About the Author⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 36 из 36 About the Author Multi-genre author Faith Gibson began writing in high school, and through the years, penned many stories and poems. As her dreams continued getting crazier than the one before, she decided to keep a dream journal. Many of these nighttime escapades have led to a line, a chapter, or even a complete story. “Love is love, and there’s not enough love in the world. ” This belief she holds strongly, and it's the prevailing theme in her works, all of which come with a happy ending. Faith believes her purpose in life is to entertain the masses, even if it’s one person at a time. Living just outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with the love of her life and her pit bull pup, when she’s not hard at work writing her next adventure, she can often be found playing trivia while enjoying craft beer, listening to live music, or off on an adventure of her own.