PRETONIC, TONIC, POSTTONIC (Any syllable which is not tonic is ATONIC/ненаголошений).PRETONIC, TONIC, POSTTONIC (Any syllable which is not tonic is ATONIC/ненаголошений). 3. According to … English vowels are subdivided into monophthongs and diphthongs. the stability of their quality 4. In Germanic Languages, the word stress originally fell on the initial syllable or second syllable in the English words with prefixes. The tendency was called … recessive. 5. Pitch levels may be …, …. high, medium and low 6. A final syllable contains ow ( follow, borrow) it is… unstressed 7. Nasal consonants in English There are three nasal consonants in English /m, n, N/. All of them are voiced. 8. When the glide is stronger than nucleus, the diphthong is called… rising 9. In English the syllable is formed by any vowel alone or in combination with one or more consonants – not more than… preceding and not more than … following it. 3; 4 10. The falling tone of any level and range expresses “…”, “…”. certainty, completeness, and independence 11. The rate of speech can be… calculated in syllables per minute 12. If the final syllable contains a short vowel and one final consonant (open, enter), the first syllable is... stressed 13. The centering diphthongs are vowels where the movement is towards the… schwa. 14. There are some changes in articulation of allophones that occur under the influence of the neighboring sounds in different phonetic situations. Such allomorphs are called… subsidiary 15. The term Phonetics comes from the Greek word … “phō neticò s ”, which means “pertaining to voice and sound”. 16. The function of the vowel cords consists in their role as a … set in motion by the air stream sent by the lungs.