Chapter 24
I sit at my desk in a complete daydream, my mind racing with thoughts of The One and fuckings of various degrees. If – in my perfect little world – I end up in a relationship with Jesse, would this be how it is all of the time? Jesse making his commands and me who obeys? It’s that or receiving some sort of fuck, or being subjected to some kind of countdown and torture until I relent, or he manhandles me into complying. I’m not denying the certain element of fun in the fucking side of things, but there has to be give and take. And I’m not sure Jesse knows how to give – unless it’s one of his varying degrees of fucking. He’s so good at it, though. I bristle when I conclude that it is, undoubtedly, because he’s had plenty of practice. My pencil snaps in my hand. What? I look at the splintered wood in my grasp. Oh…dear. ‘Ava, you’re here early. ’ Sally walks into the office, and I immediately giggle to myself. I saw Sally in a different light yesterday. ‘Yes, I woke up early. ’ I say, wanting to add that it’s because a neurotic arse made me wear a winter jumper in bed, causing me to wake up in a pool of sweat. She settles herself at her desk. ‘I tried calling you yesterday after you left. ’ ‘You did? ’ I frown, but then realise that I probably cleared Sally’s missed call with the dozens of others from Jesse. ‘Yes, that angry man came into the office shortly after you left. ’ ‘He did? ’ I should have known. ‘He did. And his mood had not improved. ’ she says dryly. I can imagine. I smile. ‘Did you give him a cuddle? ’ Sally snorts, flopping back in her chair in another fit of laughter. I join her, laughing helplessly as I watch Sal fall apart all over her desk. Patrick walks in and looks at both of us in exasperation before making his way to his own office, shutting the door behind him. Oh, shit! ‘Was Patrick here? ’ I ask. She takes her glasses off and starts cleaning them with the hem of her brown, polyester blouse. ‘What? When the lunatic came in? No, he was collecting Irene from the train station. ’ I let out a sigh of relief. What’s Jesse thinking? He’s a client. He can’t come into my office and start throwing his weight around. I can hardly pass off Jesse’s temper as a normal client grievance scenario. He’s already heaved me out of the office once. The office door opens and the flower delivery girl –Lusso girl again – trundles in with two lavish sprays. ‘Flower deliveries for Ava and Sally? ’ I watch as Sally nearly passes out at her desk. I bet she’s never had flowers brought for her. I already know who they’re from, though. The smooth bastard. ‘Me? ’ Sally gushes, grabbing the colourful bouquet from the delivery girl and shooing her towards my desk. ‘Thanks. ’ I smile, taking the simple spray of calla lilies before signing on behalf of Sally and myself. Sal looks like she might be in a daydream for the rest of the day. ‘What does the card say, Sal? ’ I call, watching her eyes dart from left to right across the words. She leans back, placing her hand over her heart. ‘It says…“Please accept my apologies. That woman makes me crazy” Oh, Ava! ’ She looks up at me all soppy. ‘I would love to make a man that crazy! ’ I roll my eyes, retrieving the card from my own flowers. I bet I don’t have an apology. And Sally wouldn’t be saying that if she was on the receiving end of Jesse’s unreasonable, neurotic behavior. I make him crazy? What a joke. I open my card.
My phone starts ringing. I ignore the pang of disappointment at hearing the standard ringtone, but I can’t ignore the pang of panic when I see Matt’s name flashing up on the screen, though. What does he want? ‘Hello? ’ I greet as bored as I intended it to be. ‘Ava, I didn’t think you would answer. ’ His voice is cautious, and it should be after the stunt he pulled. I don’t know why I even answered. ‘Why would you think that, Matt? ’ The sarcasm is dripping from my voice. The worm has a nerve after what he said and how he behaved. ‘I’m sorry, Ava. I was bang out of line. Everything got on top of me. My boss told me that redundancies are going to be happening…and…it…urm…well, it put me on edge. ’ Oh, lovely. So he thought he’d try to get me back on that basis? Does he want financial security if he happens to lose his job? Cheeky twat! Does he realise what he’s just said? ‘I’m sorry about that. ’ I reply flatly. ‘Thanks. It just brought things home. I’ve lost you, and now I might be losing my job. It’s all gone tits up. ’ His voice is quivering with emotion. I sigh. ‘I’m sure you’ll be fine. ’ I assure him in my best calming tone. ‘You’re good at your job. ’ He really is. He has the confident – a bit too confident – attitude required of a sales person. ‘Yeah, I just wanted to make amends with you, though. ’ That’s okay with me, as long as he doesn’t hit me with another “I want you back” speech. What was he thinking? ‘It’s fine, don’t worry. I’ll see you about, okay? ’ ‘Yeah, we could do lunch again, ’ he adds quickly. ‘As friends…of course, I still have these boxes with the last of your stuff. ’ ‘I’ll pick them up next week. Take care, Matt. ’ I ignore his lunch suggestion. ‘You too, ’ I hang up, tossing my phone onto my desk. As much as he’s a twat, I don’t wish unemployment on him. He’ll be fine. I put Matt out of my head and concentrate on getting some work done. I pretend not to check my phone every ten minutes to make sure it’s on and the volume is up. Why hasn’t he called? ‘Nice wheels. ’ I say as I approach. She spins around, her blue eyes dancing, her pale cheeks flushed. ‘Do you know anything about this? ’ Me? ‘Why would I? ’ ‘I just got home and it was parked here. I admired it for a bit, walked through the front door and trod on the keys. Look. ’ She thrusts the keys under my nose, prompting me to look at the note attached to a piece of string on the key ring.
‘No more bruised butts, please. ’
‘Have you spoken to Sam? ’ I ask. ‘Yep, he said I should speak to Jesse. ’ ‘Why would he say that? ’ I ask shortly. ‘Well, obviously, because he thinks Jesse is the mystery van buyer. ’ She rolls her eyes. ‘If the Lord has brought me a van so you don’t bruise your arse again, then I’ll…well, I’ll love the fact that you bruise like a peach! ’ This can’t be right. ‘Kate, you can’t accept it. ’ She looks at me in disgust, and I know that there’s not a hope in Hell of her returning the van. I can see it in her delighted eyes. ‘No fucking way! Don’t you dare make me give it back, I’ve already christened her. ’ ‘What? ’ My tone is seriously lacking patience. She spreads her long, pale fingers over the bonnet. ‘Meet, Margo Junior. ’ She lays her torso down on the bonnet of Margo Junior, caressing the pink metal. I shake my head in exasperation, stomping up the path to the house. No doubt she loves the impossible prat even more now. What’s his game, with flowers for Sally and a van for Kate? Oh, and tossing the Queen’s currency on the kitchen table like it’s a tea towel? ‘I’m taking her for a spin! ’ Kate yells up the path to me. I don’t reply. Instead, I take myself up the stairs and straight into the kitchen to put my flowers in a vase and crack open my bottle of wine. I finish my first glass and go for a shower. He brought Kate a van? I take my time washing the day away and leaving my conditioner in for five minutes while I shave. As I turn the water off, I hear the Stone Roses track I’ve been desperate to hear all day and nearly break my neck scrambling out of the shower to sprint across the landing. The phone rings off, the screen clearing to reveal eight missed calls. Oh, no. He’ll be ripping his hair out again. I dial him as I walk across the landing and into the lounge, looking out of the window to see if Kate’s back. She’s not, but Jesse is pacing up and down the garden path, looking his usual Godly self, in jeans and a thin knitted, navy jumper. I smile, tingling from top to toe at the sight of him. He’s frantically punching buttons on his phone and, just like I knew it would, my mobile lights up in my hand. Ah! ‘Hello? ’ I say, all cool and casual. ‘Where the hell are you? ’ he barks down the phone. I ignore his tone. ‘Where are you? ’ I counter. Of course, I know damn well where he is. I stand at the window, watching him rake his hand through his hair, but then he disappears from view into the recess of the front door. ‘I’m outside Kate’s kicking the door down, ’ he snaps, ‘Is it too much to ask that you answer your phone the first time I call you? ’ ‘I was otherwise engaged. Why haven’t you called all day? ’ I ask, making my way down to the front door. ‘Because, Ava, I don’t want you to feel hounded! ’ He’s completed exasperated, making me smile. I love every crazy element of him. ‘But you’re still shouting at me. ’ I remind him. I look out of the viewer, dissolving on the spot when I see him leaning against the wall in the open porch way. ‘I am, ’ he says softly. ‘You make me crazy. Where are you? ’ I watch him slide down the wall until his arse hits the floor, knees bent, head dropped. Oh, I can’t see him like that. I open the door. ‘Here, ’ He looks up and drops his phone from his ear, but makes no attempt to get up. He just looks at me, relief flooding his handsome face. I step out and slide down the wall opposite him so we’re sat across from each other, knee to knee. I half expect him to throw me inside because of my half naked state, but he doesn’t. Instead, he reaches forward and places his big hand on my exposed knee. I’m less than surprised when it sends hot sparks of fire flying off all over me. ‘I was in the shower. ’ ‘Well, take your phone next time. ’ he orders. ‘Okay. ’ I salute him. ‘Where are your clothes? ’ He runs his green eyes over my towel clad body. Ha! I wouldn’t have dared kept him waiting while I got dressed. I probably would’ve found him dead of a seizure. ‘In my wardrobe, ’ I answer dryly. His hand disappears under my towel, clasping me above my hip bone, prompting a jerk and the loosening of my towel. ‘My man! ’ I look down the path and see Sam walking up. When I return my eyes to Jesse, he looks like he may, very well, have a seizure now. His eyes are wide as he jumps to his feet and yanks me up, doing a spectacular job of keeping me covered by the towel. ‘Sam, don’t fucking move! ’ he yells. I’m scooped up and bundled through the door at breakneck speed, hearing Sam laughing as Jesse jogs up the stairs with me in his arms, muttering about ripping prying eyes out. I’m tossed on the bed. ‘Get dressed, we’re going out. ’ I snap my head up. I’m not going to The Manor. I get up from the bed, minus one towel, and go to my dressing table. ‘Where? ’ His gaze travels down my naked form. ‘Well, it occurred to me when I was out running that I’ve not taken you for dinner yet. You have the most incredible legs. Get dressed. ’ He nods at my wardrobe. If he means dinner at The Manor, then I’m not game. I’ll avoid that place at all costs if she’s there. And the chances are – now I’ve established that she works for him – she will be. ‘Where? ’ I ask again as I start rubbing coco butter into my legs. ‘A little Italian place I know. Now, get dressed before I collect on my debt. ’ I stand, slowly massaging my cream in. ‘Debt? ’ His eyebrows rise. ‘You owe me. ’ ‘I do? ’ I frown, but I know exactly what he’s talking about. ‘Oh, you do. I’ll wait outside at the risk of cashing in sooner, ’ He gives me his roguish grin. ‘I wouldn’t want you to think this was all about sex. ’ He leaves me with that little comment before stalking out. Oh, it’s not all about the sex? Those few words have just made my day. Maybe tonight I’ll find out what goes on in that beautiful, complex mind of his. I’m suddenly filled of hope. I walk onto the landing, finding an irritable Jesse pacing up and down. I frown. ‘I didn’t take that long. ’ He looks up, giving me his glorious smile, reserved only for women, and I’m reassured again. As I approach him, he looks me up and down with satisfaction, and as soon as I’m close enough, he yanks me into his muscled body. ‘You’re impossibly beautiful. ’ he breathes in my hair. ‘So are you. Where’s Sam? ’ ‘Kate’s giving him a tour of the van. ’ Oh, I almost forgot about Margo Junior. I pull back, giving him a suspicious glare. ‘You brought Kate a van? ’ He smirks. ‘Are you jealous? ’ What? ‘No! ’ His face straightens. ‘Yes, I brought the van. ’ ‘Why? ’ Doesn’t he think it’s a bit weird? Is he trying to buy my friend so she overlooks his unreasonable behavior? ‘Because, Ava, I don’t want you being tossed about in that shed on wheels, that’s why. And I don’t have to explain myself to you. ’ he huffs, standing back from me with his arms folded across his chest. I actually laugh. ‘You brought my best friend a van so I won’t get injured holding a cake up? ’ Oh, this is laughable. He scowls at me good and proper. ‘Like I said, I don’t have to explain myself to you. Let’s go. ’ He grabs my hand, leading me down to the car. ‘You made Sally’s day today. ’ I say, virtually jogging to keep up with his long strides. ‘Who’s Sally? ’ ‘The waif like creature in my office, ’ I remind him, while considering if his lack of memory is an indication of his age too. ‘Oh, has she forgiven me? ’ ‘Undoubtedly, ’ I mutter. Kate spots us and launches herself at Jesse. ‘Thank you! ’ She sings it repeatedly in his face. Jesse holds on to her with his one free arm as she continues to screech excitedly in his ear. I roll my eyes at her, spotting Sam shaking his head. I’m comforted by the fact that Sam seems to find this all a bit over the top too. ‘It’s for my benefit, Kate, not yours. ’ he says. She releases him. ‘I know! ’ She grins, turning her bright blues onto me and mouthing, ‘I love him! ’ ‘Hey! Where’s the love? ’ Sam calls. She skips off to throw her arms around Sam. I roll my eyes. I’m surrounded by crazy people.
We pull up outside a small Italian restaurant in the West End. I get out of the car, and Jesse comes to collect me, grabbing my hand and pulling me into, what can only be described as, a sitting room. Dimly lit and with Italian paraphernalia in every nook and cranny, it’s like I’ve stepped back in time to the eighties in Italy. ‘Sir Jesse, how very good it is to see you. ’ A small Italian man approaches. He has a naturally happy face. Jesse clasps his hand. ‘Luigi, good to see you too, ’ ‘Come, come. ’ Luigi gestures us further into the room. He settles us at a little table in the corner. The table cloth is cream and embroidered with the Italia Turrita. It’s very pretty. ‘Luigi, this is Ava. ’ Jesse introduces us. Luigi bows at me. ‘Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady, yes? ’ I’m a bit embarrassed by his forwardness. ‘What would Sir Jesse like? ’ ‘May I? ’ Jesse asks, nodding at the menu. He’s asking me? ‘You usually do. ’ I mutter. His eyebrow arches as he puffs his lips slightly, in a don’t-push-it gesture. I let him get on with it. He obviously knows what’s good on the menu. ‘Okay, Luigi. We’ll have two of the fettuccine, with yellow squash, parmesan and lemon cream sauce, a bottle of the Famiglia Anselma Barolo 2000, and some water. You got that? ’ Luigi scribbles frantically on his pad, backing away. ‘Yes, yes, Sir Jesse. I go now. ’ Jesse smiles fondly. ‘Thank you, Luigi. ’ I gaze around the cluttered restaurant. ‘Now, this is what you call Italian shit. ’ I murmur thoughtfully. I find a smiling face around a chewed lip when my eyes reach Jesse. ‘You come here often? ’ I ask. His smile broadens into knee trembling territory. ‘Are you trying to chat me up? ’ ‘Of course, ’ I smile as he shifts in his chair. ‘Mario, the head barman at The Manor, insisted I try it, so I did. Luigi’s his brother. ’ ‘Luigi and Mario? ’ I snort, rather rudely. Jesse raises his eyebrows at me. ‘I’m sorry, that’s really tickled me! ’ ‘I can see that. ’ He frowns as Luigi returns with the drinks. Jesse pours me some wine and himself some water. ‘You didn’t get a whole bottle for me? ’ I blurt. ‘Are you not having any? ’ Christ, I’ll be on my back. ‘No, I’m driving. ’ ‘And I’m allowed? ’ His lips press into a straight line, but I can see he’s trying to suppress a smile at my cheekiness. ‘You may. ’ I grin, picking up my glass and sipping carefully as he watches me. It’s lovely. As I look over the table at the beautiful, neurotic man, who has fucked my plans right up, my brain is suddenly bombarded with questions. ‘I want to know how old you are. ’ I state confidently. This whole age thing is really quite stupid. He circles the rim of his glass with the tip of his finger as he watches me. ‘Twenty eight. Tell me about your family. ’ Huh? Oh, no, no, no! ‘I asked first. ’ ‘And I answered. Tell me about your family. ’ I shake my head in despair and resign myself to the fact that I’m in love with a man of an age I don’t know and, quite possibly, never will do. ‘They retired to Newquay a few years back, ’ I sigh, ‘Dad ran a construction firm, Mum was a house wife. My Dad had a heart attack scare so they took early retirement to Cornwall. My brother is living the dream in Australia. ’ That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. ‘Why do you not speak to your parents? ’ I ask. I know I’m on dodgy ground here, especially after his last response to that very question. I watch carefully, almost apprehensively, for his reaction. I’m more than shocked when he takes a sip of water, then launches into his answer. ‘They live in Marbella. My sister’s there too. I’ve not spoken to them for years. They didn’t approve when Carmichael left me The Manor and all of his estate. ’ Oh? ‘He left it all to you? ’ I can see why that might cause a family feud, especially if there’s a sister in the picture. ‘He did. We were close, and he didn’t talk to my parents. They didn’t approve. ’ ‘They didn’t approve of your relationship? ’ ‘No, they didn’t. ’ He starts chewing his lip. ‘What was not to approve of? ’ I’m completely intrigued now. He sighs. ‘As soon as I left college, I spent all of my time with Carmichael. Mum, Dad and Amalie moved to Spain, and I refused to go. I was eighteen and having the time of my life. I stayed with Carmichael when they left. They weren’t happy about it. ’ He shrugs. ‘Three years later, Carmichael died and I was left to run The Manor. ’ He tells the story with no emotion. He takes another swig of water. ‘The relationship was strained after that. They demanded I sell The Manor but I couldn’t. It was Carmichael’s baby. ’ Christ. I’ve found out more about this man in five minutes than I have since I’ve known him. Why is he so talkative tonight? I decide to take advantage – I don’t know when I’ll get another chance. ‘What do you do for fun? ’ His green eyes flash black and he grins wickedly. ‘Fuck you. ’ My eyes widen at his crass answer, and I cave on the inside. He sees me as his current fun? Now I just feel shitty. I shift in my seat and break the eye connection, taking a sip of wine. I hate this regular plummeting feeling that I’m getting of late. I’m on Central Jesse Cloud Nine one moment, then one comment brings me crashing down to reality. I can’t cope with all these mixed signals. ‘You like power in the bedroom. ’ I state without a trace of a blush. I’m proud of myself. His skill and influence on my entire being has me nervous. ‘I do. ’ His face is completely impassive when I return my eyes to his. ‘Are you a dominant? ’ I blurt, and then mentally stab myself with the fancy, silver fork at my place setting. Where did that come from? He coughs, nearly spitting his water all over me. Why did I ask that for? Placing his glass down, he picks up his cloth napkin to wipe his mouth as he shakes his head on a half-smile. ‘Ava, I don’t need that sort of arrangement to get a woman to do what I want her to do in the bedroom. I haven’t got the time or inclination for crap like that. ’ I sag slightly. ‘You seem to be committing a lot of time to me. ’ ‘I suppose I am. ’ He gazes past me thoughtfully. ‘You’re very controlling. ’ I state coolly, observing the swirling of my wine. I’ll get that one out there too. ‘Look at me. ’ he demands softy, and like the slave to him that I am, I look. His green eyes have softened as he sits back, relaxed in his chair. ‘Only with you, ’ ‘Why? ’ ‘I don’t know. ’ He has a quick chew of his lip. ‘You make me crazy. ’ What? Well, that clears things up no end. Does he think I need some sort of father figure? I’m beyond confused. I sigh wearily into my wine glass. I make him crazy? Right back attcha, Ward! ‘Here’s your pasta. ’ he says. I look up and see Luigi singing as he approaches. I’ve completely lost my appetite. ‘Lovely people, ’ he places two considerable bowls in front of us. ‘Buon appetito! ’ ‘Thank you, Luigi. ’ Jesse smiles politely. He flicks me a questioning look, but I ignore it and smile my thanks at Luigi. He’s just like Mario. I stir the pasta with my fork, it smells heavenly, but my stomach is now a knot of confusion. I play with it for a few moments, then try a bit. ‘Good? ’ Jesse asks. I nod lamely, even though it is very good. We eat in silence for a while, occasionally tossing stares at each other. The food is wonderful, and I’m feeling guilty for not enjoying it as much as it deserves. ‘When did you buy the penthouse? ’ I ask. He pauses with his fork half way to his mouth. ‘March. ’ he answers, taking his last mouthful of food and pushing his bowl away before picking up his water. ‘You never told me why you requested me personally to work on the extension of The Manor. ’ I give up on my pasta, pushing it away. Jesse looks at the half eaten dish and returns his eyes to mine. ‘I brought the penthouse and loved what you did with it. I can assure you, I didn’t expect you to come rocking up, with your perfect figure, olive skin and big brown eyes. ’ He shakes his head, as if shaking off the memory. I feel somewhat better knowing he was as shocked to see me as I was to see him. I scoff. ‘You weren’t exactly the Lord of the Manor I was expecting. ’ I do my own little shudder when I recall the affect he had on me; the affect he still has on me. ‘How did you know where I was on that Monday lunchtime when I bumped into you at the bar? ’ He shrugs. ‘Lucky guess, ’ ‘Of course, ’ I scoff. Followed me, more like. I look up and see a smile tickling the edge of his luscious lips. ‘I couldn’t think of anything else after you left The Manor. ’ ‘So you pursued me relentlessly. ’ I retort quietly. ‘I had to have you. ’ ‘And now you have. Do you always take what you want? ’ He watches me across the table, his face completely straight as he leans forward. ‘I can’t answer that, Ava, because I’ve never wanted anything enough to pursue it so relentlessly. Not like I wanted you. I notice he uses past tense. ‘Do you still? ’ He sits back in his chair and studies me, stroking his glass of water. ‘More than anything, ’ A little gush of air escapes my mouth. I’m not sure if it’s relief or desire. I know nothing anymore. ‘I’m yours. ’ I say resolutely. That’s it. I’ve just thrown my heart on the table for this man. His tongue slowly sweeps across his bottom lip. ‘Ava, you’ve been mine since you turned up at The Manor. ’ ‘Have I? ’ ‘Yes. Will you spend the night with me? ’ ‘Are you asking or demanding? ’ ‘I’m asking, but if you give me the wrong answer, then I’m sure I can think of something to change your mind. ’ He smiles slightly. ‘I’ll spend the night with you. ’ He nods in approval. ‘Tomorrow night? ’ ‘Yes. ’ ‘Take the day off. ’ he demands. ‘No. ’ His eyes narrow. ‘What about Friday evening? ’ ‘I’ve arranged to go out with Kate on Friday night. ’ I inform him, resisting the temptation to reach up and twiddle my hair. He can’t assume I’m there at his demand. I hope she’s free. His narrowed eyes instantly darken. ‘Cancel. ’ Now, this is something I do need to clear up, pronto – his neurotic unreasonableness. ‘I’m going out to have a few drinks. You can’t stop me from seeing my friends, Jesse. ’ ‘How many is a few drinks? ’ I can feel my brow knitting. ‘I don’t know. That depends on how I feel. ’ I look at him accusingly. I suspect I might be gagging by Friday if he keeps up with his crazy behaviour. He’s giving me brain ache as well as body ache. He starts chewing his bottom lip again, and I can see the cogs of his mind going into overdrive. He’s trying to work out how he’s going to get around this. I haven’t done myself any favours by getting in such a state last Saturday. That was his fault. Should I tell him that? ‘I don’t want you out drinking without me. ’ he says firmly. ‘Well, that’s a bit of bad luck, isn’t it? ’ God, I’m being rather brave. What percentage is this wine? ‘We’ll see. ’ he muses to himself. We sit quietly, looking at each other across the table, him scowling, me hiding a small smile. After a few moments, he leans back casually in his chair at a slight angle, his eyes rapt with intention. I don’t shy away from his concentrated stare. I meet it with equal intent, in a barefaced come on. I want him desperately, despite his challenging ways. Luigi comes over and clears our plates, intruding on our moment. ‘You like? ’ he sings. Jesse doesn’t fracture the connection. ‘Great, Luigi. Thank you. ’ His voice is throaty and he’s tapping the table with his middle finger. I feel his leg brush against mine, and that’s all it takes to hitch my breath up several notches and spring my nerve endings to life. I’m blazing from head to toe... and he knows it. ‘The bill, please, Luigi. ’ he demands, his friendly tone altering into one of urgency. Luigi seems to get the message because he doesn’t offer us the dessert menu. He just scuttles off, returning, almost immediately, carrying a black plate filled with mints and a piece of paper. Without looking at the bill, Jesse stands and pulls a wad of notes from his jean pocket, slapping some down on the table. He reaches over and seizes my hand. ‘We’re going. ’ I’m hauled from my chair, leaving me to grab my bag and throw my napkin on the table as I’m rushed to the door. ‘Are you in a hurry? ’ I ask as I’m guided to the car by my elbow. He makes no attempt to slow down. ‘Yes. ’ When we reach the car, I’m whirled around and shoved up against the door. His forehead meets mine, our heavy breaths merging together in the small space between our mouths. His erection is painfully hard against my lower stomach. Oh God, I want him to take me here and now. Damn anyone who wants to watch. ‘I’m going to fuck you until you’re seeing stars, Ava. ’ His voice is harsh as he grinds his hips against me. I whimper. ‘You won’t be going to work tomorrow because you won’t be able to walk. Get in the car. ’ I would, but I already can’t walk. Suspense has rendered me immobile. After a few seconds have passed and I’ve still not convinced my legs to shift, he pulls me out of the way, opens the door and gently shoves me into the passenger seat.