Listening Practice 4. Listening Practice 1Listening Practice 4 Jin: Hey, you must be the winner of the “meet your role model” essay contest, Bill Sharp. Bill: Yep! I sure am. Jin: Great! Welcome! I am Jin Lee, the manager of the contest. I want to congratulate you on your well-written essay about why Ji Sung Park is your role model. We were all very touched here at the office. Bill: Thanks! I am really excited. I love playing soccer, and I have always admired Ji Sung. He has been a role model for me ever since I was young. I learned a lot of my soccer moves by watching him on TV. And when I get older, I want to play professional soccer too. Jin: I am sure Ji Sung will be honored to hear that, Bill. As you already know, in just a few minutes, I will introduce him to you. Are you ready? Bill: Definitely. I have been waiting for this day for months! Jin: Great, he is just down the hall in the other room. So let’s go meet your role model! Unit 22 Listening Practice 1 Pete: Hey, Sally! Have you seen this book? Sally: Which book, Pete? Pete: The Guinness Book of World Records Sally: Of course, Pete; I bought you that book for Christmas! Pete: Oh. Well, there are some really interesting stories in here. I am reading about a boy genius named Michael Kearny. He was the youngest person in the world to ever graduate college. Sally: Oh, yeah? How old was he? Pete: He received a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from the University of South Alabama when he was only 10 years old! Sally: Wow. That is amazing! Pete: Then, he got a master’s degree in biochemistry at age 14. Here it says he started teaching university classes at age 17! Sally: That is incredible! I am 15, and I can’t even pass my math test! Pete: Ugh. I know. Me neither.