ReflekdollI don't call the shots, milady!
You're the superhero I'm just the cunning, Right. Easy? That's 'cause Cunning as you might be, that little prank almost made Do you know why the ladybug Miraculous Because it requires someone No. Because you don't have Pff! Whatever! - Aaah! You have so many other
I'm just in charge of You'd better get going before Miss you already, - Don't call me... Grr! Don't you want to be Yeah, Have you tried to talk Marinette I don't want to bother her You're really pretty, Jul. I'm sure Marinett'd love You've got to follow Don't let them pass you by! You were made for this. Since Mrs Mendeleiev what should we do now? We should use this extra time for Marinette's - Yeah! Remember I asked you guys modelling Marinette's designs? I... I'd like to do it! Oh! - Juleka? the top half It really suits you! Oh, it's just a barrette. - We've got our model! Hey! We're gonna need Someone who knows his way Don't even think about it! I'll be a complete mess! No, you won't! It's the perfect opportunity No, I... Alya no! I was wondering with I'd love to Alya, but I have to I know, but you were supposed in Mrs Mendeleiev's class and since she's not here, technically, for an entire hour. Your dad won't know any She's got a point Oh! Oh, no! This is totally your chance Alix, could you shine the light I want her to stand out. Does that work for you, Huh? Uh... sure. - I mean... it's perfect! It'll complement I thought the same thing, Adrien! Ha, ha! How about a smile Uh, I don't think - Is something wrong? It was really cool of you but I can tell, you're not feeling Decide fast. We've less than an That's OK, maybe we can do it if my father lets me. Would you prefer This is something Tthese are my designs and... Of course! Awesome idea, The coolest thing is they work well A guy, a girl... same suits... What do you think, - If it helps. Give Marinette your suit. And Marinette, Here are your accessories, created by the one Just bought you some extra time You're welcome! - Don't do that, Marinette! Besides, - I hope you're kidding! Besides, you'll be nearby. Oh! - Whoa! - It's uber-perfect! - Are you OK, Marinette? I mean, I'm overheating in here, OK! Change of plan. - [cheering] New environment! It'll be easier to breathe outside. - What's the matter, Juleka? - What? Why not? - I'll stay with you. - Tired and need to study and... Girls! We've only got OK, then, make yourself at home. See you in a bit! I was so lame! I ruined everything! Yet again, my young prey fails Nathalie, I need Mayura to give this negative Duusuu, spread my feathers! Fly away, little akuma, Fly away, beautiful amok, and enhance - To the Eiffel Tower, please! We've got a little time I'm doing this Please! Hmm. Reflekta, I'm giving you the power to make so that everyone Reflekta, I am Mayura. To help you succeed, She'll be entirely And in return, of course, you must get hold of Ladybug Hawk Moth, Mayura, you can count on me. - What's that? [evil laugh] Ha! Ha! [thud, thud, thud] - Aaah! You're the very people I've got something special I'll show you I'm sorry. I should have stayed with you! Juleka is no more. Everyone always forgets about Tikki... spots on! Tikki... oh, no! Plagg, claws out! Plagg? This is our lucky day, A miracle in the making! Now we can enjoy a while we wait for them Ew! Huh? - Hide in the car! I'll, uh... - Marinette! You stole my limelight! I was supposed to be the But you told me You didn't let me explain! Perhaps now that Nobody can escape me! Aaah! Oh, no! This is terrible, Plagg! How are we going Everybody looks We have to find Paris is doomed Got it! Stay focused, Sugarcube! Rose! Where are you, my BFF? Come to me. We'll be like Aaah! - There you are! Cat Noir! Cat Noir! Cat Noir! [Marinette] Plagg? You're not... What are you doing here? Has Have you seen Tikki? It's a long story, Marinette. Whatever! Plagg, claws out! Yes! Plagg! Plagg! Aaah! Marinette! - Plagg! Plagg! And that over there is... There's been a little I'm Tikki, Well, Tikki, spots on! Well, Milady Noire, looks like Not so sure about that! Looks like we'll be taking on with each other's powers! Stay focused, Mr Bug! Ow! They've swapped And they're struggling Make the most of it, Reflekta! Their Miraculouses Yes, Hawk Moth! Just my luck. No! One akuma Reflekta's been reakumatised But that giant doll created by the owner of - Ha! OK, so we have to find the Can you manage Come on. - I just need to use my Lucky... - Why did you do that? You don't know enough Watch out! It's Reflekta But you don't know The akuma's probably as the first time in her bracelet! Maybe. We're gonna If I could just get my hands I'd be able to reflect That's not how it works. The Lucky Charm We'll see about that! - A mirror? You're just jealous Hmm! Aaah! - Very effective, Mr Bug! ... that the Lucky Charm an object to defeat You actually have how to use it Using your head! Now that you've used up you've only got before you transform back, Why don't you try helping me Apparently, Bugaboy doesn't Sounds like you're wearing You bet! I am the cunning, funny Watch and learn! Cataclysm! Aaah! - What's happening? Dunno. I've never cataclysmed Aaah! It's as if the cataclysm It riled it up We don't have much time We still don't know No, Reflekdoll! Stop! She-Cat Noir, Bug Boy, So, you like playing Hey! You stole my line! - Should I retrieve the amok? Chaos can prove These costumes look ridiculous I'm going to redo your wardrobe! You could at least show Besides, I think we look Don't forget I've always wanted to do this! Playtime's over, little akuma. Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly. Oh, well, whatever. I'll just - Mira... from destroying anything else before we go around OK, I admit it. It's not easy And I admit that I like It's a lot lighter I could never do this Reflekta was controlling We'll have to find the object But how can we do that Why don't we just figure out You're a simple, Thanks for the " simple" part! While I always tend to come up Not to say " surreal! " Of course! See that panel That's how - And all we need is a... - Or a coin! Or something big Mmm-hmm. I'd have just asked Sure, but you can never know - The stick shift is a hairclip! Time to de-evilise! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little feather! Miraculous... Mister Bug! - Pound it! We failed yet again! But there are two of us now. And we will win Duusuu, Nooroo, - Yahoo! That was awesome! No, it wasn't awesome [sobs] Are you OK, Everything's fine. - Yahoo! - Duusuu, let her rest. Honestly, I understand why to make jokes, We both have our roles, Spots off! See you again soon, Goodbye, Adrien. Claws in! Bye-bye, Plagg. Sure was! the boredom of daily life! You can count on me, I'll never take off I'm not cut out to be Ladybug, I was so afraid I'm so happy Girls! - Are you OK? I should've realised Do you wanna give it Yeah, totally. Awesome! Do you still have - Uh! - Please! Yeah!