All about HackersThe original use of the term hacker dates back to 1950s when at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology some students had a strong desire of experimenting and learning about technology. A hack back then meant something very original and ingenious and solely meant to explore the arena of computers and technology. Currently the terms is used in a rather negative sense. And this is because most of the times people confuse the term hacking with cracking. But it is totally not to be confused with crackers. We will deal with the crackers in detail later. White Hats, as they are sometimes called are mostly the programmers. They acquire an advanced knowledge of programming, computer languages and codes. They are the ethical hackers who stay within the limits of the law. They do not access any system or network illegally. They are constantly looking for the flaws in the computer and internet security and their sole aim is to rectify these flaws and improve the security of the content. The companies hire these white hats in order to audit and check their network security. These hackers work as professionals and correct the flaws with their advanced knowledge of the area and reduce the risk that might put the security of the company at stake. They discover the weak points in the network securities and work tirelessly and put in their best efforts to seek solutions to these network issues. They establish the reason behind these loopholes and work for fixing them. What interests these Hackers: The hackers are interested in knowing how things work. They like to explore and discover the computer systems, programming and the networks. While some hackers may only be interested in learning the things others turn their passion into their profession thus making them professional hackers. They are essentially very well acquainted with all sorts of software tools, techniques and codes that the crackers know. They know how a cracker would attempt to attack any content which is meant to be secure on the websites and across computer systems. They design exactly such software and tools that a cracker would use and then they work on improving the system with more secure tools and techniques. This ensure that the computer systems and the network systems become secure enough to not be thwarted by the crackers. The white hats also break in the security but their purpose of breaking in is entirely non-malicious. They do this only to test their own systems for security purposes and they do it legally with the permission of various companies and firms that hire them for this job. White hats come under the banner of ethical hacking which doesn’t involve any illegal practice of hacking. The professional hackers mean no harm to any company or individual.