Chapter 25
Our journey back to Lusso is the longest I’ve ever endured. The sexual tension bouncing around in his car is excruciating, and Jesse is almost violent when he gets stuck behind a Sunday driver. ‘Some people shouldn’t be allowed on the fucking road. MOVE! ’ He performs a highly illegal manoeuvre, overtaking the car on a single carriageway. He frequently adjusts his groin area, and in the dim light of the DBS, I see a shimmer of sweat across his brow. Oh, he’s a man on a mission. He skids to a halt outside the electronic gates of Lusso and presses a remote to open them, his hand drumming on the steering wheel as he waits impatiently for them to shift. I smile. ‘You’re going to have a seizure if you don’t calm down. ’ He pauses with the drumming and looks at me, all smoky. ‘Ava, I’ve had a fucking seizure every day since I met you. ’ ‘You’re swearing a lot. ’ I muse as the gates open and he pulls into the car park, fast and carelessly. ‘And you’re going to be screaming a lot, ’ There is no humour in his tone. ‘Out. ’ he orders. I’ve no doubt I will be, but I do love it when he’s in these frenzies. I take my time getting out of the car, and when I’m finally vertical, I glance up and find he’s stood in front of me, with a very irked look on his face. ‘What are you doing? ’ he asks incredulously at my leisurely pace. I gaze around at the black night-time sky and down to the docks. ‘Do you fancy a walk? ’ His mouth drops open. ‘Do I fancy a walk? ’ ‘Yes, it’s a lovely evening. ’ I return my gaze to him, doing a rubbish job of hiding my smug smile. ‘No, Ava, I fancy fucking you until you beg me to stop. ’ He bends, grabs me around the back of my thighs and hoists me over his shoulder, kicking shut the door of his ridiculously expensive car. ‘Jesse! ’ My stomach catapults into my mouth at the swift movement. ‘I’ll walk! ’ He starts striding into the foyer of Lusso. ‘Not fast enough. Good evening, Clive. ’ I brace my hands on Jesse’s lower back, craning my head up to find Clive observing me draped over Jesse’s shoulder. What must he think of me? The last time I entered Lusso I was being carried too. ‘I’m not drunk! ’ I yell, watching Clive disappear from sight as Jesse carries me into the elevator and punches the code in harshly. In my sassy state, I slide my hands beneath his jeans, onto his fantastic, tight arse, to feel the tense and swell of his muscles and smooth, warm skin as he strides out of the lift. ‘No fucking about. I want inside you now. You fuck about, I swear to God... ’ He’s deadly serious. ‘You’re so romantic. ’ ‘We’ve got all the time in the world for romance, lady. ’ Have we? He barges into the penthouse, slamming the door behind him. I’m a touch disorientated when he lowers me to my feet in the kitchen. I stand before him, my hands resting on his shoulders, trying to get my bearings. ‘You know, you’re really not going to be in a fit state to work tomorrow. ’ His hot breath is leaving condensation on my face. ‘Strip, now. ’ I’m shaking – visibly shaking. I demand my hands to remove themselves from his shoulders, but they’re having none of it. I try to pull myself together, but it’s impossible when he’s looking at me like that. I feel his hands lay over mine and peel them away from his shoulders. He places them on my stomach. ‘Start with the shirt. ’ His voice is throaty, tinged with a bit of desperation. I can do this; I can be audacious. ‘So, am I in charge? ’ I ask, inwardly bracing myself for his scoff. It doesn’t come. He looks at me, the slight surprise at my question clear, but he doesn’t laugh. He can’t be in control all of the time. ‘If it makes you happy, ’ He unclasps his Rolex and slides it onto the island. Oh, it does. I give myself a mental pep talk. I can do this, I can do this. I take a deep breath and, staring him boldly in the eye, raise my hands to my top button, willing my fingers to co-operate. Every button I undo, his face strains harder, and I become bolder. If this isn’t fucking about, then I don’t know what is. I release my shirt, letting it hang open, and watch as he scrapes his eyes down my torso, his tongue running across his parted bottom lip. Liking this response I’m getting, I take my hands to my shoulders and pull my shirt away, accentuating the slow push forward of my breasts when I lower it down my arms. Like the wanton sex fiend that I am, I hold it out to my side for a few seconds while his eyes travel back up my body. Then, when our eyes meet again, I dramatically open my palm and let it fall to the floor, leaving my arm outstretched and hovering at my side for a few seconds. His eyes are blazing, his forehead damp. Oh, I’m really doing this well. ‘I love you in lace. ’ he whispers. I smile. I’m really into my stride now. I lower my steady hands to the fly of my trousers and lazily undo one button at a time as he watches. His panting is increasing by the second, and the drain on his self-control has him chewing his lip to the point of drawing blood. Once all the buttons are undone and my trousers are gaping open, I stand with my hands tucked in the front, ready to drag them down my legs, but I don’t. I’m too enthralled by his reaction to my shameless strip. I like this role reversal. He looks up at me, his eyes blazing and desperate. ‘I could rip them off in two seconds flat. ’ ‘But you won’t. ’ My voice is husky and alluring. I’m stunned by my own brashness. ‘You’ll wait. ’ I kick my shoes off, sending them flying a few yards across the kitchen. He follows their course before looking back at me with raised eyebrows. ‘Taking this a bit far, aren’t you? ’ I smile sweetly as little by little, inch by inch, I slide my capri pants down my legs and kick them off. I’m stood in my coral lace underwear before this glorious man, and I’ve lost all my inhibitions. It’s an eye-opener. Who would have thought I could be so brash? I like being in charge! He lifts his hand to stroke my chest. ‘No. ’ I utter firmly, his hand floating over my breast bone. It’s not touching me, but the heat emanating from it has me nearly hyperventilating. Here’s me telling him to wait, and I’m as desperate as he is. My self-control is wavering, but I really love this power. ‘Fuck you. ’ he mumbles, dropping his hand. ‘Please do. ’ He smirks. ‘Beg. ’ Beg? How did this turn around so quickly? I don’t think so. ‘I would rather go without. ’ ‘Leave your hair alone, Ava. ’ His eyes darken further. I drop my hair, while he drops his eyes. ‘You’re still wearing your underwear. ’ I glance down. ‘What are going to do about that? ’ ‘I’m going to do nothing, ’ he shrugs. ‘Unless you beg, ’ ‘I don’t think so. ’ I say coolly. I’m not backing down. ‘We might be here a while then. ’ ‘We might. ’ I agree. ‘Maybe longer than Friday, ’ He’s pokerfaced. Oh, the sly sod! He just can’t let it drop, can he? I narrow my eyes at him as he raises his eyebrows at me. So, we’re in a standoff, neither one of us wanting to make the first move. He should! He’s the one who declared he wanted no fucking about, so help him God… What to do? What to do? And then it comes to me. ‘I’m sorry, I can’t fuck about. I have work tomorrow. ’ I turn to leave, hearing that familiar growl I love so much, his arm scooping around my waist and lifting me from my feet. I crumble in half over his forearm. I can’t help it... I laugh. He paces towards the kitchen island and flips me around, sitting me on the cold granite. His eyes are full of displeasure at my little joke. ‘When will you fucking listen, lady? You’re not going anywhere, ’ He nudges my thighs apart, edging between them with his hands on my waist, his face deadly serious. I’m still recovering from my laughing fit, but it soon subsides when he pulls me forward to meet his groin, his erection rubbing me in just the right spot. I moan, placing my hands around his neck. ‘And watch your mouth. ’ he grumbles, his concentration slash concern frown, not so light on his forehead. It’s concern this time. Is he really serious about me never going anywhere? What? Ever? ‘I’m sorry. ’ I say genuinely. I shouldn’t play with him like that. It’s obvious he has issues with non-conformity. ‘You really know how to rub me up the wrong way, ’ he mutters. ‘We do things my way from now on. ’ ‘We always do things your way. ’ I sulk on a pout. ‘Correct. Get use to it. ’ He stands before me, pulling his jumper up over his head, kicking his Grensons off, before making quick work of his jeans and boxers. I sit patiently, more than happy to watch him undress. This man is a God. I drag my eyes down the full loveliness of him, briefly faltering on his scar and settling on his thick, pulsing erection. ‘It’s rude to stare. ’ he says softly. My eyes jump to his, uncertain as to whether he’s referring to me looking at his scar or his beautiful manhood. He doesn’t elaborate. He moves back into me, reaching around my back to unhook my bra, slowly drawing it down my arms and tossing it behind him. Resting his hands on the edge of the worktop, he watches me as he leans down and takes a nipple in his mouth, slowly swirling and flicking it with his tongue. In pure, unashamed bliss, I sigh, reaching up to lace my fingers in his hair as he divides his attention between each of my breasts. My head falls back and I close my eyes, absorbing his attentive mouth. I really don’t mind letting him take control. In fact, I love it. His tongue starts a lazy trail up the centre of my body, finishing with a soft kiss on my chin. ‘Lift. ’ he commands, grasping my knickers. I brace myself up on the worktop, letting him pull them down my legs. ‘I’ll be back. I’m a bit peckish. ’ I reluctantly release his hair and he wanders, boldly and with poise, over to the fridge-freezer, completely butt naked. I sit rapt by the tremendous view of his impossibly taut arse, long, lean legs and powerful, smooth back. His gait is all the better when he’s naked. ‘Enjoying the scenery? ’ Looking up, I see him stood watching me. I don’t know how long I was daydreaming. I could watch him forever. He holds up a can of squirty cream, grinning, before taking the lid off, giving it a little shake and squirting some in his mouth. I watch him carefully. He looks very pleased with himself. ‘And that’s a staple food in your world? ’ I ask. He saunters back towards me, shaking the can. ‘Absolutely, ’ he says seriously, replacing himself between my legs, nudging my chin upwards with the tip of his finger. ‘Open. ’ I open my mouth, and he rests the funnel on my tongue, watching me as he presses the notch, releasing a blob of cream into my mouth. I lick my lips, the cream disintegrating in my mouth instantly. I place my hands behind me and lean back as he runs his eyes down my front. ‘Do your worst, Mr Ward. ’ I tease. His eyes sparkle and he grins that roguish grin. ‘This might be a little cold. ’ he warns, as he squirts a long trail straight down my middle. I inhale quickly at the initial shock of the freezing cold cream, running from the hollow of my throat, all the way down to the juncture of my thighs. He smirks, squirting a little extra where it counts. I look down at the long path of white puffs, feeling my nipples pucker tighter at the chilliness close by. He stands back, his eyes dancing with delight. ‘It’s a bit if a cliché , isn’t it? ’ I look at his satisfied face. He squirts some in his own mouth. ‘The old ones are the best. ’ He starts walking away again. Where’s he going? I sit on the breakfast bar coated in cream, watching as he rifles through cupboards. ‘Here it is. ’ he declares. Here’s what? He opens a drawer, pulls out a spatula and walks back over, tapping a jar of chocolate spread mischievously. As he arrives back between my legs, he unscrews the lid and tosses it on the marble counter. I arch a brow at him, questioningly, even though I know damn well what his intent is. He twirls the spatula in the jar, scoops out a big dollop and abruptly slaps it onto my breast. ‘Ouch! ’ My boob stings from the smack. He smirks as he starts circling the chocolate around my nipple, the sting mixed with the rhythmic swirls having me purring deep in my throat. His frown line makes its appearance as he begins to chew his lip, working the chocolate spread all the way up my body on both sides of the cream, swirling and smearing as he goes. When the jar is completely empty and he’s satisfied he covered every part or my torso, he puts his instruments down and stands back to admire his handiwork. The smile that spans his handsome face makes me want to dive on him and tackle him to the floor. He looks thoroughly thrilled with himself. ‘My very own Ava é clair. ’ he declares, licking his lips. I look down at my coated body and back up to his dancing eyes. ‘I guess, now you’ve had your fun, I should go take a shower. ’ I make to move and he’s on me in a flash, grasping me in his arms as I knew he would be. I’m locked to his chest, sliding all over the place. I give a little shimmy on a laugh, just to rub it in. And not in a smug way. ‘Sneak. ’ he mutters, pulling away, the chocolate and cream stringing between our bodies. He takes my hands, gently pushing me back until I’m flat on my back and looking up at him. ‘I’ve not even started with the fun part, lady. ’ I grin. ‘I’m filthy. ’ ‘Oh, I love that grin. You won’t be filthy for long. ’ He leans over me, rubbing his erection against my core, scooping a trail of chocolate from my nipple with his index finger and keeping his eyes firmly on mine as he slides it between his lips and licks it off in the most spectacular fashion. ‘Hmmm, chocolate, cream and sweat. ’ he says hoarsely. I shudder under his piercing eyes, the light throb of my sex kicking in to high gear, as I writhe on the bar under his intoxicating stare. I reach up to pull him down onto me. I need contact. He lets me take him, dropping his lips to mine and resting his chest on me so we slip and slide all over again. The warmness of his body all over mine catapults me straight to Central Jesse Cloud Nine. I gently coax his tongue from his mouth with small butterfly flicks, smiling against his lips as he moans deep in his throat. His arm snakes under my lower back and tugs me up from the counter, supporting me as he suspends me and claims my mouth. My arms remain around his neck, working my fingers through his hair as he continues to ravish me, and I continue to writhe. Straying away from my lips, he begins kissing his way up my cheek to my ear, making a point of grinding his ever loving hips against me, instigating the familiar heaviness to weigh down in my groin. I moan, long and low, as my fingers curl tightly in his hair and he bites my lobe, slowly dragging it through his teeth. Oh hell, I’m soaring on pleasure here. ‘Jesse. ’ I pant, arching myself into him. ‘I know. ’ he hums against my ear. ‘You want me to take care of it? ’ ‘Yes! ’ I cry. He drops a tender kiss on the hollow of my ear, easing me down onto my back. With his upper body braced on one arm at the side of me, he gently brushes the hair from my face. I watch as he studies me thoughtfully, his green pools swimming, the cogs of his mind turning. ‘Everything is so much more bearable with you around, Ava. ’ he says softly, his eyes searching mine. I absorb his words, completely stunned by his confession. What’s more bearable? I can’t cope with the vagueness of this statement, especially not now. There is more than meets the eye with this man – not just confident and wealthy, possessive and gentle, controlling and dominate. I could go on forever. But there’s more. I gaze up at him. I want to ask questions, but as I draw breath to speak, he drops his head to my breast, flicking his tongue over my already taut nipple, circling it and licking the chocolate away. I buck when his teeth clamp over my tight bud, the sharp stab arching my back and pushing my breast up further, forcing him to pull away slightly to accommodate me. ‘Feel good? ’ he asks. ‘Yes! ’ ‘You want more of my mouth? ’ ‘Jesus, Jesse! ’ He hums in satisfaction, spreading his attention between my breasts, lapping, nipping and sucking the chocolate, gradually and meticulously away. I moan. I’m a sweating mess. My fingers are clawed in his hair as I squirm under his expert tongue. One touch of my core and I’ll be propelled into a despairing stupor. ‘All clean. ’ he drawls as he lifts his body, his eyes locking with mine. ‘But she wants more of my mouth. ’ He licks his lips and backs away from me, my stomach performing a full three sixty spin. Oh, Christ. I won’t last a second. He looms over me, looking straight down to the apex of my thighs. He eases his palms onto my thighs and slowly pulls them further apart. ‘Fuck, Ava. You’re weeping. ’ He breathes in deep, and I see the rise and fall of his chest speed up. He flicks one last gaze up at me before his head drifts down, slowly and provocatively. I clamp my eyes shut, tensing my whole body, as I wait for that first dash of contact. And there it is. One long sweep of his tongue, straight up the centre of my core, with a little dance on my clit to finish off. ‘Oh…God! ’ I groan, and I’m rewarded with two fingers thrust straight in to maximum capacity. I buck and writher involuntarily as Jesse lays an arm across my stomach to hold me down. ‘You want me to stop? ’ he asks. His voice is gravel, my reaction violent. He swiftly returns to my sex, plunging his fingers in deep while lightly stroking my clitoris with his tongue. In seconds, I feel the peak of an explosion on the horizon, and with one last casual sweep up the very centre of my most sensitive place, I burst apart under him. I’m lost. I thrash my head from side to side, a rush of breath escaping my burning lungs on a long peaceful sigh, as my thumping heart works its way back down to a steady, safe rate. He laps gently, helping me ride out the pulses of my orgasm, letting me drift delicately down as I moan in pure satisfaction. He has the most incredible mouth. In my subliminal state, I feel him shift from between my legs, reaching up to slip his fingers into my mouth so I can lap up the moisture of my release. ‘See how good you taste, Ava? ’ he hums, swirling his finger around my mouth, then sliding them into his own, ensuring every last piece of me is savoured by his tongue. His head drops and he hovers over my face, looking into my eyes before resting his lips gently on mine, brushing from side to side. ‘You’re amazing. I need to be inside you. ’ He shifts quickly, and in one measured movement, he yanks me forward and impales me on his waiting arousal. I cry out at the shock invasion, my abating climax resurrected. Jesus! ‘My turn, ’ he gasps, pulling out and firing forward again. I cry out, throwing my arms over my head as he clamps onto my thighs tightly, pulling me back and forth on the marble to match his momentum. I peel my eyes open and find him sweating, his jaw clenched. The remnants of the cream and chocolate has me sliding to meet him with ease, tingling sensations attacking me between my thighs, the delicious full drives of his powerful body set to blow my brain clean out of my head. Fucking hell! ‘Does that feel good, Ava? ’ he shouts over my cries. ‘God, yes! ’ ‘You won’t run away from me again, will you? ’ ‘No! ’ Never! I’m hauled up onto his body and swung around to meet the wall, my back crashing against it, causing a shocked yell to burst from my mouth. I lied. I’m not use to him, at all. And I’m not sure I ever will be. He’s so incredibly powerful, forceful and large. I endure his determined, unrelenting pounds as I’m pushed up the wall on cry after cry. In my desperation to control my rolling orgasm, I find his shoulder and latch on with my mouth, sinking my teeth into his flesh. ‘Oh, FUCK! ’ he roars. I hear his forehead collide into the wall behind me, his hips powering forward. That’s it. I release his shoulder, throw my head back on a harsh cry and erupt into a splintering follow up orgasm. He stills suddenly, his breathing ragged and violent, and then he thunders forward one last, powerful time. ‘Jesus! ’ he barks, jerking against me, inside and out. I’m convulsing in his arms with my own fitful breathing, trying to gulp down some valuable air into my overworked lungs. Shock and awe. Wow! I clench my arms and legs tighter around him, close my eyes and melt into his body. I’m only dimly aware of being transported back to the kitchen island in his arms, the movement causing his semi-erection to stroke the wall of my uterus as I cling onto him, revelling in his heat. I lay back as he lowers me, feeling the comfort of his solid chest rest onto mine. Instinctively, I curl my arms around his back as he showers my face with tender kisses. Oh God, I feel so overwhelmed. I’ve never felt so needed or wanted. My time with Jesse, good and bad, strops and affection, has blasted any other feelings I’ve had, well and truly, out of the water. I open my eyes, knowing he’s looking at me. ‘You and me. ’ he whispers, gazing down at me. I close my heavy lids and pull his head down to bury my face in his neck, completely losing myself in him. I drag my eyes open. I’m being lifted from the breakfast bar, I’m wrapped around Jesse and I have no intention of letting go. ‘Let’s stay. ’ I murmur dreamily. I’m so tired. He chuckles. ‘Just hold on. I’ll do all the work. ’ So I do. I hold on tight, my legs wrapped around his waist, my arms around his shoulders, as he carries me through the penthouse, up the stairs and into the bathroom. ‘Put me in bed. ’ I gripe as he deposits me on the vanity unit. ‘Your sticky, I’m sticky. Let me wash us both, then we can get in bed and snuggle. Deal? ’ He goes to turn the shower on. I look up at him through sleepy eyes. ‘No, put me in bed. ’ I grumble. ‘Ava, you’re adorable when you’re sleepy. ’ He scoops me up from the unit and carries me into the shower. I rest my head in the crook of his neck, making no attempt to free myself from his warm body. The water is blissful. ‘I’m going to put you down, ’ he says. I tighten my grip around him. He laughs. ‘I can’t wash you down without any free hands. ’ ‘I want to stay stuck to you. ’ He sighs, leaning his back against the tiled wall with me still clutched to him. Turning his face into mine, he drops a tender kiss on my forehead, humming against my skin. I acknowledge the contact through my sleepy state by nuzzling his neck, humming my own little sigh of contentment. One arm releases me, his knee rising to meet my backside, while he leans over and grasps the shower gel from the shelf, dropping it to the floor before doing the same with the shampoo. He lowers his knee, slips his arm back under my bent legs and slowly slides down the wall, holding tightly onto me. I feel the firmness of the shower floor beneath him as we come to rest on the floor. I know I’m restricting him with my arms clenched around his neck, but I don’t move them, and he doesn’t complain. He works around me, holding me with one arm, washing and rinsing my hair with his free hand as best as I’ll allow. His task is unhurried as he cleans away the leftovers of cream and chocolate from my body, his hand gliding over me tenderly in slow, careful circles, wheedling me into a slumber. I keep my hold of him. I don’t want to ever let go. ‘I want to look after you forever. ’ he whispers, pressing his lips against my temple. I release a hand from his neck, brushing down his chest to his abdominals, slowly circling his belly button. ‘Okay, ’ I agree. I’m more than happy with that. I can’t think of anything more natural to me – I doubt I ever will. He lets out a long, tired breath. ‘Come on, let’s get you out. ’ I pull myself away from him, struggling to my feet. I feel utterly shattered. I put my hand out and he accepts it willingly, although I’m of no assistance in actually heaving him to his feet. I notice the remnants of some chocolate on his chest so I dip and pick up the shower gel, squirting some in my hands. He watches me as I work up a lather in my hands and place my palms against his chest, his gaze fixed on my hands while they work over him, his light dusting of hair stuck to the solid muscle beneath. When I’m done, I lean in to drop a chaste kiss on the centre of his chest. I look up at him and find his eyes are squeezed shut, his face turned up towards the ceiling. I reach up and kiss his throat to get his attention, but a few seconds pass before he brings his face down to mine. I smile at him, and he offers a little one in return. It’s not convincing, and it has me wondering what’s causing his anguish. ‘What’s wrong? ’ I ask nervously. ‘Nothing’s wrong. Everything is right. ’ He cups my cheeks in both of his hands, giving me a half smile, his eyes running all over my face before he turns the shower off and steps out, wrapping a towel around his narrow waist. I walk out behind him, and I’m immediately engulfed in a soft bath sheet. He rubs me from top to toe, working the excess water from my hair. ‘You want me to carry you? ’ he asks. I actually do. How lazy of me. I nod and he smiles approvingly, scooping my naked body up into his arms and carrying me to the bed. I crawl under the sheets, inhaling deeply as my head rests on the pillow, the delicious waft of Jesse swamping my senses. Oh, I’ll sleep well here. He drops his towel. I open the covers in invitation and as soon as he’s close enough, I crawl into his chest, burying my face under his chin, my hot breath ricocheting off his neck, back into my face. I draw my leg up, resting my upper leg between his thighs. I’m completely swathed in him, and it’s the most soothing place in the world. ‘You’re too comfy. ’ I garble into his throat. ‘I am? ’ ‘You are. ’ ‘Good. Go to sleep, baby. ’ He drops a kiss on top of my head and squeezes me to him. There is no space welcome between us.