Chapter Twenty-SevenSabrina rolled hereyes when Deacon asked her for the tenth time if she was sure about leaving her furniture. They were packing up the rest of the things she wanted to take with her, and when he realized how little it was, he frowned. “But this is your stuff, Pretty Lady. ” “Stuff being the operative word, Handsome Male. ” Deacon huffed out a laugh at her endearment. “What? Would you rather I call you baby? Stud-muffin? Wait, what’s your middle name? ” “I don’t have one. I had a hard enough time choosing a first and last name when I recreated myself. ” “What do you mean? ” Sabrina leaned against the arm of the sofa, giving Deacon her undivided attention. “As I told you, Gargoyles sometimes need to move around and create new identities because we never age. I kept my birth name until I moved to the States, and then I chose a more modern name. ” “What is your birth name? ” “Oba Abara. ” Deacon sat down on the sofa and pulled Sabrina onto his lap. “Oba… I like it. What does it mean? ” “King. My father wanted to name me Prince, but my mother forbade it. I thanked her for that almost every day of my young life. ” Deacon grinned, leaning in for a kiss. Sabrina wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Seeing Deacon with his shirt off and wings spread out behind him had lit a fire in her the night before. They hadn’t made it inside before she divested him of his jeans and gave him a blowjob in the backyard. Deacon then carried her inside to the kitchen counter where he made her come on his fingers with his mouth torturing her clit. After that, he made love to her on the sofa, then took her hard against the wall. She rode him as he sat on the stairs, and they made love again when they finally made it to the bed. She’d woken him up around three a. m. with another blowjob, and he woke her at nine by taking her from behind while spooning. When he told her to get a shower while he cooked breakfast, she convinced him conserving water was the responsible thing to do. Considering how long they spent getting each other off, she had no doubt they used more water than if they had showered separately. Afterward, they cooked breakfast together and ate it on the patio. “There’s so much I don’t know about you, ” Sabrina said against Deacon’s mouth. He pulled back to look into her eyes. “Are you having doubts? I know this was quick, but—” Sabrina cut him off with a kiss. “No. No doubts. I was merely stating a fact. Like I don’t know your birthday. Or your favorite music when you’re alone. Whether you like nuts on your ice cream sundae. Your favorite movie. I know we have all the time in the world to learn about one another, but you have to admit, this was probably the fastest mating in the history of matings. ” “My birthday is June first. I listen to all types of music depending on my mood, but more often than not, I prefer jazz. I like extra walnuts on a double chocolate sundae, but no cherries. My favorite movie changes all the time, because there are so many good ones. As far as the fastest mating, my parents have us beat by a long shot. I knew you were my mate the first time I saw you in Jonathan’s room, and that was months ago. My parents met on a Saturday and were mated the next day. They only waited because my father was mourning his father’s passing. My parents met while my father was tending to his parents’ estate, and my mother refused to complete the bond that day stating it would be disrespectful. ” “If you knew I was your mate, why did you wait? ” Deacon hugged her tighter and ducked his head into the space between her neck and shoulder. “I didn’t think I was good enough for you. ” “Thankfully, you got your head out of your spectacular ass. ” Deacon jerked his head back, grinning. “You think my ass is spectacular? ” “Meh. ” Sabrina smirked and tapped his nose. “Let’s get the rest of this stuff packed up so we can get home. I have a surprise for you. ” “I like surprises. ” “See? Something else I learned about you. ” They packed what she wanted to keep and put it in the truck. That morning in bed between bouts of love making, Sabrina asked what Deacon thought about her keeping her house in case Jerrick wanted to come back to New Atlanta at some point. He thought it was a wonderful idea. If Jerrick decided he didn’t want to come back, they could sell it then. Deacon admitted he had paid the mortgage off, but he did it when he was balls-deep and she couldn’t think straight. Sabrina brought the topic back up during breakfast, and it was then Deacon admitted how much money he had. Sabrina had nearly choked on the bagel she was swallowing at the time. When he made sure she didn’t actually need the Heimlich, he told her if she ever wanted to quit her job and stay home, he wouldn’t be opposed. Sabrina held his hand, smiling, but she told him truthfully, “I appreciate that, but I like my job. What I do is important to me, as is the hospital. I want the chief of staff position if it’s offered to me. ” “Then you should take it. I only want you to be happy, Pretty Lady. ” Deacon made Sabrina happy, and she told him as much. She had to admit she was thankful for the mate bond. Without it, she might not have given him a chance because of her past. When they arrived home, Deacon unloaded the few boxes, putting them in one of the spare bedrooms for Sabrina to go through later. While he was doing that, she went to their closet and pulled out the helmet and boots she had hidden. She changed clothes into something appropriate for riding, slid her feet into the boots, and found Deacon in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. She slid the helmet on her head without fastening the strap, since she didn’t know how, and said, “Ta-da. Surprise. ” Deacon’s eyes darkened, and after putting the glass in the sink, he strode the short distance to her. “Oh, Pretty Lady. That is sexy. ” “I have a jacket, too, but it’s too hot for it now, ” she said with her hands splayed on his chest. Fingering the strap, Deacon said, “Not if we go for a midnight ride. ” “Well, it’s only two. What should we do until then? ” Deacon removed the helmet, setting it on the island, and picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. Sabrina laughed, smacking his ass as he carried her up the stairs. “Spectacular, ” she mumbled. Deacon thanked the fates about once an hour for bringing Sabrina into his life. His mate was perfect. Her outer beauty was outshone by the light from within. When he first met her, he thought her to be abrasive, but he learned that was her defense mechanism. He had given her the option of quitting her job, but she’d declined. What she did mattered, and he couldn’t be prouder. Their day together had been one of the best Deacon could remember. On the way to pack up her old house, they had stopped by Dante’s to check on Remy and Rain. The child was doing well considering what he had been through. It helped that Connor, although younger, took Rain under his wing and offered his friendship. Frey had brought Amelia to play with them, adding another friend to the mix. Remy was only supposed to be in New Atlanta temporarily, but Deacon had a feeling the male might make the move east after getting the California prison set up. Remy had only been in California a few months after moving there from France. He had been lost after losing his mate and son, but now that he had Rain back in his life, Remy had something he hadn’t felt in a while – hope. After Rain told his father what happened in Australia, Remy asked Julian to do some digging into his mate’s death. Deacon and the others were ready if and when Remy confronted his mate’s brother. After making love several times the night before, Deacon told Sabrina about rescuing the child. He didn’t omit having to fight the other Gargoyles. He never wanted to lie to her or keep things from her. He wanted her to always be prepared for whatever might happen. Sabrina shared that Trevor came by to keep her company while Deacon and Jasper had been doing their Gargoyle duties. Deacon appreciated Trevor for taking the time to visit Sabrina and bring her into the mate fold. Sophia and the others had done the same for Trevor when he first mated with Jasper. The mates were as loyal and fierce of each other as they were with their Gargoyles. Sabrina was strong, but according to her, she’d never had a solid group of friends she spent any time with. Deacon knew that was a thing of the past. He couldn’t wait to see her flourish with the help of the others. Deacon never would have taken Sabrina for the adventurous type, so seeing her with a helmet and boots had definitely been a surprise. She looked cute standing in the kitchen with the strap hanging down. When he told her it was sexy, it hadn’t been the helmet he was referring to. It had been the fact that she’d taken it upon herself to go shopping for something that would make him happy. In all the years he’d been riding, he had never had a female on his bike. It was one of many firsts he looked forward to sharing with his mate. Deacon had never been the type to experiment with a female. He had sex to sate a need, but his mate brought out the beast. Literally. When they shed their clothes, Sabrina didn’t hold back. Deacon hadn’t been with anyone who put his needs first. It wasn’t that she tried to dominate their lovemaking, but she didn’t allow him to do all the pleasuring. When they reached the bedroom, they didn’t waste time when removing their clothes. The need to be one was too great to slowly strip. Deacon took her hard and fast, and after that, they explored each other’s body. Soft caresses were mixed with teasing strokes. Chaste kisses turned into licks and nips down her neck to her breasts. He loved Sabrina’s breasts. Her nipples were sensitive, and each time he put his mouth to them, she arched her back, begging for more. He gave her more. She gave him everything. Sabrina was a generous lover. By the moans and sexy words she unleashed, as well as the wetness between her legs, Deacon didn’t have to use his Gargoyle senses to determine whether or not she was enjoying herself. The heat in her eyes as she wrapped her lips around his cock let him know she liked sucking him. When he warned her he was close to coming, she didn’t shy away from doubling her efforts to make him come down her throat. The taste of his release on her tongue when she kissed him afterward made Deacon want to tie her to the bed and never let her go. When he told her as much, she asked if he had any rope, and he nearly came again from her tempting words. Sated for the time being, they showered together, and after, they cooked together, moving around the kitchen as if they’d done it hundreds of times before. As was becoming habit, they dined on the patio, enjoying the peacefulness of Deacon’s property. Their property. They talked about Sabrina’s siblings, and Deacon didn’t miss the longing in her voice to see Jasmine and Terrence. He suggested visiting Jerrick in New Orleans and asking the others to join them there. He wanted Sabrina to be happy in all aspects of her life, and after talking to her, he knew that was the one thing missing, whether she admitted it or not. After the dishes were washed and put away, Deacon suggested they take a ride. He gave Sabrina a quick tutorial on how to hold on and lean with him in the curves. His mate was a natural. Snuggled against his back with her arms around his waist, he took her on back roads to the Talladega forest in Alabama. Sabrina had worn her leather jacket, but it wasn’t enough to keep her warm in the higher elevation of the Cheaha Mountain, so he kept to the lower route. The roundtrip ride was almost five hours, but it was the perfect amount of time for her to enjoy the wind on her face and the exhilaration that came with being on two wheels. They arrived back home a little after midnight. Deacon could have ridden all night, but he knew Sabrina’s butt and back would be tired. When he pulled into the garage and parked, Sabrina’s legs were wobbly when she slid off the bike. He turned to grab her in case she fell, but she waved his hand off. Grinning, she said, “That was the best. ” “Yeah? ” “Yes. Now I know why so many people ride. I would catch myself smiling, but then I’d close my lips so I didn’t get bugs in my teeth. ” Deacon leaned his head back, laughing loudly. He snaked an arm around Sabrina’s waist and pulled her close, planting a solid kiss on her lips. It turned heated quickly. He had been hard since they left home hours ago, having his mate plastered to his back and her hands exploring his stomach as they rode. “Inside, now, ” he snarled against her mouth. “Or, we could do it right here. ” Sabrina stepped back and began removing her clothes, starting with the leather jacket. Deacon pushed off the bike and unfastened his jeans. If she was serious about having sex in the garage, Deacon was ready to live out a fantasy he’d had ever since meeting Sabrina. When she was completely naked, he growled, “Hands on the seat and spread your legs. ” Sabrina bit her bottom lip and did as instructed. With her hands braced against the bike, she arched her back and pushed her ass higher. Deacon had to bend his knees since he was so tall, but he was going to make this position work for both of them. He stroked his hard cock several times over her wet entrance before sliding in. He placed his hands on her hips and held her steady as he rocked back and forth, dipping his knees then rising up again. Sabrina threw her head back and groaned. “Deacon, oh… Yes… Ungh, harder, ” she cried. Sabrina held onto the seat with one hand while the other snaked between her legs, rubbing her clit while he stroked her core. “Gods, you make me so hard, ” Deacon ground out as his thrusts got faster. “You’re so tight around my cock. ” “Deacon, I need you” – Sabrina gasped – “to bite me. ” Deacon’s fangs slid down from his gums, and when he felt her pussy clamp down around his cock with her release, he sank his sharp teeth into her shoulder. Sabrina yelled at the sting as she spasmed around his dick. “Hold on, ” he warned. Sabrina slapped both hands down onto the bike as Deacon lifted her feet off the ground, pounding into her soaked passage. His orgasm rolled through his body, starting at the base of his spine, through his balls, until he was erupting inside his mate. He came with a roar, rattling the windows of his truck. He banded one arm around her stomach, holding her to him as he came down from the high. He twisted Sabrina around, placing her ass on the edge of the seat and knelt down between her legs. He lapped at their mixed releases, cleaning the inside of her thigh as well as her swollen lips. When he touched his tongue to her clit, she cried out, grabbing his head with one hand while balancing on the bike with the other. Never had Deacon tasted anything as exotic. Never had he been so fulfilled. So sated. So in love. He kissed his way up her stomach and her chest until he got to her lips. Sabrina didn’t hesitate to open for him and taste their combined essence as she’d done before. The kiss turned lazy, and he ended it with a soft nip to her bottom lip. Standing straight, Deacon tucked himself back into his jeans but didn’t bother fastening them. It was a moot point because he was taking his mate to bed. He grabbed beneath her ass and lifted. When Sabrina wrapped her arms and legs around Deacon, he looked her in the eyes. “I love you, Pretty Lady. Thank you for being my mate. ” “I love you, too, my Oba. ” Sweeter words had never been spoken.