NightingaleIn the daytime, I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl with a normal life. But there's something about me Because I have a secret. ♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪ ♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪ ♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! ♪ ♪ Don't you stop dancing to the music, ♪ ♪ baby, yeah, it's like a miracle ♪
♪ Don't you stop dancing to the music ♪ ♪ The music, ♪ ♪ Oh, it's just a miracle ♪ ♪ Don't you stop dancing to the music ♪ And that was Clara Nightingale's -Wow! That girl is incredible! She's totally passionate about her art! Clara, in a few months with your singing and style! Apparently, you sing and dance Never, you see! And I'm happy to share the joy to the amazing people of France! See that, Tikki? She's a true artist!
You've come to Paris to film the video Miraculous! Huh? I really admire and adore An homage to them I wanted to pay, Aaah! She's going to be doing Oh, I'm so excited I could... faint! Auditions will be held I hear you've already found -Care to share the news? But soon he'll be revealed. We must still cast Ladybug and extras, -so come on out and audition today! Aaah! Marinette, did you hear that? and you're coming, too! So don't pull a " Marinette special" on us, And miss my chance to meet -I'll meet you there! You're not auditioning Of course not! We just wanna have some fun I'd never reveal my secret identity! All right, then, Marinette! I'm proud of you! It will be a promotion for the opening -You don't have a choice. I've designed her costumes My suggestion of using you pleased her. She's only seen you in advertisements, I'm hoping you won't let us down. Of course not, Father. Extras on the left. Great choice of fabric... There's no way I can wear this! Yeah, I've always found that little bell the costume is what you really wanted No, Plagg! I mean everyone's No way! People are blind! [knock on door] Uh... Coming! Just a sec! If they see me with this mask on, I can't wear it! Right, now, I'm going to try to act Hopefully, they'll have to replace me. [gasps] Thank you for coming, all of you! Together, we'll all dance and sing! We're going to be in Clara Nightingale's I can't believe this is happening! And now, meet our rising star, Adrien and Cat Noir! The costume fits you like a glove, -But where is your mask? I'll take care of it! It's no biggie. It's OK. Come on! Didn't I tell you that Adrien Oh, whatever! He's a thousand times Miaow. You must be starving Oh, look! She's coming in our direction! Ah, there you are! [gasp] I have no idea what you're talking about! You did what Ladybug would have. Just the same. -What's your name? Marinette, say it's so, Yes! She'd be awesome! Go, Marinette! You deserve it! That's so nice of you. But I came here to be an extra and I really want to stay with them. [gasp] That's a pity, a shame, That's a very cool gesture, Just sit over there, for make-up, OK? I'll ask your friends Oh! Thank you, thank you! Good job, Marinette! You're crazy! You turned down filming with Adrien You really are the best! Thank you all for coming! Uh... Heads up! Don't worry. Chloé doesn't Wow! What's happening to you today? That's right. From now on, [laughter] Your " Ladybug" has arrived. Chloé, everyone has to audition, Oh, yeah! That little formality. [cheering] Ah... Ha, ha! It's been a while! Eight years of private classes I know. I'm breathtaking! You've definitely But you and Cat Noir have to be No problem! Adrikins and I have known The son of the greatest fashion designer That would be just perfect. Grr. Is there a problem, Master Dupain-Cheng? Chloé playing Ladybug? No way! Oh? That bothers you more Uh... if I were Ladybug, I wouldn't want What do you think, Gabriel? Hmm. Artistically speaking, the other girl would have been ideal. -We'll make do with Miss Bourgeois. Woohoo! We're both going to be Or should I say " Adri-Cat"? Hee, hee! Get it? Adri-Cat? Adri-Cat... Yeah... Ha, ha! Hey, wait! I've changed my mind. Awesome! This will be the best video yet! I'm really sorry, what's-your-name, but you can still be an extra What? You want me to be a mere extra? Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Oh! Stop annoying me [gasps] Hmm. Ooh! Great choice of fabric... Almost like the real thing, Yeah, it's too well done! Oh, wow, Tikki! If they see me with this mask on, -There's no way I can wear it! Yes! I'm coming! -There she is! Spot on and spotlight! -So, you're Ladybug and Cat Noir, right? [both] Uh? Oh, yes! Ha, ha! Uh... But sweetie, there's no way I'm going to call Mom and tell her Aaah! Let's not disturb our queen right, my little princess? One... two... and three! Your dance moves need to be So you'll need to hold each other OK. [nervous laugh] [laughter] Not like that! -Give it a try. Marinette's jaw will drop Oh! I can't believe how much they look One final task, put on the mask! -Uh! Well... -in the dressing room, but it was... [laughter] They don't look a thing It's OK! I've found them! [gasp] Go ahead, put them on, you two! We've got a lot -Woohoo! I'm sorry, you never submitted permit A-38 that one can only get at counter C, which Which means you don't have a permit -I... I don't understand. no more singing today. The Nightingale Oh! Did you hear that? I made a rhyme! No! The video needs to be shot here, the city of Ladybug and Cat Noir! This ruins all of my plans! [sobs] Ah! Tears of disenchantment. Such sweet music to my ears! Fly away, my little akuma, Frightningale, I am Hawk Moth. So they tried to silence you? With the power I'm giving you, the world Yes, Hawk Moth, thank you The show is over. [cackles] Sing, dance or rhyme. Ugh! What is she talking about? Why not play the trumpet too, [gasp] Chloé, hon-- [evil laugh] Please, please! I'll keep up this rhyme! Oh, bravo! And you've got the right tempo! [screaming] Time to transform! Tikki! Spots on! Yeah! Ready to vocalise? Plagg! Claws out! Sing, dance or rhyme or you'll be frozen in no time! I thought you were a fan of ours, -so you should know we fight villains! For ever and ever, there's no doubt! If you stand in my way, You have to come round! Song and dance will make the world Ha! Then you're a disgrace! I can help you, if you give me your akuma! I won't let you take my akuma away. Do you mind if I join in the dance? You're like all the others, I'm trying to make the world better, Strike them, Frightningale! It'll be easier to overpower them Then no one can interfere Now is your chance! Do you think the two of you Two is always better than one! I'm on it! -Hey! Look out! Welcome to my musical show! [evil laugh] Wait! Stay right here and dance without a chance! Yeah, you're right, we have to rhyme! -[sighs] Ladybug and Cat Noir cannot fight back! They are be to busy singing and dancing, Now hurry, my sweet Nightingale, Hawk Moth, you bet. Miraculous you'll get! Stay in charge, don't blow a fuse! Dancing fight moves... Ha, ha! Why is Cat Noir so dumb? He doesn't even know -Yes, I do! The dummy is you! It's-- -Huh? 50 plus 50, the sum doesn't rhyme! One more false move I almost made a serious boo-boo, You think you two are being so clever, but soon you'll tire yourselves It's not in our favour, at a glance, while keeping up the song and dance. Sweet bugaboo, I agree, Our last weapon can do her harm. It is my... Lucky Charm! What is this thrown our way? We know we have to stop her, Hmm. They're not for her. They're meant for us! -What's with the frown? What's going down? -Can you help me this time? rhymer, dancer and walker! Look at the bright side today. and make way... For optimism! Cataclysm! Connected, we are one. so let's get a move on, As if we were dancing without thought, By any chance, Let's cut a rug, Miladybug! You can't bend the rules! When someone's akumatised, You're feeling unsteady. Miraculous Ladybug! No more evil-doing for you, little akuma! Time to de-evilise! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly. -Pound it! -What are you doing here? You were akumatised by Hawk Moth. I was saved by you? How amazing! Too good to be true! And I have an idea how you can finish your ♪ Miraculous! Simply the best! ♪ ♪ Up to the test when things go wrong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous! The luckiest! ♪ ♪ The power of love, always so strong! ♪ ♪ Miraculous ♪ -It's so much better like this! Now everybody gets to be in it! Besides, even though they kinda looked -they really weren't believable. And I wouldn't have had any fun. I prefer this version too. I couldn't have I know! Worlds apart! Huh? Uh, what I meant was, that you'd be No, not that you're lame in real life, You don't look a thing like him. And you don't look a thing Uh... Yeah! I mean, [laughter] Yeah.