Chapter Twenty-NinePriscilla understood why Rafael asked everyone to remain at the manor, but she didn’t understand why Deacon and Sabrina were inside. “Who’s sitting with Jonathan? ” she asked. When she turned to go to his room, Dante stopped her. “Jonathan asked that you have this. If you’d rather be alone to read it, we can all give you some privacy. ” She knew. In that moment, Priscilla knew her love was gone. She took the letter from Dante and moved to sit down on the sofa. “I’d like you all to stay, please, ” she whispered. She needed the strength of her family to get through the next few hours. Dante sat to her right, and Isabelle took the space to her left. She pulled the letter out, and with trembling hands, she attempted to read the words. The tears were so thick, she couldn’t see the letters. Priscilla handed the paper to Isabelle and asked if she would read it out loud. Isabelle nodded. She cleared her throat a couple times then read to Priscilla the words her love wanted her to hear. “My darling Ruby, I love you beyond measure, and I will love you beyond this life as well. You have been my rock, my best friend, my everything, for as long as I can remember. I need you to continue doing that for me now. Sebastian is going to need a grandmother’s love, and Kaya needs your ever-present mother’s guiding hand. I need you to be strong, not only for me, but for Rafael as well. You are and always have been the glue holding our family together. Carry my love and the memories we’ve shared over the years in your heart. Know I am watching over you always. Share with our precious Sebastian the stories of his father, his uncles, and all the Clan who will one day be under his rule. Teach him the same way you taught those who have come before him. Show him what it means to love. Remind him to be kind and fair. And when he’s old enough, tell him where to find the cookies you’ve hidden from Rafael. And when it’s time, pass the same love, knowledge, and lessons on to his cousins and any siblings he might have. Never let Sebastian forget I have loved him from the beginning, and I will love him forever more, as I will you. You are the most giving person I know, and I have to selfishly ask you to once again put my wishes above your own. Your sacrifice has been too great. Knowing this, I still ask that you do not mourn me. Instead, celebrate my life. Our life. Honor me this one last time without tears but with laughter. I know you will, because I know how much you love me. Our secret is now yours to share, if you so desire. You made my life complete, and I can pass on to the next part of my journey knowing you are strong enough for both of us. I will be waiting for you when you take your last breath. Until then, know I am with you. You are my heart and my soul. Now and forever yours, Jon” Priscilla wiped her tears and smiled as Isabelle handed her the letter. “By the way you’re all looking at me, I know you are confused. Those words do not sound like a brother’s dying letter to his sister. ” Priscilla pressed her hands down her thighs to smooth out the nonexistent wrinkles. “The Holt family has been looking after Di Pietros for many generations. For most of their family, it was an honor to do so. But for Jonathan’s sister, it was a burden she refused to bear. His sister fell in love, and because the man she loved wasn’t from one of the families who had been sworn to secrecy, their marriage was forbidden. “But Jonathan loved his sister deeply. She was his twin, and as such, theirs was a bond unlike most siblings. My family also held the secrets of the Gargoyles, and I grew up with Jonathan and his sister from diapers. When he told me of his sister’s plight, we came up with a plan only he, his sister, and I knew about. Jonathan took his place with the Di Pietros, and his sister joined him. Only instead of it being the real Priscilla Holt, it was me pretending to be her. By this time, both my parents had passed on, so I had no one to answer to. While Jon and I lived together as siblings, Priscilla ran away with her beloved, and they are still together, living in the South of France. “Jonathan and I fell in love when we were in our teens. We never married, but our lives were spent together as if we were. My real name is Ruby, but I’ve portrayed Priscilla for so long, that’s who I’ve become. Eventually, his other siblings found out, but by that time, their parents were dead, and his siblings didn’t care. I love Kaya and Rafael as if they were my own children. I feel the same about all of you in this room. But my only regret is not being there with Jonathan when he took his last breath. I would like to see him now so I can tell him goodbye. ” “I’ll take you to him, ” Deacon said. He held out his hand, and Priscilla took it. Deacon led her down the hallway to their wing of the manor. When he pushed open Jonathan’s bedroom door, her knees weakened, but Deacon caught her. He helped her walk to the bed, where Priscilla kicked off her shoes and climbed up to lie down beside him. When Deacon closed the door giving her privacy, Priscilla curled up next to Jonathan and placed her hand over his cold one. She did as he asked and put a smile on her face. Lying next to her beloved, Priscilla sang his favorite song with all the love she’d ever felt for the man who had been her life. The mood in the room was somber until Connor stood, looked at his father, and said, “Da, Jonathan wanted us to celebrate, so we should. Please put on some music. ” Dante smiled at his son and did as he asked. Connor grabbed Amelia’s hand, and the two of them started dancing. Deacon held out his hand for Sabrina. “Care to dance, Pretty Lady? ” Soon everyone joined in, and the Clan honored the human who had come to mean so much to them all. Even Rain joined in. He had been through quite an ordeal, but he was reunited with his father, and that in itself was cause for celebration. Priscilla eventually left Jonathan’s side. While she didn’t dance, she did what made her happiest, and that was cook. The mates had already cleaned up the breakfast dishes, and they all pitched in setting up the tables outside while Dante and Trevor went to get one of the buses from the morgue and took Jonathan’s body to a local funeral home. It had been his wish to be cremated and his ashes spread throughout the garden. Rafael and Kaya had already said their goodbyes to their friend, not knowing if he would wake up each morning. Father and mother stayed at the hospital with Sebastian until they were able to bring him home. Priscilla visited every day, and with a smile on her face, she kept her promise to the love of her life. Deacon was rarely without his own smile as he and Sabrina settled into their new normal. They woke each morning to make love before eating breakfast, and then they headed to work. When they came home at night, they shared about their days. Some nights they cooked together, but on those occasions Sabrina had a difficult day at work, Deacon sent her upstairs to relax in a bath with a glass of wine while he cooked for her. The other mates invited Sabrina to their homes, where over time, she heard all their stories. When Deacon asked for time off to take Sabrina to New Orleans, Gregor surprised him and asked if he and Tessa could tag along. Remy was doing well handling the Pen, and Rain was enjoying spending time with Connor and Amelia. The boy still had nightmares, but for the most part, he was a happy child. Jerrick and Evan were technically still hiding, and for the time being, they decided to remain in The Big Easy. The two males, while showing no signs of being romantically involved, had become close. Gladys, Tessa’s next-door neighbor, cooked for them and doted on them as if they were her own sons. Instead of driving, the four of them took the Clan jet. Deacon had a feeling if he and Sabrina hadn’t been with them, Tessa and Gregor would have made use of the bedroom. The thought crossed Deacon’s mind more than once. Instead, they sat in the luxurious leather seats while Tessa told Sabrina stories about Jonas. It was fascinating to hear about Sabrina’s boss as something other than chief of staff of the hospital. All the Clan knew Jonas’s background, but Tessa knew the man who had cloned her and helped raise her. With Tessa as their tour guide, Sabrina fell in love with New Orleans. Deacon saw it through new eyes as they strolled the streets of the French Quarter, window-shopped the quaint businesses, and tasted all the local cuisine. Sabrina’s true love was the Garden District, and even though Deacon preferred to live somewhere without neighbors, it made sense to purchase a home since Jerrick had decided to remain there. Tessa introduced them to Dominic and Lilly, and the three couples were walking around, taking in the architecture. When Deacon pointed out a house for sale close to the one Tessa owned, Sabrina shook her head. “Oba, we can’t just buy a house. ” “But we can, Pretty Lady. Jerrick and Evan need somewhere to live, and we need somewhere to stay when we visit. Think of it as an investment. ” Tessa said to Sabrina, “You should know by now the Goyles always get their way. There’s no arguing with them. ” Gregor laughed, pulling Tessa to him. “No arguing, Red? Seriously? ” Tessa elbowed him in the stomach. “Shut up, Stone. ” Everyone laughed along with them, except for Lilly. She was staring at the house. “What is it, My Love? ” Dominic asked. Lilly winked at her mate before turning to Sabrina and taking her hand. “I have a good feeling about this one. I think you should check it out. ” Lilly had given Sabrina a tarot reading the night before. While Sabrina had been skeptical, Deacon had been enthralled. According to the cards, big things were going to happen for Sabrina in both her personal and professional lives. Lilly’s words had been vague at first, but she had written down exact details, telling Sabrina not to read the note until a specific date. “What do you say? Want to take a look inside? ” Deacon asked. Sabrina knew money wasn’t an issue, so when she grinned and said yes, Deacon wasn’t surprised. She tried to be the voice of reason whenever they talked about spending money. Deacon knew it stemmed from her childhood. The realtor was able to meet with them that afternoon, so after lunch at an Irish Pub which belonged to friends of Tessa’s, they toured the three-story house. Deacon didn’t need the witch to tell him the outcome of their visit. His mate’s excitement was tangible as soon as she stepped out the back door and into the private yard. The previous owners had built a breathtaking garden off the covered patio. The older house had been updated with modern appliances while the structural integrity had been maintained throughout. Dominic knew the previous owner who happened to be one of the Clan. The male had recently found his mate while on vacation in the Keys and decided to move to one of the small islands where his mate had a veterinarian practice she loved. After looking at every room, each nook and cranny, Sabrina grinned. “What do you think, Oba? ” Deacon loved hearing his birth name fall from her lips. Even if it hadn’t been his idea, he would have sold his soul to give Sabrina what she wanted. “I think we have a new home. ” He kissed her deeply, not caring if the others were standing there. “Get a room, ” Tessa teased. Deacon looked around. “I think we’ll get them all. ” After putting in an offer with the realtor, the six of them headed back to Tessa’s to tell Jerrick and Evan the good news. Since the guys were going to be living there, Deacon suggested taking them back to see the house. Jerrick and Evan were sitting next to each other on the sofa. Evan hadn’t said a lot since Deacon and the others arrived. He mostly deferred to Jerrick’s opinion on most subjects. On the outside, the male seemed to be doing well, but his heart was still hurting for some reason. Deacon chalked it up to what he’d gone through since leaving the military. From being unwanted by his family, to becoming Unholy, and then to become a Reborn, the male needed someone to talk to. There were few Gargoyle psychologists, and Deacon was going to recommend one to both Evan and Jerrick. “Were you planning on buying a house when you came to visit? ” Jerrick asked. “No. When we stopped in front of the one for sale, Lilly had a good feeling about it, ” Sabrina said. She invited Lilly to tell Jerrick why she thought the house would be a good one. Tessa was arguing with Dominic about his choice of rum, and Gregor was grinning like a fool. Deacon stood back, listening to the various conversations. He was enjoying being around the other two couples. Lilly was soft-spoken and one of the most genuine beings Deacon had ever met. His beast had never been at such peace as it was around the blonde. And Deacon had to admit, he was a believer. The more time he spent around the witch, the more he thought there was more to her than a tarot readings and mixing potions. She had a true gift. And Dominic… The male with his long, black hair, leather pants and boots, and flowing, white shirt didn’t just dress the part of a pirate because he liked the clothing; he had been one. His French accent hadn’t abated over the years, and Deacon could admit it was intriguing. Deacon thought about all the different personalities of the males and their mates in their Clan. They were a diverse bunch, and he thanked the gods he and Sabrina had found a home among them. Deacon had always gotten along with his boss, but now he considered Gregor to be something other than the hardass warden. And Tessa was a hoot. He admired her willingness to jump in and help in whatever Gregor got up to. He wasn’t surprised that Gregor allowed it. They were a team. At least they were now. For a while, the two had been in a rough spot, but they seemed to have worked it out. He knew relationships were hard work, even with the mate bond, but he prayed he and Sabrina were never at odds with one another. He figured if he gave her everything she wanted and then some, he had it made. After showing Jerrick and Evan the new house, the group went out to celebrate. Dominic called a friend who owned a restaurant down by the river. The man put them in a private room where they were treated like royalty. The food was excellent, and the company was even better. Deacon felt his mate’s eyes on him, and when he looked at her, she smiled and whispered, “I love you. ” Even if she never gave him the words, Deacon felt Sabrina’s love in every look, every touch. “Are you happy, Pretty Lady? ” “I am. I never dreamed my life would be so full. For the longest time, all I had was my career. But now I have my new family, and I have my brother. But mostly, I have you. You’re my everything, Oba. Thank you. ” “You’re welcome, and if you didn’t know it, I love you too. ” Deacon knew there was one thing missing from Sabrina’s life, and he vowed to give it to her. Somehow, some way. He would make her life complete. But for the time being, he sat back and relished the laughter and love flowing around the room.