All About CrackersWe have learnt about the hackers, how they work, what their interests are and what they do. Now when we talk of crackers, we must know that crackers are also hackers. But their ways of works differ a lot. While a hacker works totally in the interest of a company or an individual, the cracker works totally in an opposite manner. The purpose of a cracker is to break the security of computers and networks. It is an illegal activity. They make use of their knowledge to make personal gains and breach the security across networks. They acquire extensive knowledge and learning about computers, their programming, software, codes and languages and use them to break into computers for criminal gains. The crackers are also known as Black Hats. They gain access to the accounts of people maliciously and they can misuse the secured information across networks. They can steal credit card information, they can destroy important files, disclose crucial data and information or personal details and sell them for personal gains. Their purpose can range from little personal gains to bigger criminal interests. They can make employeesof a company divulge highly secure information. They violate computer security. Once they have gained the control over a system, they can do anything like steel data, destroy it, use it to their advantage etc. What interests these Crackers: While some crackers are driven by sheer publicity of their abilities in the field of hacking, some do it for criminal and malicious purposes. They intentionally breach the computer and network security merely for profit or maybe there is challenge in it. They are interested in gaining access to various programs and softwares without paying royalties. The only purpose they have is illegal hacking leading to security problems. There may be a theft from the accounts of credit card holders, important data may be lost and secure information may be divulged. Some crackers are interested in modifying the softwares by reverse engineering. And they do this merely for amusement or to showcase their knowledge and abilities. Types of Crackers: There are various types of crackers that include script kiddies, packet monkeys, s’kiddiots, lamers, warez d00dz (dudes), and wannabes. Usually they are less skilled and do not possess necessary in-depth knowledge about programming and codes. They, almost always rely on the software tools created by others to carry out their operations. Most of the times they do not know what these program really do. They only know the process of cracking the security networks and they lack the advanced knowledge. They are not much of a threat but their threats cannot be ignored. They basically deface the web pages and replace them with their designs.