Conclusion ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 We can thus conclude to say that the Hackers break into the security systems for the sole purpose of checking the holes in the system and works on rectifying these while as the Cracker breaks into the security system for criminal and illegal reasons or for personal gains. The white hats perform the security tests according to a legal contract. The black hats do not follow any such agreement. They do so to violate the security of the systems. While a cracker keeps the knowledge of any vulnerability n a security system to himself and uses it to his own advantage, the hacker does so in order to aware the concerned company or an individual about the possible breaking that could lead them to considerable losses at the hands of the Crackers. So basically we can go on to say that the ethical hackers use and apply their knowledge and experience in order to help maintain the security of a computer system and a network. While the crackers use their knowledge, which generally is not much advanced, to break the law? The two terms are sometimes used interchangeably but we have to know this that the difference between the two is quite big and considerable. We might even say that this is respectful to be a hacker and insulting to be a cracker. Hacking is generally potentially more harmful than cracking because the hackers possess in depth knowledge of the programs and codes etc. However, since the hackers work solely for developing the security systems they really do not possess any threats to the security systems. The crackers however, possess serious threats to the internet security. And this is a growing menace in the current times. Therefore it is significant to take proper legal action against the prosecutors and thus reduce the threats. The two terms are significantly similar but the difference lies in the manner each tends to work. That is what makes the two so different. Therefore we must not confuse these two terms and remember to do hacking legally and ethically and never ever think of going towards cracking. Links 1. http: //www. security-faqs. com/what-are-the-main-differences-between-hackers-and-crackers. html 2. https: //www. google. kz/search? q=hacker%26Cracker& oq=hacker%26Cracker& aqs=chrome.. 69i5 3. https: //listosaur. com/science-a-technology/10-notorious-computer-hackers-and-crackers/ https: //www. google. kz/search? q=famous+hackers+and+crackers& oq=famous+hackers+and+crackers& aqs=chrome.. 69i57. 5824j0j4& sourceid=ch