Chapter 22
The king sat thinking a few moments, then looked up and said: " It is strange, very strange. I cannot understand it. " " No, it is not strange, " answered Miles. " I know Hugh. He was always cruel. " " Oh, I am not speaking of him, sir Miles. " " Not of him? Then of what? What is strange? " " That nobody is looking for the king, that no messengers are describing my person and looking for me. " " Most true, my king, I have forgotten, " said Miles and thought: " Poor boy, he still thinks he is the king. " " But I have a plan that will help us both: I shall write a paper in three languages — Latin, Greek, and English, and you will hurry with it to London in the morning. Give it to my uncle Lord Hertford; when he sees it, he will know and say that I wrote it. Then he will send for me. " " Will it not be better, your majesty, if we wait here a little longer? I shall get my rights and then... " But the king was not listening to him. " Stop! " he said. " Do what I am telling you to do! " So saying, he took a pen and began to write. Hendon looked at him lovingly and said to himself: " When he is angry, he does indeed look like a true king. But what shall I do? Tomorrow he will send me away with this letter, which, as he imagines, is written in Latin and Greek. " In a few moments the king handed him the paper which he had written. Hendon took it and put it into his pocket. Just at that moment some officers ran into the room and attacked Hendon. A terrible struggle began, but Hendon was soon seized and dragged away. The king was also taken, and both were led to prison.
1. Answer the questions.
1) What were Miles Hendon and the king talking about? 2) What did the king decide to do? 3) What happened at the moment when Miles Hendon wanted to put the king’s paper into his pocket?
2. Retell in your own words describing what happened in Hendon Hall.