Chapter 20
The short winter day was nearly over. There were almost no people in the streets. A few men were hurrying across the square. They looked neither to the right nor to the left and paid no attention to Edward the Sixth who, in the company of Miles Hendon and the police officer, was also crossing the square. Suddenly Hendon laid his hand upon the police officer's arm, and said in a low voice: " Wait a moment, good man, nobody hears us, and I want to say a word to you. " " I must not listen to you, sir, and we must hurry. It is dark already. " But Hendon said: " Turn your back for a moment and pretend you do not see: let this poor lad run away. " " How dare you say such a thing to me, sir! I shall arrest you! " cried the police officer. " No, don't be too quick. Be careful, " said Hendon in the man's ear. " The pig you have bought for eight pence may cost you your head. " The poor police officer could not speak at first. Hendon continued: " I like you, friend, and if you do what I am asking you to, I shall not tell the judge what I heard in the dark hall. " Then Hendon repeated the talk which the officer and the woman had had together in the hall, word for word. " Dear sir, do not go to the judge. Tell him nothing about this! I have a large family. I have a wife and little children. What do you want of me, good sir? " " You must only pretend to be blind while I count slowly to a hundred thousand. " " Very well! Go, I am blind, I see nothing. "
1. Answer the questions.
1) What did Miles Hendon say to the officer on the way to prison? 2) Did the police officer agree to pretend not to see anything? 3) What did Miles Hendon tell him then? 4) What was the police officer’s reaction on Miles Hendon’s words?
2. Put the sentences into indirect speech. e. g. Hendon said: " Do not touch him, good friend. " - Hendon said to the police officer not to touch him. 1) Hendon said in a low voice: " Wait a moment, good man. " –
1) Hendon said: " Turn your back for a moment. " -
2) " No, don't be too quick. Be careful, " said Hendon in the man's ear. -
3) " Dear sir, do not go to the judge, " said the poor police officer. –
4) " You must only pretend to be blind, " said Hendon. -