Chapter Twenty-EightSabrina was looking forward to family day at the manor. After spending time with Trevor, she was ready to meet the other mates. She’d met a few of them, but she hadn’t been able to hear their stories and really get to know them. She was looking forward to checking in on Jonathan as well. While it was an ideal day to ride the bike, she was sore from all the sex they’d had on top of last night’s ride. She thought she would be embarrassed when she told Deacon as much, but he had run her a bath and pampered her so sweetly. When they arrived, Sabrina wasn’t surprised at the number of vehicles in the driveway. Deacon had already told her what to expect so she wouldn’t be overwhelmed. She had met many of the males while they visited and watched over Jonathan. What did surprise her was Priscilla’s mood when they entered the kitchen. The older lady was in her element, bustling around the kitchen. “Oh, Dr. Bailey. It’s so good to see you again. Welcome to the family, ” Priscilla said, hugging Sabrina tightly. “Please, call me Sabrina. Is there anything I can do to help? ” she asked. “Oh, thank you, but I’ve got this. You go on in the den and mingle. Breakfast will be ready shortly. ” Deacon bent down and kissed Priscilla on the cheek, and the older woman placed both her hands on Deacon’s face. “I’m so happy for you, ” she whispered. Deacon closed his eyes for a second, and Sabrina could tell he was enjoying the woman’s affection. Now she understood what he meant when he told her Priscilla was like a mother to them all. He led Sabrina into a large room where couples were sitting together while single males stood drinking coffee. Dante’s son, Connor, was sitting with a little boy Sabrina didn’t recognize, while Frey’s daughter, Amelia, danced around in a pink tutu. Rafael, who held a very pregnant Kaya on his lap, called out to her. “Sabrina, welcome to our home and our family. Deacon, I’ll let you make the introductions. We would get up, but Kaya’s been having contractions, and I don’t want her to move any more than necessary. ” Kaya rolled her eyes at his words, but she remained nestled against his chest. “I’m so glad you’re here, Sabrina, ” Kaya said. “I’m glad to be here. ” The room got quiet. Even Amelia stopped dancing so Deacon could go around the room and introduce Sabrina to everyone. Each male who was seated stood as Deacon presented her as his mate. And each one, including those who had already been standing, fisted their hand over their heart and said, “On my honor. ” Sabrina now knew what the gesture symbolized. It warmed her heart to have the loyalty of each member of their Clan, but it was the women who brought tears to her eyes. Each one, with the exception of Kaya, stood and hugged her, welcoming her to the family. Sabrina had never felt so accepted, and it wasn’t because she had been Jonathan’s doctor. It was because she was one of them. As they talked a little about themselves, Sabrina expected there to be at least a little bit of cattiness or jealousy, but there was none. These women – and Trevor – loved one another. Trevor had explained how the mates had a bond of their own, but she hadn’t expected to be included into their circle so easily. They accepted her because she was Deacon’s mate. Her station in life and the color of her skin had no bearing on how they treated her. Each mate was different. They all had a story to tell, and they promised to do so after breakfast. Priscilla called them to the dining room where an elaborate buffet was set up. She excused herself, telling Rafael she was going to go sit with Jonathan. Sabrina wanted to see her former patient, but she had time for that after breakfast. The food was delicious, and talk was loud, boisterous, and what Sabrina had dreamed of all her life. When she sat looking at all those gathered around the table, Deacon leaned over and whispered, “Are you okay? ” She smiled up at him. “I’m great. Thank you for giving me not only your love but this family. ” Deacon kissed her cheek and went back to eating. When she glanced across the table, Abbi smiled at her. “Well, shit, ” Kaya said from her seat beside Rafael. “Either I peed myself, or my water just broke. ” “What? It’s too early! ” Rafael cried, jumping from his chair, which fell over with a thud. “Obviously, your son thinks it’s the perfect time. Besides, we have three doctors here. Oh! ” Kaya shouted, grabbing her stomach. “I think he’s really ready. Rafe, I think he’s coming now! ” “Somebody find Priscilla, ” Rafael instructed. “I’ll go. I can sit with Jonathan, ” Sabrina offered. “But we might need you, ” Rafael said. Sabrina smiled and shook her head. “Kaya is in good hands with Isabelle and Dante. Please, point me to Priscilla? ” “They’re in the garden. Deacon, show her where that is. ” Rafael appeared to calm down as Kaya clutched his arm, but Sabrina saw the worried look in his eyes. Deacon hurried Sabrina out the back door and down the steps to the entrance to a breathtaking area. A concrete path meandered through all types of plants, flowers, bushes, and trees, until they came to a bench where Priscilla was seated next to her brother. “Kaya’s in labor, and they have requested your presence, Priscilla, ” Sabrina said. When Priscilla turned to Jonathan, he patted her on the arm. “They need you. Go. ” “I’ll sit with him, ” Sabrina said. Priscilla hesitated, but Jonathan nodded to her. “Thank you, ” Priscilla said then took off back to the house. Sabrina took the seat beside Jonathan, leaning gently against the older man’s shoulder, and Deacon stood sentry beside the bench. Kaya had Rafael’s hand in an iron grip while Priscilla dabbed Kaya’s forehead with a damp cloth. All her plans to deliver Sebastian at the hospital had flown out the window when her son decided he was going to be born at home. Rafael managed to keep a level head once the initial shock had worn off. He carried Kaya to their bedroom. Dante might be a doctor as well as Rafael’s brother, but they all knew Rafael would lose his shit if Dante was anywhere near a half-naked Kaya while Isabelle examined her. Dante called for an ambulance and then Kaya’s obstetrician, while the others sat with the kids. Frey was doing his best to get in touch with Matthew and Slade, but Kaya told him to let them enjoy their vacation. There would be enough Clan wanting their hands on the Prince once Sebastian was born. When Priscilla finally made her way into the house, Kaya hadn’t missed the tear-stained cheeks of her dear friend. The woman had been spending every moment she could with her brother while he was still with them, but Kaya knew Priscilla didn’t want to miss being there when Sebastian was born. Everything Kaya had been told about giving birth didn’t prepare her for the pain or the fear. She wasn’t due for another few weeks, but Isabelle assured her Sebastian was strong. He was his father’s child, after all. The ambulance was almost there, but Kaya wasn’t sure it would get there in time. “I know you want to push, but we need to wait for the paramedics if at all possible. They have the necessary supplies to keep both you and Sebastian safe, ” Isabelle said. Rafael took Kaya’s hand in his and kissed her knuckles. “My Queen, ” he whispered. “You probably hate me right now, but please know I would take your pain if I could. You are about to give me the most precious gift imaginable, and I am in awe of you. You are the strongest female I’ve ever known, and it humbles me to be your mate. I love you more than I ever thought possible, and my love grows for you daily. ” Kaya reached up and placed her hand on Rafael’s damp cheek. “I could never hate you. Yes, I want our son out of my body, but what kind of Queen would I be if I allowed you to carry my pain? Love is aaaaaaaaagggggghhhhh! ” Another contraction hit, and Kaya gripped Rafael’s hand as hard as she could as she breathed through it. When it subsided, Priscilla wiped the sweat from Kaya’s forehead again. Rafael and Priscilla helped Kaya the best they could through the next few contractions, but finally, Isabelle told her they couldn’t wait any longer. Sebastian was coming. At the top of the next contraction, she told Kaya to tuck her chin to her chest and push. Kaya grunted and strained. When Isabelle told her to stop, Kaya leaned back against Rafael’s chest. “The ambulance is here, ” Dante announced from outside the room. Before the paramedics could get inside, Kaya pushed twice more. When a male and female strode into the room carrying supplies, Rafael growled, and Kaya shushed him. The man ignored Rafael, but he let the female take lead when Isabelle moved out of the way. “Okay, Mrs. Stone, I need you to give me one more good push, ” the female said. Kaya did, and after what seemed like an eternity, the sweetest sound she’d ever heard filled the air. “Congratulations on your son, ” the medic said. “We have a son, ” Rafael whispered, kissing Kaya softly, while the manor erupted in cheers. Sabrina studied Jonathan’s face. He was smiling at her in a way she’d never seen before. “How are you feeling, Mr. Holt? ” “Oh, stop with that Mister stuff. We’re family now, Sabrina. Is it true? Is Kaya about to give birth? ” “It seems that way. Did you want to go inside? ” “No. This is perfect. ” Jonathan reached out and took Sabrina’s hand in his. “One life ends as another begins. ” Jonathan closed his eyes and turned his face to the warm summer sunshine. Sabrina wanted to argue, but she couldn’t. She knew Jonathan’s time was drawing to a close, but it didn’t make it easier. She did her best to keep things professional between herself and her patients, but she’d become attached to this man. He had brought Deacon to her. Without him, she might never have found such profound love and the family he brought with him. Deacon placed his hands on her shoulders, offering silent strength. As intense as their lovemaking was, it was the quiet times like this she cherished the most where their connection didn’t need words. Deacon’s hands tensed, and Sabrina looked up at him. “The baby’s coming, ” Deacon told them. “They’ve called for an ambulance, but I’m not sure if Kaya can hold out that long. ” They sat in companionable silence while they waited. The siren’s wail rent the air, louder as it neared the driveway, and once it entered the grounds, the sound cut off, bathing them in solitude once more. After a few minutes, Jonathan muttered, “I can hear him, ” and both Sabrina and Deacon looked at the man. “Hear who? ” Sabrina asked. “Sebastian, ” Jonathan replied, smiling. His tight grip on Sabrina’s hand grew lax. “Jonathan? ” Sabrina turned to face him, but she knew in her heart he was finally at peace. “He’s gone, ” Deacon whispered. “Kaya just gave birth, and Jonathan has passed on. ” Sabrina reached over to check his pulse, because the doctor in her told her to, but Deacon was right. Sabrina wrapped her arm around Jonathan’s shoulder and kissed his cheek. “Until we meet again. ” Deacon lifted Jonathan’s body, and with Sabrina holding the man’s hand, he carried him back to the house. Sabrina held the door for Deacon. Inside, everyone was celebrating the birth of their Prince. When they caught sight of Deacon with Jonathan in his arms, a hush fell over the room. Deacon continued down the hallway that led to Jonathan’s bedroom. He laid the human on his bed, placing his hands on his stomach. Deacon kissed Jonathan on the temple and led Sabrina back to the den. He didn’t want to put a damper on Rafael and Kaya’s big day, but there was no way to keep the news from them. Gregor was closest to Rafael, but he and Tessa were still in New Orleans, so Deacon got Dante’s attention. He led him away from where Priscilla was hovering next to Kaya. When they were out of earshot, he explained what happened. “I’ll handle it, ” Dante assured him, but Rafael rounded the corner. “Is it true? ” he asked. “Yes. I put him on his bed, ” Deacon said only loud enough for the shifters to hear. Rafael closed his eyes for a few seconds, but when he opened them, he was smiling. “He’s at peace now. Sebastian was with him in those last few moments, and now, we will all carry Jonathan forward in our hearts. I need to get back to Kaya and my son, but do me a favor. In Jonathan’s room, there’s an envelope in the drawer by his bed. Bring it to me, please. ” Deacon inclined his head then strode down the hall to retrieve the envelope. He carried it with him into the den where Sabrina was waiting with the others. While the ambulance was loading Kaya and Sebastian for the ride to the hospital, Rafael came into the den and passed out cigars to anyone who wanted them. Deacon handed the envelope to Rafael. “Thank you, Brother. Thank you both for being there with him when he passed. ” Rafael then turned to everyone else. “It is a day for celebration. Sebastian is going to need special care since he decided to grace us with his presence a little early, so I’ll ask that you all give Kaya and me some space at the hospital. It’s not that I don’t want you there, but there’s no need in you all sitting on uncomfortable chairs when you can sit here or at your own homes in comfort. ” Priscilla came into the room, and Rafael pulled her to him. “We’re all going to need your help over the coming days, so I thank you in advance. ” Rafael gave the envelope to Dante and asked him and Isabelle to stay with Priscilla while she read it before allowing her to see her brother. Rafael then rushed outside to ride in the ambulance with his mate and new son. Deacon didn’t want to wait around for Dante and Isabelle to break the news to Priscilla. It had been a good day up until that point, and Priscilla’s pain would hit him hard. When he realized how selfish he was being, Deacon mentally slapped himself. If Priscilla could endure the pain of her brother’s passing, so could he.