Chapter 26. Chapter 27Chapter 26
When Hendon was freed, he and Edward were ordered to leave the town at once. " What shall I do? Where shall we go? " thought Miles. " Where can I find help? The best thing to do will be to go to London and beg for justice from the young king. " He turned to Edward and said: " I have forgotten to ask your majesty where we shall go now. Your commands, sire? " " To London. " So they started for London, and about ten o'clock on the night of the 19th of February they came to London Bridge. They found themselves in a crowd of drunken people. They were already beginning to celebrate the Coronation Day — the 20th of February. Everybody shouted and sang and danced. Some drunken men started a fight, and soon Hendon and the king lost each other in the crowd.
Answer the questions.
1) When Miles Hendon was freed, he and Edward were ordered to leave the town at once, weren’t they? 2) Miles Hendon didn’t know what to do, did he? 3) What were the king’s commands? 4) When did they decide to go? 5) Where did the king and Miles Hendon find themselves on the night of the 19-th of February?
Chapter 27
In old England rich processions were always held before the coronation of a new king. And so on the morning of the 20th of February Tom Canty, richly clothed and on a beautiful white horse, led the procession. Great lords, also on horses, followed him. From time to time a cry rose from the watching crowd: " Long live Edward, King of England. " And then Tom Canty threw bright new pennies into the crowd. The procession moved on and on. Suddenly Tom saw the pale surprised face of a woman in the crowd. It was his mother. He quickly covered his eyes with the back of his hand, — his usual gesture when he was surprised or frightened. In a moment she had pushed her way through the crowd and was at his side. She took his foot in her hands, she covered it with kisses, she cried: " Oh, my dear child, my dear child! " That same moment an officer of the King's Guard dragged her away from Tom's horse and she disappeared in the crowd. Tom's heart was full of shame and sadness and he moved on in silence. He neither saw nor heard anything. He just moved on with bowed head and sad eyes, seeing nothing but his mother's face. " Long live Edward the Sixth! " The earth seemed to shake from the cries, but Tom did not find any pleasure in hearing them. Little by little people began to notice the change in him. Lord Protector Hertford also noticed it. He galloped up to Tom's horse, took off his hat and said softly: " Sire, you must not dream now. The people notice your bowed head and your sad eyes. Lift up your face and smile upon the people. " Tom tried to smile, but his smile had no heart in it. His mother's sad face was before him. His 'uncle' the Lord Protector, said to him again: " Shake off your sadness, your majesty. The eyes of the world are upon you. What makes you so sad? Is it possible that it was that dirty pauper. . . " Tom turned to him and said in a dead voice: " She was my mother. " " Again, " thought the Protector. " He is mad again! "
1. Answer the questions.
1) What event took place on the 20-th of February? 2) What did Tom look like? 3) Whom did he suddenly see in the crowd? 4) Why did Tom’s mother recognize her son? 5) How did Tom feel after that? 6) What did the Protector think about the king?
2. Translate into English:
1) Вдруг Том увидел в толпе бледное, удивленное лицо женщины. –
2) Он ничего не видел и не слышал. –
3) Он не видел ничего, кроме лица матери. –
4) Том попытался улыбнуться, но улыбка получилась неискренней. –
5) Мало-помалу люди стали замечать перемены в нем. –
3. Find all adverbs and adjectives in this chapter and write down them.