Hackers vs CrackersThere is a common view that the hackers build things and the crackers break the things. These are basically two entirely different terms. They may seem similar but there are differences between how the two actually work. While hackers have an advanced knowledge of the computer related security crackers usually are not as skillful as hackers. Very few of them are skilled enough to create their new software and tools. So they generally rely on certain not so reputed, in fact the disrepute websites to download several automated programs to execute their deed. Hackers try to counter the potential threats that the crackers pose to the computer and internet security across varied networks. Crackers always know that their activities are illegal and they are breaking the law so they tend to cover up their tracks. However the professional hackers being competent enough and quite skillful with their work, potentially restore the security set ups across the corrupted networks and they help in catching the specific crackers. Although most of the crackers are less skilled yet many of them are able enough. They possess advanced skills and extensive knowledge just like the professional hackers. They have the ability to create tools and software that help them exploit all sorts of weak points that they discover in the highly secured programs. This makes it even difficult to catch these crackers. Because they do not leave a trail behind. The number of skilled crackers is very low yet we should not ignore them. They certainly pose serious threat to the internet security. By now we are well aware that the hackers are the ethical professionals while the crackers break into the security systems unethically and illegally. Besides this ethical difference one of the major differences between the two is their understanding of computer systems and the security systems. Their ability and inability to create programs and software tools is a major difference between the two. The hackers can write codes in multiple languages. They have an upper hand when it comes to the knowledge of various computer languages like C, C++, HTML, etc. also they have a complete understanding of what these codes do and how these software work. Crackers on the other hand are inept when t comes to computer programs. They boast about their abilities to break into the security systems and use it to their advantage. The difference here is clear. The crackers breaks into the secure networks for malicious purposes while a professional hacker does not. So therefore, it is just how they work which makes them entirely different from each other.