Сирена. Zombizou. Style QueenСирена In the daytime, I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl with a normal life. But there's something about me Because I have a secret. ♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪ ♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪ ♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! ♪ [roars] Nadia Chamack, live above Paris.
Escaped animals are invading the city. But Ladybug, Cat Noir and Rena Rouge I'm sure they'll get them Right, sir! They are the best. Ah, I wish I could be a superhero. The powers, the secrets, the costume. Ha, ha, ha! Yeah, sure. How can I become one? You think Or maybe some super secret -You wanna know my secret? " I have a serious crush on this boy, [laughs] That boy's clueless! OK, now it's my turn.
" I can stick my big toe inside my ear"? [laughs] Let's stop beating about the bush. [alarm] -The movie! I totally forgot! I've really gotta split. Remember? The girl I told you about " The boy I'm crushing on is... you! " Poor little mermaid. How many times have you tried to tell And how many times has he dismissed you? Play one of the best new FPS shooters, Fly away, my little akuma, Come on, guys, Mirage! How about some tasty chops instead? [cheering] Pound it! -Hey! Where are you going? So, you're allowed to know Because I have to get her Miraculous back! So what's my role? -What else are you hiding from me? OK, I'll talk to him about it. Him? Who's him? Uh... when the time is right, Cat Noir. I hate secrets. We can do this again whenever you want-- -[phone rings] Later! [Ladybug] Spots off! Uh... If you want to get to that movie Sorry, Tikki, we'll just have to miss Syren, I am Hawk Moth. I am giving you the power to turn Paris for you and your prince. In return, you must bring me May they all sink under my sorrow. You're three minutes -Is Chloé here? She's watching I think your swimming cap's on too tight, [panting] Ah! Let me guess. True to form. Ooh! Marinette, Marinette, Marinette. Aaah! Perfect. Now come and tell me -Huh? How do you... ? -Hold on. You both stay here. Kwamis must never know the recipe Modify their powers? Imagine what would happen if one of you Aaah! -So, what's on your mind? Cat Noir's asking more and more questions. He's tired of being left in the dark. Tell me. Do you put the noodles -Uh... no. That's because -Uh... What are you cooking exactly? the kwamis can grant special power. Each power's specific mix is listed here, I've deciphered most of the ingredients. " a branch from the dragon king's garden". " Secret kept in a shell" But the last one still puzzles me. " A Tear of Joy". I can't figure it out, Oh! Maybe it could be I think I may have finally got Aaah! " Hey, Cat Noir, do you trust me? " " Are you kidding? [sighs] -You must know what she's hiding from me. And we have a right to remain silent. Pity. Just when I was about to order you Ever sampled " la Trappe d'Echourgnac"? I can't be swayed. Sorry. Did you know about -It's the oldest cheese in the world! Yes, and do you know Because they age it on special There's only one thing in this world -[takes deep breaths] -" Tomme des Beauges" or " Saint-Aillon"? Mmm! There's a slight flavour to it. I knew it! Wayzz! Power up! A little more salt, maybe? Oh... Failed again. [phone rings] Hey, Alya! Yeah, what's up? The movie? Of course I didn't forget! Sorry, Master. [sighs] Coming! Sorry, I was... No time to explain. Come on! Hi! Sorry, sorry, sorry! What's going on? Aaah! -OK, who left the faucet running? -Hurry up! Tomme de Quercy with truffles, aged on vine leaves, [Plagg] La-la-la-la-la-la. Looks like your cheese strategy Don't worry. This isn't over! -My circuits are sensitive to water! Come on guys! I can teach you to swim You put your arms like this, It's kinda like being a frog. Kim! Where is he? Can you see him? -Marinette! What are you doing? OK, so... I guess we're saved, then? Kim! I've found you, at last! OK. We are alone! Tikki, spots on! Ha! Ha! This is amazing! I can breathe I knew you'd love it. I have lots Hey! My prince! With every new environment You won't be able to win this time. Syren, are you going to let Ladybug Never! -Aaah! You didn't tell me I wasn't planning on it. Ladybugs aren't Cats aren't exactly Is there any chance Paw-ssibly, Kitty Cat. Lucky charm! Huh! Well, we can use it -It'll just take a long time. Wait! Where are you going? -I can't... But we are a team, aren't we? I'm sorry. It's not exactly easy for me, Spots off! Master Fu? Master? This way. -We can't defeat the mermaid under water. And unfortunately, I haven't found I've failed you. No way! The " tear of joy"? I've tried everything, snow from the Mountain of Jubilation, But have you tried -What? Do you think -OK. Why do you go to bed at night? -Because the bed won't come to you! What goes up, but doesn't move? -Stairs! What does a snail say -Woohoo! I think you just found Mmm. Yummy! Tikki, power up! AquaTikki! AquaTikki, spots on! Yeah! Master Fu, I think it's time you put You're right, Ladybug. This is so dumb. Claws in. What's taking her so long? Whoa! Easy! What are you doing? Tell me what Ladybug -You can't do that! No one will know if I quit. -I will. 'Cause no one will give you camembert? Oh, I'm sure there will be another But he won't be you. -Hello, Cat Noir! Adrien, please reconsider. -This is what I want to do! Thank you, young man. -You? You're the man who-- But right now, Oh, no! I hate transforming! Ha, ha, ha, ha! I love what you've done with the pool. This is the pool where the old me tried to Uh... But I've never seen [chuckles] -Ondine? and you could be my Merman. and you'll become like me. You mean, Yes, Kim. You'll be my prince and we'll forever. Wait. Does this mean I'd never get to see -What? In fact, you can make it The three of us can go together. I knew those Miraculous Syren! There's too many fish in this sea! Take their Miraculous Aaah! Your new outfits are so cool! Oh, um, thanks! But what happened to your friend We were playing " Secrets". She was -But I was a doofus and didn't realise. Ondine invented it. You write down a secret It's awesome! You wanna know my secret? That's where the akuma must be! Aqua lucky charm! Car keys? Here, you can breathe through this. Kim! Hey! We're not done yet! Ladybug! -I think he took someone else to the ball. Kim is mine! -Cat Noir, are you all right? Now be ready to strike! Cat Noir, now! Looks like I've got a nibble! How cool! I've always wanted a goldfish! No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilise! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly! Miraculous Ladybug! -Thank you for keeping your promise. -Pound it! Each blend corresponds to a new power. Oh, wow! That's a lot of powers! You should keep these vials with you Well, that's not very practical. Only the ingredients matter. Then, I may just have an idea! My little girl's Mmm! They look so good! Uh... actually... I'll taste them first My daughter baked them. Mmm... magical macaroons! I love your idea, Marinette! -One magicaroon, one transformation! You'll see. I'm told it's icy! Wanna play a game of secrets? Ha, ha! " Wanna go to the movies with me? " [door bell rings] -Who is it? Hello, I'm Mr Chan. Adrien's I'll be replacing him. Hmm. -What time is it? [repeats Chinese translation] Very good, Adrien. It's the right time. Adrien, here is Mr Chan. He'll be Hello, Adrien. I think you and I Adrien, meet Master Fu, -Nooroo. How can I obtain more powers? Don't treat me like an idiot! -We kwamis do not know the recipes. -Can't you read it? -I don't know anything. I swear! I will have to find this guardian Oh, no! I hate transforming! Zombizou In the daytime, I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl with a normal life. But there's something about me Because I have a secret. ♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪ ♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪ ♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! ♪ [panting] What are you giving Miss Bustier
I made her a scrapbook! Hey, what did you get her? -Hey! -You just finished your gift. I painted her as a superhero That's better. And now, hug each other. I'll give her a braid of hair It helps me to be less afraid of akumas. Breathe deeply. Think of your emotions [all gasp] I got my inspiration from the exercise she Morning, Chloé! What do you mean " today"? Ugh! Yeah, well, today, Rose,
Isn't it great to start the day Compared to those other gifts, Don't worry, Marinette! How about you, Marinette? I'm sure Oh, me? Uh... It's nearly roughing it all! Uh, I mean, it's really nothing at all! [all gasp] " If we wish to change the world, That's one of the first things -I always keep it in mind. I also added this tube of lip balm. Come to think of it, she's probably I'm so lucky to get a teacher like her. How about you, Chloé, what's your present? Nothing. Just like every year It's not her fault! She never remembers them, Yeah, well, you don't have Anyway, all that stuff about compliments -This girl's got no heart. Daddy will even buy me a second one [school bell rings] -What's our next lesson again? We'll be late for Mrs Mendeleiev's Permanent marker. Cap off! I do have a present for you, [camera shutter clicks] At last, this is Miss Bustier's class! [school bell rings] -This is for you! Oh, thank you! -Happy Birthday, Miss Bustier! Marinette made that one! [gasps] What? I know you did this, Chloé Bourgeois! -A 99. 56% certainty! -Seriously lame! We don't want to get upset on my birthday. Well, I think this present's wonderful! I'll be able to think of both of you What? You're not going to let her She's worse than Hawk Moth! At least half the city Students, please! Calm down now! The classroom is not a place for insults Marinette! Would you come with me, please? -What? to make sure things don't get out of hand. OK, Miss. That feeling of injustice. for someone else's wrong-doings? Fly away, my little akuma, But Miss Bustier, it's so not fair! It was Chloé pulling another... Chloé! And I'm the one who's getting in trouble? Ha, ha! Of course you're not in trouble. As the class representative, I want you Don't give in to feelings of anger. Argh! The emotions have weakened! I don't get it. Chloé Come on. There are much worse people I'm sure people like Chloé The problem is They don't understand the meaning of love. but perhaps we can set a good example. That's why Marinettes are so important. Because they have a lot of love to give. Yes, Miss Bustier. An akuma! Oh, no! Go away! I won't let you evilise There! The mere fear that harm Fly, my little evil one, Oh! No! No! Don't give up! Hello, Miss. I am Hawk Moth. I'm not going to listen to you! Who said anything about evil? I want to help you unite -Isn't that your greatest wish? -and focus! Zombizoo, I'm giving you the power Thanks to you, In return, bring me Ladybug I won't stop Starting with Chloé Bourgeois! I will not let Hawk Moth do this Tikki, spots on! Ha! Whoa! I have got some great news for you, From now on, everyone's going to -Even you, Chloé! Yuck! Ew! What is that thing? Please, Miss Bustier! I'm not Miss Bustier any more! I am Zombizoo! Get out, quick! It's suddenly gotten very warm in here! I don't know what's happening. I... -What is wrong with you? Get away from me! -Look out! Mylè ne! -Are you OK? Kissoo! They're contagious! Run! I'll hold them back! Aaah! Stop it! No, you're tickling me! Kissoo! I'll leave her in your hands, my lovelies! -Is Chloé in here? -Who are you? Smoochies, my poochies! Chloé Bourgeois? Not in here either? Kisses, my lovelies! -Chloé! -Didn't anyone teach you to knock? I prefer a gentle touch! Mwah! Kissy-boo! Chloé! I'll find you sooner or later! There! That should hold you for a while! -Kissoo! Kissoo! -Anybody here? -Anybody here? OK, not here either! Anybody here? Ladybug! -Oops! Sorry! Uh... Reflex! -Ladybug! Are you all OK? -Looks like it. He still hasn't come out of his locker. -Adrien? [screaming and sobbing] -Kissy, kissy! He must have gotten kissed on the stairs We need to head to the roof. Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissy! Kissy-boo! Admit it! That was all just a ploy Come on, don't be ridiculous! Plagg, claws out! Sorry, guys. No autographs this time! Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissoo! [Nadia Chamack] Yet again, -A strange disease is spreading. I'm all for our French greetings, I'm glad you're here, Cat Noir. Hordes of zombies are spreading Let's go over to our mayor, We advise all Parisians -Kissy-boo! -Mr Mayor? Mr Mayor? It looks like we're having I took care of your father, Chloé! -Aaah! I'm coming for you! Mwah! Unless my sweethearts Because very soon, [evil laugh] Chloé! Huh! Always Chloé! -Why don't we give 'em what they want? Is it my fault if I'm better Sorry to disappoint you guys, but she doesn't deserve this And we need her as bait Uh... thanks? They're coming! We've gotta evacuate! Over there! -Cat Noir, do you know how to drive? -I can do anything! Woohoo! Max and Kim, you go first! [shrieks] Stop! Hurry up! Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissoo! -Aaah! -Kissoo! Kissoo! Play the hero as much as you like, -Just go, before I change my mind! Aaah! Aaah! -Slow down, Chloé! -Oh! Hello? Who's going to come and save me? Yoo-hoo! Kissy-kissy-kissy! -No! Oh, great! Now I've twisted my ankle, Take care of Chloé. Yeah, that's a promise! -You want a kissy? -Aaah! Aaah! Na-na-nana-na! Kissy-kissy-kissy! Hurry Up. We gotta go now! Kissoo! I thought you said you knew how to drive! I've mastered every car -but there are no buses in that game! -Are you OK? -So what now? There'll be fewer places -Less places for us to hide! -if we want Zombizoo to turn up in person! -I totally trust you, Ladybug! Don't forget our agreement, Zombizoo! No one can escape my kiss! Ha! Stay together and follow me! Nino! The vending machine! Quick! Faster! Faster! Alya! -Oh, no! Come on! He's right. Just go, and save us all. Nino? Nino! It doesn't matter since you'll fix it all in the end. Only the best remain! This isn't the first time Kissoo! Straight ahead! Eiffel's office! Kissoo! Kissoo! Kissoo! Ladybug! Catch! Aaah! Aaah! Phew! -Kissoo! Kissoo! I'll just stay here and chill. If we're going to end up kissing, You're the only one It's down to you and me! Chloé? At least I won't get in your way now. [evil laugh] Hand over Chloé and your Miraculous, Then I might just let you witness Victory has never been so close! Lucky Charm! Make-up remover? Cataclysm! -Cat Noir! Don't worry, Kitty, But first, -I'm sorry! -This is all my fault! But now's not a good time. Save us all, Ladybug! You're all alone, Ladybug! Accept This is not true love! No! No more evil-doing for you, little akuma! Time to de-evilise! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! Aaah! Ladybug, Cat Noir, if Zombizoo is right, then, some day, my most cherished wish -Pound it! Ladybug? Cat Noir? What on Earth... ? Oh, no! I... I let my negative emotions -I'm terrible. It wasn't your fault. -But I hurt a lot of people. I did! I forgot your birthday, once again. And when I saw everyone had prepared because I too would have liked to offer Thank you, Chloé. Those words are the best Uh, yeah. OK, then, we're all good. Woohoo! Me? You want me to apologise Ridiculous! They should be thanking me I happen to have several accounts and they don't exactly match your version. I heard you helped Ladybug There is a heart beating in there, Sorry I said there wasn't... and thanks. Marinette! I've realised Chloé has a heart too. Hopefully, she'll learn if we continue -Morning, everyone! Glad to see you all. As usual, we'll start the day by giving Мороз In the daytime, I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl with a normal life. But there's something about me Because I have a secret. ♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪ ♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪ ♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! ♪ [anguished cries] Look up there!
You should take the elevator next time! My deltaplane express delivery Don't forget your bouquet! Be careful on your way back! For you, Milady! Seriously, Cat Noir? So what? Well, if you transform back, And then we won't have to keep secrets We'll be united, more powerful and free. then we can both run away to an island, We'll live of nothing but fruits! -and we'll name it-- I can't accept this rose from you.
I've told you already, I know, Milady. But if he weren't here, Well, you know, I can't even begin I'm sorry, Cat Noir. And you'd better do the same. You sure take your time, Mr. Agreste! En garde! [Kagami] Predictable! Predictable! Predictable again! Too predictable! Way too predictable! What's going on, Adrien? I enjoy defeating you, but it's no fun Do you ever get the feeling That, no matter what you do, it's the same That things will never, ever change? Adrien, the biggest mistake a fencer can it's choosing the wrong target. Change targets. Well, well, Casanova, No. No way. Ladybug doesn't love you, so maybe it's Why should it be different with Kagami? I don't know a thing about human girls, I introduce myself. " Hello, camembert. Thanks, but I'll get love advice Uh... Uh... [school bell rings] [laughter] -Marinette! Perfect timing! -Huh? You think so? I need some advice right now. Can we talk? Uh... Abosutely. OK, well... I'm sorry, -Because it's about a girl. We see each other all the time. We've just been friends, -Till... recently? -Has the same thing ever happened to you? She's special. Very Pretty. Deep and mysterious eyes. Do... do I know her? Yeah! It's... Kagami! [laughter] Marinette? -Uh? What? -what I should do about Kagami. -What? That's what I said. No better place The ice rink? I think I'd be too shy Well, uh, I could come along with you, You'd do that? That's awesome! I can't wait to go That's what friends are for! Tikki, please tell me what just happened Argh! This will be your worst mess-up ever! Get yourself out of this, right now! Tell him you'd promised Maybe you got lost on the way over? You got to go to a concert! You have to finish an essay Actually, girls, -Huh? And if he wants my advice, then why not? After all, it's not an issue, -'Cause you two love each other! -What do you mean, nothing between you? I always jumble my words around him. So, how could I even manage I think we were actually Whenever I talk to him as a friend, That's a sign right there, right? -Hmm. [all argue] [sighs] Do you feel... kinda like this? [plays sad, soulful music] Personally, I think a girl like you [livelier music] And to whoever made you feel this way, Ha, ha! Thanks, Luka. Say... are you free tomorrow? Adrien? Shouldn't you be working Mr. D'Argencourt said he was very Yes, I'm heading out for a one-on-one Hmm. Could you drive me to the ice rink? I said I was going for a lesson, I can't believe it, Mr. Mayor! This is not your ice rink, Philippe. I'm not closing it down. I'll just be for my Chloé... uh, my city. Nobody comes for lessons, anyway! You haven't had a single student sign-up Oh! Huh? Wrong, Mr. Mayor! OK, OK! If you can get just one single I'll put the gym conversion work on hold! Consider it done! It was really cool of you to bring Luka. Of course. That's what friends are for. I don't know what to do about Kagami. -You have to let her fall. No, what I meant was I mean, do whatever you can So, yeah! Grab a hold of her hand Aaah! Try to be natural. Go with the flow and -Don't be scared. I won't tell anyone. That you don't know how to tie your laces! Come on! Aaah! -You OK? Hey, have you ever thought about The judges couldn't resist That's nice of you, but my life And I might have a brand new song Music's an important part of skating! Did you invite them Of course not! It's just that -Help you with what? But you don't need her for that. Ah! You have what it takes to be a champion. -Let me be your coach! like archery or fencing. Aaah! I'll give you a week of lessons for free! Thanks, Is that Adrien Agreste? Adrien Agreste, I can see it now! Grace and style, model If you take lessons with me, I'll have you shining Um... maybe. He already does fencing with me! Ugh! Argh! -Are you OK? See how lessons could come in handy? Please, Adrien Agreste, and your fans will come running... None of them want to sign up. You're right. Get up! The only reason you can't stay I never hesitate. Shall we go? Marinette, are you OK? I think I hurt myself. Marinette doesn't look too good. I'm sorry, Philippe, but the ice rink Ah! A burning passion What perfect bait for my akuma. Fly away, my pretty akuma, and evilise Why are you so sad? [sighs] But do you think he's just like Adrien? Marinette? Are you OK? -Yeah, I'm fine. and you ditch Kagami Me? Going after Marinette? No, she's just a friend. Frozer, I am Hawk Moth. They want to take your rink away from you. So, from now on, In return, you must bring me Ready to skate, Hawk Moth! What is that? Marinette! Hide! Is that ice? Whoa! Tikki, power up! StalacTikki. StalacTikki, spots on! Ha! Plagg! Power up! -PlagGlacier! Ladybug and Cat Noir! Your frozen statues will sparkle [evil laugh] Cat Noir, we need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city My feline instincts prefer You go your way, I'll go mine. You're not still mad at me about the rose? There may be I get it. But we should really We don't always have to do -It's not like we're a couple! [groans] This way! I need to set a trap, [chuckles] Thanks, kitty. He's too fast! I'm positive the akuma is in his skates. My cataclysm could destroy his skates, You were right. We'll have to set a trap. You were right too. Seems we're just missing a little push Lucky charm! A bag of salt? Salt makes ice melt! OK, while I keep Frozer busy, Listen! [groans] I'm waiting for you, Frozer! Don't play with fire, Ladybug! -Let's see if you could do this! I'm closing in, Ladybug! The next one is tricky! Whoa! Cataclysm! No more evil-doing for you, little akuma! Time to de-evilise! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! Pound it! You smashed through my plans but revenge is a dish best served cold! This is Philippe at the ice rink, Thank you, Adrien! I hope this helps you You keep doing No, I just want him to be happy. And I'm not changing my target, 'cause, one day, The day you realise you've got [sighs] Do you want to take the subway together, You should go over and talk to him. Thanks for coming with me, Luka. Adrien! Adrien! Marinette? Was there something I love you, Adrien! Even if you love Kagami? I don't love her. You're the one I love. Uh... You love me? So... We can get married and a dog, a cat or a hamster, -Marinette! You OK, Marinette? I just wanted to say that... we should go and skate -You mean... just you and me? Oh, no! Course not! 'Cause we should take the whole gang You're right. That would be awesome! -See you at school. Tikki, Don't worry. One at a time, now! Learn to skate like Adrien Agreste!
Style Queen In the daytime, I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl with a normal life. But there's something about me Because I have a secret. ♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪ ♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪ ♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! ♪ Tonight, the Grand Palais hosts the most the fashion show of Gabriel Agreste!
And a major event Mayor of Paris is expected to attend the highly respected fashion critic. Honestly, Marinette, Oh, Tikki, I don't know! I feel like And Adrien is meant to model it He'll resent me for the rest of his life! And everyone will find that out tonight! You're a great designer, Marinette! why did Gabriel Agreste handpick it What if people see that it's a synthetic -They'll think it's lame. With his allergy, Adrien would be sneezing You're right. Besides,
The show begins in... Oh, no! This is it! Here she comes, the international queen of fashion, Audrey Bourgeois! Anthony! Uh... André! I can't believe Gabriel -Neither do I. -Oh, no! It's Audrey Bourgeois! Only the harshest fashion critic I didn't know she was coming! What is this carpet? Is it fabric? Why isn't the red carpet You're fired! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! She's gonna hate my hat for sure! I'm sure she won't! Come on, Marinette, Audrey, " If it's in good taste, So, what's in good taste this year? Judging by the way you're dressed, For your information, Glitter? There's no glitter on my hat! As the editor of Style Queen, It must be nice to be with your family She's very happy to see me! By the way, -Clara! Uh... Chloé! What is this? Huh! This wrapping paper is ridiculous. Darling, please, you can't fire Chloé! How long are you planning to stay The shortest possible time. Thank you. This show just might be in Agreste's career, as evidenced Will the designer who never appears Stay tuned to find out! Don't be... -Where are you going? I can't let Adrien model this hat! There's no glitter on it! Ah! There you are, Marinette. -But, actually, I... -Hurry up. You're late. Whoa! Ah... What is this? Uh... Mom, this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, because she thinks she's a designer! I... It's not me, it's another Marinette! Marinette, we have to go. Hmm. I feel awkward! That's probably [knock on door] -Hello, Marinette! -Oh, sorry! -Ouch! Sorry! Oh, no! Oh, you know, it doesn't really matter. What? Not it's not! Because... The queen of fashion, Audrey Bourgeois, I'm sorry, Adrien. I really messed up. -Please don't put it on. Your hat looks great. I think otherwise he wouldn't have See? [giggles] -You've got that catwalk down! Ahem! We have to go. Marinette! Yoohoo! -She looks nervous. with her first professional piece, -I'm sure it'll go just great! How dilapidated is this place! And I have to share the front row Utterly ridiculous! Uh, sorry, -This Marinette girl, again? Hey, losers! Do you know who my mother is? the most powerful woman in fashion! This show is for her, OK? So get lost! Mrs Bourgeois, -Ah, finally! What? -Not today. Gabriel cannot do this to me! Without me, he'd still be drawing I can offer your seat to someone else How dare you? You're fired! I don't work for you, but Mr Agreste. We'll see about that! [phone ringing] I'm sorry. It took some time, I know. But, today, I can feel my prey than anyone I've ever akumatised before. She will be my masterpiece. [answer phone] I assume from your expression This is unacceptable! I will not view Tell me, my dear akumas, Fly away, my little akuma, -Mom? Style Queen, I am Hawk Moth. You've been refused a throne As queen of fashion, you will now be able -who disrespected you! [both gasp] All cool, girl? A fashion show without the queen of style? Is this supposed to happen? Where's that ungrateful Gabriel Agreste? -I demand that he kneels before me! Well, then, I'll just have to settle You're fired! [screaming] -Adrien! Adrien! We no longer have a choice. Style Queen, you must defeat Ladybug -Aaah! This Style Queen Tikki, spots on! Ha! You're all fired! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Audrey, dear! Darling, sweetheart, Hmm... -Fired! Claudine? Uh... Chloé? I'm not Mom. -Do you want to be fired too? Er... besides, Hmm... -She sure was useless! Utterly useless! Style Queen! What an atrocious suit! But the yo-yo You're a couple sizes too small [evil laugh] Mom! Uh, Style Queen! If you want to find You can take care of Ladybug later! Hmm. It's not a completely idiotic idea. Clothilde? Uh... Chloé? -He usually never leaves his house! he's hidden safely somewhere! -Pah! She can barely protect herself! If they can't save his son, Don't worry, Hawk Moth, Not again! Can't she stand still for two seconds? Please, Mom, stop! Keep this for me, sleeping beauty! Oh! You're not going to hurt my Adrikins, You want to join Agreste Junior, Kylie? No, thanks. Make yourself useful, assistant. Yes, Style Queen. What am I gonna do? Gabriel Agreste! your son will soon be nothing -Oh, it doesn't break! Adrikins, wake up! but there's a witch of a villain Psst! Ladybug, hurry up! Adrikins is crumbling! -Did you see where the akuma landed? -Where's Cat Noir? You'd better come up with something fast. It's really impossible to find You're fired! No! Ladybug, hand over those awful earrings You still don't get it, huh, My power is only equalled I am invincible! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Lucky charm! A mallet? Haven't you got it already? How could you defeat me? Of course! Let her go. She'll bring us Cat Noir! Master Fu! Cat Noir has disappeared! -And the Lucky Charm told me to come here! Well, what's he doing, then? -He's just lost his Miraculous. This is a disaster! That tomcat's really got himself -Let me guess, you're Cat Noir's kwami. Yet, lately, he's been doing silly things! In 5, 000 years, I've never experienced As a result, he's lost his ring, No! It's out of the question, Plagg! You are way too dangerous Dangerous? Me? How so? Does the disappearance of Atlantis -I'd had too much cheese! -I didn't see it! Oh! Yeah, OK, I did go too far, there. Neither Cat Noir nor Plagg Marinette Dupain-Cheng, to fight alongside you on this mission. Such powers are meant to serve Once the mission is over, I need someone -Hmm. I know just the right person! Why, the red spotted cockroach But she forgot Cat Noir isn't here? Never mind! Catch Ladybug and make her tell you where Alya! Don't get close to Style Queen! It's hard to get the scoop Well, I have a scoop for you. here's the Miraculous of the bee You will use it for the greater good. Wow! Ladybug! You're out of fashion! Give up! Watch out! Where's Cat Noir? Oh, let me guess! He's hiding because he's ashamed Lucky Charm! -A tube of glue? You're always running away, Ladybug! Not this time! A glue diet? Ha! That's original! Oh! Oh, what's the matter? How dare you? I'm gonna squash you Ha, ha, ha! You're no match Soon you'll be nothing but a bad memory, -Stay away from the ladybug! My, my, what do we have here? Miaow! Style faux-pas! Cataclysm! Better hurry and fix everything! Now I get why Master Fu No! No more evildoing for you, little akuma! Time to de-evilise! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly! Miraculous Ladybug! Adrikins! I was so scared! [she moans] What am I doing here? You're all fired! -Pound it! -I hope Cat Noir finds his Miraculous. I'll be on him like mould on cheese! Oh, Mom, if you only knew We fired a bunch of incompetents. We should really spend more time together. -What if I went back to New York with you? First I have to get back The fashion show! It's on my way. Style Queen was my greatest masterpiece! How could I have failed? What should I do now? Sir, you took a big risk, If only I could tell Adrien Thank you, Ladybug! For the lift, and also for saving my life! Uh... well... not a mall... [buzzing] I... I have to go! Bye! Marinette! Aren't you forgetting? You must bring the Miraculous But the magic ladybugs Wait. If they didn't, I have to go back to the Eiffel Tower Marinette, there you are! We've been looking for you everywhere. Uh, I'm fine. Thanks to Ladybug, What would we do without Ladybug? We'll finally watch the fashion show, and witness the success of our daughter Uh... I... Actually, I have... No, you don't! Don't worry. No one will find the box. Remind me to tell your father of the Eiffel Tower elevators! This is unacceptable, Of course, Mom! Huh? Hmm. Hello, my queen!