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Chapter Twenty-six The Rāsa Dance 2 страница


[22] tad evaṁ sati—

vā dye gī te ca divye pramada-ś ithilite bhū ṣ aṇ ā nā m alī nā m
apy ā sī d dhvā na-vargaḥ pratinidhi-samaye tasya tasyā pi tatra |
khede jā te tathā gā t prabala-naṭ a-kalā lā syatā ṁ yena keś a-
karṇ ottaṁ sā vataṁ sa-pramukha-vara-sabhā tadvad ullā syate sma ||30||

[sragdharā ]


When the heavenly music and singing slackened, the jingling of ornaments and buzzing of bees became audible. When both heavenly and earthly sounds diminished, the arts of expert dancing became prominent. The topmost assembly with the gopī s’ hair and ear ornaments became conspicuous


evaṁ pariṣ vaṅ ga-karā bhimarś a-
snigdhekṣ aṇ oddā ma-vilā sa-hā sā n |
samaṁ priyā bhir vyatikṛ tya nṛ tyan
vyā ñ jī d asau sa-pratibimba-bimbam ||31|| [upajā ti 11]


Kṛ ṣ ṇ a began to dance while embracing the gopī s, holding their hands, gazing at them with affection, elegantly sporting with them and laughing with them. He was an image and its reflection simultaneously.

tataś ca—

mā lā ḥ keś ā li-veś ā n kuca-yugala-paṭ ī r maṇ ḍ anā ny anya-vā sā ṁ sy
apy etā naiva ś ekuḥ kalayitum asakṛ d rā sa-parvā vasā ne |
dhyā te yatrā pi sampraty api muni-vitatir vismaraty eva sarvam
citraṁ tat-preyasī nā ṁ tad iha bhavati kiṁ tā dṛ ś e tat-prasaṅ ge ||32||

[sragdharā ]


As the dance ended, the gopī s were unable to keep their garlands, hair, bodices, shawls and ornaments in place. On thinking of the rā sa dance even today sages forget themselves. It is not surprising therefore that the gopī s lost their strength at the rā sa dance.


taṁ dṛ ṣ ṭ vā py atha rā sam ambara-gatā rā mā ś ca kā mā rditā
mohaṁ prā pur, adaś ca tā vad abhito’py ā stā ṁ paraṁ ś rū yatā m |
candrā dyair upalakṣ itaṁ nabhasi yad bambhramyate sarvadā
jyotiś -cakram idaṁ ca vismaya-karī caskambha yan mā dhurī ||33 ||

[ś ā rdū lavikrī ḍ itam]

The heavenly women on seeing the rā sa dance were pierced by arrows of desire. Bewilderment spread in all directions. Please hear. The sweetness of the rā sa dance producing astonishment, stopped the zodiac, and made the moon and other planets wander aimlessly in the sky.  


[23] tad evaṁ lī lā -lubdhā su paramā veś ataḥ sa-priyā su tā su vilubhita-kriyā su rā sa-vilā saḥ samupararā ma |


When the gopī s had attained their desired pastime and their actions slackened because of extreme absorption, the rā sa dance ended.


[24] uparamati ca tasmiṁ s, tat-tad-anusandhā na-sandhim anu tā ni mithunā ni yathā vat kuñ jā ya kuñ jā ya pṛ thak pṛ thag antardadhire |
antardhā ya ca, tat tan mithunaṁ paraspara-parikara-pariṣ kā ra-parā yaṇ atā m ā sasā da |


When the dance ended, the pairs of gopī s and Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, seeing the opportunity for special arrangements, disappeared into separate groves. On disappearing, the pairs then arranged each others’ cloth and ornaments.


[25] tatra ca pratyekaṁ teṣ ā m ā liṅ ganā di-sacivaṁ racanā di-racanam evā sī t |
yathā —


hanta mā m antarā kā ntam antar ā ptaṁ tamas tvayā |
iti bruvantaṁ ś liṣ yantaṁ taṁ sā siñ can nijā ś rubhiḥ ||34|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


While embracing they arranged their cloth.

When Kṛ ṣ ṇ a embraced a gopī saying “You have become tired, but not because of me, your lover” the gopī s soaked him with tears.


tataś ca—

hanta klamaḥ samajani sphuṭ a-mad-vihā rā d
asyā navī na-taru-pallava-komalā yā ḥ |
jñ ā taś ca hanta na maye'ti pṛ thak sa tā sā ṁ
sā ś rur mamā rja muhur ā nana-gharma-bindū n ||35|| [vasantatilakā ]


“Ah! More delicate than the leaves on a young tree, you have become tired from enjoying pastimes with me. I do not understand. ’ With tears in his eyes he wiped away the perspiration from their faces.

bā ṣ pe mṛ jye harir bā ṣ paṁ svede svedaṁ tadā dadhe |
gopā la-kula-subhrū ṇ ā ṁ ś rame rā sa-vilā saje ||36|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


Wiping away their tears and the perspiration arising from fatigue during the rā sa pastimes, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a began perspiring.

[26] tatra bahula-sā magrī -vā hinī nā ṁ vṛ ndā -sakhī -vā hinī nā ṁ kṛ ta-praś na-vṛ ndā yā ṁ vṛ ndā yā ṁ ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ a-varṇ anam,


When Vṛ ndā ’s main sakhī s brought materials and asked many questions, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a performed actions as described below.


yathā —


sā srā lokanam añ calā nila-kṛ tir vaktrā lakā dy-unmṛ jā -
gaṇ ḍ ā ntaḥ -paricumbanaṁ paṭ a-yugā dhā naṁ tanū -carcaṇ am |
tā mbū lā rpaṇ am atyapū rva-madhurā lā paḥ stava-prakriyā
seyaṁ rā sa-pariś rama-praś amanī kā ntā su kṛ ṣ ṇ a-kriyā ||37|| [ś ā rdū la]


He relived the fatigue of the gopī s by gazing at them with tearful eyes, fanning them with cloth, kissing them on the cheek after wiping their faces and locks of hair, arranging their upper and lower cloths, massaging their bodies, offering them betel nut, speaking to them with the utmost sweetness and praising their beauty and qualities.

[27] atha kā ntā -varṇ anaṁ, yathā —

vakra-smera-vilokanaṁ nava-dalaiḥ saṁ vī janaṁ mā rdavā d
aṅ gā nā m abhimardanaṁ vighaṭ ita-srag-vastra-saṁ yojanam |
samyaṅ marmaga-narma-ś arma-racanaṁ tā mbū la-candrā rpaṇ aṁ

seyaṁ rā sa-pariś rama-praś amanī kṛ ṣ ṇ e priyā ṇ ā ṁ kriyā ||38 || [ś ā rdū la]


The gopī s are described.

The gopī s, relieved of their fatigue, showed smiles on their faces, fanned Kṛ ṣ ṇ a with fresh leaves, gently massaged his limbs, rearranged his disheveled garlands and cloth, joked skillfully, and offered him betel and camphor.


[28] tataḥ svayam ā gatya pratyakṣ ī kṛ tya cā nyathā manyamā nā yā ṁ tasyā ṁ sa-smitaṁ punar amū r ū cuḥ —


dṛ ṣ ṭ aṁ devi mitho hari-vraja-vadhū -dvandva-vrajenā munā
svī kṛ tya pramadā t prayatna-vidhinā nepathyam aṅ ge dhṛ taṁ |

etad yatra sakhi kṣ aṇ ā d apagataṁ kiṁ brū mahe tad varaṁ
gī rṇ aṁ sad-bhavatā n mṛ ṣ ā na tu rahas tad vyaktim ā padyatā m ||39||

[ś ā rdū lavikrī ḍ itam]


Vṛ ndā herself appeared and, seeing everything, considered that other women should not be present with such couples. The women carrying the materials then laughed gently and said “O Vṛ ndā! We see that all the pairs of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and the gopī s accept all this with joy and carefully put on the cloth and ornaments. O friend! What can we say about the ornaments and cloth destroyed in a moment during the dance? Perhaps it is not true that their ornaments and clothing were not lost, but at least they are not visible in these private quarters. ”

[29] atha vṛ ndā sa-smitaṁ cetasi cintayā mā sa—satyam ā hur imā, yat punaḥ punaḥ ś ramā panodanaṁ sarvendriyā modanaṁ ś ubha-veś aṁ gā na-vinoda-viś eṣ am ā rabhamā ṇ ā ni tā nī mā ni mithunā ni mṛ ś yante |


Vṛ ndā thought with a smile “This is true. They speak the truth. I can see that the pairs of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and the gopī s are now preparing for special enjoyment in singing which will give joy to all the senses and destroy all fatigue. ”


[30] atha snigdhakaṇ ṭ haḥ samā panam ā ha sma—

rā dhe tvad-vallabhaḥ so’yaṁ sarveṣ ā m api durlabhaḥ |
varī tuṁ tvā m antaraṅ gā m anyā gopī r vṛ tī yati ||40|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


Snigdhakaṇ ṭ ha then concluded “O Rā dhā! Your lover, rare among all people, has covered all the other gopī s in order to cling to you, who are part of himself.



Chapter Twenty-seven

Water Games


[1] madhukaṇ ṭ ha uvā ca—


atha vilasita-kheda-sveda-kulyā yamā nā ḥ
saha hari-vara-gauryaḥ sū rya-putrī ṁ samī yuḥ |

yad amita-ś atam etā ḥ sā bhajantī sravantī
sarabha-sarasa-pū rtiṁ tat-kṣ aṇ ā d eva bheje ||1|| [mā linī ]


atikramya sva-maryā dā ṁ ś yā maḥ ś yā mā ś ca mā ṁ yayuḥ |
itī va yamunā ś yā mā drā g atikrā mati sma tā m ||2|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


Madhukaṇ ṭ ha said:

Then the glorious women of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, whose perspiration after the rā sa dance produced small rivers, went to the bank of the Yamunā, which served the unlimited gopī s immediately and became full of nectar.


“Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and the young women should overcome shyness and enter my waters. ” Yamunā then suddenly overflowed her banks.


[2] athā ṅ ga-rucā ghana-capalā ghanā yamā nā, vā cā ca cā ṭ aka-bhaṇ ita-stanitā yamā nā ghanā gama-lakṣ mī r iva lakṣ mī -lakṣ mī -patī nā ṁ sabhā sā mihirajā -pravā he nabhasi hasta-grā ham avagā hamā nā bhā sate sma |


The gathering of gopī s, like lightning with the beauty of their bodies, gossiping like cā taka birds along with Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, like a cloud with rumbling thunder, was like the approaching monsoon. The gathering, while entering the monsoon waters and holding hands, shone brilliantly.

mithaḥ prahasita-prathā -kala-kalaḥ samā karṣ aṇ aṁ
muhuḥ stimita-gā tratā pṛ thula-vepathu-prakramaḥ |
tad etad atha yat sthitaṁ bata jalā vagā hā t purā
tad evam anumī yate samudiyā ya tasya cchaviḥ ||3|| [pṛ thvī ]


There was the soft sound of laughter, pulling each other into the water, slackened limbs and intense shivering. Before the gopī s immersed themselves in the water such symptoms were present, but now these previous symptoms were like copies of the real symptoms.

yadā jalaṁ na hi viviś ur nata-bhruvas
tadā munā prasiṣ icire samaṁ tathā |
amuṁ yathā laghu-gatim atra menire
vibhū bhavann udaka-bhṛ d añ catī ti tā ḥ ||4|| [vasantatilakā ]


When the gopī s with arched brows did not enter the water, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a splashed them with water. They perceived that he was quickly approaching and had multiplied into many forms which were holding water.

jalā d evaṁ siṣ ecā mur ghanaṁ ghana-rasa-pradaḥ |
viviś ur jalam evā mū r yathā sā ra-ś arā rditā ḥ ||5|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


Going into the water, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, who was giving them thick rasa, sprinkled them with water. Pierced by the arrows of water, the gopī s then entered the river.

tadā valagna-daghnaṁ vā rmagnā ś capala-locanā ḥ |
kṛ ṣ ṇ asā ra-vadhū -rū pā ḥ purastā d gatim adviṣ an ||6|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


The restless eyed gopī s, waist deep in the water, blocked his approach like wives of a Kṛ ṣ na-sā ra deer.

yadā tā sā ṁ netra-pratiphalana-miś rā jhaṣ a-gaṇ ā
muhur naivā gacchan pariciti-vidhā naṁ katham api |
tadā spardhā baddhā iva mṛ dulaṁ kṣ aṇ agaṁ bhṛ ś am amī
spṛ ś anto bhī rū ṇ ā ṁ murahara-dṛ ś oḥ kautukam adhuḥ ||7|| [ś ikhariṇ ī ]


When the reflections of the gopī s’ eyes mixed with the fish, the fish could not distinguish themselves from the reflected eyes. As if envious, the fish touched the limbs of the frightened gopī s for a moment. This gave pleasure to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s eyes.

haṁ sā gatī ś cakra-khagā ḥ payodharā n

mī nā dṛ ś aḥ sā rasanā ni sā rasā ḥ |
tā sā m upetyā pagatā yatas tadā
teṣ ā ṁ tu sā mrā jyam apū ri sarvataḥ ||8|| [indravaṁ ś ā ]


They moved like swans. Their breasts were like cakravā ka birds. Their eyes were like fish. Their belts were like cranes. The gopī s defeated these animals whose jurisdiction now became perfected by the gopī s.

mukha-vṛ ndaṁ khalu tā sā ṁ

kamalā ny abhibhū ya babhrā je |
taj-jā tiṣ u tad-adhikatā

vidhutā vā kiṁ nidā nam asti sma? ||9|| [udgī ti] ||


Their faces defeated lotuses. Their faces were superior to all lotuses, since those faces were the cause of the moon.

[3] tataś ca locana-nikocaṁ hasantī ṣ u tā su svayaṁ tena nā gara-candreṇ a pravartitā vyā tyukṣ ī,  


When the gopī s laughed while glancing around, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a began a water fight with them.


yathā —

meghaṁ vidyud vidyutaṁ cā tra meghaḥ
siñ caty uccair megha-tulye pravā he |
citraṁ citraṁ citram etat kim etat
nā ṭ yaṁ paś yety ū cire vyoma-rā mā ḥ ||10|| [ś ā linī ]


In the Yamunā ’s waters, dark like a cloud, a cloud splashed water on lightning and lightning splashed water on a cloud. “Astonishing! Astonishing! Is this some dramatic performance? Look! ” The women of heaven began to speak in this way.


tataś cā kaṇ ṭ ha-nirmagnā mahilā ḥ kamalā nanā ḥ |
madhusū dana-saṁ saktā ḥ kamalinya iva sthitā ḥ ||11|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


Up to their necks in the water, the lotus-faced women were adhering to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, like lotuses in contact with a bee.

gaṇ e gaurā ṅ gī nā ṁ harir acita-dharṣ ā t paribhavaṁ
gate tatra svarṇ ā mbuja-ghana-vanī nihnutim adā t |
viparyā so yarhy asphurad iha ca nī lā mbujavanī
tadā tasyā pahnuty-ucita-citi-kṛ te’bhū d anupadam ||12|| [ś ikhariṇ ī ]


When Kṛ ṣ ṇ a showed boldness, he defeated the golden gopī s. They then hid in a forest of golden lotuses. But Kṛ ṣ ṇ a then surpassed their tactic. He hid himself in a forest of blue lotuses.

ambuja-gandhi tathā mbuja-

rū paṁ madhu-yug yathā mbujaṁ tad iva |
tā sā ṁ tasya ca vadanaṁ
kiṁ jala-kelā v adā d bhramaṁ na mithaḥ ||13|| [gī ti]


Did they not spread illusion during the water play? For their faces were fragrant like lotuses, had the beauty of lotuses, and exuded sweetness like lotuses.

kathañ cid api yā labdhā hariṇ ā mbhoja-kā nane |
kim api vyañ jayā mā sa tasyā hā hā -kṛ tiṁ param ||14|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


When Kṛ ṣ ṇ a with difficulty caught a gopī in the lotus forest, her exclamations revealed both joy and sorrow.

smita-vilasita-nī lā mbhojam ā sī dad ekā
mukham anu hari-vaktra-sphū rti-sandigdha-cittā |
iha ca vara-maranda-svā dam ā sā dya sadyaṁ
samaruci-yuvatī bhyaḥ ś aṅ kinī svaṁ jugopa ||15|| [mā linī ]


One gopī confounded by the sudden appearance of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s face, seeing that she had attained the blue lotus face with a soft smile, began to relish that sweetness. She hid herself from the other gopī s who had a similar desire to relish his face.

durlabhaṁ yad ajani svayaṅ grahā -
liṅ ganaṁ tad iha jā tam añ jasā |
yarhi magnam anayā gabhī ra-vā r
ujjahā ra harir apy amū m atha ||16|| [rathoddhatā ]


The embrace which was not attained before, now spontaneously became possible in the water. When a gopī submerged herself in deep water, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a rescued her.

drutam atha vara-rā mā vā ri vakṣ oja-daghnaṁ
yugapad ayi bhavatyaḥ prā ṇ a-nā thaṁ vijetum |
sthagita-kṛ ti-karā bhyā m icchavaḥ sektum uccaiḥ
katham atha bata jigyur jigyire vā kathaṁ na ||17|| [mā linī ]


The gopī s all together went into the water up to their breasts and desired to defeat him by taking large amounts of water in their hands. Somehow they were victorious, but were finally defeated by him.

padminyā mukha-padmaṁ

mudritam api sa madhusū danaḥ pibati |
iti miṣ a-kalayā sudṛ ś aś

chalita-dṛ ś as tadvad ā carat kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ ||18|| [gī ti]


Kṛ ṣ ṇ a like a bee drank the lotus faces of the gopī s though they were closed. On some pretext Kṛ ṣ ṇ a drank the nectar of the faces of the fickle-eyed gopī s.

hariṇ ā hṛ daye tā sā ṁ vitī rṇ ā nakhara-vraṇ ā ḥ |
adbhutaṁ sahasā ś liṣ ṭ ā madaneṣ u-kṛ ta-vraṇ ā ḥ ||19|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


He wounded them on their chests with his nails. When he suddenly embraced them, they were pierced by the arrows of love.

aupajā nuka-bhujas tu yadā sau
pā rś vatī ya-mukhatī yatayā sī t |
aupakarṇ ika-dṛ ś ā ṁ sa tad ā sā m
aupanī vika-karo’py ajaniṣ ṭ a ||20|| [svā gatā ]


When Kṛ ṣ ṇ a whose arms extended to his knees came close o the mouths of the gopī s beside him, their hands came close to the water.

yadā rā dhā vā ri-kelau sakhī nā ṁ purato gatā |
vinā pi sekaṁ sa tadā jaḍ atā m abhajat priyaḥ ||21|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


When Rā dhā placed her sakhī s in front in order to join the water play, dear Kṛ ṣ ṇ a became stunned instead of splashing water.

rā dhā -puraḥ -saratayā jala-keli-yuddhe
kṛ ṣ ṇ aṁ cakā ra jaḍ am udyamam antarā pi |
naitad viveda vanitā -nicitir mithas tu
svī yā m ajijñ apad asau jita-kā ś itā ṁ ca ||22|| [vasantatilakā ]


The gopī s did not know that Rā dhā had stunned Kṛ ṣ ṇ a without effort while eager to defeat him in the water fight, for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a showed that he was actually victorious.

alaka-valayi-netraṁ kañ ja-netreṇ a kī rṇ aṁ

svam anu madhupa-tī kṣ ṇ aṁ kañ jam unnī ya tasyā m |
sabhayam apagatā yā ṁ tatra senā dhipā yā ṁ
sa tu tad-anuga-sainyaṁ prā viś ac cā viś ac ca ||23|| [mā linī ]


When Rā dhā raised a lotus to throw at Kṛ ṣ ṇ a who showed his lotus eyes covered by his locks of hair, a bee in the lotus buzzed loudly. In fear she fled, and Kṛ ṣ ṇ a followed her to her phalanx of sakhī s and entered into it.


tataś ca—

nī ra-keli-bhṛ ta-rā ga-cakṣ uṣ ā m
aṭ ṭ a-hā sa-nibha-hā sa-rociṣ ā m |
mā ra-yuddha-lasad-uddhata-ś riyā ṁ
raudravad vyajani so’py asau rasaḥ ||24|| [rathoddhatā ]


When the gopī s’ eyes became red from the water fight, they displayed attractive smiles and loud laughs. With beauty heightened by the battle of love, their rasa seemed like anger.  

tataḥ krī ḍ ā -yuddhaṁ dadhad agha-ripur nī ra-vihṛ ti-
prathā yā m ekā kī vraja-yuvatnmi-koṭ ī bhir abhitaḥ |
tathā kṛ tvā tī raṁ prasabham itavā n samprati yathā
purā kā tyā yanyā bhajana-kṛ ti-kanyā sv akuruta ||25|| [ś ikhariṇ ī ]


Just as he had done to the girls worshipping Katyā yaṇ ī, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, though alone, fought with millions of gopī s in the water and then quickly came to the shore to steal their clothing.


tataś ca—

marā la-kū jitā nī ra-vasanā nī ra-jā nanā ḥ |
cañ cad-bhramarakā nī rajā nā ṁ nā lya iva sthitā ḥ ||26|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


Making sounds of the swan, having water as their clothing, having lotus faces and loose locks of hair, they stood like lotus stocks.


atha hā hā hā sa-ś abdā ḥ pravṛ ttā nī ra-tī rayoḥ |
eke cā taka-gī s-tulyā ḥ pare’lpa-stanita-prabhā ḥ ||27|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


Cries arose in the water and on the shore. The gopī s in the water made sounds like cā taka birds praying, and Kṛ ṣ ṇ a on the shore gently rumbled like thunder.


[4] tataś ca bahudhā parihasya vinoda-viś eṣ aṇ ā ya sakhyā tireka-vivekā ya ca dvā bhyā ṁ dvā bhyā m ekam ekam aṁ ś ukaṁ dattavā n, haris tā ḥ sarvā vastraikaika-veṣ ṭ ita-dvi-dvi-kā ya-yaṣ ṭ ī r utthitā nirī kṣ ya pratimukhaṁ parī kṣ ya ca bahu jahā sa | hasitvā ca tā sā m uttam uttamaṁ vā sas tathā dhā rayantī nā ṁ cañ calatā -sambhṛ taṁ tiryag añ calatā -saṁ vṛ taṁ sambhavad aruṇ a-guṇ aṁ, madhye madhye stambha-nipuṇ aṁ kvacana kvacana cā kasmika-smita-lambhanaṁ vinā pi dṛ g-ambhaḥ kranditena vilokita-dambhaṁ vilocana-saṁ rambhaṁ lambhaṁ lambhaṁ trilokī -mohane cikī rṣ ita-tadī ya-ruci-dohane kusumā sā ra-kā riṇ ī vimā na-cā riṇ ī -saṁ hatiḥ praś asta-vastrā laṅ kā ra-mā lyā dī nā ṁ puṭ ī ḥ peṭ akā ś ca tat-purataḥ ś anaiḥ pā tanam anaiṣ ī t |


Laughing profusely, showing his great happiness and friendship, he gave back the clothing to several gopī s at a time, cloth by cloth. Seeing their bodies slender as sticks dressed in one cloth and gazing at their face, he laughed harder.   

When Kṛ ṣ ṇ a laughed, the gopī s became completely unsteady, partially covering themselves with the cloth. They became flushed in complexion and stunned, and, while softly giggling, falsely cried without tears, while showing pride in their eyes.

With the gopī s’ desires completely fulfilled, which attracted the three worlds, the women of heaven then began showering baskets full of the best clothing, ornaments and garlands.


 [5] kṛ ṣ ṇ as tu tā ḥ sarva-stutā ḥ samunna-vastrā ḥ paś yann ati-samunnatā nanda-vaś yaḥ svayam anurajya samupayujya vibhajya ca tā ni vastrā dī ni prattavā n |


Seeing that excellent cloth, he became most joyful, and accepting the cloth and enjoying it, gave it to the gopī s.

[6] tatra prathamataḥ svalpenaiva tena tena vicchittir jā tā, yathā —

majjanena tanu-rocir ā citaṁ
sū kṣ ma-ś ubhra-vasanaṁ sata-cchavi |
citrakaṁ dyuti-vicitram ity adaḥ
prā yaveś am arucan hari-priyā ḥ ||28|| [rathoddhatā ] ||


When he gave them the cloth, they became more beautiful.

Their bodies glowed from immersion in the water, by wearing the fine white cloth, and by possessing effulgent breasts and shining locks of hair. In this way the gopī s of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a showed great beauty at that time.


[7] bahubhir bhū ṣ aṇ ais tu tatra tatra mithune parama-ś obhā netra-lobhā ya jā yate sma |


The great beauty of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and the gopī s with many ornaments attracted all eyes.


tathā hi—

yadā yadā nū tana-veś a-yauvanaṁ
tathā vidhā bhiḥ samam ī kṣ ate harim |
matvā tadā navya-vadhū -varā n amū n
divyo janaḥ puṣ pa-kulā ni varṣ ati ||29|| [upajā ti 12]


When the devatā s saw Kṛ ṣ ṇ a and the gopī s in new clothing and new youth, they thought of them as bride and groom and began showering flowers.


[8] atha vana-vihā rā ya hariṇ ā kṣ ī ṇ ā ṁ tatir evam ā di-vyā jaṁ vyā jahā ra—


anaṅ go nā ma senā nī ḥ kṛ ṣ ṇ a kas tava vidyate |
hanta darś aya taṁ nityaṁ sakhī yaṁ mā ṁ bravī ti yam ||30|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]


The doe-eyed gopī s then spoke crookedly in order to play in the forest.


“O Kṛ ṣ ṇ a! Do you have a commander called Cupid? Show me this person whom you say is your friend. ” 



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