rahaḥ-kutūhala-vaha-bahala-rahaḥ krīḍākhyam 2 страница“O Rā dhā! When he becomes offensive why do you not speak roughly with him? Why do you not show anger in your mind? Ah! I am not respected. I am not happy with you. ”
[37] tatra tasyā manaḥ -kathā —
mā naṁ kurviti vakti sā priya-sakhī mā naṁ na vedmi sphuṭ aṁ kauṭ ilyena yadi prasidhyati sa tat kauṭ ilyam evā tra kim | draṣ ṭ uṁ vā ñ chati hanta kaṣ ṭ am aparā ṁ sphū rtiṁ kathaṁ gacchatu ||47||
Rā dhā spoke to herself. “This sakhī says I should be angry. I do not know how to be angry. Though crookedness may used to display anger, I do not know how to be crooked. Ah! My mind desires to see Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s attractive lotus eyes endowed with a smile. How can my mind appear otherwise? I cannot think what to do. Though he offends me, my heart is attached to him. If I cannot give up my heart, how can I give up Kṛ ṣ ṇ a? ”
tataś ca— balā n mā naṁ ś ikṣ ayantī r api tatra sakhī -tatī ḥ |
All glory to the sound of the flute which taught Rā dhā forcibly about her anger and attracted all the sakhī s along with Rā dhā.
[38] tasyā mukham avakalayya tat-tad-upamā -jā tiyatayā saṁ ś ayya sthitavantaṁ kā ntaṁ prati sakhī -vacanam—
Seeing Rā dhā ’s face, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a was in doubt for a suitable analogy. A sakhī present there spoke to him.
“Do not boldly think that her face is the moon, for her face conquers all, has bows for eyebrows and shoot arrows through her eyes. ”
tataś ca—
bhramarī vā mbujā raṇ yaṁ ś apharī va jalā ś ayam |
When Rā dhā attained Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, she was a like a bee attaining a lotus, rather than like a fish attaining water.
atha svā dhī nabhartṛ kā |
vā cā seyaṁ muhus taṁ nidiś ati rasanā m apy aho saṁ varī tum | saṅ gā d apy aṅ ga yasya prabhavati muhur unmā da-lakṣ mī r amū dṛ k ||52||
Rā dhā had subdued her loved.
Begged by Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, but not desiring to receive his touch, Rā dhā repeatedly orders Kṛ ṣ ṇ a with instructions to tie her belt or cloth. How astonishing! It seems that all his limbs are made of heavenly liquor by whose association his insane pleas increase.
When Kṛ ṣ ṇ a speaks of Rā dhā ’s supreme form, she does not hear that description, but instead gazes at his astonishing form.
After this, the sakhī s discussed among themselves. “Rā dhā, like a golden campaka, enjoys pastimes placing herself below Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, who is like a tamā la tree. But because of her boldness I know that she has the desire for enjoyment while being above him. ”
Lalitā began to sing a song in lalita-rā ga of early morning. It had the most excellent form, as if inspired by a dream in which a guru had given instructions.
After waking up in the best of bowers, he sees the glow of the sun. He wakes sleeping Rā dhā and gazes at her followers.
mama dhī r majjati kaṁ sa-hare |
Wearing a peacock feather in his hair, he attracts my mind.
muhur ullā sita-yuvati-kare |
He excites all the young girls and he externally approaches Rā dhā boldly. He is attached to wandering on the path in the deep forest. He spreads great joy on that path. By hope he destroys the poison of separation. His form gives eternal bliss.
[41] dinā ntare sakhī -saubhā gyam—
The good fortune of Rā dhā on another day is described. Coming to the bower, a sakhī saw Rā dhā ’s boldness, smiled gently, and placed the flute in her hand and a peacock feather on her head.
ś ete mañ ju-nikuñ ja-talpam anu sa preyā n iti preyasi tvā ṁ veṇ uṁ kila hartum asya kutukā t prā haiṣ am asmi drutam | tad-vartmā ny adurī -cakartha rabhasā yan mā dṛ ś ā ṁ durgamam ||57||
Treating the sakhī in a special way, Rā dhā spoke to her. “The dear lover is sleeping on a bed in the attractive bower. O dear sakhī ! I ordered you to steal his flute quickly for fun. Taking the flute you came here. I think you must be tired. You must go on another path, a path difficult for us. ”
[43] tad evaṁ tā sā ṁ tasya ca prā vṛ ṣ ija-kṛ ṣ ivad daiva-vaś ata eva vaś e vaś aṁ vade tad-anantaraṁ vasanta-pañ camī m anu vasanta-rā gaṁ janayan gopā la-janī bhir militvā ś rī mā n gopā laḥ khalu khelati sma |
In this way the desires of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and the gopī s were under the control of divine fate like agriculture during the monsoon seasons. Then on Vasanta-pañ camī, joining the gopī s while playing vasanta-rā ga, Gopā la began his pastimes with them.
[44] tathā hi—tasyā ṁ pañ camyā m utkaṇ ṭ hita-ṣ aṭ -pada-khaṇ ḍ ita-tuṇ ḍ a-mudrā kula-mukula-maṇ ḍ alatayā prathamam unmī liteṣ u keṣ ucit puṇ ḍ rakeṣ u ś rī man-mā dhava-rā dhā dī nā m abā dham ā gamanam asambhā vya bhṛ ś am unmanā yamā nā yā ṁ vṛ ndā yā ṁ sumanā yamā nā kā cid ā li-pā lir ā gamya tā m ullā sitavatī —
On that day, when the mā dhavī creepers first began to blossom with groups of buds whose sealed tips were broken open by zealous bees, Vṛ ndā had been disappointed because it was impossible for Rā dhā and Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and others to meet without restrictions. But a group of her joyful friends came and gave her happiness.
[45] sakhi vṛ nde! katham iva mandatā ṁ vindase? ā gamya ramyam idam avagamyatā m |
“O Vṛ ndā! Why are you so despondent? Come and hear about something pleasant. ”
Vṛ ndā said “What is that? ”
[47] sā prā ha—yā dṛ ś aṁ bhavad-abhirucitam |
A sakhī said “Something you will like. ”
Vṛ ndā said “Please tell me. ”
The sakhī said “One friend saw Mā dhava near a mā dhavī creeper. Seeing the intense pain of separation in Rā dhā, she then caused great emotion in Rā dhā. Then in the company of other sakhī s who were singing this song in Vasanta-rā ga she, along with Rā dhā, approached Kṛ ṣ ṇ a.
jā garam itam iva mā dhavikā ś atam anukṛ ta-jṛ mbhā -bhaṅ gam |
The song: The forest of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a is resplendent with pastimes, longing to bring Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and you quickly here. It is full of sweet rasa. Thousands of mā dhavī creepers are waking up as if yawning and, being kissed by bees, are remembering a lover. Vṛ ndā vana’s hairs are standing on end as the mango buds shoot forth. The cuckoos’ cries, increasing desire, seem to be calling for you. This forest filled with clove creepers and with drums, flute and vī ṇ ā meant for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s spring festival attracts you with fragrant breezes which make our clothing tremble. O mā dhavī creeper! Bringing you here, the forest scatters pollen full of waves of spring music about Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and makes the eyes dance like skilful antelope. O Rā dhā with incomparable beauty! May Rā dhā whose mind constantly prays to meet Kṛ ṣ ṇ a between the Yamunā and Mā nasa-gaṅ gā remain victorious, having achieved him.
[51] atra ca padyam ekaṁ gadyate—
madana-vinodā ya nunna-gopī kaḥ | sahacari paś ya mā dhavaḥ sphurati ||59||
One verse is added as a commentary: O friend! See! In this place reside spring, splendid with beautiful forests, wealth, which brings the gopī s close and makes everything fragrant.
[52] tad evaṁ niś amya tatra vindamā nā ṁ vṛ ndā m anu punar evaṁ darś ayā mā sa,
When Vṛ ndā heard this and went to the forest, the sakhī then showed her the following:
yathā —
rā dhā harir api pulaki-vasantam |
Rā dhā and Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, expressing their joy which had blossomed, are singing vasanta-rā ga which causes the hair to stand on end.
They teach the cuckoo which sings the fifth note very slowly in all directions.
vā santī -madhu rahasi dhayantam |
They praise the bee drinking spring honey in a solitary spot and buzzing.
They relish the enjoyable song, composed according to rules, filled with sweet rasa, as it comes to the lips.
They praise the wind blowing there, laden with the fragrance of sandalwood.
They dance with rolling eyes on hearing the music and singing filled with unlimited qualities.
They make the approaching peacocks dance as if seeing lightning and clouds.
He profusely throws powder which spreads over the sky with his gopī friends.
ś rama-jala-kaṇ a-gaṇ am anu vilasantam |
He becomes brilliant on being covered in the pollen which shines with drops of perspiration.
Not able to tolerate their conduct, the elders scolded them, forbade their independence by argumentation, and made known that they would prevent them from going out.
[54] yatra khalu rakṣ iṇ ī -vargas tā h sarvataḥ samacakṣ iṣ ṭ a | yena svata eva kṛ ṣ ṇ asya ca tad-vaś yatā jā tā | tad evaṁ vidhureṇ a sarvatra ca tatra vidhure sati—
Guards constantly spied on them and thus they became naturally dependent on Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. By separation they all suffered.
anyaṁ kṛ tsnam upā yam ā carati yat kā ntaḥ sa-kā ntaḥ purā | jajñ e niṣ phalanam eva yena ca tayor marmā ṇ i bhedaṁ yayuḥ ||61||
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a with his lover would inspect the bamboo on the path, wait for his confidential friends, dispatch other suitable persons, and employ all methods. When the elders employed various methods to stop Rā dhā, all actions became as futile as useless agricultural tools for bringing about a meeting of the couple. Rā dhā ’s and Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s hearts were split apart.
manye sā bata sā mprataṁ samabhavad yat tasya tad duḥ kham | cū rṇ ī kartum athecchatī ha kim ahaṁ kartā smi kartā sa kim ||62||
When the obstacles appeared both of them thought as follows: I did not consider that previously seeing my beloved gave such pleasure. Now, seeing the beloved causes such grief. The arrangement between us has now produced possessiveness and that possessiveness is trying to crush us. What shall I do? What should my lover do?
naitā van-mā tram atra pratinava-madanaṁ hanta pasparś a ca drā k | manye jā grad-daś ā vā tad api na hi hahā kṛ ṣ ṇ a-kā nte kva nu tvam ||63||
Today in the night I saw my lover and my lover saw me. Not only that, I touched my lover and my lover touched me with fresh love. If that was only a vision in a dream, I cannot maintain my life. And if it was true, I still have no desire to maintain my life. Ah! O dark lover! (or “O beloved of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a! ” if Rā dhā speaks. ) Where are you?
Except for the limbs of Rā dhā (or Kṛ ṣ ṇ a), the whole body and all dear friends give pain like fire, which pierces the very heart.
When the elders became angry and obstructed the gopī s, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a out of longing used the pretense of a pilgrimage.
When all the gopī s attached to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a learned about the pilgrimage, they began to imagine many things.
When he mounted the high cart and departed, their eyes were like khañ jana birds freed from a cage.
As the moon passes through all the constellations, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a then went to all the gopī s houses and met them every night.
gaty-arthaṁ kṛ ta-vā sakā bhir udita-prollā si-tat-kelibhiḥ | dvandvā bhir vividha-sva-kelim abhajat tasmin sa kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ pathi ||69||
On the path Kṛ ṣ ṇ a performed many pastimes with the gopī s, who were far from their relatives, who all expressed joy and desired to go wherever Kṛ ṣ ṇ a was, who experienced all pastimes, who no longer desired to do household chores and who gave up happiness, suffering, hunger and thirst, though some were prevented by the elders.
yarhi ca tī rthaṁ yā tā gokulalokā s tadā harir vidadhe |
When all the residents of Gokula went on pilgrimage, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a put on the clothes of a cultured woman in order to give the gopī s happiness. [56] tatra jyotir-mantra-yoga-tantra-viduṣ ī -veṣ o, yathā —
ā jī vyaṁ kṛ ṣ ṇ a-gā naṁ kim atula-bhavika-prā paṇ aṁ kṛ ṣ ṇ a-lipsā | ity evaṁ rā dhikā yā ṁ prativacana-kṛ tī pā tu naḥ kṛ ṣ ṇ a-dambhaḥ ||71||
He put on the dress of a woman who knew astrology, mantras, how to transform substances, and how to make puppets dance.
O astrologer! In the three worlds what objects gives people happiness? Association with Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. What object should one take shelter of in this world? Songs about Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. What object gives the highest auspiciousness? Desire to attain Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. What object should be enjoyed? The form of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a. What is the end result in this world? Attaining Kṛ ṣ ṇ a everywhere. May Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s skilful deception, which gave answers to Rā dhā, protect us.
[57] dū tī -veś o yathā —
tatra syā t kiṁ pramā ṇ aṁ vijana-gṛ ha-gatā paś ya me sarvam aṅ gam | rā dhā gī r-bhaṅ gi-mā trā t paricitim akarod astu tat kā mya-vastu ||72||
He dressed as a messenger:
Who are you? I am a messenger. Whose messenger are you? I am your messenger. Who do you follow and what are your qualities? You are dear to me and I have qualities like you. What is the proof of this? Go to a solitary place and look at my body.
In this way Kṛ ṣ ṇ a gave instructions to Rā dhā with a smile mixed with devotion that spread everywhere. Rā dhā recognized this word play. May his desire be fulfilled.
Though Rā dhā ’s mind was pained by thinking of separation, the obstacles to seeing each other were removed. Seeing Kṛ ṣ ṇ a in different dresses every night, Rā dhā spoke to him.
yathā — seyaṁ bhiṣ ag-asitā ṅ gī mama hṛ d-dā haṁ cikitsituṁ labdhā |
O friend! The wife of the doctor has arrived for diagnosis of heart burn and feels the pulse. But why does she touch other parts of my body? I am so unfortunate!
vidū ra-vā sā niś ā rdham udbhū tam | tan mama talpaṁ tu saṁ kucad bhavatu ||74||
This dark woman expert at playing the flute lives very far away. Half the night has passed. The place where the sakhī s stay is very small. Let my bed be reduced in half for her.
This dark person has studied all arts. She is incomparable poet. Let that be. I do not know how this woman knows all our secrets.
ś yā mā citra-karī yaṁ citraṁ vijane prakā ś ayati |
This dark complexioned artist is making a picture in a solitary place in which she draws a picture of a woman resembling me along with a man who has a dark complexion.
O friend! I say to you in private that there is no one like this woman who lives on betel nut and knows mantras to bewilder people.
This woman wearing a garland is distributing garlands. But why do her flowers produce a desire for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a?
This dark fruit seller is giving out various fruits. After this, taking only a bilva fruit, why does she look at me?
This dark woman with valuable goods like necklaces on her body is not chaste. Though she is not known to me, she wants to put a necklace on me.
As long as I take aguru sandalwood pulp from this merchant’s wife, the elders do not say anything about black aguru and sandalwood to me.
[59] atha ś rī vatsa-lakṣ aṇ asyā py etad-upalakṣ aṇ aṁ bahu-racanaṁ vacanaṁ lakṣ aṇ ī yam,
The description of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a is only indicatory. Many words would be needed to describe everything.
yathā —
O gopī ! I am expert at sewing, but I perform other crafts simply by looking (I do not do any of them). I reveal this to my friends. Look at this bodice on my chest that I made.