Chapter Twenty-FiveSabrina stopped by Jonathan’s room to say hello and found Kaya visiting. Kaya took one look at Sabrina and grinned. “Congratulations. ” “For? ” Sabrina did her best not to blush, but Kaya was a mate, and she would know what the afterglow of having incredible sex with her mate looked like. “You know what. You and Deacon mated, ” Kaya whispered. Jonathan was resting, and it didn’t look like he was resting peacefully if the harsh rise and fall of his chest was any indication. “Yes, we did. I had every intention of waiting. Spending time with Deacon to make sure it was what I wanted it, but last night… Well, something happened. I hurt his feelings pretty badly, and I knew when I saw the pain in his eyes that I never wanted to put that look on his face again. It made me realize I didn’t want to wait. ” “Good. That means we’ll be seeing you every Sunday, ” Kaya said. “Sundays? You mean family day at your manor, right? Deacon mentioned that. ” “Yes. It started off as the males getting together in the afternoon, playing video games or shooting pool. Something to get them together and relax. When they started finding their mates, we moved it to breakfast, and everyone typically hangs out most of the day unless there’s something pressing. ” “Sounds fun. What do I need to bring? ” Sabrina asked. She was excited about meeting the rest of the mates and hearing their stories. She didn’t have an exciting story to share. Not really. Everyone already knew who she was from being Jonathan’s doctor. “Just you and that handsome male of yours. Priscilla has all the food covered. We worried she’d slack off with Jonathan in the hospital, but it gives her something to keep her mind occupied. Cooking for such a large crowd takes a while. ” “Well, if I need to pitch in in anyway, just let me know. ” “I will. Thank you. ” “Okay, I’m going to get Jonathan’s discharge papers ready. ” Since the man had opted to stop taking treatments, he was ready to move back home. He had wanted Kaya’s advice on whether or not that was advisable. His other option was to move in with one of the other Clan members, but that wasn’t what he wanted. His wish was to pass on at his home. Kaya assured him they would handle Priscilla. If the woman got to be too much for him, they would deal with it when it happened. Sabrina stopped at the nurses’ station and made the necessary arrangements for Jonathan’s release. Deacon had texted earlier asking how her day was, and she responded honestly. She wished they were back in his bed. He corrected her: our bed. Which got her to thinking. Now they were mated, she could go ahead and move into his house. She would need to either put hers up for sale or rent it out, and she didn’t think she wanted to be a landlord. She put it on the back burner for the time being until she could speak to Deacon about it and get his opinion. It felt good to have someone to help make decisions. By the time she got back to the secure area where Jerrick was, his wounds had all healed, and he and Evan were sitting up playing cards. “Hey, Bree. “ “You’re looking amazingly healed. ” Sabrina smiled and wrapped her arms around her brother’s shoulders. He returned her embrace, smiling back. “I am. Gregor and Tessa have gone shopping for Evan and me some clothes since everything we had is at the warehouse. Then we’re headed out. ” “I’m proud of you. Both of you, ” Sabrina said, smiling at Evan too. Deacon had told her how Evan’s family wanted nothing to do with him. “I’ve got vacation time coming up, and if Deacon is agreeable, we’ll come visit soon. I’ve always wanted to see New Orleans. ” “I’d like that. It feels good having at least one of my siblings back in my life. Maybe someday, the four of us can get together. ” “That sounds wonderful. As much as I would love to stay and chat, I need to head back upstairs, but I wanted to stop in and tell you I love you, and I hope you have a great trip. ” “I love you, too. ” They hugged each other again, and when Sabrina released Jerrick, she pulled Evan into her arms for a quick embrace. Sabrina left the room quickly before the threatening tears fell. She wanted more time with Jerrick, but she had to be realistic. His life, if he remained in New Atlanta, was in danger. She understood the concept of war, but she’d never given much thought to the intrinsic nuances. There were people in power and others wanted that power. It wasn’t only pitting one army against another. Pawns were created and used. Lives were considered nonconsequential in the larger scheme. Now, she was in the middle of one, or at least on the fringes. Sabrina didn’t doubt things between Gargoyles were just as serious and complicated as human wars. If this Drago was willing to use a child to further his army, there was no telling what he would do to Jerrick. He already tried to kill him, so there’s your answer. Deacon showed up not long after she said goodbye to her brother and explained he and several others were going to look for the boy. He gave her a key to his house, telling her to text Julian when she arrived so he could override the code. When she told him she’d just go back to her place until he was finished, he shook his head. “I’d prefer you stay at our home. My security is much better. ” “Why are you worried about my security? Jerrick was the one leaving the messages. ” “We don’t know if Drago is aware of your connection. I’d rather err on the side of caution. Besides, my house is now yours, as is everything I own, and I would prefer to come home to my mate. ” “I’m okay with that, except I don’t have my car. ” Deacon handed her his keys. “Take the truck. It’s parked in your spot. I’ll get one of the others to drop me off later. We don’t expect the rescue to take too long, but I will text or call you to keep you posted. ” Deacon closed the door to her office before kissing her long and hard. Her body reacted to his touch, fire burning low in her belly, traveling farther south the longer they kissed. Sabrina gasped for air when Deacon broke the kiss. “Stay safe, my love. I’ll be home as soon as possible. ” Sabrina nodded, touching her fingers to her lips, which were still tingling. Smiling, she got back to work. The rest of her day passed by in a blur. Jerrick was on his way to New Orleans. Jonathan had been checked out and was back home at the manor. She stumbled her way through the staff meeting with her department, but if anyone noticed she was off her game, no one said anything. If that wasn’t bad enough, a child had been brought into the pediatric ward, and none of the other doctors had been available to consult. Paul had remained professional if not distant. Instead of heading directly to Deacon’s home – her home – she stopped by her house and began packing. There was no use in putting off moving in considering they were mated. Sabrina tried to wrap her head around the fact that a week ago, heck even a few days ago, she’d been single, and now she was practically married. Some of the others had referred to their mates as their wives, and she wondered if she and Deacon would get married too. He told her everything of his was now hers, so maybe things were different in the Gargoyle world. Sabrina snorted. Of course things were different. She never would have allowed herself to move so quickly with a human. He’d called her his love. Was it possible he did love her so soon after getting together? Her feelings for him were intense, and she thought about how badly she wanted to spend every waking moment with him. She felt lust, definitely. But love? If it wasn’t love, it was close to it. She looked around at her furniture and tried to imagine it mixing in with Deacon’s. She loved his house. It was furnished perfectly as far as she was concerned, so her things could be sold or donated. Other than her clothes, there was very little she wanted to take with her. That was a sad statement to how bland her life had been up until that point. She was thirty-six, yet her home wasn’t filled with mementos of a life well lived. Sabrina had been merely existing. She was ready to start enjoying her nights. Spending her free time with the gorgeous male who had claimed her. Sabrina found a leather jacket in the back of her closet. It took her a minute to remember when or where she bought it. Seeing the coat reminded her of Deacon’s Harley. Sabrina dug her phone out of her purse then opened the search engine for the nearest motorcycle shop. There was one not too far out of the way from the route that took her to her new home, and they were open for another couple hours. Abandoning her clothes, Sabrina took what she’d already packed and tossed it in the back seat of the truck and then made her way to the bike store. Less than an hour later, she walked out with a shiny, black helmet, a couple pairs of jeans, and some riding boots. Pulling up to the gate, she texted the number Deacon had given her for Julian and told him she was there. A few seconds later, the gate opened, and Sabrina pulled through. As she eased down the long driveway, she took her time so she could get a good look at her surroundings. All this land was now hers. Sabrina had never taken the time to enjoy activities like hiking, but she could envision walking with Deacon through the trees, enjoying nature in its purest form. Movement caught her eye, and for a second, Sabrina was scared someone was out there watching her. When she finally caught sight of what startled her, she laughed, joy infusing her soul. A doe and two fawns were bounding through the brush, the mom’s white tail a flag as it moved away. Yes, she could definitely get used to this. It had taken a couple hours of Julian and Lucy working together, but they finally figured out where the building was Connor had seen in his vision. It turned out to be one of many abandoned churches in an area formerly known as Little Five Points. The small section of northeast New Atlanta had once been a thriving, artistic and eclectic area but now was nothing but shattered windows, broken sidewalks, and a haven for the homeless. That was one of the reasons it had taken so long to find the building. In his vision, Connor had seen it as it looked now, but in searching online, the building had been depicted with its flourishing faç ade from thirty years prior. Stealth was not on their side. Five large males dressed in black battle gear with swords strapped to their backs drew attention from even the most strung-out person. Waiting until the cover of night would have been preferable, but they didn’t want to risk the child being moved. They had agreed on a cover story. If anyone asked, they were working on a film set. New Atlanta had become one of the premier cities for shooting movies, and a studio was set up a few blocks south of where the church was. An action movie currently being filmed in the area helped with their story. Dane had been advised of where they were going and for what reason. Paxton, being a cop, would be able to smooth things over if any other officers saw them and questioned what they were doing, as long as they didn’t inspect the swords too closely. The five males separated, surrounding the old building. Deacon, not being a believer in the human God, had never stepped foot in a church. That didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate a beautiful structure for its architecture, the ornate wooden pillars rising from floor to ceiling, or what once had been artistic stained-glass windows. As he silently made his way along the side aisle leading from the front of the church to a doorway which opened into a dark, dank stairway, Deacon kept his senses open for anything which didn’t belong. This particular church had a floor beneath the sanctuary. The upstairs was one open cavern with the exception of a couple rooms behind the choir section. Lorenzo and Paxton had been tasked with searching there, while Deacon, Frey, and Jasper moved about the lower section. He felt the other Goyles’ tension as each one surveyed their own space within the building. The lower level housed classrooms which at one time had been filled with adults and children learning lessons that helped them live a pious life. Offices now abandoned had been used by the men who were supposed to have a deeper knowledge of what the Christian Bible taught. Since said Bible had been translated many times over the centuries, Deacon wondered how much of the original text had lost its true meaning. Pausing outside a closed door, Deacon searched the interior for any emotion or the subtlest heartbeat coming from within. The others were doing the same in their section of the massive structure. They had agreed on radio silence unless they found something. After reaching the last door, Deacon was ready to call it a bust. He ran his hand over his short hair, and a sigh caught in his throat when he felt it – fear. Holding up a closed fist so the others remained still, Deacon closed his eyes and concentrated. The faint sound of breathing came from somewhere below. “Do you hear that? ” he whispered knowing the others would understand his words. Frey responded, “It’s coming from below our feet. Julian, is there anything on the blueprints showing rooms underneath where we are now? ” Julian and Lucy were monitoring the comms. Tapping sounded through the earpiece as they waited for Julian to do his thing. “There isn’t another level to the church, but there is a tunnel which is left over from the old viaducts. It was supposedly closed off back in the early 1900s. The church was built on top of a stretch of abandoned railway property when the city diverted the traffic closer to downtown. It’s possible there is a covered trapdoor leading underneath, but I’m sorry. There’s nothing—" “Wait. I’ve got something, ” Lucy inserted. “Frey, I found an old article from the Prohibition Era. It says many buildings in that area were built on top of the old tunnels and were used by bootleggers. The church you’re in was originally a speakeasy and much smaller. Julian, look at this... ” Deacon and the others waited while Julian and Lucy chatted excitedly in their ears. “If what we’re looking at is correct, there’s a hidden door underneath the middle room on the west side of the floor you’re on, ” Julian relayed. Deacon, Frey, and Jasper moved quickly to the middle room and searched the floor. “Look, ” Frey said, pointing. Several pieces of the hardwood were a darker color. Deacon dropped to his knees and extended his claws, inserting them between the seams of two boards. They came away with little effort, and after prying up the other discolored planks, he found a round, metal hasp. Frey put a hand on his shoulder, halting his progress. “Lor, Pax, we found the trap door. Remain upstairs just in case Drago and his men come back for the child. We are going down. ” “Copy that, ” Lorenzo replied. Frey nodded, and Deacon pulled the handle. A heavy, iron door swung upward, and Deacon peered down into the dark hole. The sound of breathing hastened, and the fear he felt earlier intensified. Frey didn’t argue. He lowered himself into the tunnel below, and Deacon and Jasper followed. The three moved silently down the tunnel until they came upon a small boy who was lying in the fetal position with his arms over his head. The smell of urine was strong, and Deacon had to calm his beast. It was ready to find Drago and take his head. Frey put a hand to the boy’s shoulder, and the child whimpered. “Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe now. My name is Frey. This is Deacon and Jasper, and we’ve come to take you home. ” Red-rimmed eyes turned to look at them, and Deacon’s heart broke. “I don’t have a home, ” the child whispered with an accent. “You do now, ” Frey assured him. “I have a large family, and now so do you. Let’s get you out of here, okay? ” The child’s eyes were filled with fear and distrust. “Look. ” Frey pulled out his phone, flipping to the photos. “I have a daughter about your age. And my nephew, Connor? He’s the one who told us where you were. ” “Connor? I thought he was a dream, ” the boy said. “No. He might have been in your mind, but I promise, he’s real, and I can take you to see him. See? This is him with my daughter. ” As the boy looked at the photo, Frey asked, “What’s your name? ” “I was born Rainier – Rain, but my uncle calls me Pima. ” “Why Pima? ” Rain hesitated before whispering, “It stands for pain in my arse. ” “Well, Rain, you will never be called that again. I promise. ” Frey held out his large hand, and the child shuffled to his knees. When Rain took his hand, Frey lifted the boy into his arms. When Rain caught sight of Deacon and Jasper, he buried his face in Frey’s neck. “We have company, ” Paxton said over the comms, the sound of steel against leather loud as he pulled his sword from its sheath. “How many? ” Frey asked. “Ten. Two Goyles, seven Unholy, and one human. ” “Are the Goyles armed? ” “Yes, and they’re on us. ” “Grab the human, but take care of the others, ” Frey instructed. The sound of fighting came through after that. “Stay here with the boy. We’ll go assist, ” Deacon said. Frey nodded. “Let me know if you need help. ” Deacon returned to the opening, bent his knees, and jumped to the floor above with Jasper right behind him.