Chapter 30⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 28 из 28
For hours Miles Hendon walked the streets of London looking for Edward. The night passed and he was still looking for his little friend. At last he found himself near Westminster. He decided to go to the palace and try to find there Sir Humphrey Marlow, an old friend of his father. Suddenly the whipping-boy passed him. Seeing Miles Hendon, he said to himself: " I am sure this is the man that his majesty wants to find so much. I must speak to him. " Noticing a strong interest in the boy's eyes, Miles Hendon went up to him and said: " You have just come out of the palace. Do you know Sir Humphrey Marlow? " The boy said to himself in surprise: " What? My dead father? " Then he answered aloud: " Yes, I do. " " Will you ask him to come out for a minute to talk to me? " " With pleasure, " the boy said. " Wait a little, good sir. " Soon an officer came out in a great hurry and said: " If you please, sir, follow me. " Hendon was led to a great hall full of richly dressed lords and ladies. The young king was sitting on the throne and speaking to a lord. He raised his head a little and Hendon saw his face. " What is this? " thought Hendon. " The king of the kingdom of dreams on his throne! " He looked at the king and thought: " Is it true, or is it a dream? " Then suddenly a happy thought came to him. He took up a chair, put it noisily, and sat down on it. At once several hands were laid upon him and a voice cried out: " Stand up, you fool, how can you sit in the presence of the king? " The king heard the noise and raised his head, then held out his hand and said: " Don't touch him, it is his right to sit in the presence of his king. " Then he went on: " Ladies, lords, and gentlemen, you must know that this is my true servant, Miles Hendon, who has saved his prince from possible death. For this he is a lord now and I shall give him much gold and land. He, as well as his children and grandchildren, will also have the right to sit in the presence of the King of England. " Two persons who had come from the country only during that morning and had been in the hall only five minutes, stood listening to these words. They looked in surprise at the king, then at Hendon, then at the king again. They were Sir Hugh and Lady Edith. When the king saw Sir Hugh, he said: " This man has stolen the riches and the title of Miles Hendon, his brother and my good servant. Throw him into prison! " Sir Hugh was led away. Then Tom Canty appeared. He came up to the king and fell upon one knee before him. The king said: " I know the story of these past weeks and I am well pleased with you. I give you the title of the King's Ward for it. Have you found your mother and your sisters? Good! I shall take care of them. They will not suffer from hunger any more. They will have all they need. " Tom Canty, proud and happy, rose and kissed the king's hand. Then he hurried to his mother and sisters to tell them the good news.
1. Answer the questions.
1) Was Miles Hendon looking for Edward for many hours? 2) Whom did Miles Hendon decide to find in the palace? 3) Who helped Miles Hendon to find the king? 4) What happy thought came to Miles Hendon? 5) How did the king thank Miles Hendon? 6) How did he punish Sir Hugh? 7) What about Tom Canty? What did the king do for him?
2. Explain who these people are:
Nan and Bet Humphrey Marlow John Canty Lord Hertford Tom Blake Andrews Henry VIII Lady Edith Edward Lady Elizabeth Miles Hendon Lady Jane Grey Sir Hugh Lady Mary Hugo
3. Write the summary of the book. 4. Could you think of another title for the chapter?