vibratorset. Sociophonetics. Fricatives. falling. Peak;onset;codavibratorset 17. The science that studies the way in which pronunciation interacts with society is called … Sociophonetics 18. … are consonants that are produced by impeding, but not completely blocking the air flow. Fricatives 19. When the nucleus is stronger than the glide, the diphthong is called… falling 20. Every English syllable has a center or … - a vowel or a sonorant. It may be preceded by non- callable elements which constitute the… or followed by non-syllable elements which constitute the… Peak; onset; coda ПОЛЯ Test 1. 1 People engaged in the study of phonetics are called … phoneticians 2 People engaged in the study of phonology are called … phonologists 3 Variations in pitch, prominence, and tempo are called … prosodic/suprasegmental 4 The basic component of the phonic substance of language is called … segmental 5 A unit of spoken message larger than a single sound and smaller than a word is called … syllable 6 Pronunciation features in a foreign language influenced by the mother tongue are called … accent 7 How many aspects does the problem of word stress have? 3 8 How many components does the phonic substance of language consist of? 4 9 The amount of perceptual prominence given to particular words/syllables in an utterance is called … utterance stress 10 What features are superimposed on the segmental chain of sounds? Prosodic 11 Is the statement true or false: English makes use of stressed syllables separated by equal number of unstressed syllables? False 12 Give the name of the founder of phonology. Nickolai Trubetskoi 13 A sequence of words spoken in a single breath, a stretch of speech which has describable melody is called … tone unit 14 Knowledge, a code which is known and shared by speakers who use their knowledge for transmitting and interpreting verbal messages in these events is called … language 15 An activity which is carried on numerous events is called … speech 16 Phonetics whose domain is the larger units of connected speech: syllables, words, phrases and texts is called … suprasegmental 17 The part of phonetics which is concerned with individual sounds is called … segmental 18 The part of phonetics which is mainly concerned with the functioning of phonetic units in the language is called … Theoretical 19 The science that studies the ways in which pronunciation interacts with society is called … Sociophonetics 20 The science that investigates a wide range of phenomena from acoustic phonetics to language pathology is called … Phonology