify your weaknesses. The easiest way to do this is to take a personality test. You can easily find one online. Second, decide which weaknesses you really need to improve. Nobody needs to be good at everything. So if you can focus on the skills you need to improve, it will be a better use of your time. Third, make a plan on how you will improve your weaknesses. If you have trouble making friends, for example, make a plan to talk to five new people every week. Making a plan will guarantee you take action.