Chapter Twenty-OneDeacon kept one ear on Sabrina’s conversation with her brother, while he and Dante discussed how to proceed. Isabelle had taken Connor down to the morgue, and Jonas was standing guard at the end of the hallway. “She’s a stubborn one, and if her reaction earlier was any indication, I would say you haven’t completed the bond, ” Dante said. “No. When you called, we were discussing it, and I promised to give her time to get to know me before we made it official. Now, that might not happen. ” And if it didn’t, Deacon knew he would have to leave town. Being around her without claiming Sabrina was harder than anything he’d ever endured. Now that she was feeling the sadness from what her brother had been through, being near her was close to crippling. His beast was doing its best to help, but it wasn’t working. “Have faith, Brother. It will happen, but you need to tread carefully where Jerrick is concerned. If I can see how badly Sabrina feels she let her brother down, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. But if you play your cards right, you will have your mate. We have options considering Julian is the best at what he does. We’ll need to get Jerrick’s opinion, but Julian could easily give the male a new identity. If Drago sent those males to kill Jerrick, the threat isn’t over if he thinks Jerrick is still alive. ” “I was hoping once Alistair was taken out, the threat to our Clan would be over, at least for a while. I know Rafael has a lot on his plate with Kaya close to giving birth and Jonathan close to the end of his life, but we should be doubling our efforts on finding Drago. He’s a threat, and I’m not going to let him get in the way of having my mate. ” Dante inclined his head, indicating they should step away from the door. They walked down the hallway, away from where Jonas was. Away from where Sabrina was now talking to her boss. He kept an eye on her until she returned to the room a few minutes later. “I agree. We need to decide which is better – find what Craven is giving the Unholy to make them Reborn or going up against the Unholy as they are. Having met Evan and Jerrick and hearing their stories makes it harder to want to fight Drago’s army and take those men down. If all the Unholy have similar stories, that makes them seem more human. Fighting the Reborn, well, I guess if they’re still willing to serve under Drago, then that’s their choice. ” “But what if it isn’t? You see what they did to Jerrick when he decided what was happening wasn’t right. He was probably used as an example. If Jasper and Mason hadn’t stepped in, Jerrick would probably have been killed. We need to step up our efforts against Drago, but I need to first help Sabrina get Jerrick somewhere safe. I’ll talk to them about a new identity. If he agrees, we’ll need to find a way to let Drago know the male’s ‘dead’, or else he’ll probably come after him again. ” Dante clapped Deacon on the shoulder. “You work on that. If he agrees, I have an idea of where you can take him. I’ll check on that now. ” “Thanks, Brother. I’m going to get back to Jerrick’s room and see if I can convince Sabrina to come home. ” “Good luck with that. ” Dante turned and strode down the hallway where he stopped and spoke to Jonas. Before stepping back into the room, Deacon reached out with his senses. Jerrick was calm, but Sabrina was both sad and pissed off. He knew an apology was in order, but he needed to phrase it carefully or she’d be even more upset. Deacon eased in the room, pausing to get Sabrina’s eye. When she glanced up at him, her hands were gripping the chair so tight he thought she might break it. Okay, it was worse than he thought. He didn’t wait for her to say anything. Instead, Deacon walked around to where she was seated and squatted in front of her. “I’m sorry for how I reacted. You have to understand that a mate is the most precious gift a Gargoyle can receive. We haven’t completed the bond, but I don’t count you as less because of it. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you. My beast took over when my wings came out. It detected a threat, and when our mate is threatened, the shifter can be hard to control. You have to know, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. That means there is nothing I wouldn’t do for your brother as well. He is now my family, just as the Clan is yours. ” Sabrina narrowed her eyes as she stared at him. Was she searching his face to for a sign of deception? Because that was the vibe he was getting from her. “I don’t want him going to the prison. He’s done nothing wrong, and putting him there won’t be good for his mental health. ” “Before I left the room, he was agreeable. What changed? Not that anything is definite. Dante and I were discussing the best way to keep him safe from Drago, and we have an idea, but I will need to speak with Jerrick about it. ” “Why would Drago still be after him? ” “Because he’s not dead, ” Deacon said honestly. Sabrina flinched, and Deacon reached out for her hand. She pulled away, and his heart shredded. He had to fix this for her. For them. “I’m sorry to put it so bluntly, but Drago was trained under Alistair. From what we’ve heard, there was no mercy. ” “Drago isn’t any different, ” Jerrick muttered. Sabrina stood, going to her brother’s side. “You’re supposed to be resting. ” “It’s kind of hard to with the two of you whispering so loudly about me. But he’s right, Bree. Drago is building an army, and you don’t win wars by being nice. If he knew I was here, talking to the enemy, he’d find a way to cut me down. ” Jerrick turned his eyes to Deacon. “Deacon, was it? ” “Yes. In all the chaos, we weren’t properly introduced. My name is Deacon Wright. It is a pleasure to meet one of my mate’s siblings, I just wish it was under different circumstances. I’m glad you’re awake. There’s something I need to speak to you about. ” “The Pen, right? I already agreed to go with you. ” “Jerrick—” “No, Sabrina. I’ve already put you in danger by coming around. If I stay in New Atlanta, the Pen is the only place where I’ll be safe from Drago’s reach, and I can’t go anywhere else. When I became Unholy, my information was wiped. At least I was told it would be. It was one of the things I had to agree to when I signed up to join Flanagan. ” “That’s explains a lot, but that’s sort of what I want to talk to you about. One of our Clan is the best when it comes to all things related to computers. He can create a new identity for you as well as a back story to go with it. ” “Can he do anything about my face? Because even if I have a new name, there are too many Unholy and Reborn alike who know what I look like. I would still need to disappear. ” “I just got you back. Please, Jerrick. I can’t lose you again. ” “Bree, I love you, but we haven’t been together in so long you won’t miss me any more than you have these last twenty years. ” “That’s not true. You can ask Jasmine. Oh, crap. I need to call Jasmine and Terrence. You might not believe it, but we have missed you. ” “You should probably wait about that, ” Deacon said. “Until we figure out the best way to keep Jerrick safe, we need to be cautious of who we talk to about him. His identity might have been stricken from official records, but we don’t know what kind of information Drago has at his disposal. If he knows about your siblings, he might go after them to get to Jerrick. ” “It really is true when they say no good deed goes unpunished. When I got my mental faculties back, the first thing I thought was to run as far away as possible, but I couldn’t do that knowing a child was in danger, ” Jerrick said. “I promise we will find a way out of this for you. It might not be what you envisioned when you got out of the service, but even if we have to get one of Jonas’s prosthetics for you to wear, we’ll make sure you aren’t at risk, ” Deacon said. “Prosthetics? ” “It’s a type of realistic-looking mask which can be worn long term. I’ve never worn one myself, but I’ve seen them. Unless you know the person is wearing one, you can’t tell it. ” Sabrina nodded. “It’s true. My bo—” “How do you feel about dying? ” Deacon asked, cutting Sabrina off. He didn’t know Jerrick well enough to trust him to keep Jonas’s identity safe. “Dying? I’ve faced it on many occasions. If it’s my time to go, I’m ready. ” “I don’t mean literally. Dante and I were discussing faking your death. That would go along with the new identity. If we put it out there you were killed in the attack, it would hopefully take Drago off your scent. You could go anywhere. Be anyone. ” “While that sounds good in theory, just because I have a new name or face doesn’t mean my brain becomes someone else’s. I’m still me at my core, and I can’t just waltz into a hospital and say I’m a doctor. ” “No, but you can go to school if you’d like. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? ” Jerrick hesitated before he answered. Sabrina took his hand in hers. “It’s okay. You can be honest. ” A tear rolled down Jerrick’s cheek. “I wanted to be someone else’s kid. Don’t get me wrong. The Wilsons treated Terrence and me like we were their own grandkids, but money was tight. We weren’t much better off than when Momma was alive. I know I sound ungrateful, because we could have gone into the system, and that would have been so much worse. It’s… being poor sucked. I’d see other kids at school who didn’t wear secondhand clothes. They had a mom who wasn’t dead and a dad who wasn’t in prison. He died, you know. It was two months before he was set to be released, and instead of keeping his head down, he mouthed off to the wrong inmate. Shivved in the shower. ” Sabrina wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Jasmine and Terrence went to college. Was that not what you wanted? Did you want to go into the army? ” “Jasmine was smart, so she was able to get scholarships. Terry went to the community college on grants. Then he met a girl whose father got him a job at his company in California. I figured I’d join the military and have them pay for my education, but one tour turned into two. When I was discharged, I was so screwed in the head there was no way I could think about school. ” Deacon bowed his head and called on his beast to help with the heartache. When he looked at Jerrick, he said, “I’m sorry for bringing up such a painful subject. I only want to help you with your future. But don’t worry about that now. Let’s concentrate on keeping you safe from Drago, and the rest will fall into place. ” “How? I have no money. Nowhere to go. I mean, I could get a job at a fast food restaurant, but that’s not going to get me an apartment. I’m back where I was when I returned home. ” “No, you aren’t. When you returned home, you didn’t have your sister and me to help get you on your feet. I don’t want you worrying about money or a place to stay. If we get you a new identity, I’ll help you find a job and a place to live. ” “Why would you do that? ” Jerrick choked back a sob. “Because we’re family. How much do you know about Gargoyles? ” “Not much. Only what I’ve seen from Drago and the other Greeks who’ve come to help take over the Unholy. ” “Gargoyles have one mate for life, and Sabrina is mine. My family became hers, and hers mine. We take care of our own, and I will take care of you. However long it takes, whatever you need. ” “But you don’t know me. Neither one of you do. I’ve done things…” Jerrick turned his head away, tears flowing down his face. “Jerrick, as an Unholy, did you harm innocent humans? ” He hesitated then shook his head. “No. At least, not that I recall. Being Unholy was like being in a fog. We ate, slept, and fought whenever we were told to. I didn’t sign up to hurt people, and I can’t imagine even in my transformed state I would harm innocent people. ” Jerrick closed his eyes. “I only wanted somewhere to belong. ” “If you didn’t harm anyone, not counting your time in the military, you and I have no problems. There’s another Reborn who told me much the same story of why he agreed to work with Flanagan. He’s in the same position as you. He didn’t run; we captured him to get answers. But now that he’s out of Drago’s clutches, he needs the same type of help. ” Deacon had thought about Evan’s situation ever since meeting the male. He’d always wondered why someone would agree to working for Flanagan and allow themselves to be turned into an Unholy. Now he knew their situations, and he wanted to rescue them all. Dante entered the room after knocking softly. Frey entered the room with him. “Sorry to interrupt, but we need to ask Jerrick a few questions. Jerrick, this is my cousin, Frey Hartley. Frey, Sabrina’s brother, Jerrick. ” “Can’t all this wait? Jerrick needs his rest, ” Sabrina said gruffly. Deacon didn’t know if she was speaking as a doctor or a worried sister. “It’s okay, Bree. And it’s nice to meet you, Frey. ” Frey crossed his arms over his chest, but quickly uncrossed them when Sabrina shrunk back. Deacon stepped behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. He expected her to shrug him off, but she didn’t. Either her anger at Deacon was waning, or she was really that scared of Frey. He remembered what Sabrina said about her ex being a large man, but she had to know none of the Gargoyles would harm her. Then again, they had been talking about Drago, and he was a Goyle. Frey stepped back, leaning against the wall. He must have picked up on Sabrina’s unease. Dante gave Deacon a knowing look. He pulled his cell phone out and texted someone. When he finished, he said, “This is about the child. We are hoping you can help us find him. ” “I already told Deacon, when I was getting my beatdown, I heard someone yelling about Craven and the kid. I’m sure they’re long gone. ” “You’re probably right, but we need a starting point. Can you tell us where this building is? ” Dante held up the drawing of Jerrick and the boy. “What the… Where did you get this? ” “I drew it, ” Connor said as he strode into the room holding Amelia’s hand. Isabelle and Abbi were behind them. Abbi went to Frey and nestled into his side, leaning her head against his chest. Isabelle stood next to Dante and laced their fingers together. Deacon had to hand it to the ME. He could read people just as well as Deacon. Having the mates there would hopefully ease Sabrina’s mind about being around the large males. The kids walked over to where Sabrina was standing. “Hi. I’m Amelia. Connor is my best friend. He’s really smart. And a good drawer. I draw stick people, but he doesn’t laugh at me. ” “But you can dance, and I cannot, ” Connor stated matter-of-factly. Amelia let go of Connor’s hand and did a pirouette before taking a bow. Connor smiled, as did the adults in the room, but it was Jerrick who laughed aloud. Amelia ran to her father who caught her when she jumped and set her on his hip. She placed her hands on his face, smushing it until he looked like a fish, and placed a sloppy kiss there. Deacon glanced over at Sabrina and was pleased to find her smiling. When Dante caught his eye, Deacon inclined his head briefly to say “thank you. ”