Animaestro[Music] in the daytime I'm Marinette just a normal girl with a normal life [Music] she's scared of cats but powerless without this feline not true cat Noir and ladybug two heroes facing their destiny coming soon I'll be the judge of that you turn down an invitation to the premiere I'm a superhero Tiki this star
it's my job to protect the city he mutts it around at a movie premiere well sad Marin at the premiere will be attended by many illustrious guests including the rock star jagged stone the famous fashion designer Gabriel agreste and his teen idol son who voiced Kevlar Adrien aggress so we've got 600 macaroons plus 800 petit fours not to mention the ladybug and cat noir tiered cakes we should have hired someone to help us serve all these gifts for the premiere do you mean the premiere the ladybug and cat noir animated movie yes totally
you mean as a server the only one who likes macaroons and the fact that Adrian is going to be there has nothing to do with it of course not a thing like not in the slightest I just want to help out my wonderful sweet parents who I love so much you guys don't trust me then again I'm such a klutz even I wouldn't trust me of course you're not a klutz my darling you're hired we'll just we'll just make twice the number of macaroons just in case such an amazing night I need something amazing to wear and last but definitely not least the amazing macaron don't you think your father's 800 macarons will be plenty no Tiki Adrian deserves a special macaroon to show him just how special she is to me just picture it he's expecting a regular macaroon but I give him this macaroon he takes one bite and says Oh Marinette it's passionfruit my favorite how can you know me this well and I'm so secretive so then I answer it's because you're so special to me Adrian I feel like I've known you forever so then he says to me this way you make us single macaroon every Sunday who knows when the perfect opportunity is going to come up and Adrian cannot have a stale macaroon of course not don't be bemused it's just the news Nadya Shama coming to you live from the premiere we've all been waiting for the brand new animated movie The Adventures of cat Noir and ladybug the gorgeous Laura nightingale who sang all the songs in the movie has just arrived good evening Laura I'm your biggest fan this is a private event sir huh excuse me i'm thomas astruc the movie director you filmed cat Noir and ladybug what are they like in real life it's an animated movie it's all cartoon characters we don't actually film anyone see Liz's whole team that draws the camera never who would want to see ladybug and cat noir as cartoon characters so put your thumbs here and look straight ahead baby macaroons on the tray put them on as soon as you're ready dad mom I am totally ready trust me I'll be super duper careful [Music] Oh our little girls spreading her wings [Music] ladybugs one of my best buds I can't wait to see her movie well I I'm the director so actually it's more of my movie so to speak oh so you're the one who created the story well technically the screenwriters wrote the story inspired by ladybugs exploits okay so you did all the drawings no no the animators do all the drawings so what do you do then well by marionette now she can draw she does it all herself just check out these groovy sunglasses here she made well that's impressive she even designed my album cover so far so good [Music] Adrian you are so normal to me no it's special to me but I'm not a waiter I'm the movie director oh really so you're the one responsible for this movie yes yes exactly that's me then you were the one who left queen bee out of the trailer you're lame utterly lame and what were you thinking hiring dupe and Chang as a winter actually it's a really good thing you're doing this movie with Adrienne you'll be washing dishes Adrian you're expected to welcome the two rookies your papi need quit no you quit it do you know her I don't just know her I despise her what do you think you're doing sitting next to my Adrian's that's my feet don't ever touch me again don't ever speak to me again don't ever look at me again [Music] Kanban wants to release on Dozo euro school onigashima Gabrielson per our discussion at our last meeting I've brought these documents please follow me I'm glad to see you again Kagame meet see Adrian you know hard at the theater I don't believe this Adrian and Kagame are going to be sitting next to each other while I am two rows behind yeah well I don't even have a seat so if we get rid of Kagame before the movie starts they'll be an extra seat for you we can't do that remember what you said to me once Marinette all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing well today the evil is her and the good people are us I'm not too sure about this fine keep on not being sure about it and tomorrow Adrian and Kagame will be on a plane headed for Japan Adrian Japan there's no way you think they're already going to the movies together their parents are signing papers together [Music] we can't let her do that surely you're not gonna team up with Chloe I'm just stopping Kagame from kid not be Adrian and taking him off to Japan he's too nice to see what she's really up to Willem work dog person all right garbage bag ladles what I asked you to get some rope all I could find was this cooking string you know for tying up gross do I look like someone who knows anything about cooking roast hey listen Marinette if we want sacrifice a few macarons now Adrian will be eating sushi for the rest of his life you better not screw this up do pancham I'm doing this for you Adrian ladybug is in here children we came here to meet the director of the movie [Music] forgive me Mom and Dad but it's it's for a good cause Meredith are you okay your favorite flavored macaroon of course I'm just kissing I mean I know right but people do sometimes reverse some things to other things [Music] thanks Marinette Dupin Chang what were you doing with that macro that was not part of the plan Kagome is some world these shoes belonged to my grandmother this is part of the plan sit down I'll help you please autograph this for me tag it [Music] this macaron contains almonds I specifically told you that I'm allergic to almonds we were so careful about that all the macaroons are made from coconut this cake on this seat anything but disaster I spent three years of my life working day-in day-out for this what was meant to be my night is ruined I'll take them nobody could care less about me [Music] the behind-the-scenes creator who never gets any of the credits the perfect I have been justice for my Akuma's flyaway creature of the dark and evil eyes his broken heart [Music] Bannen maestro you're going to show everyone who you really are with a power as limitless as your imagination all I ask in return are cat noir and ladybugs miraculous I want them all to see what a director is capable of now I understand why Kagame speaks so much about you your father has raised you to be a refined young man ruined everything do pan Chang what was it with that macaron anyway uh it was a special passion fruit but that's the favorite of no don't tell me that Adrian is ridiculous utterly ridiculous you're a nobody in his eyes and you'll always be a nobody watch I'll prove it Adrian who are you you can't come so you really think a director does nothing well let me show you exactly what I'm capable of come on get grip Hey Adrian's you'll never guess oh come on now don't leave this shows just getting started I promise I'll never take Chloe's advice again [Music] we'd have cozier movie premiere if we'd known how upset you were gonna kid the water 20 debunk what's about really - I am not scared of cats at all you haven't even seen the movie and you're already slamming it he does have a point you know it's always about you isn't it from now on everyone will be looking at me let's see how much you enjoy the true power of animation I am the only true hero behind me milady [Music] you okay Kenmore how do you get a channel character the only thing that doesn't change when you dance for us is masks true must be in it how about you fear the power of that [Music] a camera of course who better to make a movie about cat Noir and ladybug didn't ladybug and cat noir doesn't take kindly to competition deep river Acula there she's gone why didn't he attack us while we were blinded I don't know it doesn't make any sense something must have happened that we didn't see which explains our the lucky charm with a camera [Music] did you just pause the image no did you see him freeze no I had my eyes closed because of the smoke me too okay so that's why he didn't take our miraculous nobody's watching him he stops moving just like a movie if nobody watches it it says if it didn't exist now we know how to defeat it [Applause] what this is the craziest show I've ever seen uh-oh it won't be easy getting people to stop watching him now looks like this show is a sellout time for the end credits cat why just because it's colorful and shiny doesn't mean it's not extremely dangerous TV of course can't even busy so you jealous of our success huh you can play the smart aleck cat but won't I have your miraculous everyone will forget about you soon enough yes you were watching me from the other side of the screen wherever you are close your eyes do not lean ahead a maestro turn off your screen come on we need each and every one of you you can tell everyone to shut their eyes and switch off their TVs but there'll always be at least one person watching me I wouldn't miss this show for anything I'm sorry Nadia but this time there will be no live coverage what no Ana maestro hurry up and bring me their miraculous [Music] everybody must watch funny cuz I think we're the last ones and once we close our eyes it's time for the end credits and a maestro shut your eyes tight catwalk no I trust you blindly [Music] no more evil do you little Akuma gotcha hi bye little butterfly [Music] what am I doing here cat Noir and ladybug in the frost you're about to transform back milady yeah ladybug Chat Noir enjoy your apparent victory because as in all the best tragedies triumph always comes before failure in this world there are those who work and those who shine forever there will be this division between us do pen chain which is why you and I will never be a team I'm not going to tell him you're not worth the extra attention you know what take my seat and enjoy the movie I've seen it ten times or more what matters the most for the movie is to be seen by people who really want to see it right sorry I guess you don't know who I am either she recognized me somebody actually recognized me this is the best day of my life awesome you could get in Marinette and I'm really sorry I didn't get to taste your macaron it looked delicious I mean on occasion [Music]