Chapter 23
After receiving a lecture about carelessness from Doctor Monroe, our lifelong family doctor, she gave me a prescription for my pills and sent me on my way, but not before checking how Mum and Dad are getting on in Newquay. With Dad’s health being the main reason for their winding down from the big city, she was keen to hear all is well. I stop off at the chemist on the way home, rolling in the door at just before six. It makes a change to be home so early. I’m surprised to find Kate isn’t home, but Margo is parked up outside so she’s not delivering cakes. I shower, change into my shorts and vest, and blow-dry my hair roughly. When I’m done, I grab my phone from my bag and roll my eyes at the twenty missed calls and, rather sensibly, delete the five texts without reading them. It starts silently flashing in my hand as I walk through to the kitchen. Won’t the man just give up? He’s clearly not use to rejection, and he clearly doesn’t like it. My wine bottle clatters against my glass, mid-pour, when I jump out of my skin at an almighty bang on the front door. ‘Ava! ’ ‘Oh God, ’ I mutter to myself. ‘Ava! ’ he roars, banging again. I hurry through to the lounge, looking out of the blind to see Jesse staring up at the window. He looks frantic. What’s wrong with that man? He can stay out there all night, if he likes, I’m not answering the door. Being face to face with him will be a huge mistake. I watch as he holds his phone to his ear and mine starts flashing in my hand again. I reject it and look on as he glances at his phone in disbelief. ‘Ava! Answer the fucking door! ’ ‘No. ’ I snap, watching him pace down the path to the road. I nearly have heart failure when I spot Sam pull up in his Porsche. Kate gets out. Shit! She approaches Jesse, who’s waving his arms around like a loon, as Sam joins them on the pavement and rubs his shoulder in a gesture of comfort. They talk for a few moments before Kate leads them up the path to the front door. ‘No, Kate! ’ I shout at the window. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! ’ That’s it, our friendship is over! I stand like a complete lemon in the lounge, hearing the front door swing open, smashing against the wall behind it, and then the stamping of heavy feet flying up the stairs. He crashes through the lounge door, the anger on his face turning to relief before reverting back to pure fury again. His grey suit looks perfectly smooth and unaffected, unlike his disheveled hair and sweaty brow. ‘Where the FUCK have you been? ’ He blasts me with his shout, his breath, literally, breezing past my ears. ‘I’ve been pulling my fucking hair out! ’ Yes, I can see that. I stand staring at him, completely dumb struck. I have no idea what to say. Is he under some sort of illusion that I’m answerable to him? Kate and Sam approach behind him, all quiet and apprehensive. I look at Kate, shaking my head. I’m dying to ask her if she likes this Jesse. ‘We’re just gonna pop down The Cock for a drink. ’ Sam says quietly, grabbing Kate’s hand and pulling her down the landing. She doesn’t try to stop him. I watch them leave, mentally cursing their chicken arses for leaving me alone to deal with crazy man here. He seems to take a few calming breaths, looking up at the ceiling in weariness, before returning his blazing gaze to mine. It penetrates me deeply. ‘Does someone need a reminder? ’ I think I must have a carpet burn on my chin because my jaw has just plummeted to the rug. It really is all about sex to him. His self-assuredness is shocking and his opinion of me inexcusable. ‘No! ’ I shout, steaming past him into the kitchen. I need that drink! I hear him follow me, watching as I chuck my phone on the worktop and yank the bottle of wine up. ‘You’re a complete bastard! ’ I yell, pouring my wine with shaky hands. I’m boiling mad. I swing around and fire him my most evil look. He actually winces slightly, which fills me with immense satisfaction. ‘You’ve got what you wanted. So have I. Let’s not fuck about. ’ I spit. I haven’t got what I wanted, not in the least bit, but I ignore the voice in my head screaming that at me. I need to stop this before I get dragged any further into the intensity that is Jesse Ward. ‘Watch your fucking mouth! ’ he shouts. ‘What are you talking about? I haven’t got what I wanted. ’ ‘You want more? ’ I quickly swig my wine. ‘Well, I don’t, so stop hounding me, Jesse. And stop shouting at me! ’ I go for brutality, but I fear I probably sound pretty pathetic in my attempt. Something’s got to work. I take another huge gulp of my wine, jumping when it’s swiped from my hand and tossed in the sink. I wince at the shattering of glass that cracks through the air. ‘You don’t have to drink like a fucking fifteen year old. ’ he yells. My fists ball at my sides as I use all of my willpower to calm myself down. ‘Get out! ’ I scream. My attempts are failing miserably. I’m becoming frantic – desperate. I shrink when he roars in frustration, throwing his fist into the kitchen door, leaving a huge dent in the wood. Oh, shit! I stand there, eyes bulging and lips sealed firmly shut as I watch his fierce reaction to my rejection. He turns to face me, shaking his hand a little, and looks me square in the eyes, his sludgy stare attacking me. Fuck me, that’s gotta hurt. I’m about to go to the freezer to get some ice, but he starts to stalk towards me. I brace my hands behind me on the edge of the worktop and watch him gain on me until we are front to front. He leans forward, placing his hands over mine, effectively trapping me. Breathing heavily in my face, he scowls at me, and then smashes his lips onto my mouth. My breath is literally sucked out of me as I writher under him, trying to free myself. What’s he doing? Actually, I know exactly what he’s doing. He’s going to hit me with a reminder fuck. I’m so screwed. He pushes his lips harder against mine, but I don’t accept his kiss. I keep telling myself that this is bad, so bloody wrong. I’m going to hurt even more if I accept this, I know I will. I half-heartedly try to free myself, but he growls low in his throat, his hands tightening on mine. I’m not going anywhere. My desperate attempts to halt this are being seriously hindered by his sheer determination to break me down. His tongue skims my bottom lip as I continue to deny him access, shuddering in an attempt to fight off the reactions he’s drawing from me. I know if he gains entry, it will be game over, so I stubbornly keep my lips locked shut while mentally pleading for him to give up. When he releases one of my hands, I instantly grab his bicep to push him away, but it’s no good. He’s a powerhouse of a man and a determined one at that. He’s not affected in the slightest by my meager attempts to free myself. He grabs my hip tightly and I jerk under him, but I’m pressed back into the worktop. I’m completely trapped, but I still defiantly reject his kiss, keeping my lips shut tight. I turn my head away when he eases up a bit. ‘Stubborn woman. ’ he mutters, pressing his lips against my neck, licking and nibbling his way down to the hollow, circling long, wet strokes before working his way up to my ear and biting at my lobe. I squeeze my eyes shut, pleading with my self-control to resist his irresistible touch. My fingernails are digging into his tense upper arm and my lips are locked shut for fear of letting out a cry of pleasure. His hand leaves my hip and moves slowly across my stomach, skimming the waistband of my shorts. ‘Please. Please, stop. ’ I cry. ‘You stop, Ava. Just stop. ’ Slipping his index finger under the material, he traces left to right, in slow, soft, measured strokes while continuing the invasion of his lips on my ear and neck. I could cry with frustration. The warm friction buckles my knees, sending violent quivers over my entire body. I hear him laugh lightly, deep at the back of his throat, sending vibrations down my spine and a slow steady beat to my core. I clamp my thighs together, moving my hand from his arm to his chest and pushing in total vain. I don’t even know why I’m bothering now. I’m a heartbeat away from surrendering to him. He’s persistently pursuing me in lust, and I’ve fallen hard for him – really hard. My head feels like it could explode, and I’m not sure if it’ll be in pleasure or confusion. I’m so bloody confused. When his lips reach mine again, I still resist, trying my hardest to block it all out. My poor brain is being thrown a million different commands – fight him; resist him; accept him; kiss him; knee him in the bollocks. And then his hand is delving into my knickers, his fingers separating me, causing electricity to spark violently through me. He brushes over my clitoris, so very gently. I jerk, my mouth opens and I let out a cry of pleasure. He takes full advantage of my lapse in willpower, thrusting his tongue into my mouth, exploring and lapping every corner, his thumb slowly circling my burning core. I kiss him back. ‘Let my hand go. ’ I pant, flexing the muscles in my arm. He must know that he’s got me because my hand is released on a moan and he’s griping the nape of my neck immediately. I throw my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me – just like that. His hips thrust against his hand, increasing the pressure of his assault on my core and his fingers enter me. My muscles grip him hard. I moan. He pulls away from me, gasping and heaving, looking at me through his hooded, glazed eyes. ‘I thought so. ’ he says, his husky tone pushing my building orgasm higher. He crashes his lips back on mine, and I accept it - all of it. Once again, I’m a slave to this beautiful, neurotic man. My willpower has diminished and my weaknesses have been weakened. I run my hands across his suited back, my fingers delving into his dirty blonde hair as he continues his excruciatingly slow, controlled drives with his fingers. I could cry with pleasure and frustration, but how can I resist this? I’ll never escape him. Now that I’ve stopped fighting him, his tongue is working my mouth at a calmer, steadier rate. The hotness of our combined mouths feels natural and absolute. My thighs tighten with the building climax threatening to attack me from every direction, and my grip of his hair increases. He gets the message, hardening his kiss, the strokes of his fingers and thumb becoming firmer as I’m bulldozed by pleasure and rocketed skyward. My mind goes blank, except for the bliss of release riding through me. I bite his lip. He groans. Holy fucking shit! His strokes ease up, and I release his lip from my clenched teeth. I think I can taste blood, but my eyes won’t open to confirm it. It would serve him right. ‘Remember yet? ’ he whispers softly against my lips. I sigh, pulling my heavy eyes open to meet his green gaze. I don’t answer him; he knows the answer to that question. But as always, I never forgot. He doesn’t demand an answer. He just leans down, dropping a gentle kiss on my mouth, my tongue sweeping across his bottom lip, licking away the small drop of blood that I’ve drawn. ‘I’ve made you bleed. ’ ‘Savage. ’ he breathes, pulling his fingers slowly out of me and sliding them into my mouth. He watches me closely as I run my tongue over them, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth. He’s got want he wants again – me, surrendering to him. I’m lifted onto the worktop. ‘Why do you keep running away from me? ’ His eyes search mine as he rests his hands on either side of my thighs, bending his body, leaning in. I drop my head. I can’t look at him. What can I tell him? That I’ve fallen in love with him? Perhaps I should – he might freak out and leave me alone. I shrug instead. He places his index finger under my chin and tips my head back up so I’m forced to confront his achingly handsome face. He raises his eyebrows at me expectantly. ‘Talk to me, baby. ’ ‘I don’t know. ’ He rolls his eyes and slaps my hand away from the piece of hair I’m coiling around my finger. ‘You’re a shit liar, Ava. ’ ‘I know. ’ I huff. I’ve got to sort that bad habit out quickly. ‘Tell me, now. ’ he demands softly. I sigh. ‘You’re distracting me. I don’t want to get hurt. ’ There, I’m not lying. That’s true. I just left out the minor, major detail of my feelings for him. I look at him as he chews his bottom lip, the cogs of his mind going into overdrive. He doesn’t know what to say to that. I’m so glad I didn’t hit him with the love bomb. ‘I see. ’ he says flatly. Is that it? I see? ‘I’m a distraction? ’ he asks. ‘Yes. ’ I scowl. The worst kind! He pouts. ‘I like distracting you. ’ ‘I like you distracting me too. ’ I mumble sulkily. I notice he ignores the hurt comment, homing straight in on the distraction tactics. ‘What am I distracting you from? ’ ‘Being sensible, ’ I reply quietly. The intoxicating affect he has on my body is setting deeper into my mindset. He said he would make me need him, and he’s keeping true to his word. He smiles, completely satisfied, his eyes dark and promising again. ‘I’m going to distract you some more now. We need to make friends. ’ His low voice is sparking off my desire for him all over again as he grabs me under my bum and slides me off of the worktop to straddle his waist. ‘Didn’t we just make friends? ’ ‘Not properly. We need to make friends properly. It’s the sensible thing to do. We don’t run anymore, Ava. ’ I smile and wrap my arms around his back as he walks us out of the kitchen, into my bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him. He places me on the end of the bed, pulling my vest up over my head, my bra-free breasts springing free. He smiles, looking down into my eyes and tossing my vest on the floor. He starts pulling at the waist band of my shorts, encouraging me to lift my bum so he can draw them down my legs, taking my knickers with them. ‘Stay there. ’ he orders, reaching up and pulling at his tie. Sparks of anticipation ricochet all around my body as I watch him slowly undress in front of me. His jacket follows his tie, then he slowly unbuttons his shirt. Hurry up! The flex of his ripped chest has me virtually dribbling as he stands before me, taking painfully long to undress. My eyes are automatically drawn to the sight of his scar. I’m desperate to know where it came from. ‘Look at me, Ava. ’ My eyes fly straight to his, those sludgy pools of green watching me carefully as he removes his shoes, socks and trousers, before finally dragging his boxers down his legs. His erection springs free. It’s at eye level to me. If I reach forward and open my mouth, I’ll have the upper hand. That would make a nice change. I glance up at him, catching a wicked grin and blazing eyes. ‘I’m desperate to be inside you after looking for you for the last two days, ’ he says darkly. ‘I’ll look forward to fucking your mouth later. You owe me. ’ A powerful thud crashes into my core as he leans down and curls his arm around my waist before crawling up the bed above me and placing me down gently beneath him. My thighs are spread by his knee, and he cradles himself between them, resting his forearms on either side of my head as he looks down at me with soft eyes. I could weep. Any plans I had of walking away before it’s too late are totally obliterated. It’s already too late, and his determination to have me, as and when he pleases, is not doing me any favours. ‘You won’t run away from me again. ’ he says softly but firmly. I know I have to answer this. I shake my head and reach up to his shoulders. ‘You need to answer me, Ava. ’ he whispers. I feel the broad head of his erection pushing at my entrance, causing a ridiculous amount of heat to plague me. ‘I won’t. ’ I confirm. He nods, holding my gaze as he slowly draws back and drives forward, plunging deeply into me. I moan and adjust my grip on his shoulders, shifting under him. The fullness is incredible, and I’ve fast become use to him. He blows out a long controlled breath of air. The concentration frown flickering across his brow is shiny with sweat and heavy on his forehead. I resist the urge to contract around him – he needs a moment. His eyes close, his long lashes fanning, his head dropped to mine as he battles to compose his erratic breathing. I wait patiently for him to sort himself out, running my hands up and down his firm upper arms, more than happy to lay here looking at this beautiful, neurotic man so closely. He knows I need gentle Jesse right now. After a few moments, he gathers himself together and lifts his head back up to look at me. My heart constricts in my chest. I’m so in love with this man. ‘This is what happens when you deny me. Don’t do it again. ’ He lifts his upper body to brace his arms, then lazily drags back and gradually drives forward. I purr. Oh, good God. He repeats the delectable move, over and over, watching me the entire time. ‘You need to think about this, Ava. When you’re tempted to run again, think about how you feel right now. Think about me. ’ ‘Yes. ’ I breathe, struggling to dampen down a fast buildup of pressure. I want to carry on like this forever. I want to feel like this forever. This is exactly why I’ve been avoiding him. I’m weak and feeble in my attempts to brush him off. Or is he just determined? Well, either way, I always end up at square one again…giving myself to this man. I rock my hips up to meet his every thrust, and he lowers his mouth to mine, taking my lips leisurely and lazily, matching his blazing hip rhythm with his tongue. I whimper, digging my nails into his arms. I’ve got to stop marking him and drawing blood. The poor man is mistreated almost every time. He drives slowly forward, circles deeply and withdraws lazily, time and time again. I can’t hold out for much longer. How does he do this to me? ‘Does that feel good? ’ he whispers. ‘Too good, ’ I gasp on a lazy grind. ‘It does. Are you there, lady? ’ he asks against my lips. I nip his tongue. ‘I’m there. ’ ‘I’ve got you, baby. Let it go. ’ The racking shudder that courses through my body has me clenched around Jesse’s arousal, shaking wildly against him as I moan my release into his mouth. The last, deep thrust, followed by a jerk and hot sensation flooding me, signals Jesse’s release. He holds himself deep and clenches his eyes shut, while paying loving attention to my mouth, moaning long and low. The pulsating of him is triggering my muscles to tense around him, all in time to his throbs. I’m draining him dry. ‘God, I’ve missed you. ’ he whispers, burying his face in the crook of my neck and nuzzling before rolling onto his back. He holds his arm up, and I move into his warm, firm chest, resting my cheek on his pec. I’m so screwed – totally fucking screwed. ‘I love sleepy sex with you. ’ I muse dreamily. ‘That wasn’t sleep sex, baby. ’ He brushes my hair from my face with his spare hand. It wasn’t? ‘What was is then? ’ He kisses my forehead gently. ‘That was catching up sex. ’ Oh, a new one. ‘I like catching up sex then. ’ ‘Don’t like it too much. It won’t happen very often. ’ A stab of disappointment pierces me. ‘Why? ’ ‘Because, lady, you won’t be running away from me again, and I don’t plan on being away from you very often either. ’ He inhales in my hair. ‘If ever, ’ I smile to myself, throwing my leg over his thighs. He clasps my knee, rubbing circles over my skin with his thumb, while I trace my fingers across the surface of his scar. I’m compelled to know how he got it. He hasn’t mentioned it, except to warn me off asking, but it’s not like it can be overlooked. I need to know more about him. ‘How did this happen? ’ I ask as I follow the line around to his side. He inhales tiredly. ‘How did what happen, Ava? ’ His words leave no room for movement or interrogation on the matter. He doesn’t want to talk about it. ‘Nothing, ’ I whisper softly, making a mental note not to ask again. ‘What are you doing tomorrow? ’ he asks in a blatant change of subject tactic. ‘It’s Wednesday, I’m working. ’ ‘Take the day off. ’ ‘What, just like that? ’ I feel him shrug. ‘Yes, you owe me two days. ’ He makes everything sound so straight forward. It’s okay for him, with his own business and no one to answer to. I, on the other hand, have clients, a boss and a pile of work to do. ‘I have too much to do. Besides, you abandoned me for four days. ’ I remind him. He still hasn’t explained himself. Will he now? ‘Come with me now then. ’ He squeezes me in a little bit more. I notice I get nothing of an explanation. ‘Where? ’ ‘I’ve got to shoot over to The Manor, sort a few things out with John. You can have some dinner while you wait for me. ’ Not a chance! I’m not going to The Manor, I’m not waiting for him in the restaurant while he sees to business and I’m not risking bumping into old pouty lips. ‘I think I’ll stay here, I don’t want to get in your way. ’ I say quietly, hoping he doesn’t push this. Another standoff with Sarah will not be a good way to end the day, the devious, interfering cow. What has Jesse’s personal life got to do with her? I’m rolled onto my back with my wrists pinned to the side of my head as Jesse looms over me. ‘You won’t ever be in my way. ’ He rests his lips between my breasts and trails kisses across to my nipple. ‘You’ll come. ’ My nipple lengthens under his gentle, swirling tongue, my breathing fluttering. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow. ’ I force the words through pants. His teeth clamp lightly onto my nipple as he looks up at me, grinning. ‘Hmmm, sense fuck? ’ he offers, through a mouth full of breast. Oh, no. I’ll take the fuck, but I’m still not going to The Manor. Although, if he starts fucking his so called sense into me, then I’m screwed in more than one way. He can make me say anything. Well, he can do that pretty much all of the time, but especially during a sense fuck. I hear the front door crash open and the laughter of Kate and Sam coming up the stairs. I look down at Jesse still clamped around my nipple, the frustration marring his face having me secretly pleased. While I’d take a sense fuck anytime, the sense he aims on fucking into me, on this particular occasion, makes no sense at all. Why would I want to set myself up for a verbal spar with Sarah? He huffs childishly, releasing my nipple. ‘I don’t suppose you can keep your mouth shut while I fuck some sense into you? ’ I raise my eyebrows. He knows that’s impossible. ‘For fucks sake. ’ he grumbles, pushing himself up, making a point of brushing his knee up the inside of my thigh and over my moist centre. The friction has me wanting to yank him back down to me. I don’t want him to go. He leans down and kisses me hard and purposefully. ‘I’ve got to go. When I call you tomorrow, you’ll answer the phone. ’ ‘I will. ’ I confirm obediently. God help me if I don’t. He smiles darkly and grabs my hip. I squeal like a little girl and flip myself onto my front. Then I feel the sting of his palm meeting my backside. ‘Ouch! ’ ‘Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, lady. ’ The bed shifts as he gets up. When I turn over, his shirt is on his back and he’s working the buttons. ‘Will Sarah be at The Manor? ’ I blurt, before my brain filters the stupid question. He pauses briefly before picking up his boxers and stepping into them. ‘I hope so, she works for me. ’ What? ‘You said she was a friend. ’ I sound whinny. I mentally slap myself for it. He frowns. ‘Yes, she’s a friend and she works for me. ’ Marvelous. I roll out of bed and find my vest and shorts. No wonder she’s always loitering about. Should I tell him that she’s warned me off? No, he probably wouldn’t appreciate immature, petty jealousies. God, I hate that woman. I yank my vest and shorts on, and turn to find Jesse pulling his suit jacket on. He’s watching me thoughtfully. Does he know what I’m thinking? ‘Are you going to put some clothes on? ’ he asks, looking me up and down. I look down at my shorts and vest combo and back up to him. His eyebrows are raised. ‘I’m at home. ’ ‘Yes, and Sam’s out there. ’ ‘Sam doesn’t seem to think anything of walking around in his pants. At least I’m covered. ’ ‘Sam’s an exhibitionist. ’ he grumbles, walking over to my wardrobe and flicking through the rails. ‘Here, put this on. ’ He hands me a chunky knit, oversized, cream jumper. ‘No! ’ I splutter in disgust. I’ll pass out of overheating! He thrusts it closer to me with a determined, dirty look. ‘Put the jumper on. ’ ‘No. ’ I say it slowly and concisely. He’s not dictating my wardrobe, especially not when I’m at home. I snatch the jumper from him and throw it on the bed, watching as he follows its path through the air. He looks at it sprawled on the bed, then slowly returns his eyes to mine. His teeth are going ten to the dozen, chewing his bottom lip. ‘Three, ’ he grates. My eyes widen. ‘Are you winding me up? ’ He ignores me. ‘Two, ’ I still don’t know what happens at zero, but it looks like I’m going to find out. ‘I’m not putting the jumper on. ’ ‘One, ’ His lips press into a straight line of displeasure. ‘Do what you like, Jesse. I’m not putting that jumper on. ’ His eyes narrow. ‘Zero, ’ We stand opposite each other, him with an expression of genuine fury mixed with a bit of delight, and me wondering what the hell he’s going to do now that he’s reached zero. I scan the room, looking for an escape, but there’s only one, and I have to get past Jesse to make it there. What are the chances of that? He shakes his head, exhaling a long, lung full of air, and then he makes his move. I dart across the bed to escape, getting caught up in the mountain of sheets and squealing when I feel his warm palm wrap around my ankle. He yanks me across the bed. ‘Jesse! ’ I cry as he flips me over and straddles me, pinning my arms under his knees. ‘Get off! ’ I blow my hair out of my face, finding him looking down at me, his face deadly serious. ‘Let’s clear something up. ’ He removes his jacket, throws it on the bed and picks up the jumper. ‘If you do what you’re told, our lives will be a lot easier. All this…’ He strokes his palms over my torso and pinches my nipples through my vest. I yelp. ‘is for my eyes only. ’ He moves his hands behind him and digs his fingers into the hollow above my hips bone. ‘NO! ’ I scream. ‘Please, no! ’ I start laughing. Oh God, I’ll pee myself! He continues with the digs and squeezes, sending me on a wild bucking mission. I can’t breathe. I’m between laughter and crying at the torturous assault, my bladder set to burst. ‘Jesse, I need the toilet! ’ I half laugh, half cry. All I’m aware of is the agonising suffering he’s inflicting on me, the cruel bastard. And all because I won’t put a stupid jumper on? ‘That’s better. ’ I hear him say through my bucking frenzy. I feel my hair being brushed away from my face, then his lips pressed hard on mine. ‘You could have saved us both a lot of trouble if you’d have just put…the…fucking…jumper…on. ’ I look up at him and scowl as he lifts his heavy weight from me and puts his jacket back on. I sit up, finding I’m wearing the stupid jumper. How did he manage that? I turn my fierceness onto him. He’s regarding me intently, not a hint of amusement on his face. ‘I’ll just take it off. ’ I spit. ‘No, you won’t. ’ he assures me, and he’s probably right. I get off the bed, heading for the bathroom in the ridiculous jumper. ‘You’re an unreasonable arse. ’ I mutter, slamming the door behind me. I go for a wee and make a mental note, never to let him get to zero again. That was my worst nightmare. I rub my poor abused hips, the sensitive flesh above my bones still tingling. When I’m done, I find Jesse in the kitchen with Sam and Kate, who both run their eyes over my jumper clad body. I shrug, pouring myself another wine. ‘Made up? ’ Kate asks, perching on Sam’s lap. He separates his thighs, causing Kate to slip between his legs on a squeal. She playfully slaps him before looking at me for an answer. ‘No, ’ I mutter, throwing Jesse a disgruntled look. ‘And if you’d like to know who has put a hole in your kitchen door, look no further. ’ I point my glass at Jesse. ‘He also smashed your wine glass. ’ I add, like the pathetic snitch I am. I watch as Jesse reaches in his pockets, palms off a pile of twenties and slaps them on the table in front of Kate. ‘Let me know if it’s anymore. ’ he says, keeping his eyes firmly on me. I look down at the table. There must be at least five hundred quid there. And I notice he didn’t apologise, the arrogant arse. Kate shrugs and scoops the money up. ‘That should cover it. ’ Jesse shoves his hands back in his pockets, saunters over to me and bends so his face is level with mine. ‘I like your jumper. ’ ‘Fuck off. ’ I mouth, before taking a huge swig of wine. He grins, kissing my nose. ‘Mouth, ’ he warns. He grasps the back of my head, bunching my hair in his fist and pulls me forward so we’re nose to nose. ‘Don’t drink too much. ’ he orders, and then lands me with a searing hot kiss. I try to resist…a little. When I’m free from his lips and I’ve regained my senses, I scoff, taking another glug. He shakes his head mildly, inhaling deeply, before turning away from me. ‘My work here is done. ’ he says smugly as he leaves. ‘Bye. ’ Kate sings on a laugh. I throw her a filthy look. ‘My man, ’ Sam holds his hand up on a grin. ‘Ava, where’s the love? ’ ‘Up his arse! ’ I snap, discarding my wine glass and collecting my phone before storming out of the kitchen, back to my room. The man is impossible. I hear Sam and Kate laughing as I crawl into bed with my jumper on. I’m pretending the only reason I’m pissed is because Jesse has just manhandled me into a jumper. The fact that he’s on his way to The Manor, and a certain pouty lipped witch is sure be there, has nothing to do with my bad mood – nothing at all. As I’m dozing off, my phone starts singing The Stone Roses, This is the One. I roll my eyes, reaching for it from my bedside table. I need to teach that man some phone manners. ‘What? ’ I snap. ‘Who do you think you’re talking to, lady? ’ ‘An unreasonable arse! ’ ‘I’ll ignore that. Have you still got the jumper on? ’ I want to say no. ‘Yes. ’ I grumble. Would he come back and torture me some more if I did say no? ‘Is that all you rang for? ’ ‘No, I wanted to hear your voice. ’ he says softly. ‘I’m having Ava withdrawal. ’ I melt a little on a sigh. He can be so domineering, bossy and unreasonable, and in the next breath, completely soppy and lovely. ‘You’ve been messing with my phone again. ’ I accuse. ‘You’re not going to hear me call if it’s on silent, are you? ’ ‘No, but how did you know it was on silent? ’ I ask, although I already know. I need to put a PIN lock on it. ‘Anyway, it’s rude. And you need to apologise to Sally. ’ ‘I’m sorry. Who’s Sally? ’ ‘No, you’re not. Sally is the waif like creature in my office who you verbally attacked. ’ ‘Oh, I’ll take care of it. Make sure you dream of me. ’ I smile. ‘I will. Goodnight. ’ ‘Oh, Ava? ’ ‘What? ’ ‘You’re the one, baby. ’ He hangs up, and my heart jumps up into my throat. What is the one? Does he mean what I think he means? I start chewing my thumb nail and drift off to sleep considering his coded statement. Am I The One? Is he The One? Oh, hell. I really want him to be.