Chapter Twenty-six The Rāsa Dance 3 страница[9] ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ as tu gū ḍ ha-smitam ū civā n tatra ś rī -rā dhā ṁ prati, yathā —
rā dhe, maiṣ ī r draṣ ṭ um anaṅ gam |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a then spoke with a profound smile to Rā dhā: O Rā dhā! You do not want to see Cupid. Look at the followers of Cupid, attained by your pious acts and show of respect.
taru-vallī -tati-dampati-pallī bhavatī m atithī yantī |
The trees and creepers like husbands and wives of a village are welcoming you as a guest. They take you as their own, waving their new leaves to beckon you.
This village throws flowers on the path to make you comfortable. The flocks of cuckoos are calling you nicely with their sweet voices.
The bees are joyful buzzing like the playing of a drum and hundreds of peacocks are dancing everywhere like their chief friends.
The master of the night, the moon, shines its light everywhere. The path increases in width, desiring your foot dust.
atha savitṛ -sutā yā dhanya-vanyā -pradeś e
The gopī s remained with Kṛ ṣ ṇ a within many dwellings in the auspicious forests near the Yamunā. There, he manifested pastimes with his beloved gopī s on each consequent day.
Coming from their nests, the bee couples followed each of them while singing auspicious songs. Ah! The bee couples followed them to the pleasant bank endowed with forests.
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said “After the end of night not much time remained. Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and the gopī s wandered about incessantly. Kṛ ṣ ṇ a boldly desired amorous pastimes. What did he and his lovers do at the end of night? ”
[11] tatra madhukaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—tataś ca tad-vanasya nirvarṇ ana-pū rvakaṁ varṇ anaṁ vidhā ya, keli-kalā pe vidhī yamā ne—
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said: After a description of the forests, there is a description of their pastimes.
When Kṛ ṣ ṇ a played hide and seek with the gopī s, this pastime produced opportunities to be alone, where a couple could engage in intimate affairs. While searching in the forest the gopī s achieved Kṛ ṣ ṇ a in various forms and various ways and, taking him into a grove, went far away from the eyes of others.
Any gopī who was alone with Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and also saw Kṛ ṣ ṇ a alone with another gopī was unaware of anything wrong because that gopī considered what she saw to be a tamā la tree with a golden creeper.
The sounds made by the couple’s ornaments were covered by the chirping of flocks of birds. The sounds of love were covered by the warbling of the cuckoo. Their forms were hidden by groves of tamā la and campaka trees.
A forest filled with dense darkness is not impossible for others to enter but the forest which increased the loving exchanges of the couples by the light of the moon in the bower was impossible for others to enter.
In private bowers, all the couples of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and gopī s enjoyed. Their words were pleasant and playful. The hairs stood up on their pure, trembling bodies. They became most unsteady because of the desire for amorous sports.
All the rasas such as astonishment, fear, anger, ghastliness, parental (friendly and servant) love, compassion, heroism, comedy, peace, and conjugal rasa suitably manifested for tasting as they were favorable to conjugal rasa.
[13] yathā —
kvacid ahī na-tuhina-marī ci-marī ci-vī ci-rocamā na-kā nane paricitā paricita-nā nā -vidha-mṛ ga-pakṣ i-vṛ kṣ a-vallī -vilakṣ aṇ atā -vilokanā ya kṛ ta-paribhramaṇ am; kvacid api madā kula-bhramara-kula-saṅ kula-gū ḍ ha-kuḍ uṅ ga-kusuma-caya-cayanā ya kampamā na-prā ṇ a-praṇ ayinī -janasya prakaṭ aṁ cā ṭ utā -ghaṭ anā ya tatra balā d iva viracita-praveś anā bhiniveś am; kvacid api dhṛ ṣ ṭ a-ṣ aṭ pada-daṣ ṭ atā -labdha-kaṣ ṭ a-spaṣ ṭ a-duṣ parihara-bā ṣ pa-lalanā vakalanā d uddaṇ ḍ itena sanā la-keli-kharanā la-daṇ ḍ ena tad-daṇ ḍ anā ya makara-kuṇ ḍ ala-tuṇ ḍ a-paryanta-sparś i-roka-koka-nadā yamā na-netra-puṇ ḍ arī kam; kvacid api lalitavilā sa-valitā nana-lalanā -vapur anubhū ya jugupsitī -kṛ ta-sthala-kamala-sthalā valokanam; kvacid api ś uka-nikarā dhigamanī ya-ramaṇ ī ya-vā ṇ ī -vilā sa-kalanā ya salā lana-kalita-kala-kalā -kalā pam; kvacid api nija-lī lā -milad-ullala-bhā va-vilulita-sulalita-mukula-kula-latā -vakalanena vikalatayā vigalita-nayana-jala-leś am; kvacid api prauḍ hatā -samū ḍ ha-gū ḍ ha-garva-parva-kharvaṇ ā ya sadambharambhoru-varū tham anu nirvyū ḍ ha-prarū ḍ hamā ra-samprahā ram; kvacid api mithuna-mithaḥ -keli-kalā nukṛ ti-niyati-valita-praticchā yā valoka-kautuka-vā hitayā vihita-bahu-hā sam; kvacid api parasparam aparaspara-sparś a-sukha-parā marś ajā ta-nivṛ tti-citta-vṛ ttitayā nimī lad-vilocana-rocamā nam; kvacid api niryantraṇ a-ramaṇ a-ś rama-paratantra-tandrā yā m api tad eva ramaṇ aṁ bhū yaḥ samanubhū ya rā ga-sā garā yamā ṇ a-jā garam--
Wandering in the forest lit by waves of light from the full moon in order to observe the remarkable natures of various known and unknown birds, beasts and plants, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a became favorable for enjoying with the gopī s. (astonishment) He revealed his absorption in his task by forcibly entering the forests to pick flowers filled with honey and covered with intoxicated bees and to produce pleasure for the gopī s having trembling hearts. (fear)
His lotus eyes turned red and spread to his makara earrings in punishing the bold bees using the rough stem of his play lotus on seeing the women incessantly crying on being bitten by daring bees. (anger)
Relishing the bodies of the women with beautiful faces and attractive gestures, he looked with disgust at the land lotuses. (ghastliness)
He began creating sweet sounds on experiencing the sweet messages sent by parrots, which he could understand. (parental) He shed tears of pain on seeing the fullness of the beautiful buds swinging because of intense emotion because of his own pastimes. (compassion) He fired long arrows of love by his glances at the women with thighs like banana trees, in order to cut their deep pride mixed with impudence. (heroism)
He began to laugh on seeing similarity of rules as couples of animals engaged in amorous courtship. (comedy)
His eyes became contracted and then closed out of detachment on seeing the various peoples’ happiness arising from touching each other. (peace)
He was like an ocean of anurā ga awakened on experiencing the happiness of the women as they slept from fatigue after enjoyment. (conjugal)
[14] sa eṣ a keś avaḥ preyasī bhiḥ saha vilalā sa |
In this way Keś ava enjoyed with the gopī s. Seeing the bee kissing the creepers and the parrot indulging in pomegranate fruit, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a became unsteady with desire and desired to enjoy the gopī s.
Seeing from far off the bees drinking the nectar while biting the flower intensely, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s gopī s experienced strong desire.
[15] tac ca tac ca na varṇ ayitum ā tmaś aktiṁ nirvarṇ aye, yataḥ —
tā ṁ jyautsnī ṁ tac ca vṛ ndā -vipinam api ca tat kuñ ja-vṛ ndaṁ tathā tā ḥ
I do not think there is power to describe. Seeing the full moon night, the forest of Vṛ ndā vana, all the bowers, all the beds, all the couples of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and gopī s, and their pastimes of prema, my mind immediately gives up its power of inquiry and then in bewilderment I quickly develop a choked throat concerning these topics. By what means can these things be seen?
[16] tad etad iha sā mā nyatayā varṇ itam, viś eṣ ataḥ punar evam—
Here all these topics will be described generally, but one must describe some particulars.
As long as Rā dhā ’s wealth of auspicious qualities do not make an appearance, the auspicious forms and qualities of the other gopī s can be described. But when Rā dhā appears, her wealth of auspiciousness cannot be described at all, what to speak of other topics relating to her.
[17] tataś ca parasparaṁ para-parā gamanā taṅ kayā maṅ kṣ u saṅ kucita-lī lā -vilā sā ḥ sa-viś leṣ aṁ veṣ aṁ saṁ ś leṣ a-valitaṁ vidhā ya vallī -gṛ ha-pallī nā ṁ bahir-varti-sanniveś a-veṣ aṁ sthalī -viś eṣ aṁ kramataḥ krā manti sma, yatra kṛ ṣ ṇ asyā py aikadhyam udbudhyate sma |
All the gopī s, fearing that other people would come, restricted their absorption in the pastimes. They then took off their pastime clothing and came out of the creeper bowers to a natural piece of land.
Leaving the bowers, they noticed that the cruel, pain-inflicting sun was rising. In the eastern direction a slight pink glow had covered the moon. It appeared that the moon was quickly falling with its rays and was about to set. The night lotuses were wilting. Thus the gopī s, understanding the night with the rā sa dance had ended, also withered.
[19] tatra khecara-strī ṇ ā ṁ vacanam
nī ca-bhā va-valayī balā d vrajann
The women of heavenly planets spoke: When a person of low stature forcibly reaches a high position he will certainly fall. The moon, thinking it had surpassed the beauty of the gopī s’ faces, fell from the sky. ahriyata kuvalaya-mā lā - lī lā gopā ṅ ganā pā ṅ gaiḥ | kuvalaya-bandhuḥ papā ta hā sindhum ||46|| [upagī ti]
The gopī s shamed the blue lotuses by their glances. Thus their friend the moon, seeing the lotuses tormented, fell into the ocean.
tā rā ṇ ā ṁ vṛ ndam ā mṛ dnann asmā kam api sarvataḥ | ayam ā kramate’nū rur vyoma cā kramati drutam ||47|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
The gopī s said “The sun, destroying the constellations and our luster, is quickly rising and spreading in the sky”.
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a ornamented with fresh youth attractive to women and endowed with excellent nature, seeing the condition of the gopī s, who were motionless like dolls and endowed with abundant prema, wiped away their tears.
[22] sā ntvayann eva cedaṁ sā ntvam uvā ca—
acchinnaṁ samayaṁ vahā mi bhujayor antaḥ sakhi tvā m iti
He consoled them with sweet words. “If I embrace you in my arms continually and fulfill my desire, I will not be satisfied in my heart. Though my desire is fulfilled, friends will create unlimited obstacles on seeing us. Therefore go to your homes and we will meet again. Do not experience melancholy. ”
[23] iti pū rvavad eva pratyekaṁ hastena vyatiṣ ajya sajyamā na-vihā ratayā vraja-vartmā nuvartate sma |
yadyapi vanitā -vaś atā m antar yā tas tathā py asau kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ |
Taking each others’ hands as previously, the gopī s then returned to Vraja with attraction for the pastimes in their heart. Though controlled internally by the gopī s, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a served his relatives since he had the quality of a great person.
[24] atha labdha-paraspara-vicchedeṣ u ca tat-tat-pallī -vartma-bhedeṣ u prā yeṇ a prā pta-gaṇ a-saṅ gama-troṭ atā m adhika-koṭ atayā bhā vinī -samudayaḥ svayaṁ na bhā vayitum ī ś ā mbabhū va |
The narrow paths to the village separated the gopī s. The millions of gopī s, separated from their friends, were not even aware of this.
[25] krameṇ a cā tyanta-raṅ ga-tat-tad-aṅ ganā -gaṇ e gaṇ eyatayā vaś iṣ ṭ e tena saha nija-nijopavanā ntar-varti-gehā ṅ gaṇ a-vartma-bhedam ā sā dya, kṣ aṇ aṁ gamanā d virarā ma reme ca |
Some of Rā dhā ’s unlimited friends went on a special path to a place near their bowers in their groves and played for a while, without going home.
tatra ca—
What did Kṛ ṣ ṇ a not do when the gopī s were about to go? I cannot count the actions. He embraced them firmly, and kissed them skillfully. He spoke words instilling trust and gave them great respect.
sambhā vitaṁ na valate sma yad asmakā bhis
They spoke with choked voices. “O Kṛ ṣ ṇ a! It is not possible that we could attain you but still we attained you. Please hear our request. Civilized people do not give up what they have achieved. ”
tataś ca— mitho mithunam uttaraṁ viraham ū hamā naṁ mithaḥ patan-nayana-vā ribhiḥ samabhiṣ iktam ā ś liṣ yata | tad evam akhilaṁ vapur niyatam ā rdram ā sī d bahis tad asya hṛ dayaṁ punar vyajani tā dṛ g antar bahiḥ ||52|| [pṛ thvi]
Thinking of their separation, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and the gopī s embraced, soaking each other with their tears. Thus their external bodies became moist. Thus the melted hearts of both appeared internally and externally.
The gopī s along with Kṛ ṣ ṇ a understood that dawn had appeared by the sweet chirping of birds. Astonished, with trembling and tears, they decided to separate, but this caused unlimited thoughts.
On separating, both parties looked at each other with crooked glances. Because of constant tears, the tears became exhausted. They went to their houses. This is not astonishing, for accomplished people can perform all tasks without effort.
ajani bahu-vyathatā ntar bahu-dayitā nā ṁ viyogatas tasya |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a experienced great pain on separation from his many lovers. But separation from Rā dhā produced a disease which included all other diseases.
When the gopī s saw the fast approach of brahma-muhū rta after pastimes on the bank of the Yamunā in the autumn moonlight, their minds began to burn. Hiding their forms and activities on the path, attached to the playful pastimes but with desire held within, showing a little fatigue externally, they entered Vraja.
[29] sa eṣ a rā sotsava-viś eṣ aś ca nivṛ tta iti bahir eva vṛ ttaṁ nā ntaḥ, yataḥ —
The reciter concluded the description of the rā sa festival. Externally it was finished but internally the rā sa continued. This is the reason:
The women, having ended the rā sa dance and pained by their household duties, became absorbed in the rā sa dance. The dancing, singing and music, complete with all pastimes, appeared directly in their houses.
netā yeṣ u tu rā sa-keliṣ u bhavet kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ svayaṁ nā yikā ḥ
In those rā sa pastimes Kṛ ṣ ṇ a was the only hero. The gopī s who defeated Lakṣ ṁ ī and the anurā ga generated were faultless. Poets may describe all this completely, but Ś ukadeva does not think that any of them can perfectly describe those pastimes.
[30] snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—hanta, catvā ras te kumā rakā ḥ kva gatā ḥ? |
Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha said “Oh! What happened to the four young boys Dā ma, Sudā ma Vasudā ma and Kiṅ kiṇ i? ”
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said “Previously they climbed a very high tree. Then, understanding that Kṛ ṣ ṇ a was going home, silent, keeping their distance, they followed him.
[32] tad evaṁ madhukaṇ ṭ haḥ prathitam api rā sa-lī lā -varṇ anaṁ triyā mā niyamataḥ saṁ kṣ ipya tadī ya-samā dher vikṣ ipyamā ṇ atā -sañ janā ya sā ñ jalir vyañ jayā mā sa—
Madhukaṇ ṭ ha, summarizing the rā sa pastimes, spoke till the end of night. With concern that he had distorted the rā sa pastimes by his descriptions, he folded his hands and spoke.
“O Rā dhā filled with all fortune! You have attained a husband endowed with all qualities whom the women of the three worlds serve because of his eagerness for the rā sa dance.