Chapter 21
When Hendon and the king were far from the police officer, Hendon asked his majesty to go to a certain place out of town and wait there. He himself went to the inn. Half an hour later the two friends met. The king was warm now, for he had taken off his rags and put on the suit which Hendon had bought for him. When they had gone about ten miles, they reached a village, and stopped there for the night at a good inn. All was as before: Hendon stood behind the king's chair when the king had his dinner; undressed him when he was ready for bed; then lay down on the floor and slept at the door, covering himself with a blanket. The next day, and the day after, they went slowly on, talking about different things. On the last day, Hendon talked about his old father and his brother Arthur. He told the king many things which showed that they were very good people. He was even able to say a kind word about Hugh. At last he cried out: " There is the village, my prince, and there is Hendon Hall. And that wood there — that is my father's park. " When they reached the end of the village, the travellers turned into a road. They hurried along it for half a mile, passed into a large flower garden and saw a fine house before them. The next moment Hendon took the king by the hand and entered the house. A few steps brought them into a large room. Hendon asked the king to sit down, while he went over to a young man who was sitting at a writing table in front of a fire. " Kiss me, Hugh, " he cried, " And say you are glad that I have come back. And call our father, for home is not home till I see his face, and hear his voice once more. " But Hugh looked at him in great surprise and said in a soft voice: " You are mistaken, poor stranger. Whom are you taking me for? " " Taking you for? You are Hugh Hendon, " said Miles. The other continued in the same soft voice: " And who do you imagine you are? " " I do not imagine anything. Do you want to pretend that you do not know me — your brother Miles Hendon? " " What? Can that be true? Can the dead come to life? Quick — come to the light — let me see you better. " He seized Miles by the arm, pushed him to the window and began to turn him this way and that, looking at him attentively. " I am indeed your old Miles, your lost brother, " Hendon repeated. But Hugh said sadly: " Perhaps other eyes will find what is hidden from mine. I fear the letter spoke the truth. " " What letter? " " The letter that came some six or seven years ago. It said my brother had died in battle. " " It was a lie. Call your father — he will know me. " " I cannot call the dead. " " Dead? My father is dead? Oh, this is a heavy blow! But let me see my brother Arthur — he will know me. " " He, too, is dead. " " Oh, don't say that my cousin — the Lady Edith... " " Is dead? No, she lives. " " Then hurry, brother. Let her come to me. She will know me. Bring her, bring the old servants; they too will know me. " " Only five of them are alive. The others have died too, " said Hugh, leaving the room. " It is strange, " thought Miles. Miles had quite forgotten the king, who was sitting quietly in the corner of the room. " Ah, my king! " cried Hendon, " Wait and you will see. The Lady Edith, my cousin, will know me. I am telling the truth. Here was I born. I know this old hall, these pictures, and all these things that are about us. Believe me, my lord, believe me, even if nobody else does. " " I believe you, " said the king simply, " and do you believe me, when I tell you that I am the King of England? " Poor Hendon got red, but before he could answer the door opened and Hugh entered the room. A beautiful lady, richly dressed, followed Hugh. Several servants came after them. The lady walked slowly, with her head bowed and looking at the floor. Her face was very sad. Hugh said to the lady: " Look at him. Do you know him? " She slowly raised her head and looked into Hendon's eyes with a frightened look. She got very pale and then said in a dead voice: " I do not know him. " Then she turned and went out of the room. Miles Hendon sat down and covered his face with his hands. In a few minutes, his brother said to the servants: " You have seen him. Do you know him? " They shook their heads; then the master turned to Hendon and said: " The servants don't know you, sir. I am afraid there is some mistake here. Even my wife does not know you. " " Your wife? Oh, now I see it all! You have written this letter yourself, and you have stolen my bride. Go away, or I shall kill you, cruel man! " With a red face, Hugh ordered the servants to seize the stranger, but one of them cried: " He is armed, Sir Hugh; and we have no arms. " " Then go and arm yourselves and guard the door, " cried Hugh, " I know that he will try to run away. " " Run away? " said Miles. " You can be sure I shall not run away, because I am master of Hendon Hall, and soon you will see it. "
1. Answer the questions.
1) Where did Hendon and the king go? 2) How did the king feel? 3) What did Miles Hendon tell the boy about? 4) Where did the king and Hendon come? 5) Whom did Hendon see in his father’s house? 6) Did Hugh Hendon recognize his brother? 7) What did Miles Hendon learn about his father and brother Arthur? 8) Did the Lady Edith recognize Miles Hendon?
2. Ask questions to the following sentences.
1) On the last day, Hendon talked about his old father and his brother Arthur. –
2) I am telling the truth. -
3) Her face was very sad. -
4) You have written this letter yourself. -
3. Write adjectives describing Hugh, Miles Hendon’s brother.